Monday, October 18, 2010

The Duggars and Gender Stereotypes

Although it may seem like the Duggars are enforcing gender stereotypes, making sure their kids are well-rounded is very important to Jim Bob and Michelle. In TLC’s “17 Kids and Counting” Trading Places Duggar Style, the guys and girls swapped chores. While Michelle taught the boys to cook dinner, Jim Bob showed his daughters how to perform basic car mechanics. He even dropped them off at the side of the road to test their skills, and they passed the assessment with flying colors. Dinner was a little late though....

Click here to see what the Duggars have to say about College.
Josh and Anna Duggar now own two wholesale car lots in Springdale, Arkansas.
Jana and Jill recently joined the Volunteer Fire Department. Click here to read more.
Visit this link to learn about Jana Duggar's career plans, and click here for Jill's future goals.

1 comment:

  1. that's smart of you because now they know one what each sex does when they have their own marriage and also it makes them reliable on themselves. Way to go guys. You're doing a fantastic job GOD BLESS you and your family.


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