Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Duggar Marathon and Season Finale

Tune in to TLC this afternoon at 2:00 pm EST/1:00 pm CST for a six-hour marathon of 19 Kids and Counting. Take a quick break, pop some popcorn, and settle in for the sixty-minute season finale, "Michelle's Birthday Makeover," at 9:00 pm EST/8:00 pm CST. 

2:00 pm EST/1:00 pm CST:Duggars Down the Aisle

3:00 pm EST/2:00 pm CST:Duggars Dinner Party

3:30 pm EST/2:30 pm CST: Busy Duggars

4:00 pm EST/3:00 pm CST: A Duggar on Her Own

4:30 pm EST/3:30 pm CST: Grand Ole Duggars

5:00 pm EST/4:00 pm CST: Hunting and House Guests

5:30 pm EST/4:30 pm CST: Baby Steps

6:00 pm EST/5:00 pm CST: Kittens & Konstruction

6:30 pm EST/5:30 pm CST: First Grandson Turns 1

7:00 pm EST/6:00 pm CST: Thrill Seeking Duggars

7:30 pm EST/6:30 pm CST: Fencing & Fireworks

9:00 pm-10:00 pm 
19 Kids and Counting (Season 6): Michelle's Birthday Makeover
Michelle Duggar is getting the birthday of a lifetime as the older Duggar girls and Anna prepare a day of surprises for the Duggar matriarch. But perhaps the biggest surprise may be from Jim Bob himself. And Michelle has a little surprise of her own for the family.

11:00 pm-12:00 am
19 Kids and Counting (Season 6): Michelle's Birthday Makeover


  1. Wow, finally, a marathon! I was waiting for it! My daughter is only 3, but she loves to watch it with me, hahahaha! :)

  2. Does anybody have any ideas about michelles surprise?

  3. I hope it's not pregnancy. She is endangering life of herself and baby by continuing to try

  4. I hope the surprise is another baby because after jubilee they deserve one more

  5. Can you PLEASE post the season finale. We don't have Tv and I really want to see this.

  6. "And Michelle has a little surprise of her own for the family." aaaah I'm excited =D

  7. do you know if there will be another season?
    harmony evans

  8. This is killing me, what's Michelles surprise. I hope she has been blessed with another gift from god :)

  9. Can't wait for the season finale to appear on YouTube! Enjoy America! xxx

  10. Lily and Ellie,
    Will there be any other season shows airing of the Duggars after this? Are they officially done?
    I hope not!

  11. Are the duggars expecting? Maybe they will announce it tonight! :)

  12. Yay i can not wait!! Thanks for letting us know!!

    God bless!
    Don't Quit!!
    Catherine K

  13. I can't wait for Michelle's surprise!

  14. I had no idea the show was back on and now it's ending. I am sorry I missed it. I hope I will catch up with re-runs.

    I have been so looking forward to see how Josie has been doing.

  15. i supsect michelles suprise to be there expecting again but could be wrong would be awesome i supset this one to be a tear jerkery because of so much love and happiness praying hydro doesn't go out and can tape

  16. I love her new hair style. Wish she would keep it that way. It looks so much better.

  17. Do you have a recap of tonights episode? When do you receive the episode on YouTube?

  18. What was michelle's surprise for the family?

  19. I didn't get to watch the season finale; have been patiently waiting to see what Michelle's surprise was!

  20. Nooooooo
    Its the season finale already

    Is there goin to be another season
    And if so when will it start

  21. jill cornwall englandOctober 31, 2012 at 8:01 AM

    why are we so behind in england it seems like for ever since the last series i know its on line but i would rather watch on t v , do keep up the good work ,glad the family are well

  22. was the surprise her hairdo? There was no pregnancy announcement or any other special announcement on the show.

  23. Hope it's triplets that way they'll have 22

  24. @harmony evans

    Hi Harmony,

    TLC has not yet announced when the next season will begin.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  25. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Michelle's surprise for the family was her new hairdo.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  26. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    That's correct, the surprise was Michelle's new hairdo.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    ~Lily and Ellie


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