Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Duggar Engaged: Exclusive Photos

Nine days after announcing  the courtship of Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard, which began in November, the Duggars have another big announcement to make. Jill and Derick are engaged!

Now that the couple is engaged, they have begun holding hands. 

"I feel like I'm dreaming," Derick told People Magazine. "It was great to grab her hand for the first time."

"I am so happy," Jill told People. "Our story is so very unique. The first time we talked, he was in Japan, we met in Nepal, he spent time in India and Israel and then came back to Arkansas where he met my family. We have a very international story even though we live so close."

Derick purchased the ring while visiting Israel in January and popped the question at the end of March.


  1. That's is wonderful! I wonder if Jessa were to get engaged if they would do a double wedding

  2. Congratulations! I love your family so much and so proud of the testimony you have for our Savior. I am anxious to hear when the wedding date will be. Your mom and dad have done such a good job raising you. God bless you and may God continue to bless and use you in His service.

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Congrats! My prayers for the start of a beautiful love story!

  5. So exciting! I wish them the best in their years to come together! I must say though I thought Jessa would get engaged first! :)

  6. Beautiful ring and gorgeous couple! Congratulations! So happy for you two!

  7. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you two. You make a happy couple :)

  8. Congratulations! Wishing you much happiness!

  9. I was so surprised!!!! I always thought Jill would get marry first, but when she started courting after Jessa I thought for sure Jessa would get married first. Derick is older than Ben though, so it would be assumed that Jill would marry first. Poor Mr. Duggar!

  10. Wow, she's engaged before Jessa:o I wonder if its going to be a double wedding?

  11. Congratulations Jill and Derick!!!!

  12. Ahhhh!! I literally squealed out loud! So excited for Jill and Derick!!!

  13. I had a feeling you two would be engaged First. I'm so happy for you BOTH and your families too of course.

  14. Congratulations Jill and Derick!! Ya'll are soooooo sha! Im excited for ya'll!!!! :)

  15. So exiting: ) thanks for have a great testimony of purity: ) God bless

  16. Congrats! I'm so happy for them

  17. I saw this story first linked on my yahoo mail page. I read it of course, and scrolled down to the comments. I cannot believe how ugly people are. I am truly astounded and the vitriol people spew over the computer. For what? Young love? Because they do things differently? Sheesh. Anyways, congratulations to the couple. Jill Dillard. lol very cute fitting last name.

  18. So so neat!!! May the Lord cause His countenance to be lifted upon these two. Many blessings to you.

  19. Congratulations, Jill and Derick!! Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness :)

  20. Your family is such an insperation for me i have had so many hard times in my life that i didnt know what to do thank you for being who you are and sharing with all of us sincerly angela dawn guilbeau

  21. I've been a fan of the Duggars since watching Josh & Anna get engaged! Seeing another Duggar get engaged is so exciting. It's so refreshing to see real love on TV! Glad to have also found your blog a few weeks ago!

  22. Oh WOW!! Congratulations guys! How exciting:))

  23. Any idea when they will get married?

  24. Wonderful!!!! CONGRATULATIONS and God Bless!!

  25. I'll admit that they are cute. Also Derick seems like he's in a much better place than Ben to support a wife and family. Based on the Duggar culture, it's not like Jessa and Ben could get married and wait a few years to establish themselves before making some grandduggars.Congrats!

  26. Such exciting news! What a beautiful couple. May God bless them as they start their lives together serving the Lord!

  27. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know when the wedding will be?

  28. Yay! So happy for Jill!!!!

  29. Awesome! what a surprise to see it on Facebook:) Were they engaged before it was announced they were courting?
    I'm so happy for them!

  30. Eek I am so excited for you guy. Congratulations Jill and Derick!!!!!! :)

  31. This is so awesome! I am so happy for them both!!!!

  32. FELICIDADES!!!!!! Que bendición, se que ese matrimonio será guiado de la mano de Dios. Muchas bendiciones

    Aida Sánchez from República Dominicana

  33. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Congratulations!! I have watched your show for many years and thoroughly the Duggar family. Your values, beliefs and growing family are refreshing and positive in this world. Jim Bob and Michelle have done an excellent job with all of their children and are reaping the benefits of staying true to their beliefs. I hope the weddings will be filmed and shared, but completely understand if you keep it private.

