Sunday, February 1, 2015

Season 9 Summary

The larger-than-life Duggar family is in for some exciting times in the upcoming season of 19 Kids and Counting, which premieres February 17th at 9pm EST/8pm CST. With new sons-in-law and new babies on the way, this super-sized brood keeps on growing. 

Last season, Jim Bob and Michelle proudly gave Jill away to Derick Dillard. Now, Jill starts her life as a wife and quickly finds out that she is expecting. From ultrasounds to birthing classes, follow Jill and Derick on their journey to parenthood, and join the entire Duggar clan for the gender reveal of Baby Dilly. When the newlyweds decides to host the youngest Duggar daughters for a sleepover, they get a taste of what parenthood will really be like.
The family also prepares for a second Duggar daughter to say “I Do.” In November 2014, viewers followed along with Jessa as she embarked on a scavenger hunt engagement planned by Ben Seewald. In the upcoming season, keep up with Jessa and Ben as they head to the altar. When the future Mr. and Mrs. Seewald decide to save money for a romantic honeymoon, it’s all about pinching pennies on the wedding. With a guest list of over 1000 people, Jessa and Ben must plan their dream wedding on a shoestring budget. From budgeting to bridesmaid attire, Jessa knows what she wants but has less than three months to pull it off. And when the future Seewalds tour their soon-to-be home, a little mold may turn into a big problem.

The DC-based Duggars are also loving life on the East Coast. With Marcus almost 2-years-old, Josh and Anna are hoping to grow their family. And there is plenty of big family fun back in Arkansas as Jim Bob and Michelle cherish each moment with the kids still at home.


  1. cant wait ready for the new season

  2. Being Christian and knowing some of the bible I just wanted to let your family know that even though you have been having some people not agreeing with the foundations that you stand on you are defeated the devil because you know that you are following the Lord Jesus words. May God be with and bless your family. May God help use people like you to help our country turn back to God and his foundation.. Love all your family, and your friends the Bates.

  3. Love love love this uplifting show and family!!

  4. I can't wait love this family so much

  5. I am so happy to hear that Derick's mom is doing so well. I can't wait to watch all the upcoming episodes with the growing families.

  6. Why was Josiah not in any of the episodes last season? And he wasn't in any of the "Dishing With the Duggars" segments either. Was he at that ALERT Training camp?

  7. Ahh, i see why we never had an official announcement of the couples honeymoon or where they live.If TLC covered it then they have to stay mum.I thought they were just more private because of all the negative publicity they had to endure. I just wish there weren't so many meanspirited jealous bullies out there.Their faith keeps them strong, i guess i need more so it doesn't bother me so much.I just love this family...O:-) Godbless the Duggars every day!

  8. Beautiful photos of the the girls...but one of them don't look to happy kinda a sad look on they face.still lovely pic tho


  10. I kinda chuckled when it said Jill had a taste of what motherhood would be like when her younger siblings slept over, because she has been well prepared all her life a she has helped raise her fifteen younger siblings.She knows EXACTLY whats ahead of her. I would say she is more prepared than most, lol :-)

    1. How cool that TLC realized they need a new plot....something other than a courtship, a wedding, an engagement or a pregnancy. Please please TLC focus on others besides the three who are now married.

  11. So excited cant wait!!!!!

  12. Yes!!! So excited!! Can't wait!!!

  13. It's gone to be funny....

  14. Yeah...looking forward to this season's first show, for sure!

  15. Looking forward to it!!!

  16. Love the show. Sometimes TLC would keep up with all this instead of months behind. I love that they don't worry about what others think about being Christian. I think that is why I wish they were on television more.

  17. Can't wait to see the new season

  18. do you know when the season will be on dutch tv

  19. when wil last season en next season be on dutch television

  20. When this show is filmed Marcus is hardly two. He's just turning one. Don't make those babies grow up any faster than they have to. He will barely be two when number 4 arrives. Anna's last three pregnancies have been pretty consistently spacing her little ones out at two years- even her first two were close to that. In my opinion, that's a good spacing:) still close but the babies get to be well established toddlers before another baby arrives.

  21. Wish the show would run in real time. Not months later. It is a beautiful show. Love it. :)

  22. @Anonymous
    I sincerely hope you are not implying that those who may disagree with the Duggar beliefs and lifestyle are influenced by the "devil." It is a dangerous path to follow when people fail to question the actions or thinking of any one individual or group that places themselves in a position of authority, expertise, or leadership, whether they are government officials, politicians, religious figures, or the Duggar family.

    1. Agreed. The bible even tells us to test and question.

    2. How right that is. We are each and everyone supposed to test and question the actions and thinking of others, instead of blindly following like lemmings.

