Sunday, November 23, 2014

Support the Duggars

Many of you have seen the petition to cancel 19 Kids and Counting. Show your support for the Duggars by sharing what the show means to you and why it should stay on the air. Post you responses as a comment, and feel free to add as many as you can think of.


  1. I really hope the show doesn't get cancelled! I've loved watching it over the years and have picked up lots of great advice and inspiration. I definitely don't agree with all of the Duggars' views - I am an atheist, have just one child and fully support same sex marriage for a start. Still love them though!

  2. I 100% support the Duggar family..

  3. I love the duggar family because of their standard! I am 21 years old and in college and in my opinion the lifestyle that the duggars lives is not to strict. It's wonderful to see a large family living for God and parents who are involved in their kids lives! It's a rare find to find a family like the duggars! I dont understand why the media wants to cancel the duggars, it's so simple if you don't like them don't watch them! Christians complain daily about the reality tv shows that promote everything but God, yet why are they still on the air? Really not fair, if you ask me! Anyway to the Duggars, if you guys even read this blog, I thank god for your family and its standard! (Ps. I love big families)

  4. Although I would miss watching the show for it's entertainment value, I do think the family is becoming too celebrity-like. It may be going to their heads just a bit. You sure can tell their making more money than in years past, all thanks to us nosy viewers.

  5. Please keep the Duggar Family on tv. We need more shows that reflect love and respect. The Duggars are setting a wonderful example of how we can all live with one another and for God.
    Centennail CO

  6. Why is it when someone doesn't share the liberal agenda they are protested against. This family have provided so much inspiration it is unreal. I am not Christian but admire the grace in which this family shows their beliefs and conducts themselves.

  7. It's dumb because everyone lives the way they want. The family is not pushing their beliefs on anyone.

  8. The Duggar family represents biblical truth. They are a loving family that reflects Christlike character. Their show is an encouragement to all who have had the privilege of watching the show. They inspire others to live out Godly principles. I support them and the show.

    If Tlc removes their show if will be a travesty to all.

  9. I would be heartbroken beyond words if the show was canceled. The Duggars are part of my daily life as I check in on this blog, Instagram, and other social media for daily Christian inspiration. Their family lights up my day. Michelle has become a role model for me as a wife and future mother. This family has had a tremendous impact on my life and desire to be a more devout Christian. I love this family and I am sending out many prayers that they can continue to share their wonderful inspiring message to the world. This show is a breath of fresh air for their morals of modesty and our world needs more modest role models like Michelle and the Duggar family.


  11. Love the duggar kept the show on always looking forward the new season to start i do ont want it to end it also ouf children favorite show

  12. I will sign every pro Duggar petition I can find!! This country needs this family on television! So tired of the LGBT community expecting us to accept them but they don't have to accept the Lord?? This is America aka land of freedom of speech. LOVE THE DUGGARS & all that they stand for! Praying without ceasing that this show overcomes Satan's agenda!

  13. Thank you for quietly standing up for God's word

  14. I love the Duggars! My daughter and I try to find every episode. We chose years ago to limit what we watch. We felt even commercials were not appropriate anymore. It was hard to keep our children from seeing things, that as parents, we felt they should not see. We have many of the same values, almost all, except we eat regular bacon:). However, we like the turkey bacon too. I certainly hope TLC keeps them on the air. They are standing for right and they have a right to voice their opinions just as those opposed do. Why does it seem like the right to stand for what you believe in is so one sided these days. We are loving fans from Greenbrier, AR.

  15. Dear Duggars, thank you for opening up your lives to millions of fans! I am a liberal atheist, with very different political opinions than you and most of your fans have, but I have watched your show for years. As an only child, I love getting an inside look at the life of a family as large as yours! I have watched almost every episode and have read all your books. You've inspired me to live a debt-free life, be kind to everyone I meet, and appreciate my own family so much more. I would love to meet you all in person one day, and thank you for being such great role models. Even though I am not religious and disagree with most of your political beliefs, I look up to and appreciate your strong, loving family.

  16. I love watching the duggars on TV not just because it's a fun show but because it is a great influence for teens, families, married couples, and singles. It's so hard to find good things on social media these days but the duggars are one of the few that are encouraging and family friendly. I'm thankful for the duggars and the great role models they are in my life.

  17. I love your show. You guys are an amazing model for every part of the family from sisters, brothers, to parents, and husband + wife. You are amazing Christians, standing up for what you believe in in the end times that are leading up to the rapture. Your tv show shows other Christians that you do not have to go the way the world is going. I love you guys! Hope I can get to meet on of y'all someday.

  18. The duggards have helped me in many ways ,I find strength and knowlage from this family.i look daily to your bog and try not to miss a show I have learned there character qualities and shared them with my own family .love the duggards !!!!!!

  19. The duggars for me as a christian really gave me encouragement they showed that I'm not the only one out there. They seem so humble and are great role model. I'm so sorry that there are people trying to tear yall down.

