Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Photos from Josiah's Grad Party

Yesterday's new episode of 19 Kids and Counting featured Josiah's high school graduation. Here are some snapshots from the event, which, according to Jim Bob, was the biggest Duggar party ever.

 Jordyn Duggar

 Jinger Duggar and Jana Duggar

 Joy-Anna Duggar

 Jennifer Duggar

 Josiah Duggar's super-sized graduation cake

 Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar

 Josiah Duggar, age 17

 Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar show a slideshow in honor of Josiah

 The Duggar kids perform music at Josiah's graduation

Jana Duggar and Jinger Duggar entertain the crowd

 A Duggar-sized orchestra

 Joy-Anna and several of the Duggar kids watch the ceremony
from the balcony overlooking the living room

Josiah sent out 300 invitations, and 400 guests showed up

 Jim Bob and Michelle share memories from Josiah's early years

Jana Duggar prepares to serve the guests


  1. Ben can't leave Jessa alone….but it's sweet!

  2. Great pictures. The duggars are so good at entertaining. On another note Anna's sister (Priscilla) is expecting their 2nd child and due in nov.

  3. josiah duggar does not look happy? did he and jim bod make up yet?

    1. WHAT???? What happened? Were they in a fight?

  4. Is there anyway to watch a video of Jinger and Jana playing piano?

  5. When is the video coming out here?

  6. I"m happy for this nice young man that he graduated "something", but I don't remember any of the other kids getting anything for completing homeschool. Why did this kid get a party with more guests that the average wedding reception? Something's just not usual here.

    1. I remember seeing them celebrate graduations before I think the reason this seems over the top is because Josiah invited 300 people! And I guess 400 showed up.

  7. Of course, there's Jana doing all the work again,,, she even has to cut and serve her brother's cake. Why doesn't JimBob or Michelle do that? Aren't they the host and hostess of this event?

    1. I agree-certainly Michelle can do something other than talk about babies.

    2. Dont pass judgment on Michelle, you only see a small window of their have no idea how much she does or doesnt do. I'm sure Jana volunteered to cut the cake. Children who've been raised right like to help out. I loved helping my mother and she didn't force it on me. Michelle is an awesome mom and person :-) Stacy~

  8. Replies
    1. Ya make up for what? Please don't say somthing that no one els knows about unless ur going to explain it thanks.

  9. @Anonymous
    Maybe Jana volunteered to help? The Duggars teach their children to be servants.

  10. Ben and Jessa look like there just friends. How is this courtship? The parents are making such a big deal of them not holding hands when there not ready to.

  11. Anonymous at 533, yes if u have watched the show for several years you would be able to see that they have graduation celebrations for all their children. Not just certain ones as you are applying.

  12. I'm sure Jana loved cutting the cake and serving it. That's what Christian are like. They enjoy serving others, I know I do.

  13. Just looking at Duggar pics and wondering about their modesty policy. Okay so I thought that Mrs Duggar said that exposing the knee was immodest? If they in fact do state that then why are the girls skirts & dresses so short? My parents tell me if a skirt doesn't drape over your knees it is immodest. Looking at Duggar pictures I can see why my mom would say that. My lil brother said You can practically see up their skirts!

  14. All of them above josiah have graduated highschool. And i know most of them have had parties if not all. Considering they all have different personalities and dont all want such a large party. Theres one picture of Jana cutting cake. If you were to watch the episode youd see all of them working. Lets not be simple minded.

  15. I get so tired of peoples snide remarks about the Duggars! If u can't appreciate their Christian values and wholesomeness.....pls go somewhere else.Are y'all just jealous and don't know how to handle it?Elizabeth J.

  16. All the kids have had graduation ceremonies. I think this was the biggest, but they've all had ceremonies. I'm not sure all of them have been filmed though. There are some pictures of the other ceremonies on the Duggar family's official website.

  17. Jana DOES SO MUCH!!!! Does she really get any credit for how much of a cornerstone she is to the running of the family? Someone throw Jana a party.

  18. I have so enjoyed watching this family grow over the years. Where do you ladies get all the photos? Also I have noticed their change in clothing style as the years have gone on - did that happen because they are on tv or just because the girls got older and had more of an opinion?

  19. I love you and admire your commitment to God and Family. The only hope for this world is strong family units. It will be so exciting to see you in the Eternities. I know our Heavenly Father's Plan is to have families together forever and you will get a chance to raise your little one that died. What a blessing. Thanks again . You make me happy for you and hopeful for what is possible for others.

  20. Congratulations Josiah!!!! Duggar family, please stay strong in the face of adversity in a world that makes "old fashioned values" (and I say that with love) a bad thing and works to demonize everything. I cannot tell you how much love and thankfulness I have in my heart for this family and the helpfulness, compassion, and mission minded way their lives are led. We need more families like you who are not afraid to be called weird, extreme, or wrong because you stick to what God has lead you to do biblically. Misery loves company and people don't often like what they don't understand. As for me and my family we will love and praise the Lord and I thank you for being inspiration and a good example for us.

  21. so cute... :-)
    you have happy family,
    i love that :-)

  22. Made up? What does that mean? Nothing wrong with Jana helping. My mom is the youngest of 9 , at all family gatherings we all had to chip in and help !

  23. I hope that when Jill and Jessa leave the Duggar household that it draws Jana and Jinger even closer as friends and sisters. IIRC they shared a mattress on the floor at the Cornish house in Little Rock. But, I don't see them interact on the show at all. Also, what a great pic of Jennifer. I wonder if Jill is responsible for her looking so adorable.

