Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Recap: The Proposal

On tonight's season finale episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "The Proposal"...
  • While Jill is attending a birth, a nervous Derick asks for Jim Bob’s blessing  for Jill’s hand in marriage.
  • “Do you feel like you all have gotten to know each other sufficiently, and you have similar goals, and how would you provide for her?”  Jim Bob questions. 
  • “Actually, I had a job offer last week that I’m in the process of beginning and starting” Derick replies.
  • Jim Bob gives his blessing, and Derick starts planning a special engagement for Jill.
  • Josh and Anna and their kids meet up with the rest of the family for the official kick off of the Growing Up Duggar book tour at Good Morning America in New York City.  
  • Unfortunately, on the morning of their first TV appearance, Michael wakes up sick. "When we are traveling and one of us gets sick, you might as well call the center for disease control because there probably will be an epidemic real soon," quips Josh. Luckily, only a couple of the kids get sick.
  • Before leaving New York City, Michelle and the older girls go for a walk and stumble upon a bridal shop.  Jill tries on a dress, but Jessa has a different idea: "My perspective is, 'I’m not going to try on wedding dresses until I’m engaged, because I just think what's the use?'  So when I get a ring on my finger, then I’ll start trying on wedding dresses."
  • While the family is in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, Derick calls Jill and invites her on a lunch date when she returns from the book tour. Jana and Joy come along as chaperones.  Jill knows something is up but is not sure exactly what. 
  • After lunch and a short walk to the square, a guy on a bench asks Jill and Derick if they like music and if they want to hear a song he wrote that reminds him of them. The guy on the bench is Walker Hayes,  a country singer/songwriter.  He sings them a song about their relationship.
  • When the song ends, Derick gets down on one knee and says: “It would be an honor to serve God with you for the rest of my life. Jill Duggar will you marry me?"
  • Jill quickly answers, “yes, totally.”
  • Jill and Derick return home to break the exciting news to Derick’s mom and the Duggar clan.
  • “This will be a new season for our whole family to say goodbye to one of the girls and to be excited for them that they are starting their own home and just really looking forward to the future," says Michelle. "There is a lot to be thankful for and a lot to be excited about."


  1. Song and entire proposal got me speechless! Beautiful! Wishing you two the very best :-)

  2. I normally come to this site just to catch up on the Duggar’s. However, after tonight’s episode, I felt led to post a comment.
    I was so moved by Derek’s proposal that I was brought to tears. My daughter was also watching the show with me and she was touched as well.
    We pray the Lord will bless Derek and Jill’s union exceedingly abundantly more than they could ask or think. In Jesus’ Name.

  3. June 21st is my birthday and i'm so happy its the date Derick and Jill are getting married.

  4. Congratulations!!!! May God bless you and keep you!!

  5. I am very happy for the both of them, And thankyou for inviting us into you home.
    Bev Dickson Saskatoon Saskatchewan , Canada

  6. Congratulations, may God keep you and bless you as your family transitions into the next step in life.

  7. The proposal was so sweet! I was crying my eyes out! I can not wait for their wedding in 16 days!!

  8. So, Jill is changing Derick to her liking already? He is using HER Aussie hairspray, which, BTW, is a woman's hairspray and doing his hair the way she likes it. I can see this seemingly obedient girl/woman implementing the Duggar rules in Derick's household already. Watch out Derick.

    1. Ha ha ha your post madee laugh so hard. Thanks for that, it really lightened up my day!

  9. That's so cool that TLC is airing it. I was just wondering, Lily and Ellie, how you are connected-to/know the Duggar family. I was reading some of your older posts, and you were with them at their home. So, any chance you could tell me?

  10. It may not have been the smoothest proposal, but it was so sweet to see their love and joy. I got teary watching it. Can't wait to see the wedding! I hope they don't make us wait toooo long to see it.

  11. Ugh! I cried tears of joy watching the season finale! It was so precious! I'm sure I'll be blubbering watching the wedding, too. Lol Congrats Jill and Derrick!

  12. Aw, can't wait to see this episode online soon! :) What a sweet proposal! And I wonder what the dress looked like that Jill tried on.

  13. can't wait to watch it today!!!!!!

  14. I've been watching from the beginning and this was hands down my favorite episode ever!!!! That was an amazing proposal! You could really feel the love between Jill and Derick.

