Sunday, July 8, 2012

Duggar Graduation

Congratulations to Jinger and Joseph Duggar on their graduation!

On another note, the Bates' eight-week TLC series premieres on Monday, August 13th, at 9 PM EST/8PM CST. Can you guess the name? United Bates of America! Thanks to one of our loyal readers for giving us the inside scoop last month. We were eager to share but had to wait until the title was officially announced.

Photo credit: Josh and Anna Duggar


  1. i thing how can jinger and joseph gradute from homeschool if they are in a diffrent grades in homeschool or what i was never homeschooled to know of this.

  2. So what is the name of the new show?

  3. Congrats to them! How exciting. :)

  4. The name of the Bates family show is going to be "The United Bates of America."

  5. The Bates show-United Bates of America

  6. Congratulations guys!! I know you all will do fantastic in this world and make a positive influence on your younger siblings and on others!! Have a great day!!

  7. The name of the Bates' show is: United Bates of America!
    (There's a sneak a peek video of the series premiere on TLC website!)

  8. Is 19 Kids and Counting going to continue? I didn't see them in the lineup for the fall season. Also, for some reason the Bates show was suppose to be during the summer with only having 8 episodes. Is the change because 19 Kids and Counting is not going to continue or because it has been cancelled?

  9. Brittani, one of the positives of being schooled at home is that you can move at your own pace. If you understand something, you can move on sooner than if you were in a class setting. If one of the Duggars graduates early, it's probably because they were ahead of schedule in their subjects. Hope that helps!

  10. I thought that Josh graduated when he was 16. Jinger is 18 and Joseph is 17. They seem to be graduating later and later.

  11. United Bates of America is cute!! :-) I'm kind of suprised that TLC is doing another show on a large family. I hope they both last a long time though! I love watching the show! =D xD

  12. @brittani/Anonymous (top comment)
    It just depends how fast they get done. For some it takes longer than others.

  13. what did they gradute from. they never went to college so it cannot be that. guess it is from home schooling.

  14. @prettygirl,
    They graduated from homeschool.

  15. Jinger may have gotten a high school diploma and Joseph a GED. I'm saying that because Jessa continued her education to age 18 and got a high school diploma. Joseph may have been a little behind in getting his GED with all the field trips-book tour, overseas trip they did last year.
    But again Joseph may have also gotten a high school diploma.
    Congrats to both Jinger and Jospeh

  16. Homeschoolers can graduate from high school just like other kids. The Average age is 17-18!

  17. It's their graduation from high school, which is obviously done via homeschool. Congrats to Jinger and Joseph! Best of luck in your futures :)

  18. thats cool! congrats Jinger and Joseph!

  19. Godly-young-widowJuly 8, 2012 at 7:53 PM

    I thought Jinger would've graduated last year.....well, either way I'm glad they're able to share the celebration. Makes me sometimes wonder if there'll be any double weddings among the Duggars.....another money-saver if 2 get engaged around the same time.
    So the name is out already, huh? I saw it on Facebook too. Interesting name, and I look forward to watching it. I hope the Duggars will be back, but they have to do what's best for them.

  20. Lily and ellie, pls pls tell us the duggars are still going to be on along with the bates.

  21. Congratulations Jinger and Joseph!!!!!!

  22. Congratulations guys. God bless you in whatever the next step is.

  23. Pretty girl,

    they graduated from highscool.Jinger is 18 going on 19, and Joseph is 17.
    They work at their own pace to get her done! :)

  24. Bayley,

    with homeschool, every one of their graduates may be different aged. It depends on the person, if they are working to get it done early, or taking the time to wait until their 18. Some have a slower pace then others. Some purpose to be done early. It's different for every one.


  25. well done ,jinger and joseph you are such a good role model to many youngsters

  26. Does me watching the recordings of the Duggars count for their ratings/views.

  27. Congrats to Jinger and Joseph! Best wishes and God Bless! Brenda H

  28. wanted to say to congrats to both Joseph and Jinger on their Graduation...wish them the best in persuing a great carrer...

  29. @anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    No worries, the Duggars will be returning. According to TLC, new episodes are scheduled to begin in August, as well.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  30. Hi Lily and Ellie,

    Quick question, is the documentary special of the Bates available anywhere on the internet?
    Thank you.

  31. Congratulations to Jinger and Joseph! God bless you both!

    Thanks for posting!
    God bless!
    Don't Quit!
    Catherine K.

  32. Do any of the Duggars quilt ?

  33. The title of the Bates' upcoming series is..."United Bates of America." What do you think?

    ~Lily and Ellie

  34. Wow. Are you serious? "United Bates of America"? Wow. :) ~Tori

  35. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    It doesn't look like the Bates' documentary is available online. We will post the link if/when it becomes available.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  36. Congrats Joseph and Jinger! I would love to meet you guys one day.

  37. wow, make money by having lots of kids, who would even bother watching this rubbish, use your kids to be on tv

  38. @AnonymousThey are taught while on the road as well, so these trips you speak of are also educational.

  39. omg jinger and Joesph are so cuteeeeee they are my two favorites

  40. Lily and Ellie,

    Aren't Jinger and Joseph different ages? How did they graduate at the same time? Is Joseph ahead? Thanks for posting this, anyway. I know this is pretty late, but Congratulations to them!

  41. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Jinger (just turned 19) and Joseph (just turned 18) are a year apart, but Joseph is a year ahead in school.

    ~Lily and Ellie


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