Thursday, August 14, 2014

Duggar Season Premiere in 18 Days!

New episodes of 19 Kids and Counting return to TLC in less than three weeks. Tune in at 9PM ET PT/8PM CT on Tuesday, September 2nd, to see what your favorite super-sized family has been up to.

Following Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard's exciting engagement finale on 19 Kids and Counting this spring, the new season picks up with the happy couple planning for their big day. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar start the emotional journey of giving away their first daughter in marriage, as Jill and Derick plan their rapidly approaching nuptials. From dress shopping to cake tasting, it's all hands on deck as the engaged pair prepare to say their "I dos" in front of more than 1,000 of their closest friends and family. But this happy occasion is bittersweet as the family starts to realize what giving away Jill will mean for their close-knit clan.

Also this season, Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald continue to grow closer, as their courtship takes an unexpected turn when Ben makes a move to live closer to Jessa. Jim Bob and Michelle celebrate 30 years of marriage as Jill and Derick prepare their new home together with the help of the family. The newly engaged couple also tends to Derick's mom, Cathy, as she bravely battles cancer. And after their first year in Washington, D.C., Josh and Anna Duggar and their three kids decide it may be time to make a few changes in their own growing family.

Leading up to the premiere, catch the Duggars reacting to encore airings of their favorite 19 Kids and Counting episodes as part of TLC's "Dishing with the Duggars." Beginning Monday, August 25, and airing weekdays from 1-3 PM ET PT/12-2 PM CT for three weeks, viewers can go back in time with one of America's largest families as they laugh together and reminisce about some of their favorite moments, from births and holidays to clothing choices and family vacations.


  1. What an adorable picture!!! Why is Ben in there if he and Jessa aren't engaged, though? After all, courtships don't always lead to marriage and if they don't end up getting married, it would be really awkward. I hope they get married, though!! And I couldn't find Mackynzie in the picture, except maybe a teeny sliver of her face at the very end (in which case, she is covered up :( ). I absolutely cannot wait for the season to start!!

    1. MacKenzie is between Josie and jordyn second to last

    2. I believe Mackynzie is at the back inbertween Josie and Jordyn.

    3. Ben and Jessa are engaged.

    4. Yep, I see her now. :) Ben and Jessa weren't engaged at the time of that photo, though!

  2. I can't wait for this season to begin!! It is sure to be the most exciting season of 19 kids thus far..I saw the promo for this season yesterday and it is gonna be a very emotional time for the duggar fam especially the parents Jim Bob and Michelle were both crying... I wonder what the rantings are gonna be for the big wedding episode, because the episode where Derrick proposed to Jill was the highest rated episode ever in 19kac history . So I imagine that the wedding episode will beat those ratings significantly.

  3. Yay!!!!!! I cant wait!!! I'm so excited!!! God Bless yall

  4. I am so excited for this, really love the show :) God bless y'all so much!

  5. I imagine the actual wedding episode will be the season finale :-(

  6. Awesome!!!!! Keep it coming!!!!!


  7. I hope this season is much more exciting and not as boring as last season.

  8. I can't wait! So excited!

  9. CANT WAIT!!!!!!

  10. awesome, will still upload them here?

  11. Beautiful family, why is Ben in the picture he is not part of the family.

  12. Ben wanted to make sure he was o n the picture, you can see that he is not shy at all Duggars watchout with him . He looks like he wants atention hmmmm.

  13. This is so exciting can not wait!! Thank you ladies for this cite! It's just the bees knees!! We are your fans just as much as the Duggars! Always Ya'lls from SouthEast Texas!

  14. Can't wait to see the wedding episode! God bless

  15. Probably won't be watching the show anymore since the "new love" likes to bash other traditional Christian faiths...I will pray for a change in their hearts

  16. I CANNOT wait for the new season!!! It look soooo exciting!!!! May God bless all of you from north east texas!

  17. . He is the oldest child in this family and I think Joshua should be pictured first in this particular photograph of the entire family line up

  18. I cannot wait. I thought last season was fun.

  19. Looks like they were trying to do height order, except Ben messed up the flow, lol. :)

  20. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 11,

    The episodes are not uploaded by us, but if/when they are available on YouTube, we will post the links.