  35. Congrats, incredible news for both of them...

  36. Yaaaaaaaay!!! I knew it! When I saw one of their pictures on Instagram (duggarfam), I had the impression they were holding hands, but the picture was strategically cutted in order to hide their hands! I'm so happy for them, they are the perfect match!

  37. 4/9/14' - Wed. @12:36p.

    For Jill & Derick,

    Congrats! I was just watching your show last night. I was not expecting to hear that you got engaged so your dream came true!! Once again, Congrats!!

    For Jessa & Ben,

    Enjoy your courtship!! :)

    ****It is nice to hold hands during the relationship. It is the best to protect your body (not touching the physcial before marriage, it is what I mean). I wish I had learned the "perfect" upbringing of sacred things in life. (I mean the way you were raised by your parents about being pure) I was pregnant with my daughter at that time and I wasn't married then. NOT A GOOD IDEA!! Of course, I regret about it. However, I always HAVE believed in GOD that the children are so PRECIOUS and a gift from God. So, please stay true to yourself...being pure and listen to your parents's teachings. Of course, we all say...."The Best Policy is telling the TRUTH".

    So, congrats to you all and best of luck!!!! For Jill, enjoy the planning of your wedding and I hope to see you getting married on tv like Josh and Anna!! It is so inspiring to watch the wedding!!!!!!

    GOD BLESS YOU === ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Linda M. McGrory
    Wilmington, Delaware

  38. Oh my gosh, that must have been burning a hole in his pocket while he waited to ask! :-)

    Lily and Ellie, you both do this site, right? Thank you for being positive and kind about the family.

  39. So-o-o very happy for Jill!!! Wishing both Derick and Jill the Lord's richest blessings, as they set out on this new adventure in life! Such a blessing to watch as they put the Lord first, and dedicate their lives to Him! May the Lord bless you both!

  40. Oh my goodness! I really thought it was Jenna but I am so very happy for you Jill

  41. Congrats, wishing you many years of bliss !!

  42. congratulations!!!! Such happy news!!! your whole family is a wonderful example to the world. Wishing you many blessings.

  43. Congratulations!! So happy for you two!

  44. Congratulations to Jill and Derick and wishing them much happiness.

  45. sweet story and congrats! many blessings and keep us all up to date!

  46. Congrats to both of them. I wish them well.

  47. I am so grateful that I did not marry the first few guys I "fell in love with". I hope this works for Jill.

  48. So excited for them!!

  49. Patricia KoppelaarApril 9, 2014 at 1:32 PM

    congratulations and beautiful ring :) have fun planning for your big day. do you have a date set

  50. How sweet! God bless Jil and Derick.

  51. Such cute photos - they just look so great together! I'm so happy she found someone with a heart for missions like her own! :)

  52. Congrats u are very cute tgther. We love the family soon a wedding can't wait.

  53. Aww this is so sweet! Congrats to you both, you make a lovely couple! I'm so happy for you :D

  54. Congratulations to such a beautiful couple. May god bless and give you many years of happiness!

  55. They will make a wonderful married couple. Over the moon for the two of them, Jill is so mature. I am SO excited for a Duggar girl wedding!!!!! Please post wedding planning details as soon as you can :D:D

  56. Congratulations Derick and Jill! You both are a wonderful example to our young generations. Thank you! Blessings

  57. Congratulations! Jill and Derick!

  58. Congratulations!!!! What an exciting time. May you have many blessings, a loving God filled home, and a lot of love!! ~Tammy

  59. Congratulations! Thank God for your good testimony. Greetings from the Czech Republic.

  60. Praise and thanks to the Lord, for He is good! So thrilled and happy for you all! Thank you for sharing your lives with us, it's such an encouragement and godly example in these days when that is si hard to find...blessings to you!

  61. Congratulations, Jill! May God bless you and Derick richly and may your family continue spreading God's Word and love to all around you!

  62. Lily and Ellie, when you went to visit the duggars, was jill already engaged? emma

  63. Congratulations! Happy for you Guys.

  64. CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for modeling purity!!!

  65. Congratulations Jill and Derrck ! May you have many happy years together !

  66. How come they aren't featuring Jill and her courtship/engagement more on the show? Why did Jessa get so much publicity and we now just find out that Jill is courting, to a few days later find out she's getting married?

  67. May God bless your engagement and your marriage as you both grow in your relationship with each other and with Christ.

