Monday, August 25, 2014

More Courtship News?

Readers have been asking for details on the love lives of twins Jana Duggar and John-David Duggar, both who are 24 years old. Any new relationships on the horizon?

Right now, there is no courtships news to share on Jana, John, or any of the other Duggars, but stay tuned. With 19 kids and only three engaged or married, there are bound to be many more exciting announcements in the future.

John-David Duggar and Jana Duggar


  1. What a darling picture! I'm looking so forward to the new season, and I'm so grateful this family is so open with their lives and allows us the privilege to share in all their special moments! Both Jana and John will have their own in God's time, and I really believe they are both content with that and are truly happy to share in both Jill and Jessa's happiness! Maybe a few tears because they will miss them, I'm sure...

    Funny how attached you can get to people you don't even know, but feel like you know??? Haha...Bless them all...

    1. Wow... That's EXACTLY what I think... Everything you said! :-)

  2. I got so excited! I thought one of them was courting or maybe another Duggar child....then I read the blogpost!😭😭😭

  3. Ahhhhh, don't taunt us like that!!!!!!

  4. Hey you got me excited there! Well all the best to them both, they are sweet people and it is good that they wait and find the right partner rather than rushing into marriage with someone who may not suit them so well.

  5. what is Jana doing besides working as a midwife. what is John David up to.

  6. I just got soooo excited...and then I read the article haha.
    Fingers crossed we'll be hearing some more news soon! :)

  7. You got me excited lol. I'm sure their time will come.

  8. I think that many of us, who truly admire Jana, for her selflessness, would like to hear the truth about her own desires regarding marriage. Does she think that she is called to it? Have there really been some potential suitors that she may have liked to get to know but Jim Bob didn't approve them? Please squash the rumors out there and let's hear from her, the truth now.

    1. Let's not assume anyone isn't called to marriage just because they are not married by 24! :)

  9. I bet Jana, John David, Jinger, Joseph and Josiah decided to courting some other people. But Joy Anna's too young to court.

  10. I think she might be. Last season before Jill was courting. They would interview her or Jessa and Jana would be with next to them. They'd ask is anyone else courting. The sister would say not that we know of and smile at Jana or nudge her. Ps Jana is so pretty and sweet I hope she find someone special!

  11. Beautiful twins I hope they soon will find someone to marry. If Jana would like to have a big family her time is getting short on how many children she is able to have.. Maybe she doesn't want a big family. Hopefully we will find out on the 19 kids TLC.

  12. Thank you for the update!! :-D
    Got excited there for a minute when I read the headline...
    But soon enough I'm guessing...
    Anyways, all in God's timing!!!!

  13. How sweet! They are two godly people, and someone will be very blessed to have them as a husband/wife in the future!!! God bless y'all!
    Jeremiah 29:11
    "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD..."

  14. Nothing actually happening or just nothing that can be shared...yet ;)
    Praying for you Jana! I hope you have someone special on the downlow :D

  15. Do they work or are they still in college?

  16. I hope it is soon for John David and Jana <3 I think they are both SO sweet and deserve a God-scripted love story!!! Thanks for the update :)

  17. Very nice picture of Jana and John David.

  18. Any Career news from these two? To Jana: Don't worry about the haters on the blogs follow your dreams first!

  19. I can't wait to see more courtships at the moment especially Jana and John-David.

  20. I am praying for them both as an older sister myself with siblings younger then me in love. Its bittersweet but hard.

  21. God will bring the perfect someone for all of them in his time! :)

  22. College? Higher education? Careers? Jobs?

    1. I wonder this too. Each to there own, but there is so much they would be capable of and much more out there than just courtship and marriage!

  23. Jana and John-David have both always been a little more quiet and reserved than the others. I think Jana will be one to keep things more low key when she does start a courtship. Very happy that both of them are following their hearts and working. Jana will be an awesome Doula. I think they are all in trouble when it comes to Joy, she seems like somewhere in there is a bit of a rebel. lol

  24. I bet there are so many people out there who would desire a wonderful husband like John David or a lovely wife like Jana. I just think it must be much harder on Jana as she is the one who stays at home while her Twin has his own business, a pilots license and is a volunteer Firefighter! She is watching her younger sisters becoming wives and mothers while she's still at home with the Kids. Praying for her to find someone in God's timing, but I sure hope it is soon!!! Good luck to both of them!

  25. You caught me by your intriguing headline!:)
    They are both so sweet and versatile. I wish for a happy life for both of them whatever comes their way.
    Thank you for this awesome blog.

  26. O.K., for a second there, I thought that was a picture of Jana with her boyfriend! I guess that's what happens when you look at the picture first! :P

  27. Daisey22 - she's only 24, her time is hardly 'getting short' to have children, or lots of them if she wants! not everyone pops out babies at 20 etc. There shouldn't be such a pressure for these young woman to be breeding machines, all in good time!

  28. Jana was studying to be a doula and John-David was studying to be a pilot. I don't know if they are done with their training and making money now but they are doing something.

  29. Jana, stay true. My younger sister is getting married and everyone definitely pushes you, but ya have to find the one God has for you. I'm currently the only one out of my friends at 27 that have kept my promise to wait for marriage and the one God intends for me. It's hard, but it is doable :) I'm so thankful you have a supportive family. It's hard out here in the real world when your family is not supportive of your choices. You are an inspiration.

