Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coming up next on "19 Kids and Counting"

Tune in to TLC tonight and next Tuesday for a total of four new episodes. What are the Duggars up to? Find out below:

Sep 18, 9:00 pm
19 Kids and Counting: Smile and Say, Duggars!
The family returns to Joplin, MO for a Mother's Day Fundraiser for the victims of the tornado in 2011. And when they return home, it's picture day for the Duggars! But will their photographer be able to get all of them smiling in the same direction?

Sep 18, 9:30 pm
19 Kids and Counting: Duggars Dinner Party
The Duggars welcome the Popes for dinner, whose son was in the NICU with Josie. Watch as they prepare a Duggar-favorite, Tater-tot casserole, for 26 people. And it's a family affair when they help Josh move vehicles from one used car lot to another.

Sep 25, 9:00 pm
19 Kids and Counting: Busy Duggars
The Duggars have a busy week ahead! First, Johannah turns six and learns to do things the big girl way, then Jim Bob takes the family hiking and fishing. Finally, the older girls and Cousin Amy let Grandma know just how much she means to them.
Sep 25, 9:30 pm
19 Kids and Counting: A Duggar on Her Own
Anna takes Mackynzie and Michael to the public library where she is going to be the guest reader at story time. Will Mackynzie and Michael sit still long enough to hear how the story ends? Jana is going to Michigan for her first-ever solo ministry trip.


  1. So excited wait to see all 4 epsiodes especially the ones w josh and Anna

  2. Hi Lily and Ellie!
    I was wondering if these are the last ones?
    I hope not!
    Thanks! :)

  3. How exciting for Jana! :)

  4. Nice, but won't be there any new bates episodes today?

  5. Thanks for keeping up with what is going to be coming up nexts! I can not wait to watch it on youtube or on here!! God bless!
    Don't quit!
    Catherine K

  6. Are there any more UBofA episodes or were just the 8 all they did? ANy more Bates seasons?

  7. Good for Jana for going out and doing something on her own.

  8. can't wait to watch!

  9. Thanks! I can't wait till the videos are posted on Youtube. Do you know if Michiel is posting the videos ?

  10. I hope that it gets recorded for youtube! gtaboy107 has been doing a good job of it! Thanks!

  11. Totally random question, but did something happen to the Bates' show or is that all the episodes they filmed? Thrilled that the Duggars are back though. They are still my favorites. :-)

  12. Hi Readers,

    The Bates' show was only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and TLC has aired exactly that many.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  13. I love the Bates family. They are soo real and loving to each other. I am so glad they are not doing any more shows and I hope they don't. I hate to see what it has done to the Duggars and I don't want that to happen to the Bates!

  14. I look forward to the uploads on tube to since we don't have cable at this time. This is my favorite show!!!

  15. Hi Lily and Ellie,

    I'm confused about the first episode airing on the 25th... it says that Johannah celebrates her 6th birthday, but that was in October of 2011, before Michelle found out she had a miscarriage. So my question is, are you sure that is the right summary for the episode; or are the episodes of this season airing out order (as in the time they were filmed)? Sorry for all the confusion of this questioin, but keep up the great work with the blog!

  16. Hi Lily and Ellie!
    I was wondering if there are only two more episodes of the current season airing?

  17. @Anonymous

    Hi Alaina,

    There are episodes scheduled for next week and the week after. TLC only releases their TV listings two weeks prior to the air date.

    Thanks for being a loyal reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  18. Thanks Lily and Ellie!

  19. I find it a stretch Jana was "on her own". I hope it turns out she was; I think some "alone" time would be very beneficial to the older girls!

  20. @Anonymous-I am hoping the Bateses show is over, too. I love them and would be so sad if their spirited, genuine, loving family ended up like the Duggars due to reality television!

  21. @Unknown

    Hi Unknown,

    According to TLC, that is the correct episode summary; the episodes are not always aired in order.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Lily and Ellie

  22. I lov the duggars ep I come from a big family and lots of family love and was raised by aunts and uncles cause mom died young it's amazing what how your family's come together when time are chalanged when I see the diggers they remind me of how much love there is for other people who are in need of prayer and how much they give of them self . I think that's wonderful keep up the good work and God bless you.


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