  23. I love this show great family

  24. I am sooooooooooo looking forward to it

  25. I've been looking forward to it since the last season finished

  26. I will say that it seems selfish as Christians to have a cheap wedding so that you can
    go to Paris, France for your honeymoon. As Christians, we are called to be hospitable
    and to serve others not ourselves. People paid a lot of money to go to their wedding and
    buy expensive gifts, which Jessa and Ben asked for.

  27. Let's try to guess the date the baby will be born. I say March 8, 2015.

    1. I doubt it but I wouldn't mind! That's my birthday!

    2. My guess is March 3rd, on Uncle Josh's Birthday!

  28. On second thought let's just pray for the baby to have a safe delivery.

  29. Looking forward to the new season!! Duggars are a beautiful family.

  30. What do you mean josh and Anna are hoping to expand their family, they are already pregnant.

    1. Yes but for a good portion of what they will be showing I would guess they didn't know yet. TLC is often months behind current events going on with the Duggars

  31. I hope the episodes will be on youtube. We got rid of cable during the break.

  32. Marcus is only 1.5 years old, not "almost 2"; his birthday is in June.

  33. It is so great that the Duggars have the means to financially assist their young adult children as they leave the home and embark on the next stages of their lives. I do worry, though, that the Duggars are setting an irresponsible example for their young viewers and fans. Most teens and early-20-somethings cannot afford a comfortable lifestyle in most parts of the U.S. without an education and stable job. I fear the romanticizing of Jessa and Ben's relationship may encourage other young adults to rush to the altar, not fully understanding the heavy financial responsibilities of adulthood, marriage, and - especially - parenthood. Jill and Derick are better examples as they both have higher education and Derick has a stable job. Jessa and Ben, however, I would never recommend young people without savings, education, and income (outside of family) get married and begin having children.

  34. Can't wait for the new Season of 19kids and counting to start on February17th at 9pm I remember watching "14 Children and Pregnant Again" when it came out in 2004

  35. @Rachel WeirThe season isn't live. This was a few months ago, before Anna knew she was pregnant.

  36. Awwwww...just the mention of little Marcus makes me smile. He seems so content.

  37. I think that Ben and Jessa did the right thing to have a plan with a budget worked out when they prepared for their wedding. The reason I say this is that the Bible does say things that support their actions such as - without a vision people perish, - a hard worker gets everything they want, - victory is the fruit of long planning, - ask and it shall be given to you, - to them that have, more shall be given, - those who are faithful in small things will be faithful in great things. It seems they were smart planners and thought ahead and arranged things to meet their goals. IF I were a guest I would appreciate how wise they had been to have both a great wedding and a great honeymoon that they could really get excited about and I would share in their joy.

    1. I'm not a Bible scholar so please help me out here. Where does it say "to them that have, more shall be given ". I am familiar with "to whom much is given, much is expected.". Also, where do I find "ask and it shall be given unto you " ? I am familiar with "give and it shall be given unto you".

  38. I am looking forward to Valentine's Day because maybe there will be a love announcement.

    1. I hope it is something special for grandma Mary for valentines day. May people remember those who no longer have someone to tell them they are special on valentines day. They feel left out and forgotten.

  39. Look forward to this new season. The wedding, birth announcements, and a new beginning as the Duggar family trsnsition from having 17 kids at home to 16 kids and 11 of them still being homeschooled. Plus the new theme song with Jill and Derick expecting and Jessa and Ben married plus Josh and Anna expecting again.

  40. That comment about what is influencing people who are not agreeing with the Duggar lifestyle was a super charged leading question and I wonder if it is fair to the Duggars to instigate like this.
    Not agreeing with a lifestyle can be things like home schooling or using an institutional setting, or it can be issues like resorting to abortions for family planning. There is a spectrum of non agreement possible. Obviously for differences of a definite moral nature it is more an attack against a church than a particular family. The Duggars being in a church group are subject to the morals of the church. Being a church person too, I feel bad that the Duggars are placed under attack in that comment by a question that possibly strikes at the shared values of church goers.

  41. People who are not seeking high secondary education have as much right to marry as those who want to hold out to become college professionals first. Love is the necessary thing to have to get married and if they have to get a job just go and get one.

  42. The devil does defeat Christians and Christians do defeat the devil. Facts of life, there is a battle going on. Trying to glaze over this with by claiming secular ground putting one's head in the sand and not taking a stand. Guess who can win then?