  20. It is beyond me why anyone would want this show to be cancelled. It is among the very few shows that inspire people of different walks of life. People can agree or disagree with the Duggars but that does not, by any means mean that they should stop promoting their message. If anyone has an issue with them, they can feel free not to watch or support the Duggars. But for those of us whose lives have been changed for the better by the example seen on this show ending it would for sure not be fair.

  21. I would be very sad if this show cancelled ,let there light shine.!!!!!!! We love the duggards !!!!!!

  22. I am54 years old and a mom of four and step mom to six more, I have six grandchildren and four step grandchildren. I totally think the show should continue I am a fan and I'm so happy that they are on tv as they have good morals,they are kind,generous, I don't see how anyone could condemn this show.Maybe people need to take a hard look at themselves and not be harsh on others beliefs.I wait for the next episode every week, I talk to my grandchildren about keeping themselves for marriage and I pray they follow some or all of what the Duggars have talked about.I have boughten and read two of their books ,Growing up Duggar and 20 kids and counting. Please keep this show going ,we need more shows like theirs.

  23. I love the duggars. It's wonderful to see a family on T.V. with wholesome values. The LGBT community has been trying to gain ground through threats and intimidation but God is faithful! He will fight for your family.

  24. I just posted but another thought to consider is the fact that when they deleted the pictures it was merely a stand for what they believe in and not an attack on the individual. However, some that were offended were not happy to say "you know I did not agree with that action". Instead, they want to harm those that disagree with them. Which one is worse? I just wonder why people are not asking that question more. Is it worse to just disagree and stand for what you believe in or when someone does not agree with you have a desire to hurt them personally? It is really not a hard answer if we just think about it. Again, loving fans from Greenbrier. The Queen family

  25. I love the Duggars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they should stay on TV because they are the only good thing on these days!!!!! SAVE THE DUGGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. This show has really helped me to see what it means to live as God wants us to and to put the Lord first! The family is so encouraging and a wonderful example to all their viewers. Thanks Duggars!

  27. There are not many wholesome televisions shows on TV these day's that you don't have to worry about your kids watching. They have their beliefs and it's no one's right to take that away from them.

  28. johanna from englandNovember 23, 2014 at 3:27 PM

    It is a lovely wholesome Christian programme that me and my young daughters have beenvwatching since it was 14 kids, love the clean family show, lovely well mannered children and young adults, such a great example to the nation!

  29. This means the world to. I cant believe that because they stand for values and Christianity that they are being attacked. This show is the ONLY reason I watch TLC.

  30. Don't cancel 19KAC!!!!!! I love it!!!

  31. i like this family they have great values, the kids are amazing, and a want to know more about jill and Jessa's married life and see their children. Anna and josh too

  32. The Duggar's are such a good example to me, and I love watching it!!!!! <3

  33. Oh I hope they don't cancel this show, I love the Duggars! I want Jim Bob and Michelle to be able to show off their grand-babies to the world now.

  34. Love this show! Not only does it show what families should be more like, but also their faith in God!! Which in this day and time is something we all need!! God bless the Duggar family!!

  35. Dear TLC:

    All sorts of shows are shown on your network that cover a variety of topics, including polygamy and psychic phenomenon. Surely you still have room for a family like the Duggars whose family members share Christian views shared by so many in this country. Do not let bullies cause you to cancel a show that is beloved by so many.

  36. I 100 percent support the Duggar Family. They are my favorite show to watch on TV.
    They have every right to their beliefs and they have not done anything to anyone. They are kind, caring and supportive people. Please do not take their show off the air. It brings so much joy to my life. I am home bound due to physical problems so I watch a lot of TV. I would be very sad and disappointed if you removed this show from your network. They have brought a lot of viewers to your network. GOD BLESS THE DUGGAR FAMILY!!!!

  37. why in the world would anybody want to stop us from watching this wonderful family grow please don't take what little hope in this world away

  38. Love you guys and all you stand for. Our family is standing with you....

  39. I think people will judge and criticize what ever and anything .To try and bring the show down.

  40. I love this family! They are a shining light in the darkness of the world. Those that want to have the show taken off the air just fear what it is doing. It is showing God to the world, and those that are not in the Lord are afraid of the light that this family puts out. I pray that this family stays on tv and that they are a continued blessing to so many.

  41. Please don't cancel the show. There aren't to many good shows on TV and this is a good wholesome show please keep it on!

  42. I love you guys. I love the values and faith you guys have and the fact that people are tying to force you out of your freedom of religion is rediculous. Being a Christian myself I feel that your view and faith are inspirational. Continue to be happy and loving.

  43. Why is it okay to bully Christians about what they believe but not the other way around? Keep doing you Duggars! You inspire me!


  45. You're show is wonderful and I sincerely hope my daughter learns and administers the values your daughters have. You're show is an inspiration and you should have the right to express your beliefs as others do. If TLC can't support you by taking this show off the air they can say goodbye to mine and all of my family's business. They have another show on their network I don't like and I think it's vulgar. So my remedy is to not watch it. It's as simple as that. Thank you for sharing your family and your values with me and mine.

