Friday, November 9, 2012

Duggars Try Grouper in Florida

While in Clearwater, Florida, last weekend, Jim Bob and Michelle stopped for a meal at Frenchy's Rockaway Grill. They tried grouper (a type of fish) for the first time and loved it.
Are you a fan of seafood?

Do you enjoy seafood?


  1. Fish is pretty good and I love shrimp.

  2. I've lived here in Florida my whole life. We grew up with grouper, snapper, mullet, the way most people grow up with ground beef. I can't imagine "trying" it.

  3. As I only live an Hour from Clearwater, I have eaten at Frenchys several times! the BEST GROUPER AND GROUPER SANDWICH!!

  4. I really will have to try it. Any idea how to gret it in Canada?Duggars, I truly admire yoiur family and faith.

  5. gross no way, i dont like sea food!!

  6. I love shrimp and catfish

  7. I love shrimp! Some types of fish are alright. I also love snapper. Fishing is so much fun even if you don't catch anything :)

  8. I don't like seafood at all. The smell is revolting to me.

  9. If I Did Not Live In California I would Be Eating At That Place, Too!

  10. Seafood is epic i loved tinned fish especially mackeral in mustard sauce

  11. I know this is kind of "old" but I was wondering if you knew if their trip to Japan & China would be on T.V.? Also, did the whole family end up going? I know for sure Josh & Anna and their family went!
    Thanks for such great posts! :)

  12. i only like tuna but everyone is different and thats ok

  13. Fish is so healthful. A wonderful alternative to pork, beef or even chicken. Glad they liked it. Maybe they will cook it up at home now.

  14. Do these people EVER stay at home?

  15. Living in New Zealand, I now LOVE seafood- we get it really fresh here, SO delicious!

  16. Favorites include halibut and salmon (I prefer canned red salmon instead of tuna). Love the lox from the seafood deli (but not the pre-packaged). Also like clams, octopus and eel.
    On occassion if craving something salty, I enjoy opening a tin of anchovies. :-)
    I worked for an Alaska Native company in Alaska that offered a paid holiday, "Whaling Day". Employees got the extra holiday if the village was successful during the subsitance whale hunt in spring.

  17. I do not like seafood

  18. Sushi is the best. next is mahimahi and salmon.

  19. I live in Clearwater and can't believe I missed them! Why were they visiting??

  20. @Lizzy

    Hi Lizzy,

    TLC hasn't yet announced anything about the next season. They did tell us that it will start sometime in 2013. Jim Bob, Michelle, and the kids ended up going to Japan, too.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  21. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Jim Bob and Michelle spoke at SOS Ministries' Hope For the Hopeless Banquet in Clearwater.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  22. Nope, I'm vegan ;)

  23. I like some seafood. but I cant eat shellfish :(

  24. I love the verse references they left, very uplifting!

  25. yes I like seafood but not all of it. shrimp, catfish, tilapia, rainbow trout, crab legs are all good.

  26. Absolutely not. Can't stand the taste.

  27. Kind of, it depends.

  28. I like most fish, especially salmon:)


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