Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Photos: Josh & Anna & Family

Mackynzie and Michael are growing quickly! Here are a few new photos of Josh and Anna and their little ones, courtesy of Anna Duggar. Compare them to older photos to see how the kids have changed.

August 2012
August 2012
July 2012
May 2012
January 2012
September 2011


  1. Anna must be pregnant

    1. I think they need to stop having children

  2. They are growing quick!!!!it seemed like just the other day when they werent even walking!!!! Big fan of the show !!!!

  3. Beautiful children.

  4. Oh my gosh!
    Michael looks so big now!

  5. Do you know if Anna is expecting again yet?

  6. Wow they are growing up really fast and their still very cute

  7. Beautiful!
    Beautiful Family!


  8. I notice j & a have a menorah on their shelf in the background . Do they celebrate the biblical holidays? Or is it just a decoration?

  9. I am just wondering is Anna or anyone in her family part Jewish? I notice in one picture on their shelf they have a menorah and then in a different picture Anna is wearing a necklace with a pendent that is the star of David which is a Jewish symbol. Thanks!

  10. Thank you so much Anna! You and Josh are such an encouragement to me and my family & your children are so cute!

  11. Wow they have grown!!

    Please join me by getting up early and praying at 7:00am eastern time, for the US presidentail elections. Yes, God is In controll, but we should still pray, our future will be effected! Everyone who wants to join me please comment here and invite you friends to as well! Thank you

    Lily and Ellie I hope you don't mind me doing this I don't have my own blog and wanted to get the word out! Thank you!!

  12. They are so cute!!! They have gotten so big! They have great parents. I bet they'll hvae another baby soon. That will be so exciting! Thanks again Lily and Ellie for keeping us posted!

  13. Wow! Mackynzie and Michael are growing up very fast! God Bless your family.


  14. Thank you so much for creating such a nice blog where we can come to get updates about the Duggars. I really enjoy their show, books and what they stand for. It's refreshing to see young kids and children being brought up with great values.

    Thanks for creating such a wonderful place for all Duggar fans to unite.

  15. I've thought for a long time now that Anna is hiding a pregnancy and will only announce when the baby is born.

  16. Wow! They have grown! I hope there is an episode in the upcoming season featuring them and the kids' growth.

  17. I'll pray, anonymous! :)

    Anna does not look pregnant - people should keep their comments to themselves. I think she looks as beautiful as ever and has the sweetest little children! What a blessed young family! :)


  18. micheal looks like josh-crysten

  19. Wow they have growing up so fast!!!Thanks Lily and Ellie for keeping us posted!! Ya'll do a great job!! God bless your family and the Duggars familys !
    Don't quit!!
    Catherine K

  20. I do wish people would stop asking and pushing for josh and anna to have another baby, I too would enjoy to watch another duggar pregnacy and birth on 19kac but at the end of the day it is anna and josh that will have to raise him or her as well as anna having to carry and birth it. After a hard pregnacy and birth of micheal I think they are both being sensible by holding off and enjoying the two beautiful gifts they have.

  21. Great pictures. The one where Anna is holding Michael in front of her, she looks just beautiful and so young. She looks like a teenager! Very nice picture. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Great picture of a cute family!

  23. Michael is so big now!! And both kids are so cute!

  24. Mackynzie looks alot like some of the Duggar girls.

  25. I hope she is pregnant! In that picture it really doesn't look like it. :( in my own personal opinion I think she's not able to get pregnant as easily as Michell's has. If you haven't noticed in previous episodes she would take a pregnancy test and they all were negative (with Makynzie) and she had a miscarriage between Makynzie and Michael

  26. Anonymous, nobody is pushing josh and Anna to have another baby. Their family like mine believe the babies are blessings. We do not see them as burdens. For her to be pregnant would be wonderful to them. That's why everybody always hopes she is. That is what they stated they believe.

  27. if you watched the today show videos from this morning you can clearly see Anna is not pregnant like everyone has been assuming.

  28. Michael is so cute! Very handsome little boy :-) J & A are so blessed to have these little ones!

  29. I'm not sure where to ask this so I figured I will do it here. I've seen reference to Monkey See Monkey Do learning stuff. I've tried to find it but don't know where to look. Anyone know more about that?

  30. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Here's the link to the MonkiSee website:

    Enjoy :)
    ~Lily and Ellie

  31. Beautiful blessings

  32. @Anonymous
    Reply to Anonymous Comment (#8) Jesus was a Jew. Some conservative Christians hold certain Jewish traditions in high regard because of the connections between the two religions. Jews and Christians believe in God and the same lineage, etc. So they may have it as a symbol of heritage, among other things. But I can't speak on their behalf, just some thoughts.

  33. yes i agree with that comment, i think she is pregnant again too

  34. I was just saying to my daughter as we are watching tonight's episode and they called josh and anna over into the family picture. Anna definitely had a baby belly for sure. They quickly moved away from her full length shot and in other shots they only showed her backside or chest up.

  35. I like the site/blog. Thanks for the pics. You have an adorable family :) I think the daughter looks more like Josh and the son looks more like Anna. They're getting big!

  36. I watch the Duggars all the time. Josh and Anna's family has grown so fast! Their daughter talks so well for her age. I like Anna's way of talking to her children and including them in everything they do. A great example for any young mom. It is not easy to have patience when the kids are young. Young children can be quite demanding at times. I had four, and now have seven grandchildren.

  37. @Anonymous

    Many Christians celebrate and believe in the Jewish holidays. Since Jesus Christ was Jewish and stated 'He had to come to abolish the Laws (referring to the Old Testament) but to fulfill them.'

  38. Such a cute baby! Michael and Makynzie are so adorable!!! I think that the Jewish items are souvenirs from their trip to Israel. It makes sense. I know for a fact that they are Southern Baptists not Jews. And I think that people should really watch that they do not insult Anna by saying she has a baby belly, because she might not be pregnant.

  39. @sheila ya anna is pregnat again and i agree people need to stop leaving insults. I think they should stick with the letter "M" for the babies first name. I encourage you to keep having children

  40. I worry that Makenzie will end up obese. Anna you are a wonderful mother but give her a spoonful of cookie dough, not the whole bowl! She's precious, but getting chubbier by the episode

  41. @Anonymousi also wondered about if anna was part Jewish,i noticed on thier show anna, wearing a jewish necklace.

  42. Some of the Duggar girls wear a Jewish star occasionally as well.


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