On March 11th, we shared a preview of a recent interview that the five oldest Duggar daughters did with Crown of Beauty Magazine. The full issue, "The Brave Issue," has just been released, and it devotes 10 pages to Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy-Anna. The gals get candid about their love lives, following God, and their hopes and dreams for the future.

Jill Duggar Dillard cautions young women not to "date anyone who doesn't share the same goals as you." She also shares how she is looking forward to watching Israel interact with his younger brother, due in July.

Jana Duggar encourages ladies to strive to learn contentment in every stage. "I believe we all go through times of learning to be content wherever we are in life, whether you are a young kid waiting to be finished with school, a young person waiting to get married, then once married, waiting to have a child, then waiting for your children to go up," she explains.
The oldest Duggar daughter also reveals some of her hobbies: piano, crafts, building projects, gardening, and spending time with family.

Younger sister Joy-Anna Duggar (soon to be Joy-Anna Forsyth) steps in to talk about her relationship with Austin and her goals for the future. When asked where she sees herself in five years, she responds: "Lord willing, I will be married and a mother."
Click here to read the full interview on the Crown of Beauty Magazine website.
If you enjoy this blog, check out our other blogs (NashvilleWife.com and BatesFamilyBlog.com).
Photos courtesy TLC
Hi I would like to know when you guys are coming back on? Love you all and the baby's are so cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm just curious how Jill can say "don't date anyone who doesn't have the same goals" when she counted/married only one guy. How would she know if she's never dating more than one guy? I've dated a few times and they haven't worked out, but along the way I was able to identify characteristics that I wanted and didn't want in and man. Although I'm still friends with them, we just realized we weren't the one for each other.
ReplyDeleteWell, I agree with you that it can take some trial and error to find the right person. However, Jill still has some wisdom there. You get to know a guy as friends before you agree to date (take dating more seriously than most people do), and if you see that his goals are different from yours, you don't agree to take the next step of dating. I don't think it's valid to say that Jill can't make that statement, though. You don't have to learn something the hard way first to be able to tell people the right way.
Deletei absolutely love this magazine. so amazing❤
ReplyDeleteThis is a great magazine. Though it's geared towards younger women and girls, I've been encouraged as an older Christian woman by many of the articles.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting the link.
Thank you for sharing the full interview I had read some of the interview online a couple of months ago went I hear they were doing one for Crown of Beauty Magazine and was hoping to get to read the whole interview. I'm 62 and the baby of the family of 15 with two fathers, so I can relate to the Duggar's and Bates, I just love watching both their shows and love reading about updates etc. I can't wait for this Summer went the Duggar's Show to start again. Only thing is went we were growing up we had to work before and after school in the fields to help support ourselves. And my older sisters and brothers helped our Mom take care of the youngers ones and helps with the chorces just like the Duggar's and Bates and I don't see anything wrong with helping out. We went to school we were not home schooled though. It only made us closer as a family and appreciate the things we work so hard to get, clothes, toys etc. K
ReplyDeleteVery nice and so glad you were able to share.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see how the young ladies have evolved.
I love what Jana said about contentment. It seems like this world is always looking to see what comes next in their lives and not enjoying and being content with the present. There are so many people that have commented about Jana not being married. God did not put a deadline on when people will fall in love and get married.....it's all in HIS time. HE has it covered. There is no rush.
ReplyDeleteDirect link to article: https://www.joomag.com/magazine/mag/0787134001488209231/p24
ReplyDeleteI read the full interview! What an encouragement... thank you so much for posting about this.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible verses the ladies spoke on are some of my favorite verses!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say to Lily and Ellie THANK YOU! Every night before I go to bed I check to get my daily dose of Duggar news. You two faithfully have new and interesting info on the beloved Duggar family and I truly appreciate it. I do have a request: can you do more on Jim Bob, Michelle, the little kids, Josh, Anna and Grandma Duggar? We miss this group of Duggars so much and keep hoping TLC will put them back on the show - yet nothing. Any news on this group would be appreciated. Also for my hubby - if you have any new video of Josie singing it would be great to see - we both think she is going to grow into a great singer. Thanks and God Bless ladies!
ReplyDeleteEllie couldn't get the magazine to download. It kept taking me too beauty magazine.
ReplyDeletethank you for posting the link! great article!
ReplyDeleteAll families have struggles and they get through them. I'm sorry your family has to be in the spot light on yours. But, you all have proved that with the help of the good Lord above and lots of love for one another you can over come anything. I love your show and you set a good example for young people. Thanks for being you. Have an awesome weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe duggars choose to have the spotlight on them with their TV programme and love of social media. Having these platforms opens them up to public scrutiny, if they do not want their struggles to be in the spotlight there is an easy answer to that!