  46. I love the Duggars!! They are a wonderful family, who have the right to their values, the values all of our lives began with. They have done nothing wrong.

  47. Keep the Duggars on TV. They are a good family, close, caring and very happy. They put a lot of the world to shame. If more people where more family orientated the world wouldn't be as bad to some people as it is. Love watching this program. Gael

  48. The Duggar are such a great example to other families in America, I would hate to see their show cancelled! They have done nothing wrong and I pray they have more support in favor of keeping their show! God Bless them!

  49. I love their show very much. Although I don't agree with all of their religious views. The Duggars are very encouraging. :)

  50. Would desperately love to have the Duggars stay on the air. I love watching it weekly. I really loved watching Jill's marriage and Jessa's engagement. They are a clean wholesome show and I really love watching. There are so many garbage on TV that shows like these you really appreciate. So please don't cancel this show.

  51. Family Values! Christians! Care about each other and the world! Support themselves!! Oh, so many reasons. I wish they had been around before I had children, I would of done so many things better!

  52. have watched them in 2007 and until now and the 19 kids aoucnint tlc page has billon likes on facebook and that shows you how many people loves the duggars and will be sad to see this amazing show get canceled

  53. Thank you so much to TLC and the Duggar family for providing inspiration and entertainment through the TV media. Whether I agree with everything or not, it is 100% refreshing not having to explain to grandchildren questionable statements. Simply put, I support and praise the Duggars for their stand in such a critical society and the kindness in which they do so

  54. Many many peopke agree with the Duggars . Many people don't !
    This is a free country and the duggars have every right to follow their beliefs ! Other people don't have to watch their show !! But they don't have a right to stop the duggars and their supporters from doing their show ! The duggars do not try and shut down
    Shows that they don't agree with they just don't watch !! It's their Facebook ! Their life !

  55. I am so happy to see something on TV that is positive. I choose to watch The Duggar 's and I choose to not watch the plethora of mind numbing shows that don't have the same values I do. If someone has a problem with your show, I'm guessing their remote works as well as mine does:-)
    I support you and what you stand for!

  56. it is a wholesome family show where the children respect their parents and the parents respect the children and they have lots of love for each other

  57. We love the Duggars and we love your show! Be encouraged. The Lord is on your side.

  58. For me this show is a welcome respite from the over-sexualized nature of most tv today

  59. I support that program, please don't take it off the air because of its religious beliefs and morals with their children

  60. Appreciate your values.

  61. I won't watch TLC if they cancel 19 Kids..ridiculous! They are a wonderful example.

  62. Love you all and support you!!! They can't cancel the show!!

  63. With all the junk on t.v. these days, I really enjoy watching a show about a family so full of love for each other. I get so sad reading all the negative comments about them. They do a better job of raising 19 children than many people with only one or two. Maybe some disagree with their way of life, but they're not hurting anyone. We can use more positive shows like this.

  64. They should not cancel this show! It is one of few shows that doesn't contain nudity, foul language, and homosexuality in a positive way. Watching this show with my daughter has been a joy! Thank you for sharing your lives and experiences with us.

  65. If we have to have media shoved down our throats with inappropriate content, gay marriage, alternative lifestyles of varying degrees, why can't we have good Christian programing as well. It seems contrary to what the other side is preaching.... if they want fairness and equality in programming, I want Christian programming to balance it!

  66. I love watching the Duggars and it is a show my grandchildren can watch and learn. A positive influence. Keep it going . We do not the other kind of negative activity you show on the air

  67. I support the Duggars 1000%! They are a wonderful Christian family with Godly morals. We can all learn from them! Those who don't like it TURN THE CHANNEL! I turn the channel from the pregnant teen shows, cheaters and all other trashy immoral programs. You can watch all the trash you want to. I choose to watch 19 Kids and Counting and be happy and uplifted! AMAN! Melody Parks, GA

  68. I absolutely love the Duggars!! They have indirectly given me tools to help me raise my future children in a Godly home. Though, some of their views I don't agree with, I still respect them, because everyone has their own opinions & beliefs. They help people where ever & when ever they can, it definitely takes some special people to do that! I really hope that they don't get their show cancelled, it's one of the only shows left on TV that people can take positive things out of it & apply it to their own lives! I love you Jim Bob, Michelle & family! You guys ROCK! (: (: (:

  69. i like watching the show and what the family do together like go to church and they go do outings and it makes me happy to watch them there is not other show that I like so I like 19 kids and counting a lot

  70. I support this show because in the midst of all things evil and worst, your show continues to promote modesty, godliness, and serving others. I am a proud fan of this show and will always be. I love that in all your family does, God is first, family us second and loving others is third. I pray that God continues to bless you in all you do and say. Thank you for being a beacon if light in the middle of all the ddarkness around us.