    Lily and Ellie

  21. I dont like the new picture. Firstly, the kids are out of order. Which has led to confusion. Secondly, why is Ben even in the picture???!!! They arent married, as far as we know they are only courting. Even after Josh and Anna were married she was kicked out of a family picture. So how is it that Ben has weaseled his way in? KA-CHING!!

  22. I see they have gone with the red/blue color theme for the new season.

  23. I'm looking forward to this season. I wish they had done the picture in birth order though. I'm excited about Jill and Derrick but I like seeing what the entire family is up to. Also, if Ben made the cover I think there's definitely going to be an engagement at some point...It's just a matter of when.

  24. Lily and Ellie,

    Has Jim Bob said anything about the new blog by Ben Seewald's father? It just seemed so directed at Jim Bob. I don't agree with Mr Seewald using this passive aggressive way of airing his grievances. I think you should tell the person directly.

  25. Can't wait to see this new season. This season will have a lot of new things happening in the family. Also looking forward to seeing the wedding.

  26. Where has Josiah been? Seems he has been missing from many of the most recent family events.

    1. Josiah went to the ALERT academy I believe.

    2. Josiah has been sent off to ALERT, the boot camp style religious education training for ATI. I understand it's usually less than 6 weeks but his time has extended for the better part of the year.

  27. I really like this show. Don't like the new cover photo they have with Jill being in front. I guess this season will be all about Jill and Derek. Hope Ben pops the question soon. I think they need to show and tell more about the rest of the family. It's always about Josh and Anna or Jill and Derek and Ben n Jessa. I want to here about the other 16 children they have. Counting the days until the return

  28. Jim Bob and Michelle are such an attractive couple. In this picture they don't seem to be getting any older. Now they are looking healthy, tan, lively, happy, fit, & so on. They are so lovable!

  29. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 27,

    Josiah has been away at the International Alert Academy in Big Sandy, Texas.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  30. Super excited for the new season!!!

  31. Nice I hope Ben and Jessa get engaged and Anna and Jill are both expecting‼️😀😍😊

  32. I think Ben is in the picture because it's not a family photo, also, he will be a big part of this season that's why they had to have him in the picture.

  33. I heard that the show is only running through to November, what does this mean, is it only half a season?Will you two investigating ladies pleeeease try to find out for all of us fans?:-):-):-)Thanks a whole bunch!:-):-):-)

  34. Michelle will forever look young, she never ages.I wish she would let the girls style her hair modern though.No, I take that back, she should not change for anyone, JB loves her hair just as is and i guess thats what makes her unique.You go girl, rock that do!

  35. I have been under the impression that some of the older Duggars have been running their own businesses, learning new skills, taking college courses on line. I would like to hear more about that type of thing. Instead of having Ben looking love sick all the time, I'd like to hear about his business and any college classes. The family is very interesting and there's more to them than who is in courtship with whom. . . . .

  36. Really curious to see what Josh's family has decided, that is so life-changing, or whatever... :) Can't wait to hear all the news, and see wedding details, and courting details too. ; )

  37. I think Ben is in the picture because He is going to appear on the show and that's understandable.

  38. What is this "ALERT" academy? Is it recognized by the United States Military or Red Cross? I don't think it's anything really official at all, just like all the other "work" and "training" that this family does. I believe it's a religious/Christian training camp to train young males to fight and defend in a religious war. Is that right? If this family is so interested in physical training and those skills, why didn't this family allow their sons , Joseph and Josiah, to enlist in the real military. They will at least received accredited training and possible have a real career path with benefits that is recognized by this country? Not being mean here, just asking the real question. Thank You

  39. The film crew probably asked Ben to be in the picture! Look at the Bates new family pic they have courting couples in it!

  40. I think Jill and Derrick are just the sweetest cutest couple. A month ago I was so excited for the new season to start and although I don't have all the same beliefs as the Duggars, I supported them! Now, I just dont know if I want to watch anymore. As a Catholic, I was shocked and hurt by Bens words that he "will not support Catholics and will call them out" amongst other incorrect accusations. Nothing more has been said by Ben or the rest of the Duggars regarding this so I have to assume that they believe there is nothing wrong with what was said and continue to believe it. Therefore, I am finding it difficult to continue watching.

