Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two New Duggar Videos

In the first video, Anna's parents, the Kellers, pay a visit to her and Josh. In the next video, the Duggar boys show off their garden.

Videos no longer available 


  1. I'm going to marry Josiah Duggar.

  2. Lovely to see the Duggar's latest videos! Thank you so much for posting them! Great to see how much Mackynzie and Michael have grown and the Duggar Boys' green fingers!! xxx

  3. That is neat that Anna's parents could visit them! The kids are getting sooo big and cute! :} ~Krista


  4. Is it something special I need to do, because I the embedded videos never show for me?

  5. thought the duggars never grew a garden.

  6. @angi

    Hi Angi,

    Try watching the videos on the TLC website. Here are the direct links:



    Hope that works for you!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  7. Obviously the kids are interested in seeing vegetables grow in the garden. Why don't the parents make a big garden to suppliment the groceries and have good fresh food for the family instead of all the junk food this family eats.


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