Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Recaps: "First Grandson Turns One" and "Thrill Seeking Duggars"

On tonight's new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting:

"First Grandson Turns One"
  • Josh and Anna take their kids shopping to buy decorations and food for Michael's 1st birthday. Josh, Mr. Meat Connoisseur, enjoys selecting high-quality barbecue fixings.
  • While in the grocery store, Michael--the sneakiest one-year-old on the block--grabs an egg from the cart and chucks it on the floor.
  • Anna shows the drawing of her intricate, three-tiered cake to Amy and Joy, and they set to work. The kids decorate the Rice Krispie blocks that will spell out Michael's name.
  • On the day of the party, Josh uses his parents' Duggar-sized grill, installed when they completed the house, for the first time. The kids have a blast trying out the inflatables.
  • Meanwhile, the master bakers call in backup to finish assembling the cake. Sierra, a friend of Anna's and known as the Cake Doctor, arrives to lend a hand.
  • The ladies kick the camera crew out of the kitchen, and the finished product is soon revealed. Sierra is able to revamp the cake and turn it into a beautiful creation that everybody loves. Everybody but the birthday boy. "The person that seemed to dislike the cake the most was Michael," says Anna.
 "Thrill Seeking Duggars"
  • The Duggars prepare for another party, this time for Makeda Vanderhoff's 13th birthday. (The Vanderhoffs recently moved to Arkansas and have 21 children, twelve of whom are adopted.) With the help of a few friends, the Duggars prepare dinner for 47.
  • It's another big day when Grandma Duggar, Jim Bob, Cousin Amy, and the kids head to Silver Dollar City with a "small" crowd of 50. They are joined by three single moms (one is Debbie Query, the Duggars' music teacher) and their children.
  • Michelle and Josie, who is under the weather, spend the morning at home but join the family in the afternoon.
  • The group spends the day riding roller coasters. Even Grandma and Jim the Soundman join in on the fun.
  • Another birthday? This one is a more intimate affair. Jim Bob and Michelle take Jill to lunch at Green Bean, a restaurant where all ingredients are organic and locally grown, for her 21st birthday.
  • A day that many young people use as an excuse to party, Jill prefers to spend with her family. "I really wanted to have a good time with my parents," says the birthday girl.
  • Michelle gives Jill a bag of her favorite candies and perfumes, and Jim Bob presents his daughter with a beautiful cross necklace. 
  • "She is such a loving person, and that is her, that's who she is," says Michelle.
  • While at the restaurant, Jill tells her parents about another birthday surprise that she received ... her first speeding ticket. "I got a nice little birthday card last night." Jill, who is taking midwifery classes, was on her way to a birth.
  • At age 21, what are Jill's thoughts on the future? "I'm content being single right now, but hopefully in the Lord's time I will be married." 
Fun facts
-The Duggars use their home intercom system an average of 15 times a day 
-Anna purchased 20 boxes of cake mix for Michael's birthday


  1. Thanks for the recap!

  2. Are you going to share the chicken dish you had on tonights show? I am having out of town company coming tomorrow and would love to make this dish!

  3. You have gotta give us the recipe for that delicious looking chicken n biscuit dish! Yum yum!

  4. hoping that we can get the chicken recipe! PLEASEEEE!!!!

  5. please help us with the chicken and biscuit with cheese topping!!

  6. Yes plz share the recipe of the chicken n the biscuit! Thanks! :)

  7. Young people here celebrate their 18th and 21st with huge parties too. I live in the land down under and was hit with a huge pop culture shock this year at uni (my first year at uni)"Fresher week" of uni turned out to be more like fresher semester with everyone around me going to parties and clubbing every weekend. I wasn't raised like that at all, and I can't believe it, but after a while I started to want to go clubbing as well...because i was struggling to make friends at uni and didn't have any outside of uni as well (as i was bullied and my highschool friends turned against me during the last few months of highschool). I also thought the only way to make friends was to fit in with the crowd. However after a while I heard of a christian union at uni and it is such a blessing to know that there are others like me and that i don't have to follow the crowd. I have a lovely bunch of new set apart friends now. We have a bible study group and we hang out together. We go shoppping, play board games and have picnics and such. They keep me grounded and I'm so happy to have found them. Friendship is not about how long you've known a person, but about who stays with you through both the ups and downs of life :)

  8. @Chris I agree I want the recipe. Looks very good. When Anna and Amy was making the cake I got a little worried. Thank God they called in the cake doctor.

  9. Lily and Ellie,

    I think that you meant "Sierra a friend of Anna's" in the above statement.

  10. Thanks! What an incredible looking cake! O_o

  11. Hi all,

    One of our readers shared the link to a similar recipe:


    Enjoy :)
    Lily and Ellie

  12. Well, I guess their thriftiness is gone. I can't even imagine how much they spent on party accessories alone-without even batting an eye at that-and every time that hummer comes out-what a waste of gas. I thought they weren't keeping that because of how much gas it takes?? Those two better hope the TLC gravy train doesn't end.

  13. Dear Lily and Ellie, are you planning on posting the youtube links if/when the episodes are uploaded? So far none of these episodes are uploaded yet.

    I saw there was someone who has uploaded all episodes of this seasons so far which is very nice for those living outside the USA.

    Off-topic: I made a post package which includes e.g. a letter and some typical things from my country for a Duggar family member :) I'm planning on sending it to them soon (to their home adress), I'm very curious if they will receive it for it is a long journey :)

  14. They say that they live frugally and yet it had to cost a small fortune to take all of them to that amusement park in last nights episode. With all the money they spend on the activities shown on the shows they could easily by some brand new clothes.

