Friday, July 27, 2012

Duggars Returning to TLC!

This just in: New episodes of 19 Kids and Counting return to TLC on Tuesday, August 28th, at 9PM EST/8PM CST! Also on August 28th is Josiah Duggar's sweet sixteen.

Among other events, the second segment of season six will feature the wedding of Priscilla Keller (Anna's older sister) to David Waller.

Will you be watching?

*United Bates of America premieres August 13th at 9PM EST/8PM CST.


  1. I will have to wait for the shows to come out on you-tube:(

  2. Thats great news! Do you know when the Bates show starts?

  3. I will aswell have to wait for them to come out on youtube. Bummer:( but I cant wait till they do!

  4. Looking forward to watching. However, it is irrelevant to show Anna's sisters wedding, she is not a Duggar and it's not like she has been on many episodes for her to have such a following, unlike cousin Amy. I'd rather see a Duggar wedding ;)

  5. I will be watching, any word of when the bates show will premire?

  6. I'll definitely be watching 'em every Tuesday as well as on YouTube.

  7. I'm so excited! Can't wait!!! :)

  8. I would love to watch the shows. It's such a shame that here in England, we have to wait for it to be put online.
    I still haven't seen The Bates special, which i am dying to watch

  9. I'm so happy! Thanks so much for this amazing blog!

  10. Yes, if they are on youtube as I am in the UK.
    Will you have the rest of the last season soon?
    Thanks for all your duggar info and updates!

  11. so excited, is their any news about the bates tv show premire

  12. I'm so excited, but I will have to wait for iTunes or youtube to watch. Thanks for the update!

  13. I will be watching this season for sure I would not miss it for the world!

  14. Oh,I watched Priscilla's wedding on the live stream when it took place. It was delightful. Can't wait to see it again.

  15. I will have to wait for it to come out on youtube also :.(

    God bless!
    Don't Quit!!
    Catherine K

  16. I will be at a camp

  17. Same will have to wait till it come on YouTube from England :-)

  18. I will also be waiting till someone puts it on youtube.

  19. YouTube, me too! Greets from germany!

  20. I also have to wait for YouTube. I am very grateful to the people who put the episodes up there!

  21. Hi readers,

    For those who are wondering, the Bates' series premieres August 13th at 9PM EST/8PM CST.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  22. i agree with anonymous. priscilla has been in only a few shows, so why do they need to show her wedding. i will still watch it, but i wish it was amy duggar instead. she is in the show a lot. maybe you can update more on her.

  23. Youtube as well. :|

  24. I am always curious as to the reason why TLC shows the 19KaC and now, the Bate Family at 9:00. They are both supposed to be very "family" oriented shows and isn't it the purpose of the shows to be seen by families? Why not televise them at 8:00p.m.? Is the west coast audience the most important?

  25. I can't wait for the new season. It's been too long since the last season finale. I, by far, do not fit the ideal demographic for this show, but I have learned so much from the Duggar family and it is now, without a doubt, my favorite show. I am from Arkansas and I am applying for a police officer position near where they live. I ultimately would like to be a Washington County (their county) officer. It would be a great honor to be able to Serve and Protect the Duggars and their jurisdiction. They truly are the greatest people I have ever met.

  26. You bet I will, I've been looking forward to this for a long time now. I Love The Duggars

  27. Waiting for youtube QLD OZ!!!

  28. YES! I will be watching I'm setting my DVR for the Bates show. I can't wait.

  29. Yay! Finally, can't wait for the new season! This is my favorite show! And I will be watching The Bates program also. What inspiring families we have to look up to!! God Bless and thank you so much for your website.

  30. Wow so many people (including me from Oz are waiting for the shows on you tube, I was wondering if one of the lovely users of this blog, if not even Lily and Ellie could tape it and put it on youtube 4 us even if is just by a video camera anything is better than nothing please please please america love from the rest of the world xx

  31. Yea, but I'll just bite the bullet & buy it on iTunes...I'm too impatient to wait for youtube!

  32. I would if I could, but I will have to wait til they come out on utube. So, if someone could record them and have them on there really fast, that would be GREAT!!


  33. Haha! I'm so excited about the wedding of Priscilla and David, because we went out to dinner with the Duggar family and they invited us to Priscilla's wedding and we went to Hilliard, FL for that!!! :)

  34. Yes! I'll be visiting with my grandma who has tv. Can u ask TLC if they can get you program on Netflx? They have recently added several other TLC shows!:)

  35. @Sheila (UK

    Hi Sheila,

    We will post the YouTube links as soon as the episodes are uploaded. :)

    Thanks for being a loyal reader!
    Lily and Ellie

  36. can t wait one of the best shows on TV. Good clean TV dont see that much

  37. I am a new Christian and am looking for ways to dress modest. I like how the Duggars dress (modest yet fun) can anyone guide me on it?

    1. Just stay away from low cut tops or tops that are so loose they fall away from you when bending over. Keep shorts at the knee or just above knee- skirts the same:) its easy and color and bling are ok! It's the fit and necklines as well as length of shorts and skirts that you have to watch out for. If u wear pants or jeans- make sure they are not tight. Keep makeup simple if u wear it and jewelry too- less is more! People should notice you not just your clothing makeup and accessories:)

  38. Thank you. I was worried that they were cancelled. TLC is taking their programming in a no good direction. I agree that they ought to take advantage of the family friendly timeslots for shows like this, especially when some of their recent programming has questionable family friendliness. I am especially excited to see Josie grow.

  39. So glad they are returning. I am so-o-o looking forward to seeing Priscilla's wedding! She is such a sweet girl, and has such a sweet nature. I would love to be like her. Thank you, Priscilla, for your good example!

  40. That is great! I was wondering when they would be on again. Also, I love hearing that the Bates got a show!

  41. I've been waiting all summer to hear when the show will start up again. I got a DVR so I could record them when I'm not home.

  42. Isn't there going to be a Bates wedding soon? I thought the oldest son was engaged to one of the young ladies from the blue grass playing family? I can't wait to watch the Bates show, I think they are such a sweet family just like tje Duggars!

  43. What season number is it? Will it come out on DVD?

  44. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The new episodes, which will be a continuation of season six, may not be available on DVD for several months. The Discovery website is currently selling seasons one through five. Here's the link:

    Thanks for reading,
    Lily and Ellie

  45. @Hobbieswithtina

    Hi Christina,

    Check out our Watch Full Episodes page. Here's the link:

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie


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