  43. We are very much looking forward to the new season. Hopefully, they will show more day to day footage of all the Duggar kids. They would have time to do that if they would stop doing those annoying recap segments before and after the long commercials. Now that the new Bates show is on, hopefully the Duggars will be encouraged to go back to how their show used to be, which is more like the Bates'show is now. Also, the parenting style of the Bates allows for the kids to all express themselves in situations as they happen, whereas the Duggars tend to stand in front of the kids or walk in front of the kids with not much interaction. I remember instances where kids came up to Michelle to talk to her during family meetings but there was little interaction. Sometimes they put themselves in more of a counselors role, standing up in front and talking at, but not WITH, the kids during activities. The Duggars are great parents and role models but hopefully they can adopt some of the Bates interaction style so we can actually finally see some of the middle boys personalities, and the younger girls personalities as they express themselves more while things are going on and not just in interviews. This is especially so we could see Jeremiah, Jedidiah, James, Justin, Joseph, John David, Jennifer, Johannah, Joy, Jana and Jordan's personalities and opinions while things are happening, during some of their activities, instead of just seeing them sitting and listening to Jim Bob and Michelle talk at them and then maybe a half minute in an interview segment. We are so looking forward to this new season!

  44. Jana and Jinger are pretty girls!

  45. Can't wait for it .

  46. I just saw a great recipe on Facebook for Rootbeer Float Cake that I thought the Duggars might like, since Jill had rootbeer floats at her reception.
    1 package of white cake mix
    1 3/4 cup of root beer divided
    1/4 cup of canola oil
    2 eggs
    1 envelope of powdered whipped topping mix (I used Dream Whip)

    In a large bowl or mixer combine cake mix, 1 1/4 cups of root beer, oil and eggs. Beat on low speed for 2 minutes or you can mix ingredients by hand for 3 minutes.
    Pour into a greased 13x9 baking pan. Bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool completely before icing.

    ICING- combine the remaining 1/2 cups of root beer with the whipped topping mix. Beat on high until soft peaks form. Ice cake and store in fridge.

    And yes you can definitely taste the root beer in this-it's so yummy!!

    1. Yummy. Thanks I'm going to try that!


  47. Anonymous 35:
    Jim Bob and Michelle have become very wealthy and they didn't have anything beyond high school. Jill's education was she was simply an apprentice midwife, per the state of Arkansas . I remember Jessa was there once when Jill was helping the midwife with a delivery but it seems like she was taking pictures. I do not believe that Jessa has her apprentice midwife certification like Jill and Jana do but she might be good at photography like Jinger is. We know that Ben worked for State Farm in Hot Springs. Since nothing is in real time Ben might be with State Farm in Tontitown. Whatever.....I wish Ben and Jessa the best.

  48. For the person who is asking about the Bible verses, this is not a wrong point I made, it is true and you can find it in the Bible, Bible Hub is a good place to look because there you will see similar verses.

  49. The constant previewing and reviewing in the Duggar TLC shows gives me anxiety attacks. I really want them to STOP doing that, it is craziness. One review of the previous show is about all we need to see, then show the whole show, we will get it fine. Then at the end they can preview what the next weeks show will be. That's it!

  50. KJV look in Luke i think 2 or suttin like that

  51. Are we sure that the Seewald's went to Paris for their honeymoon? The celebrity gossip websites reported that, but I never saw any credible information. Also, concerning the comment that God expects us to serve one another and referring to the honeymoon, it made it sound like Ben and Jessa weren't supposed to have an enjoyable honeymoon because Christians are supposed to "serve". Really? Even on their honeymoon? Give them a break and let them relax a little.

  52. "A hard worker gets everything they want", I can't agree with this statement. And there's no Bible verse to support that statement either.

  53. I don't believe anyone is suggesting people without a higher education do not have a "right" to marry. Rather, the suggestion is that children (debatable if a 19-year-old without financial independence is an adult) perhaps shouldn't marry other children and begin having children without a practical means for earning a living. If wealthy parents can afford to support their married dependent children, that is great. But it sets an unrealistic view of life for young impressionable viewers.

  54. how are Jessa and Ben saving money when they don't have jobs? I read that tlc paid for their paris honeymoon, and i do believe they went there because of a picture of them on that bridge of locks that is so famous in Paris. the show definitely glosses over all the stuff that tlc gives the family, that JimBob and Michelle do to help support their out of the house grown children...i agree with the person that said it sets a paid example to young people who watch all mooney eyed about marriage = a dose of honesty about the situation would be more of a blessing to those young viewers.


  55. I can agree that there is a Bible verse that says a hard worker gets what they want.
    Translations vary, but this one Good News Translations says that with those words exactly in Proverbs 13:4
    Proverbs 13:4 (Good News Translation) | In Context | Whole Chapter
    4 No matter how much a lazy person may want something, he will never get it. A hard worker will get everything he wants.

  56. Perhaps someone can clear this up for me. I am interested to know if the Duggars are members of a particular church or are affiliated with a religion. Why does Jim Bob conduct church services in their home rather than attend a community church, is he an ordained minister? Do they associate themselves with the Quiverfull movement and if so, is this an organized religion or church? (There is much controversy over this group possibly being a cult.)

  57. I don't think that Jessa should necessarily be pushed out into the workforce, but one of them really ought to have a full time job with a living wage. A woman's traditional role is to stay home and manage the home and practice economy and save money. But to have both of them with no specific means of regular income is unwise.