  15. Thanks for the recap! :-)

    Don't quit! God bless!
    Catherine K

  16. My 21st birthday was very low key and I spent it with my father, EX and baby brother! I never had big birthdays with drinking and bars or clubs just a special supper and gifts and cards and maybe thrift store shopping!


  18. Lily and ellie you should have discussion question on what good jj names the duggars have not used

  19. The episodes are on youtube now god bless everyone carmen

  20. Enjoyed both episodes so much!! Anna's friend Sierra could teach Buddy the Cake Boss a few things!!!

  21. Ditto on the Chicken in a biscuit recipe. LOOKED amazing and simple to boot!

  22. I am a friend of Ashton. She told me prior to her trip about this, but I just had to watch! It looked like a lot of fun!
    Katie S.

  23. Here is the recipe I used. Hope you all enjoyed the show, and now enjoy the recipe it's a family favorite!

    Chicken n a Biscuit
    2 cups of shredded mild cheddar
    2 (8oz) cans of all natural canned chicken
    1 (26oz) can of cream of chicken soup
    1% milk
    3 cans of crescent rolls

    In large mixing bowl combine cream of chicken soup with milk, until it is gravy consistency (set aside)

    In a different bowl combine cheese and shredded chicken. (Break up chicken with fork or fingers until finely shredded)

    Lightly spray pan with nonstick spray

    Pour small amount of gravy in bottom of 9X13 baking dish. (Just enough gravy for biscuits not to stick to bottom)

    Spray counter top with no stick spray and thoroughly wash hands

    Now one by one separate crescent rolls and flatten with fingers until thin but with no holes

    Fill crescent with chicken and cheese mixture (palm full of mix) and wrap tightly in crescent roll

    Continue until pan is full or you are out of chicken and cheese mixture

    Finally pour remained gravy over top and bake for 40-45 mins at 350 degrees

    Crescent rolls will bubble and some will brown on top if not thoroughly covered with gravy

    Let cool and enjoy!

    This recipe yields about 24ish biscuits depending on how big you make them, but for my family it feeds 8-10 people if served with veggies. Enjoy!

    Ashton B.

  24. Anna didn't really make that cake. It was from a bakery. The cake they were "trying" to make had icing, while the finished product had fondant. Also, the finished cake on the inside was a different color than the one Anna was trying to make. This show has gotten so fake.

  25. I don't mean to be ditzy, but....What happened to the cake? That's NOT the cake Anna started. Was that the plan all along? Had the cake doctor already made that one? They didn't have enough time to make that!!! Am I the only one that doesn't get the joke? It sure was beautiful in the end!!

  26. I love the Duggar's and the episodes... However after their avid endorsement of Todd Aiken so much of the fun has left for me. HAve trouble respecting them after endorsing a man who basically blames rape victims (and thinks if they get pregnant it is because they wanted to from their rape)!

  27. @Anonymous

    Thanks for posting your recipe, Ashton!

    Lily and Ellie
    Blog Authors

  28. I agree. Why would they make it look like they made that cake when they did NOT. What a big lie!!

  29. Did anyone else catch it when Anna said this is the most? I will be 7 months pregnant?

  30. This officially showed the Duggars have gone Hollywood. What surplus and lavishness for a first birthday. I think they forgot who their audience is....and it ain't Hollywood, unless they have gone Hollywood now. A least cost estimate would be $1,000 (one thousand dollars).....probably much, much more spent on that first birthday party the child will not remember anyway. What a shame. Please read the book "Animal Farm" or at least look it up on the Internet to read the moral of its story. The Duggars are classic examples of the story behind "Animal Farm."

  31. @Alexis

    If you go back and watch the episode on YouTube, Sierra came in and started cutting and removing the icing. Anna did mention at the beginning that her plan was to add fontant.

    Watch the YouTube video from 19:00 to 19:10. The camera shows a close-up of the cake, and it does not look professional.

    As far as the multicolored inside goes, we saw Anna making multicolored cakes. I honestly don't think the final product was a cake. (Of course they couldnt' have done it without Sierra.)

    What do you all think? Anyone agree with me?

  32. @Anon. "Animal Farm" was a satire of totalitarianism, wasn't it? You may need to further explain the Duggar connection there :)

  33. Anonymous: They're young parents, who are proud of their little ones. Let them worry about how they spend their money. :)

  34. Kat: I don't need to explain further. Read the book. It is very short and can be read at one or two sittings. It is a classic and should never be called a satire. It is about greed and how people react to expanded power and greed. It applies to the Duggars totally. Go back and see what they did for Josh's birthday and fast forward to 2012 and see how they took over the Animal Farm. Their preaching about thriftiness cannot be ignored that they still preach it, but they no longer practice it. That is my message.

  35. Animal Farm is about greed.

  36. You people complain about such horrible things let them be

  37. If you are going to bash the Duggars go to the blogs that are for bashing The Duggars! I love the Animal Farm its about Russia and how the USSR took over Russia making it illegal to be a Christian. The Duggars are normal people they just have the spot light on them and people are busy making them to be people they are not! If you have nothing nice to say don't say it!

  38. @Meredith

    Thanks for the discussion question idea, Meredith!

    We are honored to have you as a reader.
    ~Lily and Ellie

  39. wow 21 kids and I thought 19 was a lot


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