Saturday, June 3, 2017

Message from the Honeymooning Forsyths

Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth and Austin Forsyth have spent their honeymoon exploring the great outdoors, although their specific location has not yet been disclosed. Hear a message from the newlyweds in the video below.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. It a not-so-secluded honeymoon spot next to a fast-running stream, a busy highway, and a chain link fence is all we can tell from that! Lots of greenery, so no desert southwest. And it's cold enough for a jacket in June, so not the Bahamas. It's also somewhere where they drive on the right side of the road, so that leaves out England.

  2. Congratulations y'all!

  3. Of course they are spending thier honeymoon outdoors! Austin was practically raised on a camp site!! I just wonder if it's what Joy really wanted though. 🤔

  4. Amy Tucker, TexasJune 3, 2017 at 7:58 PM

    I hope you're having a wonderful time on your honeymoon! I can't wait to see you two together in the new season. It's so hard picturing you married because we haven't seen much of you as a couple. I pray the Lord blesses you both and I wish you much happiness!

  5. Still can't believe she's married!!! THIS IS CRAZY! I can't imagine what her family must be feeling. Glad for her :)

    1. Her family is ecstatic. They have congratulations videos in other articles. Austin also asked for permission to court so they knew it was coming.

  6. Where did you go for your honeymoon? I'm so happy for you two and can't wait till counting on comes back on!

  7. video would not load but loved the picture of these two! so very excited about the new season with these two featured - love all the duggars but these two are two of my very favorites. guess they remind me of me and my hubby when we were young newlyweds - almost 34 years ago. oh wait the video just started.....oh so sweet - the way Austin looks at his bride is so sweet. you can tell he truly loves this girl!

    1. Betty it will load right to you tube. Click at the I clicked it 2 times and it went to you tube.

  8. Just saw a photograph of the couples wedding invatation nice photographs but strange wording. Normally an invatation says Mr and Mrs (name) invite you to the marriage of their daugter (name) to mr (name) and then details of the venue. Joy and Austins had his parents names followed by her parents names then Austins name before Joys. Wonder why they did them this way, but then this wedding seems to have been anything but conventional, hope it was what the couple wanted.

    1. And what did you think about the part where it said (in essence) that there were more people invited than would fit in the venue?

    2. They should have just said "adults only." Then there probably would have only been 50 people there. Duggar weddings look more like a kid's birthday party than the wedding of an adult couple.

  9. Congratulations guys. I love watching you lot from over here in the UK. Absolutely love you all. Can't wait to see wedding pics n n your gorgeous dress. Xxx

  10. Congratulations on your marriage, beautiful Joy! You're beaming. Very happy and proud of you! What an inspiration for other young girls. Waiting is hard but worth it. Well done!!!

    1. Waiting? They waited a few months. At her age I dated my boyfriend a heck of a lot longer without being intimate. Rushing to the altar doesn't change that they dated for a few months.

    2. Anon @ 7:11 They don't even date in the traditional sense, and they always have the ever present chaparone. I am sure a few months down the line some may realise that they didn't marry the person they thought they had, but its too late by then!

    3. I am sure they meant waited for the one God had for her not waiting for intimacy. A lot of young ladies do find it hard to wait to meet the one.

    4. Waiting doesn't make you special. There's no trophy awarded for these things.

    5. Really. I dated my husband for two years without chaperones and without intimacy. This rushing to the altar is so bizarre to me.

    6. 7:11-- Joy has known and been friends with Austin for many years.

    7. If you're busy with your studies or your job, the "waiting" flies by.

  11. Hope your honeymoon is all you want it to be!! Can't wait to see pictures.

  12. Congratulations, Joy-Anna and Austin! Enjoy this sweet time and thank you for sharing your happiness and light with the world.

  13. Bless you two! I pray you will continue to grow stronger in the Lord. May God bless you as you minister to each other and those around you.

  14. They are so adorable , it's so amazing to see the love they have for each other by how they look at one another ❣️

  15. Apparently they have been spotted in Colarado. No TLC paid for destination honeymoon for them then, money must be running out!

    1. OR, they could have just chosen to have a private honeymoon without TLC's cameras. I'm pretty sure they only pay for the honeymoons if they get to film parts of them. Nothing wrong with doing it either way.

    2. Perhaps instead of an expensive honeymoon they chose to spend it on the home they are building. ill and Derruck didn't ve a bug destination honeymoon either....have to wait and see.

    3. Kathy I am sure if there was no camera crew there was no money. Have some respect for them if they wanted to get away and have their honeymoon in private.

  16. She looks very tired, I hope all is well.

    1. I think the sun was in their eyes.

    2. Gee, I wonder why they might be tired on their honeymoon??!! ;)

    3. Probably from the wedding day and all that lead up to it. Once the day is over, you want to just crash lol. I know I did!

  17. Congratulations

  18. I'm confused; it seemed Joy was speaking to fans but Austin thinks the video is for family and friends. What is this video for?

    1. The Duggar family has the fans and Joy is thanking them. Austin doesn't have fans, yet, so he is thanking family.

    2. Yes, I agree. At this point, it would be presumptuous for Austin to assume he has fans already, so he thanks family and friends. Only polite.

  19. It is customary to place the bride's parents names first on the invitation because that indicates that they are paying for the wedding. In placing Austin's parents' names first, that would indicate to me that they were paying for the wedding.

    1. Or it could just indicate that is how Joy wanted it to be listed. Everyone doesn't have to follow tradition. It isn't wrong to switch things around.

    2. You have it exactly right. The Forsyths paid for this wedding.

    3. Anon @ 10:21 Just being curious not nasty, but how do know this for sure do you know the family? I would be surprised if TLC didn't pay for this wedding because they usually do in return for filming it.

    4. No, I don't know the family anon 3:30 but that is the correct way to set up wedding invitations when the groom's family pays. Anon 10:21.

    5. Just a thought - what if Austin paid for the wedding? As a gesture to show his ability to provide, maybe? In that case, would it be correct to list his parents first?

    6. If the couple pays for the wedding their names come first. Where this has Austins parents first, it indicates that they paid for it.

    7. Thanks, anon 8:00. That makes sense.

  20. Based on all the pictures, I would say Colorado and perhaps Utah .... either way, I am glad they are having fun and enjoying themselves.


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