  71. This show needs to stay on the air. Finally a show that depicts wonderful family values and morals. Bless this family :)

  72. I love watching the duggers
    on tv
    it is the best show on tlc

  73. This united states freedom of speech. I support the Duggars.

  74. Audrey & Stewart CohenNovember 23, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    I think there is no reason to cancel this show, it is a warm family show, better than some of the bad mouthed hard language programs that are on TV today, and the shows with lots of violence. This is a nice family program that our children can watch. Stop all this complaining about nothing that is causing nothing much!
    Audrey & Stewart Cohen

  75. Love to watch this show, it helps me in raising my 13 year old daughter when it comes to relationships and life situations. Watching the kids growing up and moving on with their new lives puts a smile on my face and seeing their families grow.

  76. I admire their love for Christ and doing what is right. With media, Satan has a way of attacking. As Christians we need to be extremely careful of how we are portrayed to the masses.

  77. It is a refreshing show that I enjoy being ABLE to watch with my 11yo daughter without fearing it to be inappropriate. Not to mention the lessons and values she hears from people she looks up to (other than "mom"). Thank you for sticking with your (our) beliefs even if they aren't popular in todays society. You are not alone!

  78. Please leave the show on my kids and I watch ever week and wouldn't know what to do if you canceled the show. They are not hurting anyone if you ask me I think they are helping people by changing there lives for the better. So please leave there show on. :)

  79. I am amazed at the lengths some will go to to get a wholesome, family, Christian show off the air. It just shows what kind of world we're living in. I signed the petition to keep the Duggars' show on the air and hope that all of you will as well! There are so few good, family programs on the air nowadays, it would be a shame to see this one go. I, for one, enjoy this show a lot.

  80. I believe that the "market" should decide this. If enough people truly believe that your show should not be on the air, then ratings will decrease and TLC should drop the show because it is not longer profitable. If people support the show, ratings will increase or remain stable and TLC should continue airing the show. I don't believe most people signing that petition even watch the show to begin with. If they don't likeit , they don't need to turn it on.

    I don't agree with everything your family does - I like my pants, for example - but I believe you are a Godly family that strives on a daily basis to live your lives for God. I pray that God's will is done here. If God is ready to turn your family's focus in a new direction, then your show being canceled will be all for His glory. If He wants this ministry to continue and "19 Kids & Counting" to remain on air, then I pray for strength and peace during this trial. Either way, I just pray for God's continued guidance!

  81. I support the Duggars, Keep their show on the air.

  82. Praise God! Way to go Duggars for standing up for your beliefs!

  83. I absolutely love the Duggar family! They give me hope that there are still people out in the world who stand by their values and aren't afraid to show it. I feel the petition is completely ridiculous. They say it's because the Duggars are "pushing their values onto everyone", but no one is forced to watch this show. What about the endless list of shows that "push" drinking, drugs, pre-marital sex, and countless other things on people? You don't see petitions being made to take those shows off the air! Let the Duggars be, and if you don't agree with them, simply change the channel. I stand by them and the show 100% and will most likely refuse to watch TLC if they give in to these pointless attacks and remove it from the air. Don't let these people bring you down, Duggars!

  84. I love to watch the Duggars and see what's happening in their lives. That and The Litttle Couple are my favorite shows on TLC. You should get rid of Gypsy Sisters...that show is just plain trashy as was Honey Boo Boo.

  85. I can`t tell you what 19 Kids and Counting means to me! You Duggar girls have been such a role model to me, and I`m sure many others. Mr. and Mrs. Duggar, you have showed many people what a godly marriage looks like, and I appreciate it so much!!!! I love you guys! <3

  86. Please keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC..I have watched and enjoyed them since day 1. They have not done anything wrong.

  87. My family and I support the Duggars. If they cancel this show I will stop watching the TLC. I look forward every morning and every Tuesday for this show. If they cancel 19 kids and counting.. They will loose a faithful customer.. Keep the show alive. Love you Duggars. Keep up the good work.

  88. Of topic but where is Jenny??????

  89. This is America. If you don't like what someone stands for, don't watch their show, buy their books and what not. They have a right to their beliefs. They may not support same sex marriage or numerous other things that contradict the bible and God's commands. They don't have to support what they don't believe in. Just as some don't believe in God, that's their right too. If you don't agree with a person, group of people, a network, a book, magazine, etc... then don't look, Keep it real.

  90. I LOVE that your family is ministry focused and you are always pointing to God!

  91. I love the duggars! They are amazing people doing what god set out for them to do! Keep them on!!!

  92. Please don't cancel 19 kids and counting! I love them so much<3 They are such an inspiration to myself and many others!

  93. Why is there always a group of people that feel so inclined so spoil others happiness? I believe this petion to cancel the Duggars was started by a group of people who disagree with some of their believes. How does that teach tolerance? People who yell the loudest to be heard are bullies because they want their view to be the one accepted. You may not agree with everything the Duggars believe but they have the same right as everyone else to express their beliefs. If you don't like their show don't watch it. I love their show, they are a bright light in a very dark world. They are refreshing because they have solid morals, which unfortunately our society is lacking more and more. I choose what I watch on TV very carefully. I hope the show stays as it is a bright spot in our week!