  68. I am so happy for Jill, Derick, the Dillard and the Duggar families! I felt like there was going to be an exciting announcement very soon! So excited to hear their story and I wish them many blessings in this new chapter of their lives! I cannot wait to see all of the planning and hopefully the wedding also!!

  69. YAY! So excited for you and your families! God has great plans for you guys! Wish you all the best!

  70. I'm happy for Jill, I hope things work out well for both of them. How are they intending to live their lives? Are they both in agreement that she gives up her midwifery training and has children as soon as possible? We'd like to know what's up for them.

  71. Congratulations!! The ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  72. Congratulations!! The ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  73. So incredibly happy for sweet Jill, maybe a double wedding would be kinda cool Let's keep the comments positive for this wonderful news.

  74. Congratulations Jill and Derrick ; I'm very happy for you guys!!! You two make a beautiful couple. May God bless you always!

  75. Congrats! Happy for you Jill,wishing best wishes.
    I've been following your family since 2006,your family has been a blessing to me.
    When's the wedding date?

  76. Yay Congrats!! What a great looking couple!!!!

  77. Congratulations! I figured they would get engaged first. They are older and ready to move to next stage. He already has his degree and has a good job. I think it will be a few years before Ben and Jessa get engaged since he is a freshman in college. I wish them both the best and it's all in God's timing. I'm looking forward to someone soon for Jana!

  78. So happy for Jill! Sending Congratulations to them both! Dear Derick, please shave before the wedding! lol ;)

  79. Why was Jill wearing a Star of David necklace on last night's episode when she asked her parents about going to Nepal?

  80. Many blessings to both of you! Now it Jana's turn to find someone to court!

  81. Congratulations! Did I see a Star of David necklace on Jill? Has she converted?

  82. Does anyone know if jill will continue to train to be a midwife once married? Hope so as even as a wife you can have a career

  83. I have been watching your family since 14 kids and pregnant again. Much love sent your way, Derick and Jill.

  84. Thanks Lilly and Ellie for the updates to the blog. I can count on something new on a daily basis. It is a great way to keep track of the Duggars.

    Off the subject though. I know this blog is about the Duggars, but I am wondering if your family follows the courtship model or will follow the courtship model?Thanks

  85. She did the right thing

  86. Anyone can wear a Star of David necklace.

  87. Congratulations Jill & Derick! The ring is beautiful!

  88. Hm-m, I thought Jessa would get engaged first! She started courting first! Why even bother with courtship if after 6 months she is not engaged yet?

  89. I think the Duggars like to keep some Jewish traditions as a link to the Jewish traditions Jesus would have followed, even though these things are not laws for new testament Christians.

  90. Congratulations! You are both radiant. God Bless your relationship!

  91. When is the wedding?

  92. It seems like they only announced their courtship once they got engaged. The engagement photos were leaked a few weeks ago so they have obviously decided to wait to make their news public. I guess Ben and Jessas courtship was not supposed to come out in the open until engagement too, but they have had to deal with all the publicity since their courtship was leaked online. How stressful to be in a public courtship. Lucky for Jill she was able to keep the media out of her relationship.

  93. Yay for Dill <3 <3 Such a sweet couple. Keen to see where God takes them in the future!

  94. I'm happy for Derrick and Jill. One question comes to mind: Now that Jill will be married and tending to those married life things, what about Jana and the doula accountability buddy thing? Will Jana get to give that up and pursue her harp music that she obviously loved? Jana never was excited about having to do doula and watch Jill.

  95. Awww what a sweet couple, congratulations!

  96. ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Never of that it would come so soon!! :)

  97. Congratulations! Your a beautiful couple

  98. Congratulations; it's too bad the show is so far behind what is currently happening! I remember the same kind of thing happening when Josie was tiny and the show was way behind on her progress.

  99. This is so amazing. God is so aware of the desires of our hearts. I love the Duggars. Will the wedding be on TLC? I hope so.

  100. Such a Blessing.
    Congratulations to you both and your families.
    Blessings from Texas.

  101. These two seem perfect together, he seems to have a very nice way about him. He strikes me as a mature Christian man, ready for marriage. Jill is such sweetheart and this seems like a terrific match. Her ring is so pretty and they look very, very happy together. I get a kick out of Jill's comments from the show last night. Jill commented that her father was doing a little match making. Jim Bob got to know this young man first and he felt that he would be a good match for Jill. It made me think about all of the time Jim Bob has spent as a father with his children and how well he must know his children, I think he is right about these two.