  41. To Michelle I want to congratulate you on your beautiful family. I've been married for eighteen years and have been pregnant nine times and have carried to eight and a half months. I ha 've no living children and it's heartbreaking. We choose love over anger and know that god has his reasons why. It hurts but we celebrate with all parents who are blessed. I know some people might question why you have so many. I believe it's because you have more than enough love to give. You are blessed and I thank you for sharing your story it's inspiring. I have faith that one day God's plan will be revealed. Good luck and god bless you all!

  42. I am sure Ben is going to be a big part of this seasons espisodes, so therefore why shouldn't he be included?
    I love the new cover. Besides, I bet Ben and Jessa are already engaged.

  43. Jessa is engaged to Ben! It's on!

  44. Is jessa engaged????????????????????????? plz make it clear

  45. Cant wait!! Love the Duggars!! <3

  46. Jessa is engaged! I just saw an article on the People Magazine website.

  47. Jessa got engaged to Ben last night!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. We can hardly see Kynzie and Josie but we get Ben!?

    And Mr.Seewalds (bens father) blog post has totally made me see why Jim-Bob is so protective of his daughters! I hope some one brings that to his attention .

  49. JESSA AND BEN ARE ENGAGED!?!?!?!?!?! They're soooo young!

  50. Such a cute picture! Can't wait to see Jill and Derek's wedding! I love this family and I'm very happy to have a wholesome reality show to watch..I've seen every episode! For those that were asking about McKenzie, shes at the end of the line with the other little girls, between Jordyn and Josie. Another side observation about Ben...people seem to either really love him or really hate him! It's interesting to read the comments about him.

  51. has just confirmed that Jessa Duggar is engaged!

  52. You do know Ben and Jessa are engaged as of last night, right!? YAAAYY!!!!!


  54. I very like this is show, in the new season before!!!! Excellent the Duggar Family!!! Derick and Jill are specials and also with Ben and Jessa are good luck!!!

  55. Just heard Jessa and Ben got engaged last night. How awesome for them! Congratulations!!

  56. @Anonymous

    Umm, Mackynzie is in plain sight with the little girls at the end.

  57. They're engaged!!

  58. When are you going to post something about Jessa and Ben's engagement?

  59. @Anonymous Sooner than you think!! Wink Wink. Expecting to see a blog post update any minute now.

  60. I like the new picture of the family but not sure why Jim Bob & Michelle aren't in it and Ben is?!

  61. Hey Lily and Ellie Jessa and Ben are engaged. Did you know about that?

  62. Ben and Jessa are engaged!

  63. AHHHHHHH I JUST READ THEY GOT ENGAGED LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm the one who wondered why Ben was in the picture if they weren't engaged, but now I know!!! However, I wonder how they knew to put him in if he hadn't proposed yet... even if he had already asked Jim Bob, wouldn't Jessa have been a little suspicious of them letting her boyfriend be in the picture? Anyways, I am beyond excited for these two! AHHHHHHHHHH YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! :D


  65. Ben and Jessa ARE engaged!!! The Duggars finally announced it this morning! :-D

  66. Not crazy about this picture. Ben should not be in it until after the marriage. D & J should not be on front. TLC did not do a wise pic IMO. That said I am looking forward to the new season!

  67. Seeing how Ben and Jessa are engaged I don't see a problem with him being in the pic. I agree with Ben's dad and he may have voiced his concerns to JimBob so let's not jump to any conclusions.

  68. It looks like the picture may have been cropped with the wrong face on mackynzie. If you count there are 19 kids plus the three grandkids and ben, anna and derick.

  69. Wish I could watch in Australia :(

  70. Ben is engaged to Jessa now guys!! Just look at the blog site!!!!!

  71. Very exciting season!!

  72. All of you are just such a narrow minded, opinionated form of people.

  73. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 34,

    "19 Kids and Counting" will return September 2nd and run into November. As of now, there are no plans to cancel the show, so that would mean a break of a few months before it would start back up again.

    Lily and Ellie

  74. Can someone move Jana to the front of the line? I would really enjoy hearing more about her, whether it be a career, a courtship, a ministry, whatever. It is just sad she is always a backburner story.

  75. Love the Duggars! I hope and pray they are doing well! I always wish to meet them some day! Visit N.C some time Duggars!!!!!


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