Friday, November 2, 2012

Will the Duggars Return?

The season finale of 19 Kids and Counting aired Tuesday, leaving readers wondering when they can expect to see their favorite super-sized family back on TLC.

Rest assured, the Duggars will be back. (Can we hear a sigh of relief?) According to the network, new episodes will return in 2013.


  1. Yay, but i was hoping they would return sooner :(

  2. That's fantastic news!
    I can't understand why some people want this show to end. I have followed the Duggars from the very beginning and I love them.
    This is one of the few things I watch as I hardly watch any TV at all.
    Can't wait until next season!

  3. I´m happy to see them again!

  4. AHHHHHH What a relief! You really made my day! Thank You So Much! Brenda King

  5. Super excited they are coming back!!! But sorry we have to wait til next year. (I guess it is November now!)

    Thanks for letting us know!


  6. Something really nice to look forward to! I'm really hoping that some viewers will post the episodes on Youtube again because for me (I live in The Netherlands) it's the only way to see them and I like them a lot
    And Lily & Ellie...thanks for the really nice blog

    greetings from the other site of the world :-)

  7. I look forward to the next season!

  8. I look forward to the next season!

  9. Wonderful, I actually did breath a sigh of relief:) Although whether the Duggars show continues or not I will always be found of them!

  10. I can't wait for 2013!! Thank you for this post!! xxx

  11. I was wondering if you knew if their trip to Japan & China would be on T.V.? Also, did the whole family end up going? I know for sure Josh & Anna and their family went!
    Thanks for such great posts! :)

  12. woot woot! yay! ;)

  13. Thank you for letting us know. We do not have television but really look forward to watching the Duggars on your blog every Wednesday evening. We are looking forward to the new season in 2013!

  14. Yay! Too long to be without them though! <3

  15. Yeah, thanks for the great news!! They are such an inspiration.

  16. I saw this and thought "oh man, that's a really long time to wait!" Then I looked at the calendar and realized it IS November! Now I still can't wait, but it's not as bad as what I first thought! YAYYY!!
    P.S. Lily and Ellie you both do a great job keeping us updated. Thanks!

  17. That is great news! I am looking forward to the new season very much!


  18. Yay!!!!!!!! I'm so glad! :D

  19. I hope they return - I enjoy watching them. They are such a great family

  20. How old is Jeremiah you should come to quebec the nice place to be.

    Michelle haire

  21. I can't say I'm relieved at all. Over the past year I've watched in mounting confusion and concern as the Duggars have dragged their children all around the country and world, often for publicity engagements or political campaigns. Yes, of course homeschooling involves learning through real life experiences, but only to a certain point. These children need stability and a real, decent education. They need their mother and father. I hope that when the show ends, the Duggars will devote the majority of their time to what they claim is most important to them, their family.

  22. Well, it makes sense. They do have to film new episodes, get them edited, time-slotted, etc. And we really don't have all that long to wait, I mean after all, 2013 is only two months away!


  23. The one thing on tv worth watching!!!!! Thanks TLC

  24. Yea, someone saw them in China/Japan and said the film crew was there so I am sure that will be the next season.

  25. Thats great, in the mean time does anyone recommend any good blogs like the Bates, the Maxwells and the Neelys?


  26. How many more times can we watch them going to the dentist, shopping, and traveling to Silver Dollar City?

  27. Where do the girls by their skirts from

  28. Wonderful the Duggars will be back for another season! Thank you to Lily and Ellie for providing us links to prior episodes on-line. But I will miss watching new Duggar adventures till the new season begins. I share the sentiment of my Narnian friend Eustace Scrubb from the closing scene of the Dawn Treader movie (rephrased for the 19KAC show).

    "We spoke often of ‘the Duggars’ in the days that followed.
    When my ‘Friends’ left, after the ‘season’ ended,
    I missed them with all my heart...
    as I know all ‘Duggar fans’ will miss them
    till the end of time."

  29. i thought they had to return because they made the trip to japan and china and i didnt think they would leave it like that.