  102. Already? Kind of fast don't you think?

  103. So very happy for you both. May God bless you and your families.

  104. Congratulations! I love that they met in Nepal and that he got the ring in Israel. So special! For those who commented about the star of David, I know a lot of Christians who wear them because they feel a special connection to Israel.

  105. Congratulations! So happy for you as you prepare for your wedding.

  106. Congrats! So happy for you both and how you follow God's plan/values!

  107. This year has already had some secrets and hints, so now I'm thinking Jill hinted at a double wedding by saying it is going to be big.

  108. I think Jill being the first Duggar girl to marry is perfect because she's mature and not afraid to speak in public over and over. The others probably wouldn't be as comfortable with all the attention that comes with being the first Duggar girl to marry. I think a lot of attention will go to the last of the 19 kids that marries!

  109. Anonymous 94 so agree with you. I don't think Jessa's courtship was meant to be released either. Wish they had some more private time.

  110. ok off topic but on topic comment. Jills nails are so well done. Makes the ring look perfect.

  111. @emma

    Hi Emma,

    When we visited the Duggars, Jill told us that she would be getting engaged within a week. They had to book the church, so Derick told her that he would be proposing soon.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  112. @ Anonymous #106 They've been in a courtship since last fall :)

  113. Who were the chaperones for the engagement?

  114. Anonymous #106...Sometimes you just know. I never would have anticipated having a short courtship/engagement, but sometimes God has other plans. My husband and I married a year to the day after meeting for the first time. At the time some of our family members thought we had lost our minds! 8 years, and four kids later, we could not be happier :) Congratulations to Jill and Derrick. What an exciting time!

    1. I knew my hubby 4 months. I knew once we met! I knew in our letters! It's 9 years latter and it's the best decision I've made. When we see things through God's eyes we see things in a way many people can't understand. I wear pants, I do something's different than the Duggars, but it is clear after looking at 19 beautiful kind, respectful children the Duggars raised they Got it right. Any naysayers about this family go look at your own life and in the mirror before judging them . We live in a throw away world. Yet a man with a vintage car with spend years of time and money fixing it-too bad we don't see marriage as that kind of valuable blessings that needs to be fed, respected, and effort throughout the years to keep it tuned. No, our society is fine with if the spark is fading madybe it just needs a little juice! I love this family and it's ok that we respect other's who are different from us weather by the color of our skin, or gay relationships . I'd never disrespect a person different than me especially in cyber space . Yet it's open season on people who have the Christian Faith. We are made fun if, told our God is not real and on and on but you would never see an out poor of anger towards belittling a Christian. But, we must be careful if we said anything about anyone else and how they choose to live. GOOD FOR YOU JILL AND DERICK!! I have NOT ONE BIT OF DOUBT you'll be happy forever and be helping others in need all through your lives !!! Those poor women in underprivileged countries who you want to help will be so glad to have you! Your family and how they live and the kindness they show everyday to each other and the world is all the proof that you are all living the right and true way. I'll always pray and support you all.

  115. Your love reminds me of my husband and I.. I can see you two are made for each other and will love deeply for etertinty! I see a baby boy as your first child and the both of you in another country helping others! Much love and luck for life! ❤️

  116. I agree about Jill's nails, they look beautiful and her ring is lovely.

  117. Ellie and Lily do the Duggars read this blog?

  118. This family has been such an inspiration to me! God has truly blessed this family to be a testimony to others. I wish Jill and Derrick, Jessa and Brandon so much love and happiness, and may they inspire other young couples to be respectful of courtship honoring God the Father!!

  119. I am shocked Jill beat Jana and John David to get getting married. Jana is a social butterfly and seriously the parents use to talk about it happening in order. John David is sweet young man and he was brother who usually held Johanna and Jennifer. Guess Jana and John haven't found the right one each of them. I do kinda laugh at Josh's half joke about them marrying each other. It kinda makes sence in weird way what is happening and partof it could be not wanting to lesve nest caise as twins Jana and John are still very closr to one another snd enjoy that closeness. So while shocked a bit Jill beat them upon thinking about it it makes sence.