  24. I don't get it. Although I'm happy for Josiah that his parents did something nice for him, why did he merit such a shindig for completing 12th grade when none of the other ones got a party at all? I wish someone would explain that.

  25. Joy-Anna looks so much like Jessa on the picture on the balcony

  26. Did Jim Bob and Josiah have a falling out? I can't tell and people keep saying on the comments they are mad at each other?

  27. This is a question for Ellie not really about the Duggars: Do you or have you been home schooled?

  28. LOVE the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw the NEW duggar episode yesterday!!! LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!

  29. The serve god and thats what matters

  30. @Anonymous

    The Duggars celebrate the high school graduation of all of their children, just not every celebration has been aired on TLC. We don't see *every* aspect of their lives, so it's unfair to make the assumption that they are playing favorites or something. Also, they specifically mentioned in the episode that Josiah is a big people person and they allowed him to invite whomever he wanted and he happened to invite a LOT of people! This isn't the norm for them because all of their kids are different, as they should be! :)

  31. I thought you were going to post new pics of the family soon.

  32. Anon 7, each duggar kid gets a graduation party. How many people they invite is up to them.

    Anon 8, maybe Jana volunteered? Some people find joy in serving others. We used to know a man who would stop by our house and start hand washing dishes we'd never asked hin. He just liked to do it was we talked. Some people are jutl

  33. * some people are just like that. (Ack! Silly typo's)

  34. I believe that all the Duggar children pulled some weight for this party. There is no way 2 people could pull off hosting a party of that size unless they hired a company to help. I don't understand why everyone gets so crabby when this wonderful family pulls together to make things work.

  35. This episode has been uploaded to youtube!!

    thanks. sarah

  36. The episode is on YouTube now! :)

  37. Hi Ellie and Lily,
    Here I found another episode for you all :)

  38. Episodes from graduation and surprise are now on YouTube.

  39. You can watch it on youtube!!

  40. I am confused... why didnt any other child get a party like this??? And this episode was so short and boring...?

  41. @Anonymous The Duggars have a graduation party for everyone of their kids when they graduate but this time more people went because Josiah invited EVERYONE he has ever know since he was little. There is nothing "not usual" about this!

  42. They do get a diploma and Michelle makes all her kids get there GED as well eveb though its not required in there state

  43. the new episode is up on youtube!

  44. Seriously? In our family, we all pitch in when and where's called being a family. She is cutting a cake...big deal. And they have had graduation presentations and parties for all the kids that have graduated. Why do people even follow this blog or show if you dont like this family?

  45. I an only hope that Ben and Jessa are friends. I cannot imagine marrying someone that I am not friends with. The idea is to be friends before courtship.

    I think the shorter skirts just proves that they let their kids make decisions on their own. And even if Michelle has changed her mind a bit what does that matter? Are they not allowed to change?

  46. If they have modified any of their beliefs or fashion, they haven't commented on it to my knowledge. Many of us get our info from them during their TV show "interview" time. This show has been on 10 years, and I have yet to see or hear exactly what motherly/housekeeping duties are Michelle's. I'm not judging this woman, just giving my opinion about how it has seemed to appear consistently for a decade now.

    I wish someone would give poor Jana a well deserved vacation at Club Med so she can relax and enjoy herself, oh, wait, NIKE!!

  47. I think the comment about the skirt hemlines was mentioned because Michelle has made such a big deal about her "modern modest" fashionmindedness, that when a change is noticed, she/or the girls should really comment on it if there was a change of mind on that one. I don't think the comment was meant to be negative, just surprising. I have to say, I agree with the comment; I was surprised too and would like an update from them on their mode of dress.

  48. in pic number 2 Jinger looks so tall how tall is she??

  49. When is the next pregnancy?

  50. The writing on Josiah's cake was sooo tiny! LOL

  51. I love to there videos.Godbless them.Duggars.

  52. I, for one, would like to hear from Jim Bob's mother as to the background info on how SHE lived; ie, she obviously didn't subscribe to this lifestyle; she worked, OUTSIDE the home, was that a sin now? Why did she enroll Jim Bob in a strict Christian school? Is this where he started his crusade? I wonder just what she thinks of her son's family's lifestyle, really? Does she wear pants and do they think it's wrong of her to do so, if she does? I don't think she will say anything unflattering in public about her son, the best she has said, is that she didn't think if was a good time in life for them to start a farm... and she did talk to JB about trashing the memory of her husband/his father.. good of her to do so. Why does she continue to live with them and stand all day doing their laundry, whey she owns a home of her own? She is in her 70s, and all that noise can't be good for her in life right now, I know my mother preferred the quiet of her own home when she lived with me for a short time with young children and she loved children. Just needed the quiet, and organization of her own place...I'm sure she dated her husband, found him and chose him herself to marry, what does she think of Jim Bob's control over the granddaughters? Does she remember how restraining it was for women decades ago and they prayed for some say over their own lives? How women died in continuous childbirth and prayed for some ability to regulate their own fertility? What does she hope for her grandchildren? She is a font of information, and does she need her SON's permission to speak candidly and frankly?

  53. I feel like jessa and Ben look/act ackward around each other. They don't seem comfortable at all.

  54. @AnonymousOf course things changed. When the show first started they made a point of making sure all the kids dressed alike when they were out. People thought that took away the kids personality and associated the look with a cult so now the kids don't all wear the same clothes when in public.

  55. Congrats on your high school Josiah. Good luck and God bless you in your future endeavors.

  56. Congratulations Josiah!!


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