  94. please please keep the show on TLC,this is the only show that is on that the whole family can watch and they have excellent family values

  95. I absolutely love the duggars and all they stand for. We are praying for your family as well as TLC to see that there is a great following for your show and what you stand for. Fight the Good fight. Isaiah 40:31.

  96. This is the sweetest, most God fearing family I know!!!! Christians are being moved to the side for a WOW watching audience and our faith and the Bible and our views are being challenged daily. I have them on my DirecTv and watch them all the time. They are a blessing to probably have no idea how many lives were/are touched by this loving family. More people should take the time to watch this family program. I am having such a hard time thinking that they want to take this program from the airwaves. I pray that they stay on and we continue living their lives with them, pray with them, struggle with them and know that they are doing what God has them on this earth to do. more people should take their would be a better world!!!! Bless the Duggar family!!!!!

  97. I fully support the Duggars and applaud them for standing strong for biblical truth!

  98. Stand strong, you have the right to your own beliefs and opinion's!

  99. The Duggars are so inspirational and encouraging. My daughter and I adore watching them. We would be devastated if they couldn't continue.
    Thanks for all you do and who you are. You have inspired us on so many levels...Ashley

  100. I have watched every episode of the Duggars. I have enjoyed watching the children growing up. What a tragedy it would be to cancel this show because of a group of attention seeking people. The Duggars aren't bothering anyone.

  101. Please stay on the air, I love the show!!!

  102. Love the show they did nothing wrong its tbe believes and there choice what to be posted.on there page i love tbe show its showes me good ways and how to save money on making stuff they need to stay on the air i watch all the time

  103. This family is a great example of what a family should be. Please keep them on for those of us who prefer Christian beliefs over violence and profanity

  104. I am thankful for people who are God honoring even in the midst of trial.

  105. I may not agree with your family on everything. One thing that really touched me was when little Noise sang the Star spangle. Banner It brought. Tears to my eyes. She was a miracle. Baby. How GREAT. IS OUR GOD

  106. Please don't cancel this show. They have a voice and a opinion to their beliefs also. Its not all about one group or persons beliefs. Just because they voice theirs doesn't make them bad people. This show is one of the few on tv that children and adults can watch that doesn't have trashy vulgar , provoctive, talking and violence. It is refreshing to watch. I agree they talk too much about having babies. But thats better that the fifth on tv nowadays.

  107. I'm sad to learn that there is a petition to cancel your show. I love watching 19 Kids and Counting. You are all such an inspiration and great example of how to live a life pleasing to the Lord. I'm voting that you stay on the air!

  108. I stand with the Duggar family on their view of marriage. God ordained marriage as one man and one woman. I pray JimBob and Michelle stay strong during this trial and know the Lord Jesus Christ is on their side.

  109. I enjoy 19 Kids and Counting and respect their personal family values. However, I believe freedom should be for all Americans, not just those that share your same faith and/or opinion. Our wonderful Country is made up of people from all different faiths, life styles and personal beliefs. Because someone is different from me and has different values, does not make them a threat to me or my children. I care only that an individual is a good citizen. The gift of Freedom to choose is for everyone, not just for those that believe as you do.

  110. I enjoy the show 19 Kids and Counting because it is a great offset to shows that glorify back talking to your parents, premarital sex and consumerism. I also like 19 Kids and Counting because there are few role models for women who choose to put God and family as their first priority, earning a paycheque their second priority. Last, I like 19 Kids and Countig because they advocate having your opinion instead of going with what is popular, politically correct and/or will keep Vocal Minority quiet.

  111. I love watching 19 Kids and Counting!!! The older girls really inspire ma about courtships!!! Can't wait for the episode about Jill expecting!!!!!

  112. I think the show shouldn't be canceled, even though I do not share the same livestyle as the Duggars, I learn a lot from them and I love seeing the family enjoying the different stages of live. They don't hurt anyone with their show, so I do not see a reason why they should cancel the show.

  113. The Duggars helped me find my way back to God and have inspired me to become the gentle parent I am today. The world would truly miss out if we did not have such wonderful examples to follow.

  114. Your show should serve as a standard for all other televison shows on TLC. You have raised your family in a loving, nurturing and godly way. I can not fathom why anyone would want you off the air. I hope you stay on many many many more years. Your family is an inspiration. God bless!

  115. I want them to stay o. TLC j have signed the petition to keep them ON

  116. the show brings family together to really see what the Duggar family go through when living for GOD. Of what God has plan for them. He is showing us how we are to live for Him, not for us only. The Duggar family proves that they are living for God, doing what He has plan for them to show the world.

  117. I Like the show. Not many shows Were there no fithy language. I what about freedom of speech.

  118. Here is the link for the petition:

  119. I like the Duggars. But, sometimes they should keep their thoughts to themselves. The world is changing!

  120. I hope they keep your show on the air I watch the show all the time I said there no sex scene and no cuss words

  121. I appreciate your family and the true biblical values you instill in them. I pray that your family continues to be blessed and that you are able to continue to share the word of God through everyday life encounters. May God bless you.
    Rachael Burnsworth
    Mcclellandtown, PA

  122. The dugger show should be on they have lead me back to god I love this famly.who cares what they believe it itis a free country they can believed whatnthey want to believe. Go dugger I love u wall would love to meet u one day and god bles

  123. I think this show supports good morals! Thats why I support them!

  124. I love your family. You are all very sweet. I want your show to stay on air because its very family friendly and it gives me a point of view I wouldn't understand without watching your family . please people respect their opinion, they are also gods children.