  120. Re: Jill's nails... it appears that they are press on nails.

  121. What a gorgeous couple!! I wonder if any plans of midwifery until they have their own wee ones?

  122. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 121,

    The Duggars do read the blog. They don't have time to read every post and every comment, but they do read some.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  123. Wishing God's Blessings on you both. Sending you thoughts of love, light, laughter and happiness. X

  124. I am so happy! Sadly we live in a world now where the norm is sex at 16, living with one partner and moving on. They have spent hours upon hours getting to really know each other through talking and realizing it's not about the wedding day it's about their WHOLE REST OF THEIR LIfe. We live in a temporary world-a throw it away world when it gets old, or alittle rusty. Men will spend tons of money fixing up and old car, or a women remold ing an d house they just love. When it comes to marriage we don't put that effort into it when things get alittle old or rusty we just toss it. They may do things a little different than me as a Christian BUT I KNOW THEY GOT IT RIGHT-just look at the entire family!!! The results if their life style clearly show what happens when you have your priorities in the right place and trust God. For anyone to get on here and bully them is just sad. I would say to you who can be so mean go look at your life and relationships and then see if you have room to judge!! I think we can all learn many things from this family on Love, marriage, money management, KINDNESS AND RESPECT-Maybe try writing a comment in a way you can picture one of the Duggars talking and I assure you you would not hear mean spirited judgemental comments from them! They live what they believe -how many if us can truly say that . So they wait until marriage. Everyone else can do what they want-love who they want and Christians are to respect that. I may not agree with the world and some of it's views but I show respect and remain quiet. If we ripped apart a minority or a gay relationship twitter would jump all over me-but I could rip on the Duggers and not to many would care. The world wants to live as they do them let us who are Christians live as we feel is right and show some respect!! Jill I think your wonderful and I new when I saw Derrick on TV it was a match! I knew my husband 4 months and got married. The BEST THING I DID!! Jill-my hubby and I will continue to pray for your happiness and future work with people who need someone like you in their lives-and they will be greatful for you !!

  125. The Duggars should make time to read all the postings, as it would give them a better view of how they perceived,,, it's not all "woooonnnderfulll" out there. They also should respond on this blog to valid questions that challenge them a little. We would like to know the answers to some of the deeper questions out there. After all, they ARE on TV putting their lifestyle for public display.

  126. I don't see why the Duggars should feel compelled to answer questions from anonymous people on the internet. They are living out their faith as they see best, of course making some mistakes as anyone might. But they have been very honest and allowed the cameras into their lives many times. So really anyone can work out what they are doing and why. If people don't agree with them then they probably never will no matter what the Duggars may say.

  127. @Anonymouswhy should they read all the rude postings, so they can feel bad for someone elses pleasure.And,no matter what they would say about the hard hitting questions would just be ridiculed and judged anyway, its not worth it.Would you rather read nice things about yourself or horrible judgemental comments? Yeah, I thought so.Bless you all.

  128. I do agree with the above statement that the Duggars should read and respond to this blog. After all why have a blog if your not go to frequent it and respect those who actually do have real questions and comments.

  129. Congrats. I knew God would bring Jill a special man, and a marriage that was meant to be.

  130. How long have Jill and Derick been together. Also how long have Jessa and Ben been together?

  131. So happy for you guys!! (:

  132. I disagree that the Duggar's should read this blog or any other as though somehow people are entitled to have a response to their comments and questions. Just because this family is on television does not mean they give up their right to privacy. Some people may have personal axes to grind, and may have issues with their lifestyle, but reality tells us that some people will admire and others will criticize, so I don't see how it would be helpful to anyone if they started allowing people's opinions to alter how they live. It's their choice. I sure don't check with my "focus group" before I make decisions. For example, some people have suggested that the girls cut their hair off and donate it, others feel they should wear pants, some like the skirts, but think they are too short, some think they are too long. Yikes you can't please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. What would be the point in pleasing mammon when you ought to be pleasing God.?

  133. Congrats Jill and Derick!!!! I am so happy for y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  134. This blog is not the Duggars blog. There official website for the family is and the website does not allow for comments. So it doesn't seem that answering questions this way is there main method of communicating with their viewers.

    However, I think it is fun to read some of the comments while others Yikes. Def the ones about how the Duggars should dress, to kiss or not to kiss hold hands or not too hold hands and even if they were a little bit too close to their boyfriends in some pictures. My gosh. I think it is def a good thing that they have limited access to the internet and TV. Too many peoples opinions swirling around thinking they know best. Besides based on the happy glow on these girls faces they def don't seem to need any of these opinions.