  30. Of course, they'll return.
    Their kids are so lucky - not only they have loving parents and don't have to deal with crazyness and bullying in schools, they live in a huge house and travel so much!
    I think Johannah was a baby then, and they took that road trip to CA, and after that they travel to Central America, older girls went to Chili and Peru, the whole family travelled to Europe, and now it's Japan and China!

  31. Why will it take so long well at least they'll be bake

  32. Yayyy!!! I can't wait!!!

  33. Yeaaaa! I am so excited at first it did seem like a long time till next year but Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Thanks for keeping Duggar fans up to date!

  34. Very thankful. They've gotten me through very dark times in my life. Also helped me find Jesus. Thank you for letting us know, awesome blog.

  35. GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love the duggars hopefully they will have more children Michelle certainly deserves more after all she has done for everything.

  36. I look forward to The Duggars returning, having just watched the You Tube show of Michelles birthday I laughed so hard when Jim Bob told Michelle he had drank out of one of the plastic cups with a towel in the bottom, so funny. A couple that can still laugh together will always be happy together. Great viewing.

  37. Yay! Hopefully there will be a trip to japan and china!!

  38. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    In addition to shopping second-hand, the Duggar girls purchase skirts from Cato Fashions (

    ~Lily and Ellie

  39. The Duggars are a breath of "fresh air" amongst a lot of terrible, air filling, tv nonsense. It's fun to see a nice family and follow their activities and family fun!

  40. Yes something to look forward to in the year 2013! I can't wait for the season the sooner the better! The Duggars are both a joy and a blessing!

  41. Of course TLC will run the China trip footage; but what else could there be that hasn't already be done and redone (trips to Big Sandy, dentist appts., speaking engagements,etc.) I enjoy watching the show; but it may have run its course. Perhaps a couple of specials highlighting some important milestones (i.e.: a child's wedding, someone working in their career, etc.) would be a better choice.

  42. I love the Duggars but I tend to agree with your sentiments. I think people would really be interested in occasional updates/specials vs. the more mundane shows that are on now.

  43. Praise God! So thankful for the Duggar family and world stage that the Lord has placed them upon. Keep shining His light, being His salt and living for Him. You are loved and appreciated by many!

  44. Im so happy to hear they are returning. Couldnt be soon enough for me. I have watched them since there were only 14 Children. They have so much to be thankful for.

  45. do we have a date when it will start? My family loves their family, and have seen them in person. And are glad that they are coming back.

  46. @landers

    Hi Landers,

    TLC hasn't announced the official start date for "19 Kids and Counting," but they did assure us that the show will return in 2013.

    Happy New Year!
    Lily and Ellie

  47. Lily and Ellie, if you were the two fabulous ladies who have been posting episodes on YouTube thank you so very much!!! I don't have cable and every week I sit down in front of my computer at work with a cup of coffee, plug my headphones in and enjoy the latest episode. Thank you for taking the time to do this!

  48. @Anonymous

    I would like to know too! i have been wanting longer skirts and theirs are really cute and modest!!

  49. Anyone know a date when the show is coming back? I love it and have been waiting! Its so good and such a good influence for our entire family to watch (we only have 3 kids though)! I was very upset when they even stopped the reruns for a while, so glad at least they are back!

  50. I wish it was now! I keep looking at TLC and being disappointed that they are not starting yet! I also have no interest in the other programs!

  51. @Tannia

    Hi Tannia,

    New episodes will return to TLC around the last week of March.

    We are honored to have you as a reader.
    Lily and Ellie

  52. What is a decent education, the public school teaching all kinds of junk that doesn't matter. Like alternative life styles, birth control, abortion, handing out condemns, I think they are doing a fine job without this so called decent education. I've never seen a family more involved with each other as the Duggars. If you don't like the Duggars don't watch them or follow them. Move on to something different. There is plenty of garbage to watch on TV. I love them. They are decent Christian people with wonderful values. Can't wait to see them in 2013. One of my favorite shows. Very uplifting. Keep up the good work Duggars!!!


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