DeleteWhen I think about they paychecks they receive from TLC, People magazine, etc., sometimes I think it may not be so bad to be in the spotlight. It sure would make bill-paying a lot easier.
DeleteAnon @1:12pm I would not put myself or my family into the spotlight for any amount of money. To loose ones privacy and have every move you make documented and commented on would be horrible. I think anon at 1:28 was trying to point out that you can't be in the spotlight and then complain when that happens, fame is a double edged sword you can't have it both ways.
DeleteI appreciate the Duggar daughter's include wanting to become wives and mothers; but, just once I'd love to hear one of them say they'd like to go to college, enlist in the service or hold a full time job!
ReplyDeleteI agree. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother instead of having a career. But when every woman in a large family wants this, and not a single one wants something different, it's clear it is because they have been raised to think it's the only acceptable option. And it's just kind of sad.
DeleteWell, I think we have respect everyone's own life. We all are different just because they don't have to critized them as long they follow Jesus and follow his word they can be save and that is the most important thing that we can be saved once Jesus comes college and service will stay but our soul will be in a better place. Gob bless the duggar family.
DeleteRegarding everyone wanting to be a wife and a mother, it is nothing different from growing up in a home where having a career is promoted more than being a wife and mother and everyone gets a career which happens for the most part.
DeleteSo very true, sadly my family thinks the opposite, they looked down on me for wanting to be a homemaker and have kids, they see it as a fail if you dont have a masters degree.
DeleteAs Anon.@6:10 says: it would be different if one wanted a certain life; but they all want and say the same thing. That's what's troubling.
DeleteI agree. Every woman should have an education. It is highly likely a man will die/have a disability before a woman dies. They need to be self-sufficient. Looks like they are just relying on their inheritance from TLC/Jim Bob to support all the kids and their families when Jim Bob is gone.
DeleteYes but then they would be saying not what they
ReplyDeleteWant but what you want for them to do.
But why? Why would you like them to be anyone except who they are?
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to be "just" a wife and a mother. My high school career counselors weren't pleased. Many people tried to convince me to pursue "more". No one in my family ever set any sort of standard that made me believe a woman's only place was in the home. In the 18 years since graduating, I've had the pleasure of becoming both wife and mother, and I've had the unfortunate experience of having to leave the home for periods of time for full-time jobs. I also graduated college. I hated so much about having to establish a partial life outside of my home and none of it could have come close to satisfying my heart like managing my home does.
Why can't you allow freedom of preference to those who walk a different path than you might choose or understand?
Well said!
DeleteA partial life outside the home? Isn't all we do " our life"
DeleteI was ridiculed in law school by my "Women and the Law" professor (who is now a famous talking head on cable news) for saying that my ultimate goal was being a wife and mother.
DeleteI couldn't agree with you more, Elizabeth! Women's rights were supposed to allow us "the freedom to choose". Unfortunately, it is women who give those of us who have chosen to be full-time wives and mothers the hardest time. We (including the Duggars) don't force our choices on these people; it would be nice if we had the same freedom from ridicule for our choice.
DeleteI agree, Elizabeth! I have a master's degree. I've worked in the professional world. Yet I wouldn't want to be doing anything else right now than what I am doing: being a wife, mom, and homemaker. That plus helping out at church keeps me more than busy, and I'm never bored.
DeleteElizabeth- You can't deny that the example being set by the Duggar family is that adult children live at home until marriage and women devote themselves 100% to a husband and children. This pattern suggests it is an expectation for all of them, whether for personal or religious reasons.
DeleteYou had the privilege of going to college, working at a job, and having a family. Because of those experiences, you've had a better perspective on what works best for you. Obviously, no one was holding you to one path or another. I'm not sure that's the case with any of the Duggars.
8:22- You've had options, and I would bet that you do not regret having that Master's Degree or work experience. Now, you have the option of staying home with your kids. That's wonderful! I think what many posters are saying is that it doesn't look like the Duggar daughters do have options, other than to get married, have kids and stay home with them. If they don't find a husband, they have to live under the authority of their parents.
DeleteTo anon 1:24' why were you taking a space in law school away from someone else if it wasn't really your true passion?
ReplyDeleteIt could be called being able to support yourself and your children long term should your spouse become incapacitated or die. Or it could be called to launch your second career after your children are out on their own.
