Jill and Derick Dillard just shared a ministry update on their website, along with several pictures. We have posted a few highlights below, but we encourage you to visit dillardfamily.com to read the full ministry update letter.
-During a recent rainstorm, a tree in the Dillards' yard was struck by lightening. Jill and Derick are grateful to God that no one was injured.
-In an effort to unite the ladies at her church, Jill Dillard hosts a weekly women's Bible study. "Israel loves having company and usually makes the rounds asking everyone for a bite of their food!" Jill writes.
-To celebrate their two-year wedding anniversary on June 21st, Jill and Derick were blessed with a one-night stay at a hotel, where they enjoyed "the pool, wifi, and warm showers."
-At 15 months old, Israel Dillard is 33 inches tall and weighs 28 pounds, which is roughly the average height and weight of a two-year-old boy.
-In addition to their other ministry activities, the Dillards continue to partner with a local craftswoman to teach ladies who attend their Bible study how to make jewelry.
-S.O.S. Ministries is sending multiple short-term mission teams, some of which will serve alongside Jill and Derick, to Central America during the month of July. After these teams leave, the Dillards will return to Arkansas for a period of time. They have not been home since last fall and are looking forward to being with family. Jill and Derick plant "to take some Bible classes and be involved in local ministry" while they are in Arkansas.
-During a recent rainstorm, a tree in the Dillards' yard was struck by lightening. Jill and Derick are grateful to God that no one was injured.
-In an effort to unite the ladies at her church, Jill Dillard hosts a weekly women's Bible study. "Israel loves having company and usually makes the rounds asking everyone for a bite of their food!" Jill writes.

-At 15 months old, Israel Dillard is 33 inches tall and weighs 28 pounds, which is roughly the average height and weight of a two-year-old boy.
-In addition to their other ministry activities, the Dillards continue to partner with a local craftswoman to teach ladies who attend their Bible study how to make jewelry.
-S.O.S. Ministries is sending multiple short-term mission teams, some of which will serve alongside Jill and Derick, to Central America during the month of July. After these teams leave, the Dillards will return to Arkansas for a period of time. They have not been home since last fall and are looking forward to being with family. Jill and Derick plant "to take some Bible classes and be involved in local ministry" while they are in Arkansas.
A short-term ministry team from the U.S. assists the Dillards with a building project
The Bible study ladies sell their handmade jewelry
Photos courtesy dillardfamily.com
Hi Ellie! You should mention that in their update Jill and Derrick discuss their health statuses, since people here were so worried. By hiding that they clarified they're perfectly fine you encourage the gossiping.
ReplyDeleteHiding? Really? She provided a link to the newsletter and encouraged her readers to read it in full.
DeleteThey didn't say they were perfectly fine. They said they had all been sick and that health was not something they take for granted.
DeleteShe's hiding it in a way because she mentions and quotes LOTS of passages from their text, but not the one that people are clearly most interested in. ;)
DeleteTo anonymous 3:19 am: they said they have had the traveller's stuff, which means they probably had a few more trips to the toilet than normal, but nothing more than that. To catch a stomach virus is very normal when you're eating and drinking food that's unusual for you, as they said. So they're perfectly fine.
DeleteFine? After possibly contracting a virus or any other organism that finds the digestive system and sets up housekeeping there? Not what my gastroenterology training told me. These things can and do have lasting & wide-spread effects on the body, much more than "a few trips" to where you mentioned.
DeleteNormal travelers stuff often includes parasites. Thats what it looks like happened to derick
DeleteI am curious to know why SOS missions find it necessary to plant their own churches in these Central American countries. I would assume the citizens already practice their own religion, whatever it may be. Why should they be taught their beliefs are wrong? Why must they change to conform to whatever SOS thinks is right? ( I assume this is Baptist.). I would be completely offended if someone attempted to convince me that my religious beliefs were wrong.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to be exposed to beliefs that are different. There are hundreds of different religions religions in U.S. , what's wrong with sharing your faith in a new country? No one has to listen to them.
DeleteMany people do not know the true way to heaven, and they are trying to tell them that Jesus is the only way. Many religions believe contrary to the Word of God. By building churches, they will be able to be more effective in spreading the gospel of Jesus.
DeleteMany religions do not knew that Jesus is the true way to heaven, and practice their beliefs contrary to the Bible. By building churches, they will be able to share the gospel better with these people.