  135. That is so awesome because jill is so prettyvand they look great together I can not wat til the wedding roles aroung congrsts

  136. So excited for them! And for the one asking about Jill being a midwife she told her parents that she could follow Derrick to these countries and be a midwife to those in need im guessing kind of like missionary work in other countries God bless her! Also for whoever asked the reason you havent seen it on tv is because shows are taped MONTHS in advance for editing!! They just got engaged so who knows if we will get an episode of that before their wedding episode this summer!

  137. @AnonymousLOL, did anyone else notice the baby doll in the background on the ring photo? Such a fitting scene in the busy Duggar household. The ring is so classic and pretty. Congrats to Jill and Derick.

  138. Congrats So happy for u !

  139. Mazal tov (congratulations)! Jill and Derrick, I am so happy for you both. I am sure this will be something special! God bless you two!

  140. Jill & Derick,

    So happy for both of you. I will be praying for you and your families while you prepare for your wedding this summer. I am so happy for you to start your lives together. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all.

    God Bless You!

  141. Does anyone else notice that Jill has fake nails?

  142. Congratulation!! Happy for both of you!!

  143. Congrats You Guys :).

  144. CONGRATULATIONS! JILL AND DERICK! May God Bless You both in your walk through your marriage and that you will be blessed wit GOD'S loving arms. In Christ Name I Pray Love Patty

  145. Congratulations Derick and Jill. I just watched the Nepal episode and told my husband I didn't think it would be long before you were engaged. I am just so happy and pleased that you both have found each other. Keep God first. You both look so sweet together and have such a special heart for the missions. I am just so happy for you. May God bless you both in your up coming wedding and you life. I pray that God will keep you safe and that he will use you both for his will. Good luck and God bless both you. I couldn't be happier for you.

  146. @Anonymous Many Christians, in embracing our "grafted in" status and the biblical admonition that the Lord will "bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel," choose to show their support of Israel in this way.

  147. So nice to see you holding hands! Congrats!

  148. Congrats! You are a perfect match and I am very happy for you both!

  149. I believe Jill's wedding is June 21- less than a month away now & about 3 months after the proposal. 3 months is long enough to plan a wedding, and why wait any longer than needed, once you are ready & sure? Also to those speculating on a double wedding- I think it is not likely. Ben is much younger than Derick, and so he is not yet engaged. Ben is most likely working on saving up his money and preparing to be a good provider before he gets married. It is wonderful to see young people who care to lay such a good foundation! They are making provision for much less stress and greater blessings in their future marriages. I thank God for the light they are shining to this present generation!

    -A sister in Ohio

  150. I knew you both would be getting married soon, he is the perfect guy for you jill.

    from jorge in calif.

  151. Wonderful news. Heart-felt congratulations to two lovely young people.

  152. Congratulations to both of you, Jill and Derek! You look so beautiful together! I wanted the two of you to get married from the first time I saw you together. I can't wait to watch the wedding! :)

  153. It is so obvious that Derrick and Jill are in love and meant for one another. May they have a blessed marriage and happy life together. I pray for their wellness and happiness. Best Wishes, Jill and Congratulations, Derrick.

  154. Derrick and Jill your a cute couple. I have enjoyed your courtship on TLC. No more side hugs:)

  155. In one of the episodes, the one where they put on a dinner theater for Jim Bob & Michelle, while they were working on the stage, Derrick & Ben were talking, then they made a bet as to who would be engaged first. I had to giggle when I saw it, as I already knew that Derrick had purchased the ring in Israel and how he had asked Jill to marry him.

  156. Congratulations to both of you? What a great proposal,

    God bless you both!

  157. @Anonymous
    Yes, anyone can wear anything that they want. But the Star of David is associated with Judaism just as Jesus on the Christ is with Christianity (for the most part) and the Star and Crescent with Islam and the Lotus Flower with (certain sects) of Buddhism, the Khanda with Sikhism, and the list could go on.... So for Christians to wear the Star of David is misleading.

  158. I'm soo happy for jill.

  159. Teressia Ward-ZackJune 8, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    To all the Duggars,

    As one who has witnessed, from a distance, your many ups and downs as a family I have rejoiced with you for each milestone. I have cried with you during your losses and I have prayed for you daily. We have never met but, in the family of God, we are all brothers and sisters.