DeletePerhaps she wasn't married at the time she was in law school. Certainly a young woman can pursue higher education and get a law degree and then if she marries and is blessed to have a family, decide she would like to stay home to raise her children.
DeleteSigh. This is heard all too commonly. I am a female medical doctor. Unless you stay single and no children your whole life then you are felt to be a "waste". Yet male doctors marry and have children and work part time and they are applauded. Medicine and law and other professions don't mean you have to work 100 hours per week or you are a failure or a waste of space. In fact, I put it to you that quality is better than quantity and the quality of care I provide now as a part-time doctor is better than that of many full-time doctors. After working 80-100 hrs/ wk for a decade, I married and have a child and choose to raise our child rather than hiring a nanny so I work 20 hrs per wk. I am in the extreme minority in my profession for doing this. How sad that society punishes women for pursuing a higher education by telling them not to have children or not to raise them.
DeleteYes, the two explanations above are exactly the reasons I went to law school. Thank you.
DeleteI have a master's degree, have taught for 20 years after staying home for 6 years when my children were young. I loved being home with them and found it to be way more important in my life than working outside the home. Now I am back out of the workforce due to disability and get to focus fully on myself and family. Staying home isn't an option for everyone, but I strongly encourage it. We need to get back to what is truly important in the world...our children. Sure, less income is a struggle but I have always found ways to save or go without. It's nice to have a choice in America but those who are career oriented need to allow staying at home to remain a choice.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
DeleteThis is a bit off topic, but maybe you gals could find out if Jana is still using essential oils? I remember her using them on a previous show... in just curious
ReplyDeleteDid you know??? In El Salvador, according to the CIA’s World Factbook, about 57 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, with another 21 percent Protestant. Only about 16.8 percent of the population reports no religious belief — a number comparable with what a Pew Research poll found in the U.S. in 2015. If Derick and Jill just want to talk at people without attempting to ease their poverty (why didn't they give that priceless air conditioner to a family worse off than they are?) they should have just moved to Las Vegas. There are probably more sinners in Vegas than there are in El Salvador, a country named "Republic of the Savior."
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why missionaries go not only to other countries but also to various cities around the U.S. I know our church supports some missionaries in the U.S.
Deletebeleive all age women should have their choosen careers choices earn an real honest wage for self 1st, then when ready choose to marry then motherhood mixing with their choosen career in the job froce. the right kind of balance will make a better woman,wife and mother for the long haul
ReplyDeleteHas there been a release date yet for the upcoming season? I can't find it anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI find Joys statement in the magazine article quite revealing: “Through my single years and coming into my relationship with Austin, I learned to trust the Lord and that God works through the authority He’s placed in my life. So many times I could’ve tried to do things my own way and “help God out”, but through the Scriptures and Godly counsel form my parents and others, they encouraged me to give my love to God and to let Him lead me to whoever He had for me.”
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, she's been an adult less than two years, yet she refers to her "single years." Interesting, she's barely out of high school. Also, I assume the authority she refers to is her father. It sounds like he's making decisions for her, despite that she hints she may have had other ideas. And of course, this is rationalized with the old standy-by about following the path God has chosen for her. It's all well and good to take advice from parents or other role models. It just seems that the parents in this family takes their 'authority' just a bit too far. At some point, adult children need to be trusted that they can make their own decisions and live their lives without being sequestered at the home compound. I have only sympathy for these kids. Hopefully, the men these young women marry are not so overbearing and dogmatic.
I agree with you. I find Joy's marriage to be a bit forced & rushed. The other girls seemed to find someone but this seems different. Not just because of her age, either. I really hope she is happy and this is not just for a TV show.
DeleteThey need to go to college first and work first and save money then get married because in the future the money is going to be tight.
ReplyDeleteI thing United states show due what they do in China that you can only have 1 kid pur family and more they should go up for adaption.
I brought up my daughter to be an independent woman, to be able to stand on her own two feet and take care of herself. All of her friends are the same. They are lawyers, engineers, doctors, teachers etc.. and they ALL have a passion for their chosen careers. Their spouses are the same. Their lives are richer and they are ALL contributing to make the world a better place.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong if a woman wants to stay home to take care of her children, when they are young. But, by school age, it is time to rejoin the work force. If a woman is educated, it is much easier to do so. And better to work at a job that pays well than one that hardly pays minimum wage.
Being a wife and mother does not preclude having a career.
its right nothing wrong w/ any age woman who chooses to have an real job career and mixing w/ family life. childern learn early enough their mother is much more happy in building a honest life style for own family and future
DeleteEnjoyed reading that!