  125. I find it appalling that the Duggars would be castigated for their religious views

  126. This show is so great. I truely love that it shows the world love. So many shows are on TV and it is one of my favorites.

  127. Even if we leave all of the other reasons out of it, it is the Duggars website and they can choose to show or not show whatever they wish..... Isn't that their constitutional right?

  128. I have always looked forward to watching the show. I love seeing how this new chapter of life is unfolding. I may not agree with all of your beliefs but I respect them. I like watching your children as they have grown and how they have turned into such remarkable teens and adults. I can't wait to see more on the wedding and married life for Jill, Derick, Jessa, Ben, and of course Josh and Anna. I am excited to see Jill and Derick as parents and watch their young family grow.

  129. I really like your show. I look forward to watching it.

  130. How could anyone possibly have anything against this wonderful show about a great family that has been raised with morals. I love the Duggars I think their show is one of the best on tv. Its a shame there aren't more like it. Its nice to set down with family and watch shows like the Duggars and the Duck Dyn. show and not be afraid that something will be said or done that is embarrassing. Please keep this show on the air It will be a big mistake to take it off.

  131. Best show on the air! Based on a family with godly, family values!! My fav!;)

  132. Your show is one of the best family shows on TV. I can't imagine not watching the Duggars.

  133. I love this show, I love their values!

  134. I may not have the same religious beliefs that the Duggars' teach their children but what I LOVE about them is that they are teaching their children to be caring, compassionate and wonderful people. We don't get to see a lot of good examples of that on TV. Michelle has helped me be more patient with my own children and I reference her often in my daily life. I can't imagine what arguments people could have that would warrant them being taken off of TV. That is sad to me that there are people out there that have that much time on their hands. Maybe they should use their time to help others or figure out ways to make the world a better place.

  135. I have been a faithful fan of the Duggars since day 1. While I may not personally share all of their conservative beliefs, I do support their right to uphold those beliefs in whatever way they see fit. Just because their beliefs may not line up with many others does not mean that they don't deserve the same protection under the law to express them. They uphold their own truth, and I can not fault them for that. Can't wait to follow them for another 10 years! Thank you for letting us all he part of your lives.

  136. I love that it is good clean TV for my family of 9! Love that they put the Lord first and aren't afraid to share that Love of Jesus with the world boldly... I also feel that they should be able to stand up for their moral beliefs just like others of the opposite view point are able to do... Wonderful family, wonderful show!

  137. I love the show and the people who want it canceled are just bigots.

  138. I am inspired from watching your family. God Bless you.

  139. Their show is an excellent one...And actually really good for children.....Yes they are a christian family who have set some very good examples....

  140. I had not heard of a petition to have "19 Kids and Counting" canceled. Why in the world would anyone want such a wholesome show discontinued? I love the show. Please do not cancel it.

  141. I love their positive outlook on life. If you can't pay cash for it then do not buy it until you can. Values in saving money and being successful doing it.They support their family with no government help and that it wonderful thing to say great things about not put down.
    I love how they have recipes for making their own dish soap aother things. They have specific values on god and that truely does not hurt any one. They do not push this on anyone so why get on their case because of it. I really think this is the family to support not discourage and try to stop a great show. Their are much worse shows on TV than watching this. Just leave this family alone and then I will actually have something worth watching instead of husbands that have multipule wives. Mothers that do not protect their children from pediphiles and the list can go on.

  142. I love watching the show "19 Kids and Counting", it amazing to watch a family who are so genuine family who love and support each other. They have amazing values and show there love and devotion to the lord everyday of their lives.
    They have a right to show their beliefs how they feel fit. The Bible says a Marriage is between a man and a wife. And they showed this by the posting a picture of Michelle and JimBob Kissing showing their love. The post was encouraging other married couples to show their love of each other to do the same. :) Magical.
    Hopefully one day I will meet the man the lord has chosen for me, but at the moment I am content as I am.
    I have signed these petitions on

    AND set this petition up


  143. God has used the Duggars and their tv show to glorify His name! I feel encouraged every time I watch the show (and I watch them all) to be the woman, mother, and wife that God has called me to be. Sometimes it is hard to remember that we are to be different from the world. This show helps me remember that I do not stand alone. There are other Christian families that believe God's word and follow it wholeheartedly.
    God bless,
    Danielle Hudson

  144. We have too many bad influences on TV. We need the Duggar' s and their moral and Godly lifestyle.

  145. I SUPPORT THE DUGGERS!! I am sooooo happy to see a show where people aren't afraid to show their religious beliefs!!!

  146. I can't wait for Jill and Derick's baby and to see Jessa and Ben's wedding. The show can't be canceled!! It would be like losing family members.