  30. God has a plan for all His children whether it be now or a bit later. God knows what is best! He has known always what our life will hold! God Himself knows what He is doing! Let us never forget it!

    "Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
    Psalm 139:16

    Jana, you don't have to listen to all of the bad comments on this blog! Just listen to the Will of God! He has something very special in store for you! (I know that you already know this, but some encouragement always helps! :)

    John-David, you are well on the way to knowing the Will of God! Listen to Him and you will have a life full of happiness and love!

  31. Jana is practicing to be a Doula and I think John-David has a job or is doing ministry somewhere.

  32. @daisey22 Jana's time isn't getting short. Many women have healthy babies well into their forties!

  33. I am interest to know what they do for employment or higher education. Also of note....bed bath and beyond has a gift registry on line for Jessa and Ben with the wedding date of October 1.

  34. I am sure both brother and sister will meet wonderful potential mates !!!!!! They are sweet and deserve all the best !!! 💚💚💚💚

  35. I would to see more of Jana and Joy on this season, although I know with the new courtship, upcoming wedding and baby in March, not sure how they would fit that in but would love it as I know a lot of other fans would as well. God's blessings and protection over the Duggar family. You have truly blessed my life. Thanks TLC for allowing us to see good wholesome story (show)

  36. All in good time ....hope they are able to further their education and life experiences first.

  37. Awe I was excited at 1st. Then I read on but I know God knows best. I wish them nothing but the best. Don't t rush it.

  38. Jana is one of the prettiest Duggar girls. It still surprises me neither of them have started a courtship. I pray that they will. Do they still live at home? Personally that would be very hard living with 18 younger siblings at 24 years old.

  39. So, what you're saying is that there is courtship news to just can't share it right now.

  40. Time is getting short? She's 24.

  41. I'm actually happy that there is no courtship news. I'm glad that we are seeing the kids take different paths & choose marriage when it is right for them. I think it is smart that JD is preparing by owning a home and saving money & waiting till he is ready. I'm glad to see Jana with Josh's family over the past few months. I hope she is enjoying time in the big city & maybe some quiet time?

  42. I do hope that these two and their other siblings know they are of age, and can begin to seek their own mates. I think it is so unfair that their parents tell them they cannot date until they (the parents) find them a potential mate. At that rate, they may never get married. I think if Jana were to go to school or out into the work world, she would find plenty of nice young men to date.

  43. You would never guess JohnD and Jana r twins.Jill looks more like his twin.i was just wondering y Jill and Jessa are always in the middle of the four oldest when speaking to the camera, they do all the talking.You can tell that Jana and Jinger want to talk sometimes too and they get cut off quite often by Jill and Jessa.I just would like to hear them speak more and get their perspectives on things also.I know some will say that they are more shy, but on the old episodes Jana and Jinger did alot more talking. I really hope this season they focus more of the rest of the family, that would be the fair thing to do.Most of us fans love everyone equally.

  44. I've always thought of John-David and Jana as such amazing people. If I wasn't living all the way in Canada, I would be interested in meeting John David. Like his father and older brother, he is a wonderful servant for the Lord! I trust that God will guide them both to beautiful futures and wish them all the best.

  45. John David is so shy, I Pray God send him a humble wife like him and Jana is beautiful I Pray for a God fearing husband for her. I was hoping for the Bates oldest son for Jana and the Bates daughter that got married for John David. God knows Best why it didn't happened

  46. Jana is not running out of time to have kids. I know someone who didn't get married until she was in her late thirties. She is now in her late forties and has seven kids the youngest being only one. Don't worry Jana, God has a plan for you!

  47. I hope that both of these sweet young people find love soon. And I hope that for Jinger too. And the others as they get a little older.

  48. I hope Jana doesn't feel pressured to enter a courtship now. She's only 24, some people aren't ready at that age... God will choose the right person and time. Don't pressure her people. :)

  49. I'm surprised that no man has already swept her off her feet. The single men she's met either have no brains or no spine! She'd make a great wife! And John-David probably has women lined up around the block for him and doesn't even know it :)

  50. I am always wondering how Jana is feeling. The focus is always on the more vocal and outgoing ones. Jana may be by choice or just by personality, the quiet and more private one. But because of this she is a mystery in a family that has become celebrity. The world makes judgements on things they do not understand or that have a mystery and silence. I do not want to guess or assume what Jana's feelings are or what her life is like at this time. But all this being said, with the silence, the rumours and hateful comments and assumptions will keep on coming. To Jana, you are beautiful, smart and ready for the world. Make your own dreams come true, be true to yourself in love and life and do not let the world direct you, make your path for yourself.

  51. That's not very nice. She's got plenty of time to have some kids IF she wants them. Perhaps she has other aspirations. Why does noone see value in that? There are other options besides marrying young and having kids immediately. I hope these two are out getting life experiences!!

  52. Yes, finally a comment I can agree with! I hope they are following their dreams and if that doesn't involve getting married at this time, there is nothing wrong with that. Give these kids a chance to have other life experiences. There is so much more to life than just motherhood - she can go out, work, travel, and still have a family if she wants.

  53. Jana is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait until she is in a courtship! I also wish that she talked more on the show. :)

  54. i love the Duggars. I really love Jana as she is so serene, gentle, beautiful inside and out and will that lucky someone a truly wonderful wife. I would love to see her being courted before this year is up.


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