Saturday, September 27, 2014

Video: Duggars at #VVS14

For those of you who were unable to tune in live to the Values Voter Summit last night, check out this video recording of the song the Duggar family performed and the words of wisdom Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar shared with the crowd.

Video no longer available


  1. where is Josiah duggar we have not seen or heard from him for a very long amount of time?

    1. He is at a Christian training academy in Texas

  2. Whatever happened to Josiah? I haven't seen him in any pics, videos or episodes for many months? They don't talk about why he is absent. Did I miss something? Have they disowned him or has he moved away from the family?? Where did he go?

    1. He at the camp John David went couple year ago

    2. He had went to ALERT training camp for a few months... And Josiah, Joseph, John-David, a Jill and Derrick must of been the ones that didn't make it there in time because they were going on a different plane.

    3. Josiah is currently at ALERT, Air Land Emergency Resource Training, in Texas. He was actually with the Duggar family but I'm not sure if he was singing with them. I know he was with them at the Pizza shop in DC this weekend. Hope that helps!

  3. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Duggar, God has blessed you with a loving family whom love and serve the Lord! Your amazing family is living proof of God's immeasurable grace. Both of you, as a couple who love the Lord and live out a genuine faith, point your kids' to God daily through your choices, conversations, actions and attitudes. I love how you guys allowed God to plan the size of your family, instead of giving in to the easy life and settling for what the world says. What is the greatest privilege of being a Christian parent? Blessings!

  4. Mr. and Mrs. Duggar, what has been your' biggest challenge in raising so many blessings?

  5. Josiah is in college in Texas last I knew.

    1. It's not college. It's a boot camp style training camp sort of like religious first responders or militia.

  6. What is 17-year-old Josiah Duggar up to these days? He is still away at the International ALERT Academy, a Christan training and service organization located in Big Sandy, Texas. The rest of the Duggar family paid him a visit this weekend. THIS SHOULD ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS.

  7. I would like to ask Mrs Duggar how she is so patient all the time.. Thanks very much.

  8. Truly a family who Loves the Lord. Such a beautiful example of living the Christian life.

  9. Josiah is actually 18 as he was born in Aug.1996. How long is he gone for? They made a huge deal on the show about Joseph going there and he was not gone nearly as long.

  10. bravo! thank you for standing up for the good peeps of America! you guys are just amazing!! always ya'll's-Texas Red

  11. I love, love, love watching the little girls, especially Josie!!! They are all too cute, and they do what any 4, 5, and 6 yr olds do...figit! LOL

  12. What is the biggest challenge of being a parent to such a large family? God bless.

  13. I can see that Jesus is extremely welcomed at the Duggar household. Michelle, you are one of the most selfless, devoted, inspiring mothers in this world. You're daughters follow in your' steps. You are a great example of what a godly woman should be. Jim Bob, you work hard to see that the spiritual needs of your' children and wife are met. You lead your family in a lifestyle of biblical worship. You are a fantastic man of our mighty God. It's always great to see families seeking God in unity and walking in His truth! I love reading about your' beautiful family. So many lights for God all in one family!! God is good. Psalm 34:8-9 reminds me of your' family. What is the greatest opportunity that you have, as Christian parents, in raising your' kids?

  14. This was so beautiful. I especially loved the tenor part. It sounds like a young boy. Who is it?

  15. What does one nation under God mean to Michelle Duggar? One nation under the God Michelle Duggar believes in? I believe in God. I don't believe the world was created 6,000 years ago--just 60 one hundred generations ago. I believe in one nation under God -- I don't agree that any one religion gets to put their stamp on who God is. That is what America is all about. Michelle is asking for a communist nation; one nation under the God she believes in.

  16. acutal it does not since I know it is only a 8 week camp? and how could you answer that question for sure are you his family or him? I think there is somthing going on between him and his parents. He does not look happy at all.

  17. The little kids look really sad and poor Ben looks so awkward swaying in the background

  18. @jewellz could he not be doing missioner work somewhere?

  19. I love, love, love you and your family. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry. I get chills whenever I hear ya'll preach. Thank you!

  20. Big families totally awesome!! I'm one of ten and I love it!! There have been several challenges that my family has faced throughout, but everything has always worked out for the best as long as we kept our eyes on God!! (Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work out for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose,) What is biggest trial that you guys have faced as a family? And how did god lead you through it?

  21. Many Jewish groups have asked that the Duggars stop comparing the Holocaust to their personal agendas. Why don't they stop?

  22. Thanks for being such a Great inspiration and role model for this country!. Hopefully, we can get back more of "God," and stop this craziness that's going on today.

  23. Re the post (20) about Michelle and one nation under God. Look in the Bible Exodus 20, the 10 Commandments - says right at the first have no other gods. Other religions may represent other gods. Your idea that no religion gets to put a stamp on who god is clearly contradicts this point.

  24. Anonymous. You might want to not judge their appearance as they sing or if they sway. Listen to the words and hear what God hears. This is the heart of a true Christian. You did bring something to mind though. One nation under God means the unity of all who believe in God and his word. (Jesus) That all who believe don't just believe but have the marks of a Christian. Live Gods ways. Not the ways of any other. God judges our heart condition. Is our heart really in him. Like when you noticed the distractions as they sang. Your heart wasn't in it. You missed what their message was. You were ruled by the flesh. Love you in Christ.


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