DeleteAnon 1:50, that is one of the best and most probing questions ever asked on this blog. I don't think there's a good answer to give to it, though. Some things just can't be explained rationally. Personally, I find it hard to respect a religion that doesn't respect other religions in return, or that preaches against them by name. And you can't say that there is no religion at all in that area of the world already, very visible, and already helping the local people. In fact, there are many different churches, not just the one you'd think of first, fully established in that part of the world. There are choices, doing quite well for themselves, without outsiders coming to try to change things. So then I suppose it's down to a question of why the outsiders think they have to come do that. Do they see certain parts of the world as "easy" to convert, for socioeconomic reasons? Good question.
DeleteChrist calls those who follow Him to spread His name to every corner of the world. The Dillard's, SOS, and all other Christians are doing as they are commanded. Not once in the Bible are we called to force people to accept the Lord. They that are being told have the right to dismiss what they are being told just as any of us.
DeleteThe way I see it is that people have the right to be informed on all subjects. Spreading the good news of the Bible is no different than going to a college campus and talking to young adults about political topics that they might have never been exposed to. Neither those being witnessed to nor the uninformed college student is required to do anything with the presented information.
God bless
Amen. I never understand why missionaries feel the need to smother others with their religion. Central America is primarily Christian. What are missionaries doing there?? Spreading the word of God?? They already know the word of God...they are Christians already. Bible study?? Really??
DeleteBecause- John 14:6
Delete6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If their religion doesn't teach that, they need to know the Truth.
That's what Christian missionaries do. They spread the Good News of the Gospel.
DeleteMissionaries are passionate to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ because they (and I) believe that it is the only path to Heaven, and that the alternative is eternity in Hell. Since all humanity is God's precious creation and therefore Christians have an innate love for all peoples, we would not like to see a single one perish (their eternal soul, that is). To us, it is essential that each person receive what we believe to be the light of God's truth in order to save their eternal soul. It is a matter of eternal life or eternal death. They do this out of love and caring, and so I hope that with this in mind, you might refrain from taking offense.
DeleteIt's not about religion. It's about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter if you are Catholic or Baptist or whatever, if you don't have that you're lost.
DeleteChristians prefer to please God rather than men.
Delete"I would be completely offended if someone attempted to convince me that my religious beliefs were wrong."
DeleteIn reply to that statement I am pointing to this Bible verse Luke 7:22-23,"...the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM. 23 "Blessed is he who does not take offense at Me."
Preaching maybe a completely thankless position but some people are is commissioned by the Lord Jesus to do it. Also what the Lord's messengers say to people is the relevant, true religion and a true blessing to ALL. May YOU be truly BLESSED by the true religion that saves!
good good derrick and jill are back state side instead else where. they need to work on re-building on their own family future
DeleteSo all the Catholics the Dillard's are trying to convert are not saved?
DeleteI wonder how they would feel about the rising Latino Muslim population all throughout Latin America? You cannot force someone to convert because that is not how we should approach someone. From my Christian background, I learned on that every diverse religion has some concept of who God is, it's just protrayed differently. These people waltz in someone's lives thinking that what they are worshipping is bad and they must follow their ways. We do not know what they were truly doing down there but I hope that the people of central America were willingly to accept Christ.
DeleteTo Anon@12:27PM
DeleteI take issue with your statement: "Preaching maybe a completely thankless position but some people are is commissioned by the Lord Jesus to do it. " You are assuming that there is one true set of religious beliefs and that only certain people are selected to try and convert others who do not embrace the same. This is a very sanctimonious position. Every religion thinks they are right... they can't all be. However, they can sure be all wrong in my opinion. Any body can claim themselves to be a messenger of God.
To Jennifer Nicholson: Your claim that love and caring is the motivation for trying to convert others is a condescending smokescreen. The reality is, you believe you are privy to some special truth or knowledge that many others do not. That is the epitome of gaul and audaciousness. I would still take offense at this, because I know you have no more "truth" than anyone else breathing air.
DeleteIt seems arrogant to say there is only one way to Heaven. First, none of us know for sure what waits after death, we can only hope. Second, look at all the other world religions and their beliefs. A major percentage do not have someone named Jesus as a savior. How can you say those believers spend their entire lives believing something that is wrong? How can you prove that? How can you tell them - correctly - that they are believing in the wrong thing? Some of them live holier lives (Buddhist monks, for example) than any of you ever will, without ever uttering the name Jesus. Could you seriously stand in front of a monk and tell him where he's bound after death, since he "doesn't believe"? If so, then maybe the problem is yours, not his. Something to ponder, no?