  15. Congratulations to the sweet couple! Hands down, Derick wins the award for best proposal ever!

  16. I was so excited!!!!! I almost cried when Derick proposed!!!

  17. Do you happen to know what season and episode number this is??

  18. Congrats on the engagement!!!
    I have a prayer request that God's will be done. I feel the calling to be a mother. My husband and I have been married for 8 yrs. We have had one pregnancy end in a miscarriage at 12 weeks and another as a chemical pregnancy. We currently have adopted embryos to give them a chance at life. Again, I want to do God's will. I would appreciate prayers that it will be done :) thank you!!

  19. such a beautiful couple! I loved the show last night.... I think TLC should not underestimate their viewers so much by twisting the timeline of events around to make things look like they happened in a certain order but thats not your issue. Many blessings on the annointed couple.

  20. I love this family!!!

  21. Best reply to a proposal ever! I hope their marriage is successful and full of love.

    It's nice to see that Derick is close with his mother, but I was wondering where his father/stepfather was, though. Hope he got to share in the engagement joy, too.

    I'm also glad that Jill will be marrying into a less conservative, although still Christian, family. I think that will be good for her with regard to having a career as a midwife and perhaps help her become comfortable with the idea of waiting for children.

  22. Gosh I wish I had cable just so I could watch the show in real time! Jill has always struck me as an incredibly compassionate and merciful girl, I'm so happy for her.

  23. @Anonymous
    Derick's step father was sitting in the back at Derick's house. His biological father passed away when Derick was young.

  24. Congratulations & best wishes as you begin this new & exciting season of your lives. God bless! I thank you & your family for many hours of uplifting entertainment.

  25. Great song! I hope they record it for sale! I cried!

  26. Best proposal, hands down! Derick is incredibly creative! So sweet! Happy for them!

  27. @Anonymous @Anony. 22---His father has passed away :(

  28. Beautiful proposal...love the song...he's had some other songs that the Duggars would not approve!!! The staged trip to the bridal salon I think was awkward for everyone involved...Jill was a good sport about it!

  29. What a beautiful beginning!!!! God bless them both. --Love in Christ, C. H. Duggar fan from Oklahoma

  30. Beautiful proposal. It actually brought tears to my eyes, which seemed improbable me, and yet there I was tearing up as wonderful, sincere, young man asked this sweet young lady to marry him. I also loved the song. When I first realized that he was planning a song as part of the proposal, I was cringing a bit, thinking it might be cheesy. BUT I LOVED IT!! It was a great song, just perfect!! Also, thought the musicians were terrific, and really liked the singer's voice plus he has a very cool singing style. Well done Derick!!! WOW! Found Derick's interactions with his mother to be so tender and heartwarming. You can tell a lot about a man watching him interact with his mother. I could see her tearing up as she helped him prepare and I thought I would be feeling the same way if I were in her shoes. Her comment about wanting to take a picture like she did on the first day of school really so touching.

  31. The hairspray habit is understandable and Jill is not the only one imprinted by a parent. Everyday of her life Jill's Dad used hairspray to keep his hair in place, so it is understandable that Jill would like Derick to be the same. It was surprising to me that Jill is similar in physical appearance to Derick's mom and his mom is a strong intelligent woman like Jill.

  32. @Kelley Wagner
    Season 8 Episode 12
    However, Amazon has it listed under Season 13.

  33. The song was just beautiful and so amazing! I need to get that song! Loved last night's episode! Such a beautiful proposal.

  34. I was so touched by the way these two people treat each other as so special and precious. I think most of the world can not understand that anymore. It seems corny to our hardened eyes. But if spouses saw each other as precious gifts from God, we'd all be a lot better off. It's certainly Derrick and Jill's decision when to start a family but I don't see them waiting. What people don't realize is, this family loves children. That's not something to "overcome" or grow out of. They are blessed by this love they have and don't want to avoid having a family. But back to the point, God's blessing on both of you, Jill and Derrick.

  35. The episode is on YouTube. The channel in 19 Kids and Counting Series 5

  36. Such a gorgeous episode! Totally teary-eyed!

    On a separate note, interesting that Jessa wasn't wearing her purity ring...

  37. Probably my favorite episode ever. Loved it!

  38. I thought it was so cute how she added"totally!" after she said yes!! :D

  39. I like how Derick is a real person who actually stumbles over words sometimes. This is part of why I like this show.

  40. Amanda, I will most certainly pray for you. I was married for 17 years before my precious son, who is now 16 years old, was born. I suffered from Endometriosis, which causes infertility, and he truly was a miracle baby! I had never heard of embryo adoption until I read your comment, and I think it is wonderful that you and your husband are pursuing this option. I cannot tell you that God will allow this embryo to develop and grow, but I can tell you that He will definitely bless you for living your life so unselfishly, and in such a life-affirming way. God bless you, and your family - whatever size it turns out to be. Mary Frances


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