Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Duggar Ladies' Christmas Gathering

Jennifer Duggar, Evelyn Forsyth, Lauren Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, 
Anna Duggar, Michelle Duggar, Faith Seewald, Jana Duggar, Joy Forsyth, 
Kendra Duggar, Abbie Duggar, Johannah Duggar, Jessa Seewald, Jordyn Duggar

This afternoon, most of the Duggar ladies gathered at Joy-Anna's house for wreathing making, Chick-fil-A, and girl time. (The gal between Michelle and Jana is Faith, Jessa's sister-in-law.) Josie and a few grandchildren were there, as well, but aren't pictured here. 

Photo courtesy 


  1. During a pandemic, they met like this? Indoors, with people from many households. It's family gatherings like these that are responsible for many deaths. I'm so sad they don't have more self-discipline.

    1. Why be nice when you can be hateful?

    2. I could not agree more

    3. People have to get back to life at some point. It’s good to be careful if there’s a virus going around, but we can’t stay locked in our houses forever.

    4. They are all close family. And there are no lockdown rules now in Arkansas.

    5. Amen to that 3:26.

  2. Well Lauren, Abbie and Jessa are definitely wearing plants. Is the family loosening up avait about their modest dress code ? Thé younger girls already have some more freedom than the older ones.

    1. The younger girls have always worn pants under their skirts

    2. I think Abbia has always been wearing pants. Jessa as well, but just indoors (and in fact she's wearing sweatpants).

    3. They are hiding their baby bumps. Anna is also hiding hers by standing behind Mackenzie.

    4. I think Jana is also wearing pants.

    5. All younger girls, Johannah, Jennie, Jordyn, Mackynzie and Josie, they all wear skirts and dresses. I haven't seen jennie is a skirt ever though, she always wears dresses.
      It's the older girls, who are married, now sometimes wear pants just because it's a matter of convenience.

    6. my opion its hard not to see family i have two daughters who dont live with me yes they come for the holidays if they felt sick had a temp they would not come this virus can last for years hoping the vasccine gets rid of it i belive family should see family\

    7. @Unknown You can spread the virus even without feeling sick or having a temperature. I know someone who had to be in ICU for a week but never once ran a temperature.

  3. Wait, what happened to Jessa ? Did they just wake her up before the picture, and she came in her pjs? Os she hiding a pregnant belly with her wreath ?

    1. I believe its called a tracksuit. 🙄🙄

    2. I don't know, but you're right. Jessa is definitely in her PJ's. Eileen

    3. I thought the same thing lol

    4. Jessa wears this kind of sweatpants all the time. They are not tight, they are comfortable, they don't collect dust and dirt from the floor (if they were regular sweatpants).

  4. Oooh an outsider on a family pic (albeit someone's sister-in-law). Could she be a Duggar boy's special lady friend ?

    1. No, she's Ben's 15 year old sister.

    2. No, impossible,Faith Seewald is only fourteen years old,she probably went to visit Ben and Jessa and Jessa took her along.

    3. She was probably visiting Jessa and they invited her to come. It would be nice if another Duggar boy was courting!

  5. I hope it was Jill’s choice not to join, and not that she wasn’t invited.

    1. I agree. It's a shame that money and fame is more important than family.

    2. I was thinking the same thing.

    3. Depends on your knowledge of the Bible. People seem to have trouble understanding Jill and her mother-in-law have a Ruth/Naomi relationship. Even those in cancer remission like her MIL, are considered higher risk for Covid, plus when you have a child in the public school system, you need to be more Covid cautious. I firmly believe Jill CHOSE not to be there.

    4. She might also be hiding for the picture/camera.

  6. No social masks or social distancing again?!

  7. It’s beautiful that you are all together and sad that Jill isn’t with all of you. I pray she comes back to the family. I’m so worried about her, but God is faithful.