  58. Hi Lilly, did Jessa and Ben go to Paris for their honeymoon? I did see a picture of them
    with a fan, and they said they were in Paris.

  59. If thy did go to Paris, how does a 19 year old ,who is a hired hand of his father in law,
    afford that?

  60. A couple of things to consider in plotting the ideal timing of a marriage are 1. That education costs money, so rather than just getting a job one might have a hefty loan to pay off because they spent years in college using student loans. 2. Also jobs often go to top students, so if some students are just getting passing grades they might be wasting time and money in a college.
    3. Getting a job in one's area of training may not happen so they end up taking any job they can get any way. People who go to college could also be accused of giving impressionable younger people the wrong idea, just because they are in a place where they are accumulating debt and most employers want to hire the students who get the top grades, and just because a student takes a course does not mean a job is available to them when they get out.

  61. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 65,

    The Duggars attend an independent Baptist church fellowship with a handful of other families. The church fellowship meets in a building about 30 minutes from the Duggars' house. The Duggars are Bible believing Christians and are not associated with the Quiverfull movement. We have spent time with their family and can assure you that they are genuine.

    Hope that clears things up for you. :)
    Lily and Ellie

  62. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 69,

    Jessa and Ben have not yet revealed their honeymoon location to the public. Stay tuned! :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  63. This is to advise people not to try to hard to satisfy the guests at weddings and to not listen to their comments that the experience was not lavish enough for them. The reason I say this is that there is a scripture in the book of Proverbs that gives the wisdom that the tastes of the already well fed person may be impossible to satisfy, it is
    Proverbs 27:7
    King James Bible
    Then consider the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 6:7
    King James Bible
    All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.
    The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.

    The commentary in Bible Hub says this:
    A little will serve to sustain us comfortably, and a great deal can do no more. The desires of the soul find nothing in the wealth of the world to give satisfaction.
    So don't take out struggles with this universal human condition on the Duggar children by saying their weddings were not lavish enough to satisfy their guests desires!!!
    At least they had the wisdom to know to quit trying to do that, while they were ahead.

  64. Why is their honeymoon location such a secret? Why are you unable to say where they went?

  65. @AnonymousSeriously, I think it makes perfect sense to scrimp on the wedding so they could have a great honeymoon. A wedding is about gathering together the people who are important to the couple and celebrating their union. It's not about spending huge
    sums of money to impress the attendees. I know a woman that spent about $20,000 on her wedding in the 1990's and then ending up splitting up with her husband just a few months after their honeymoon.

  66. do you know when new series airs in uk?

  67. I cant wait!!!!! 1 Week!!!!!!!!!!! I had a thought the lther day, wouldn't it bw awesome if i colid stay with the duggars for like a month or so, as a child exchange like celebrity child swap except im not a celebrity..... lol

  68. Hey when is season 9 going to be shown on tlc in the uk as me and family are great fans of the show and would like to know when it will be starting again as we cant wait

  69. Thank you for what your doing

  70. I love this family and feel like I know each one personally,,,,we have some of the same ideas and religion.
    God grant you everything good in life,,,and much happiness.
    cant wait for the new shows to start.

  71. i can't wait. i'm soooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. My little sisters favourite is Johannah. i think its because they are the same age.

  73. my favourite is Jackson because we're so alike and we're the same age!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  74. I first discovered their show last year for my homework. I immediately fell in love with the show and I think I have watched every episode I can. I cant get it on the TV so I can only watch it on the computer. I'm 4 months older than James but have been really inspired by them.

  75. Pozdrawiam z Polski! ;-)

  76. Viewers must realize different lifestyles are appropriate for various demographics. Many young married couples simply cannot afford to throw caution to the wind and get married without visible means of support. The Duggars are very lucky to have wealthy parents willing to support them. I do hope they will eventually be able to survive and raise their families without outside help.

  77. I'm really looking forward to a new season with the Duggars! I love this family and how their lives reflect their faith in God. I'm grateful that this is a show that I can watch with my child. Thank you for allowing us into your lives, Duggar Family. God bless you!

    As I read through the comments others have posted, I can't help but wonder why anyone would criticize, condemn or ridicule this family. God rewards and blesses His people and if Bro Jim Bob and Sis Michelle have acquired wealth for themselves and their children all I can say is How Great is Our God!!!

  78. I would just like to let the Duggars know that they are not just inspiring America. I'm from England and I love to watch there show in the computer as well. It a shame that some of the ingredients for some of the recipes you can't get in England

  79. Cannot wait for the new season. God bless the whole family.

  80. First i just want to say . I LOVE the Duggar Family they're AMAZING!
    I was wondering why Jill and Jessa had such a short engagement?...Why the rush?..


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