DeleteWe, as Christians, serve a risen Savior who tells us in His word that "No one comes to the Father but thru Jesus Christ". All of the other people who have claimed to be God or a path to Him are dead. We, as people, are not authorized to judge others but the Bible is our plumbline for which we adhere Gods standards. Most other religions teach "salvation" via good works or religious rituals. God says that our good works are as filthy rags to Him, not good enough. Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb who provided the way to a holy God. True Salvation is a free gift from a Holy God not "earned" by good deeds. Will you consider accepting His free gift? Jesus is for all who will believe.
DeleteAnonymous 7:46, Martin Luther was a monk who recognized what the Bible said and became a Bible-believing Christian who absolutely turned the world upside down with his message of Jesus Christ. There are no denominations in heaven, but yes, "Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me." Either you believe Him or you don't. And there are plenty of proofs for the Bible. No one can deny that Jesus was not a true historical figure. Archaeology, history, and yes, even science, cannot disprove the Bible. Actually it's a really fascinating topic if you want to get into it. Look at creation.com for the science part of it.
DeleteThey cannot disprove the Bible. But they cannot prove it either. The fact that it written in the Bible doesn't mean anything. Other religions also have books that they believe is telling the Truth. But the fact that it is written is not enough to say it is the truth.
DeleteYou know, Vikings had their Gods. Egyptians had their Gods. Maybe someday, somehow, the God Christians believe in will be disproved too. Who knows?
Don't be too hard on them. They believe if people don't accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and accept forgiveness from him that they will go to hell. So for them not going and convincing others of their beliefs would be to have no compassion or caring for others according to their religion. In other words, convincing people their religious beliefs are wrong is a requirement of their religion, so it's a catch 22. But its out of compassionate intent. You should also know that mission organizations like SOS provide humanitarian aid also, which is also a tenant of Christianity. They don't discriminate with the humanitarian aid for only those who convert or anything. And the Bible also teaches God loves everyone and that every human life matters, so they also don't hate the people who don't convert.
DeleteI know that I and many people also wonder,when are they coming home to stay? I see that this is an announcement to let us know they are home just for another visit, but do you know if they are coming home at some point permanently?
ReplyDeleteI would like to show small support for Jill and dericjs works would it be possible to see and buy the hand made jewlery
ReplyDeleteTeaching the ladies to make jewelry is NOT going to help these people. It is yet another example of outsiders deciding what it best for the locals and not asking them. Are the Duggars going to help these women set up a co-operative; get the finances to pay for supplies etc.?
DeleteI don't think the sale of this jewelry was ever explained, was it?
DeleteMaybe they were just using this craft to apply some principles and the people there will use those same skills to do other things too.
DeleteTo my understanding the building project was building housing for SOS ministries to house thier missionaries. Not to sound rude, but why don't the Dillard's showcase what they do for the poor and needy locals? Bible studies are great but bible studies do not provide food shelter fresh water or clothing......
ReplyDeleteThere's a difference between missionaries and humanitarian aid workers. One deals principally with the soul the other, the body.
DeleteI would like to turn you to Matthiew 6:4 - "so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
DeleteI'll be honest, I know very little about what the Dillard's are doing in central America. Very likely I know less about it than you do. What I do know however, is that God commands us to do our good deeds in secret, because our rewards are from Him rather than of adoration from man.
It didn't say it was housing for SOS ministers. It was a local minister. They have helped the local ladies learn jewelry making and the ladies have sold some of their jewelry thus learning to support themselves. Get facts straight.
DeleteThey did - teaching women to make jewelry is teaching them to earn a living! But that's always secondary anyway to telling others that what Jesus did to save them!
DeleteIt does not matter how much food shelter fresh water or clothing people have if they do not live by the word of God.
DeleteIn having said that, have you at any time been without shelter or food or clothing? Maslows theme of hierarchy states first food and shelter then safety and security then love and belonging then self awareness and self actualization. It is at the level if self realization that we come to understand God. Study your theology. It is beyond mean to dismiss basic human rights.
DeleteYou can't "live by" anything without food, shelter, and water. All someone could do would be hand you a tract and say here, try to read this before you completely dehydrate.......
DeleteThis is literally the most ignorant and least christian thing I have ever read.