    1. You shouldn't worry about Jill. She is the strongest out of all the Duggar women.

    2. Why are you worried? She's doing great

    3. We love and support you Jill!!...

  8. Replies
    1. I love Chick-FIL-A I have at least 1 vanilla iced coffee everyday, except Saturday I have 2. One for that day and 1 for the next since they’ll closed 🤣😋

    2. I personally don't like it, but they seem to love it.

    3. I LOVE Chick-fil-A!!

    4. Yum. Chick-fil-A.

    5. CFA and I do not see eye to eye on some issues so I would never patronize that place.

    6. Do they only eat food from Christian restaurants?

    7. I love Chick-fil-A!!

    8. 9:58, understood. That's why I don't shop at Target.

    9. I don't shop at Target because there's a pandemic and that place is always packed.

  9. Should they be having such large gatherings with the pandemic?

    1. That’s what’s so awesome about living in America freedom to choose how to live.

    2. @3pm And if you're not careful, you get to choose how someone else gets sick.

    3. I don't know what America you live in Just Me, but all of America has laws we have to follow, some enacted slowly and some put in place quickly in the form of emergency orders as the needs arise.

    4. 12:47 wearing a mask is a mandate not a law. You won’t get thrown in prison for not wearing a mask but you can get fined up to $500 in some states.

    5. You're still supposed to follow mandates! Doesn't matter that they're not called laws. A rose by any other name...

    6. Apparently, it was OK for Dr. Birx. She just traveled to her vacation home to spend Thanksgiving with extended family members.
      Rules for Thee but Not for Me??

    7. Dr birx responded that her household members (3 generations) were the only ones who traveled to and stayed at the vacation home over thanksgiving. So you are correct and so is Dr Birx!

    8. Yep, and when you see someone else doing something wrong you should recognize it and not copy it. Remember forgiveness? The thing that so many here insist we give out freely. Also not being judgemental.

  10. Cue the people that are going to get upset they aren’t wearing masks🙄.

    1. And rightfully so!

    2. Like it's a joke to you?

    3. Are we supposed to be happy that their irresponsible and don't care about who they could potentially harm by their self-gratifying behavior? Are we supposed to approve them, applaud them, for defying what their governmental authorities have open defiance of what God has instructed in the Bible about oeying those in authority over you and that there's no authority except what God has established (for His purposes)? Sorry, but these people are just plain hypocrites. They say religious sayings, but their hearts are far from God or their behavior would be different.

    4. 7:21 Do you know the current laws in their area? Not everyone in the country is required to wear masks. They have freedom of choice to decide if they want to get together and be with family. My family chooses to be together regardless of the possible risks. People who are worried can stay home. The rest of us can go about our lives.

  11. Was Jill there? Miss seeing photos of her

  12. They absolutely don't understand the concept of not visiting between households during a pandemic, do they.

    1. You would think that nurse Abbie would grasp the concept. Why hasn't she volunteered to go back to work to help alleviate some of the overworked nurses? She loves to work with "little old people" so she should be on the front lines in a nursing home right now.

    2. They are free people living in a free country.
      There are no official restrictions in AR, so they are free to what what they want and gather on family gatherings and be happy.

    3. A virus that affects the whole world. What's so scary about that?

    4. 6:59, she has a baby. Should she not be cautious where she works if she has a baby at home?

    5. I'm really wondering now why Arkansas doesn't seem to care about its citizens, its doctors, and its nurses if it's true that they have "no official restrictions." Are they waiting until they have to set up ICU tents in hospital parking lots and move in refrigerated morgue trucks?

    6. @2:04 Lots of health care workers have families but that hasn't stopped them from doing their jobs during this crisis. Abbie's skills would be needed anywhere right now.