  147. Please keep the show on. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I enjoy your show very much. Im just tired of certain people wanting everyone to side with their beliefs and want equality, but they are the first to cause problems and to be heard from, when others feel differently. Stay strong. Love the show.

  148. Love this show! With everything on TV these days, it's nice to have something you don't have to sensor or worry about the content of to watch! Prayers for your family and your ministry!

  149. I love seeing a Christian family who not only have values, morals, beliefs and standards and sticking to them in all areas of their life. I think it's a great testimony to non-Christians when there are so many that are poor examples of what Christianity is all about. It's refreshing and encouraging as our family continues to maintain a path that provides a firm Biblical foundation for our own children. Plus, our whole family can enjoy this show together without worries of something being inappropriate.

  150. The reason people want the show cancelled is because they feel guilty for not following God's laws. The Duggars are a fantastic example of good Christian people who follow the correct principles of God. There is so much garbage on TV lately, that it is nice to watch a show that has good family values, work ethic and love for family and God. I don't know why people are petitioning to remove it from the air. Nobody is forcing you to watch it. I hate all the sex and garbage shows on TV, but I can choose to turn it off!! Keep up the good work Duggars!!!!

  151. There is so much evil content on tv it's so refreshing to have 19 Kids to watch....they are unusual in size but their beliefs are shared by many Americans and even abroad. Its not wrong to believe what they believe in....why is it OK to believe in what their accusers believe in? The Duggars never said they hate gays or anyone else. They have the right to their beliefs just like everyone else.

  152. I support the Duggars for what they do as a Christian Family ; The Duggar's show needs to stay on , The world needs more Families like the Duggars .

  153. I love this show! Please don't cancel. The Duggars are an inspiration to others. We don't know them personally but through the show we feel as though we do. Would be like losing a beloved friend.
    Donna from Florida

  154. I love the Fact that there show is Christian and clean they're not many shows like that on television anymore. I would be devastated if they were taken off tv. Please keep them on.

  155. This is an amazing show they way these kids are raised makes me wish that my family was that put together! They have great morals. I would love to continue to watch this show

  156. I would hate to see this show be cancelled. While I may not agree with a lot of the Duggar's opinions with regard to homosexuals or gay marriage -- in fact, my opinions are strongly divergent from theirs -- they have every right to hold those opinions and to promote them through their show, by making phone calls, or through the jobs they hold. And I have every right to change the channel or otherwise "tune them out" if I don't agree with them. Despite disagreeing with much of their lifestyle, I find much to admire and even envy as well.

  157. The duggar family is so inspiring! I love there show!

  158. NO I hope they do
    not keep it
    it will stuck without you
    your a hit on tv

  159. Their show is one of the very few we can watch as a family. They promote good wholesome family values, good work ethics, Christ centered lifestyle, and how to raise a proper family!!

  160. I love the Duggars! They are a positive example in this negative world (seriously even someone who isn't a Christian can see we live in a negative world).

    They are sincere and honorable people . . . versus the "My Five Wives" and whatnot TLC supports.

    I am not obsessed with the Duggars like some readers may be but I support them and agree with their beliefs.

    Gods will be done in this scenario, whether we like it or not.

  161. (The petition to cancel the show is utterly ridiculous...)
    19 Kids & Counting is the only show that I watch besides Little House on the Prairie. Why? Because there is lack of quality, wholesome, traditional, biblical programming on air these days. I relate more to the Duggars than any other show I am aware of. We use the content as encouragement in our only family life. The Duggars are truly a blessing to us & we love keeping up with them through 19 Kids & Counting.

    ~Jessica G.

  162. This show has become a beautiful inspiration for so many of us. As a mom it teaches me to be kind and not harsh with my children. My children have been encouraged to be nicer to each other. We need a positive happy family to look up to in our society of divorce and violence. Even those who disagree about their morals have at least been able to see what a loving family can look like.

  163. i love the show It shows family value

  164. We are praying for you and your family!. We support you and love your show. My girls, 8.6 and almost 5 love watching and I love the values you model for them. Stay strong, God is with you and we know the truth of His word. In the world but not of the world.....

  165. I wish more people would speak out about same sex marriage being shoved down our throats. KVOA Tucson even had a story about the first women getting committed. It's not marriage because that is between a man and a woman. Stay true to your beliefs..

  166. Thank you for providing a wholesome show for my family to enjoy. May God continue to bless you and please continue to be a light in this dark world.

  167. your show so awsome
    why cancel it
    i say no

  168. I love your family and what you stand for! Keep standing firm in the faith!

  169. Thank you for providing a wholesome show for my family to enjoy. May God continue to bless you and please continue to be a light in this dark world.

  170. The Duggars are a wonderful, loving, family who strive to live in God's will for their lives. No family is perfect, but they do a great job of sticking to their beliefs and convictions. This is a wonderful attribute and one that is very rare on television. May they stand strong on their biblical convictions and continue to let us be a part of their lives by watching them regularly on television.