DeleteBut didn't Jesus feed the hungry? Give to the poor? Clothed the naked? And didn't Jesus encourage others to do so? To be selfless for others? While bible studies are a GOOD thing, by not even mentioning what they are doing to help serve others it makes it appear that they are only serving themselves ( i.e. Being a part of SOS ministries that only provide for thier own kind such as building houses for thier missionaries which include fresh running water and appliances such as a refrigerator. Even wifi!)
DeleteI think if the Dillard's and SOS ministries would reach out and serve in that community (i.e. Be Christ like and selfless and help provide the basic nessesities such as food water shelter) then I think the needy will see just how good Christ like people are and will want to be better people. The small things, the small gestures missionaries do can speak volumes to those who do not know Christ. i hope you dont really feel like missionaries should just do bible studies and nothing else......and I hope you don't feel like the people who they are trying to convert are nothing or don't deserve food clothes and shelter if they don't live by the word of God......
Bravo, "Texas"! "God commands us to do our good deeds in secret, because our rewards are from Him rather than of adoration from man."
DeleteWell said Anon. July 14 @ 12:08
DeleteIt goes beyond learning to make jewelry. That will never pull a family out of poverty, not unless they somehow become the owners of a large factory that mass-produces jewelry. The SOS people should be focusing on larger goals for these people economically, not only spiritually, if they truly cared. I get the feeling that some people go down there from the US and think they're helping, when all they do is come home 3 weeks later with a deeper appreciation for their cell phones and indoor plumbing.
DeleteI agree completely. These people need basic necessities. This almost seems like tourism to go there and build houses for your own employees and teach them how to make jewelry that only the SOS employees can afford. It's like giving lolipops to starving children. What about food and shelter.
DeleteYes, they need the necessities. But we can't just GIVE them food all their lives. They need to be able to provide for themselves, and making jewelry is a good place to start. It's not much, probably not enough, but it is a start, and most likely, it is the first job these women have been able to do. Also, the jewelry-group forms a community. You can touch someone so much more if you have a relationship with them.
ReplyDeleteAre the Bible classes because they didn't qualify as missionaries before with their church? Are they going to try to catch up on those qualifications now, do you know?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it, 7:51 PM. If you can work with SOS, with whom the Duggars have deep connections, and not need any qualifications, why would you start trying to gain them now? I think it's something that sounds good or fills time or that they just want to do.
DeleteJill as we have seen on the shows has spent all her life since childhood daily reading the Bible, and she is on evidently on track morally and lives a decent life. What are you referring to as not qualifying to go out as a missionary?
DeleteShe hasn't received an education to be a missionary.
DeleteGenerally being a good person doesn't make you qualified to teach others.
DeleteChurches have qualifications for their missionaries. You can't just stand up & say, "I've read the Bible so I'm ready to go out into the world and represent our religion." That's not how it works. It would be like saying you've read the medical encyclopedia so you're ready to be a doctor.
DeleteIf God calls you to share the Gospel, He will equip you despite your education or lack thereof. Period.
DeleteThe Southern Baptist International Mission Board requires a Bachelors degree, but it doesnt sound like thats what they are studying towards.
DeleteOh, I'm so happy for their families, they have missed eachother so incredibly much. Little Izzy and Spurgeon will get to love on one another😊I hope the film crew will get more of them on this next installment.What a celebration, i wish i could be a fly on that wall for their homecoming party😉Blessings🕇
ReplyDeleteCan't wait,can't wait,can't wait!!!!☻🌚🌞
DeleteWelcome back, Dillards!! I am sure you learned many valuable lessons while you were there. I hope you can teach them to people here.
ReplyDeleteI don't think people relize how long term these mission trips can be. Derrick spent two ueats in Napal this seems to be his calling and from my understanding hers as well. I don't believe they will be back permanently for at min another year and its quite possible that they could do several more years there. And i amagreeing with what someone else said they look like they have a large compound there perhaps that sos should start helping building housing for the locals. I really admire what this young family is trying to do but how much is this sos place actually helping the locals idk i looked them up on line and im not sure It's as much as tgey would like u to believe!. Bible study does not feed a hungry family! And building morebuildings on there compound doesnot help the locals. Those mission trips are expensive and i honestly wonder how much actual help they provide people do them cuz they really wanna help these people but i don't know if they are helping the locals as much as they are the ministry.
ReplyDeleteIt's called propaganda, and it's used by any organization that wants you to join or donate.