    With that in mind, I have been encouraged by the Holy Spirit to voice my congratulations to darling Jill and her beloved, Derick. As what I have written is quite long, I'll be adding it in several replies.

  160. Teressia Ward-ZackJune 8, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    Jill and Derick;

    Your precious love story has been played out in front of the world and, as your sister in Christ, I want to congratulate you both for sharing your relationship with God and each other in such a loving, pure, fashion. As you’re planning your “fairytale wedding” I know you will feel overwhelmed with the “business” of weddings. Let me encourage you, as a former wedding photographer, to remember this: a wedding is just ONE day in your lives. It is NOT your marriage. I say that in an attempt to let you know this: on your wedding day you will be very emotional and, more than likely, a bit nervous. Think of it this way; you know you’ll have everything documented for future generations as a result of Jill’s family and their television show. Don’t sweat the small stuff and just HAVE FUN!

    If it rains, don’t cry. I used to tell my clients the rain on their wedding day was God showering His children with his love. And if we saw a rainbow after the rain, well, that was just BONUS! God’s promise to Moses still rings true.

    My husband and I have known each other since we met in college back in 1988. It wasn’t until the late ‘90’s that we felt God leading us to become more than friends. We married in 2001. I spent an entire year working on my “dream wedding” and, truly, it turned out even better than I could have ever imagined.

    I only have two regrets about my actual wedding DAY: (1) I spent so much time worrying about the photos after the wedding that I neglected the friends/family that had gathered for our celebration and (2) we should have danced.

    The Lord has lain upon my heart that I should share the following verses with you (and your sisters for their eventual weddings). They have been a balm on our hearts and in our lives. I know your parents have lived these verses before all you children and the world and, with that in mind, here is what God has shared with me for the two of you.

    “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12

    The three cords represent a husband, a wife, and God. As the three form a close relationship with each other they cannot be quickly broken.

    “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:2-3

    If a husband and wife are humble, gentle, patient, and selfless, eager to keep the peace in their relationship, there would be a lot less fighting in the world. This verse reminds us to remain calm and do as Jesus would do. Please let these words sink deep into your heart and live it out in your marriage.

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

    This verse reveals the heart of God towards humanity. These words fill our hearts will hope and faithfulness. Sometimes we want to know all the plans God has for us, but I don’t think we would be able to handle knowing all that He has for us in the future. He is strengthening us each day. This verse helps me to trust in God and trust in His timing and His plans for my future.

    “Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.” –Mark 10:9

    Once you declare your vows amidst your family and friends before God, you and your husband will been joined together through the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t let anyone or anything separate your love for each other. Write these verses on your heart! Memorize and meditate on them daily! In your marriage relationship, talk to each other about these verses often, and encourage each other to trust in these words, while living them out!

    Sincerely, wishing God’s blessings upon your union,

  161. I love you guys. You are my role-models.

  162. There is jewelry that has a Star of David with a cross on the inside. When we accept Jesus ( a Jew) as our personal savior and lord we become grafted into Judaism...We then become spiritual Jews......Also those who support Israel will be blessed and those who do NOT support Israel will be cursed!

  163. @Mimimoorbs

    These were NOT stars of David with a Cross inside or incorporated within what is clearly a Symbol of being a Jew. The actual phrase in the bible is that G-d will bless those that bless you (the Jewish People) and that G-d will curse those that curse you. So it comes down not to support of Jews or Israel but to get the blessing from G-d you as Christians literally must bless Jews and Israel - the Jewish Nation.

    It is the Jews who are G-d's chosen people to bring light unto the nations of the fact of there being but ONE G-d for all mankind. Jews have been working towards hastening the immanent arrival of the Messiah through acts of goodness and kindness.

    Given that there are but 14 million Jews out of a population world wide of 7 billion this tiny group has been extraordinarily effective at their mission to enlighten the world.

  164. @AnonymousJohn 14:6 clearly states that the only way to God is through his son Jesus Christ. There are completed Jews who have found Jesus as their lord and savior .Check out Rabbi Schneiders program and Sid Roth as well. Jonathon Bernis also,has a program that teaches that Jesus is the Messiah.Christians have been grafted in and are preaching the born again message which is the truth for all mankind. Pray for your Jewish friends.....they must become born again too.


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