  171. I believe they should stay on the air. They have a lot of children, but they take care of they. I think they are envious of the Duggars . Long live the Duggars!!!!!!

  172. The show is an encouragement to so many. I appreciate the values, morals & life lessons they teach the kids, young & old. It needs to stay on.

  173. the show means great value
    i started watching it awhile ago
    ive seen every epodie though

    my favorite one was the duggars
    in tokyo japan

  174. I love watching the Duggars! They are such an inspiring and wonderful family. They always make me happy. I've seen a few different petitions online that support the Duggars and I've signed them. I'm an Ozarks neighbor of theirs and look forward to seeing their family grow up and expand.

  175. I would hate to see this show cancelled. As viewers we've rejoiced with the Duggar family as they celebrated birthdays, engagements, weddings etc... and we've prayed for and cried with their family as they've walked through difficult trials like precious Josie's premature birth, and the death of little Jubilee. 19 Kids and Counting is one of the few wholesome and clean things to watch on TV. It's sad that people want this show cancelled because of the morals that this family uphold. Praying that their show continues to air and encourage and bless families around the world! Thanks for taking a stand Duggars!

  176. The way the Duggars live is very inspiring! Plus, there just aren't many wholesome shows available on TV anymore. Without, this show I'm not sure if I'd even watch TV shows.

  177. I love the Duggars. I feel that the family has the same rights as everyone, the right to freedom of speech and freedom to practice their religion. Don't cancel them for having a strong faith. They have the right to do what they want to with their own Web pages and shared media. I hope to have the same effect on my upcoming mission as they have on theirs.

  178. Your family is so refreshing to see on television!

  179. The Duggar family and the story of their lives is a refreshing oasis in the middle of bad news, destruction, promiscuity in our country. We love the Duggars!

  180. I'm supporting your family all the way! You should be able to express your beliefs without being attacked! I believe you guys were set up by that picture posted on your site! God Bless!

  181. I LOVE to have a show that I feel comfortable showing my kids!!

  182. I'm upset to hear that there is a petition to cancel 19 Kids and Counting, I truly LOVE this show, and look forward to everyday reading the exciting things going on in their lives each and every day that this blog is updated, and to watch their shows on Tuesday nights or any repeat shows on TLC. Please don't take this show away!!!!

  183. The show is a very awsome. You know that it's clean and it doesn't have what all these other shows have. It teaches lessons,family,about the bible. It needs to stay on the air.

  184. The Duggars inspire me and help me as Mom with examples of how to parent in a positive, encouraging, loving and Christ like way!

  185. Has over 150,000 signatures!! And there are 3 petitions at One of them has over 50,000 signatures! Go sign these petitions. This is how prayer was taken out of school. One aethist pushed and no Christians stood up because they thought it would never happen. If you don't stand up and speak up, we could lose this show!!

  186. They are truly a light on the hill, which should not be snuffed out because of the loud minority.

  187. i do hope it stays on air it means so much to a lot of people ,i am in england and we dont get to see it till much later but it is a joy bless them all

  188. Wonderful family that exemplifies Christian living. The quest to cancel this show is disheartening. Why is it that those that seek tolerance are truly the most intolerant? Keep running the good race Dugger Family. You are very loved, appreciated and admired.

  189. I am writing this to support the Duggars. I cannot believe there is a petition to cancel the show. It just sickens me. Nowadays it is a blessing to have this show on the air. I have a 13 year old granddaughter whom I watch the show with and she is being taught great morals thru it. If there is anything that would come up she has questions about, they would be answered by me biblically and I have no reserve that any thing on the show would not be in that category. I believe nowadays we need all we can get of this type of show. Family, decency, and those great morals being taught is what it is all about. And we love that entire family. I only wish I had a bigger family. God bless you Duggar family and many more great years to come.

  190. If TLC stopped 19KAC, I'm sure UPtv or someone would pick them up. They're america's favorite big family after all! But I would still be heartbroken. They are like MY second family. I feel like I know them all so well! I love Michelle and Jim Bob and they are such an encouragement to me. They're all great influences and I hope I have a family like theirs when I start one of my own. The Duggars are amazing. I love them to death.

  191. The Duggar's show means that there are still good, conservation Christian families out there who are trying to serve the Lord and do what's right!

  192. The Duggar family embodies the very principles our country was founded upon: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! Their liberty and happiness should not be trampled upon by others who are still pursuing happiness.....

  193. The show has been a life changer for me. It is wholesome TV that makes me want to follow Christ more. They are a beautiful example of what it is to live like Jesus! They are the furthest thing from hateful and demonstrate truth beautifully through love. I love that sweet family.

  194. The Duggar's show is very encouraging! It's one of the few shows on TV that you KNOW is clean and family friendly all the way around.

  195. The Duggar family has influenced my life in more ways than one!! I would be CRYING if they ever stopped their show. I'm sure another network would do a show with them though---there must be so much money involved! and I'm sure now that the girls are in relationships and all that it's gotta be so much more popular! DON'T STOP 19 KIDS & COUNTING!!


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