DeleteMe and my family is proud of you Jill and Derek Dillard for your great accomplishment I'm sure your family is proud of you too happy to have you home
ReplyDeleteYour family together again
ReplyDeleteI'm glad their one year job working for SOS is almost done. I'm worried about their health, particularly Derick. Do you know if they will be living in one of their parent's homes like Jessa, or will Derick be working again to support his family? I really hope he can seek medical help (and I'm not being mean, he may not even realize how he appears but surely his brother and mother may mention he looks ill when they see him in person).
ReplyDeleteGreat news!
ReplyDeleteGlad they can spend some time with the family. I'm sure they have been missed despite visiting them. It's just not the same.
Hopefully it will give time to share, eat to much and share much laughter.
Thank you for sharing.
Y'all enjoy family visit!
ReplyDeleteI have seen this question asked but see no answer. Is it possible to buy any of the hand made jewelry from the Bible study ladies?
ReplyDeleteSome of these comments are so uneducated! As if they know ALL the details of the Dillard's lives and details of things we would only know if we were though. Tbey have been expected to keep unrealistic expectations because of whoe they are and it's not fair. They have sacrificed their time, comfort of home, and much much more to help others in Christs name and I appreciate their hard work.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why there is so much controversy over the Dillards missionary work. Every denomination has their own requirements for mission development. I'm sure Jill and Derek are striving to meet their requirements. From all we've learned, Jill and Derek aren't just doing one of those three-week "feel good" mission trips. They have made a much deeper commitment. It takes a long time and training to immerse in a culture. And I would imagine that their efforts are focused on the "unchurched" or those who are already of their particular denomination. If their intention is to bring People to God, they won't impose on those who already worship God in their own faith.
ReplyDeleteThat's just the thing, though. The Baptist Church has its missionary requirements, and Jill & Derick admitted that they were not able to meet those requirements. So they are with an organization, not a denomination, where qualifications are fewer. But there was a time, at the beginning, when there was confusion about who they were representing, and clarification was slow to come. Would it ever have come, if people had not questioned?
DeleteIt saddens me when people question, question, question how they serve the Lord! I don't see many going to central America to try and make a difference. To try and spread the gospel so that more can be added to the kingdom of Heaven! Its easy to sit in our air condition homes and look from a distance and list the ways YOU think things should be different! Go serve!
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteFix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.
Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others.
Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.
Philippians 4:8
It's not wrong to call out untruths or hypocrisy wherever and whenever it's found. That keeps things on a straighter moral path, which obviously you are concerned about.
DeleteAll I can say to that is AMEN!
DeleteHuh? What's hypocritical about the Dillards' missionary work?
DeleteAsking questions is never a bad thing. It's a problem when you stop.
Maybe they just had temporary visas or something. But I think they were humble and did a good job of what they did. I liked seeing the shows that were on TLC and I wish them well in what ever they are doing.
ReplyDeleteDear Duggar family I sure miss you on TV And I love the new series Jill and Jessa counting on but I miss the original series God bless you all in Christian love robbie mann
ReplyDeleteJust wondering can Derek or Jill speak Spanish fluently to teach Bible classes or do they use an interpreter? Have anyone heard them?
ReplyDeleteThey tried speaking Spanish on TV & Derick said he wasn't very good.
DeleteI think being there was harder on Jill than she may have expected it would be. She seems extremely attached to her family in Arkansas.
ReplyDeletetoo attached
DeleteI think the comments need to be disabled until things calm down in the, "duggar" world. Opinions are fine-and needed- but so many of these are hate filled, personal attacks. Reading through here reminds me more of a tabloid comment section then a fan blog.
ReplyDeleteQuestioning a persons choices or way of life is one thing and if done respectfully is totally acceptable. Comments about a persons appearance are never okay. These are real people with real feelings.
It would be better for no one to have their comments shown, then hurt somebody who reads one persons ugly comment.
In response to disabling comments, we are all fans who at one time loved this family. I think it's ok to question if someone is sick or why another's focus has shifted to their personal appearance. Some people question what they have done with the donations they collected if they are paid SOS employees and doing bible studies. It's ok to ask questions and I don't think these are hate filled as you say, at all. It might help the family to address some of these questions and understand how people are viewing their actions.
ReplyDeleteWhen Jessa moved into her home Jim Bob said he lets his kids live in a home for one year to get a start. But they have been there nearly 2 years. Does anyone know if he has addressed this? Is he now gifting them houses or what has changed? Where will Jinger and Jill live?