Monday, April 21, 2014

Duggar #12 Turns 14

Wishing Jason Duggar a
Happy 14th Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Jason. I can't believe you're 14 already. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends.

  2. Happy Birthday, Jason!

  3. Happy Birthday Jason. You're growing up so fast.

  4. 14 wow! :) Happy Birthday Jason! :D

  5. Congrats Jason !!!!!:-) :-) :-) :-)

  6. Happy Birthday Jason!! Hope you have a wonderful one with your family!

  7. Happy Birthday Jason!!! when did you get braces?

  8. Happy Birthday, Jason!

  9. I hope this kid has a wonderful birthday which includes one on one time with his parents, sans buddy.

  10. He's starting to look like Josiah :) Happy birthday

  11. Happy Birthday Jason

  12. Happy Birthday Jason! You have grown so fast!

  13. Hope you have a very happy birthday Jason!

  14. So nice the way you girls highlight each family member on his or her birthday. Happy Birthday Jason :) Hope you have a great day!

  15. Happy birthday Jason

  16. Happy birthday Jason. Be yourself. Keep making people laugh and live life:) I hope you have a great day.

  17. Happy Birthday I hope you have a wonderful day :-)

  18. Hi Ellie and Lily,
    Just found Wedding Bells Episode in Youtube
    God bless ;)

  19. Just wanted to let you know last weeks episode is on youtube!


  20. Hey Lily and Ellie,
    The wedding bells episode is on youtube.
    Uploaded by blueBubblegumRox

  21. Happy Birthday Jason!!!!!! Hope you have a great day! Cant believe your 14 already!! I remember watching the shows when you where real little!!!

  22. It sure does look like Anna and Josh are pregnant by looking at the picture in front of the vault.

  23. I share a birthday with Jason Duggar! Cool! :)

  24. Lily and Ellie, I'm wondering what this blog is kinda all about. :) Do the Duggars know about you and send you all their latest family happenings? or is it just a completely fan page?

  25. Happy 14th Birthday Jason!

  26. Happy birthday Jason I really like your family's show

  27. Happy birthday jason

  28. happy birthday I hope you have a wonderful day

  29. happy birthday Jason wish you so many more

  30. I have a 12 yr. Old daughter who admires this family,she has such a kind,soft heart and it hurts her feelings when she reads horrible untru statements about the family,sometimes she cries because it hurts her so much. However,I have never said one negative thing about this family, I do stick up for them and try to correct the false statements or sometimes voice my displeasure with the negative people who are hurtful.It serves no purpose to post critical things about their appearance and so fourth.So when i see that my irritated comments to the meanies go unposted i wonder why thats ok not to show, I'm not starting a fight , i just cant sit back anymore and read such venom and constantly seeing the same old statements day after day.Now i know the nonfans will say"dont let her on this site if it bothers you so." I say why should we have to look somewhere else when this is the only safe site , we know that there will be no filth or profane material, however there seems to be quite a bit of poor taste making it. through these days.Why do the nonfans even visit this site when there is more trashy sites to suit there taste.I beg you all, pleeease play nice, try it , it feels good for your soul.Sincerely, Piper and Ainsley

  31. Happy birthday Jason!!! You are such a wonderful big brother and are truly blessed with a servants heart.I pray for you and your beautiful family everyday.Hope your day was fun.

  32. @AnonymousIts a family tradition for each child to have a one on one with mom and dad, sans a buddy or anyone else.

  33. The picture in front of the vault is clearly an older picture.

  34. Anonymous at 405, that's an old picture from when Anna was pregnant with Marcus

  35. Happy Birthday Jason! Shalyn & family

  36. Happy Birthday Jason!!!

  37. @Hannelore Farrell
    You are right. She was pregnant with Marcus. That pict was taken last year. :)

  38. Omg 14- wow! He's my age and he's a cutie:) 2nd pic he looks like Josiah!!!!!:)

  39. I am 14 today also - but I'm a girl!! I am a HUUUUUGE Duggar fan and I'm very glad that someone is not afraid to practice their religion openly. (I am an evolutionist/reincarnationist, but I totally respect their creationist opinions.)

  40. @Hannelore Farrell That picture was taken a long time ago when she was expecting one of her other children (Probably Micheal)

  41. anonymous 34's comment,, Michelle stated that it is their family tradition to take the birthday one to lunch with them and invite their buddy along.

  42. Josiah seems to be a very nice young man. I wish him well and I sincerely hope his parents allow him to pursue his career interest, accounting in a real school. It is a shame that he would even need permission from them to seek study in his field of interest. Not everyone is meant to be self employed and work blue collar jobs. Not that there is anything wrong with a blue collar job, workers with this talent are to be admired too, but Josiah doesn't seem to be interested in that type of activity for his life's work. I hope his parents view this post and allow him and all the adult children to pursue THEIR talents and interests in a career.... the girls included,, and it doesn't have to be childbirth for them... they can do whatever they aspire to do.

  43. Not everyone should be blue collar and Josh sure is not. If you pick a random sample of 19 people who live in that area are you going to fuss when only one of them are white collar? Most people do not own their own business, so they are not average. The majority of workers are blue collar. What if everyone who thought about being a mechanic decided to be accountants instead?

    Their parents do not need to force them into a career and neither does anyone else.

  44. I watched the YouTube of Erin Bates's wedding -- thank you for uploading. It seems like that thing is happening to Jinger which has happened to all the Duggar girls -- she is getting prettier all the time. I highly recommend the girls' new book, "Growing Up Duggar". It is super well written and explains a great deal how they see their own upbringing. Everyone will find something here or there that they might not agree with, but taken as a whole it is amazingly inspirational as to how rich a heritage it is to be raised with God as the center of your life from the earliest days.

    1. Happy bday Jason !!! Since you are the closest duggar in age to me I look up to you a lot!!! U r awesome!!! Have a good bday:)

  45. Sorry this is really late but happy birthday and the cool thing is I turned 14 on the 20 of April I'm one day older aha but that still doesn't bother on how much I like you your pretty cool might I say and it would be nice to meet up and hang with you and your family for a day or two or even a week I am such a big fan of you and your family good luck!!


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