  13. Social distancing???? Masks????
    No household mixing?????

  14. Have they ever heard of social distancing?

  15. I really like, the Duggar Ladies' Christmas Card!!!!

  16. This event seems incredibly irresponsible during a pandemic and disrespectful to medical workers.

  17. That was probably a fun time. Nice picture

  18. Your so lucky to still have your mom, I lost my mom 11/2/20

    1. So sorry for your loss. 😟 I lost my mom 3/19/20 😟

  19. This is so wrong, people are dying and they are not willing to sacrifice some comforts. This family should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. It was probably an event being filmed for the reality show and pandemic or not they aren't going to pass up the easy TLC money. LOL They have become a family that's all about the money!

  20. Are they deliberately trying to push their luck and see how many “gatherings” they can host with multiple households defying health guidelines during a pandemic? Absolutely disgraceful! So much for spreading Christ’s love. The only thing they are spreading are germs.

    1. You know they're going to have a huge Christmas, the way they've been having those big family nights each week with all sorts of people from outside the family. They are acting completely privileged. It's disgraceful.

    2. They never seem to suffer any consequences for this sort of irresponsible behavior. Guess they think God will protect them.

    3. And how is it your place to judge them? Are you not a Christian?

    4. It is a really bad look for so-called pro-life christians. Love thy neighbour, give them your viruses!

  21. That is hurtful to those of us who are trying to control the spread of Covid by restricting our group size.

    1. Indeed. I haven’t seen a single friend since March!

    2. It's hurtful to us, it's hurtful to hospital staff everywhere who are sacrificing so much (even their lives), and it's hurtful to those who lost family members or loved ones due to someone carelessly spreading the virus. It also shows a blatant disregard of guidelines and a carelessness about others that is definitely not Christian.

    3. I'm sure they keep track of their temperature and how they feel, if they have any covid symptoms... In addition, the older sisters all have kids, so of course they would not want tocompromise their health! If anything, it's hurtful to realize that they are big, happy family, while some of us don't have so many siblings. Like, there are 7 sisters in this picture and then 4 sisters-in-law. I wish I had so many siblings.

    4. You are only hurting yourself if you deny yourself from seeing family but go out to stores.

    5. No, 9:41. You are PROTECTING your family if you don't see them, especially if you've been out to stores. All the more reason to stay away from your loved ones.

    6. 9:41 You have to wear a mask and social distance in stores. The Duggar gatherings don’t involve that.

    7. @10:26 Well said.

  22. Wow, looks like Jessa, Abbie, and Lauren are all wearing pants! Probably because it’s a cozy hangout event?

    1. Or because it is a cold Winter day?

  23. Is it just me, or does Abbie look pregnant in this picture? I think it's because of her face...

    1. Well Duggar women not known to be pregnant always "look pregnant"

    2. Duggar women always "look pregnant". I think it's because they so often ARE pregnant.

  24. Lauren's boots... WOW

    1. Boots? They're just regular Hunter wellies. Quite an ordinary sight in my rainy town, Bergen (Norway). 😉

    2. I cannot get Americans... Lauren in wellies inside! Abbie in UGG which are for dry and extremely cold weather inside, plus barefeeted girls and girls in trainers. Absolutely impossible to get! Never saw anyone wearing wellies inside in my home country.

    3. @12:59 maybe they said they’d like to get a quick photo before everyone walked out the door. Have you not had your shoes on and someone asked you to wait before going out?

    4. Why do you have a problem with Americans, 12:59?

    5. I wear wellies when I'm washing the car or working outside in the mud. They certainly are not a fashion statement.

  25. I hope this doesn't turn out to be a "Covid party". This family sure doesn't pay any attention to the virus. Perhaps they think if they ignore it, it'll "go away".

  26. Beautiful ladies! Merry Christmas!

  27. WOW!! They all grow up so fast :) I love to see pictures of them ;) Tanks for sharing !

  28. Haha! Finally see Jessa in pants! We all know they aren’t REALLY themselves on tv. It’s nice to see real people. Abbie is my favorite because she has always been the most real.

    1. Finally? She has worn those kinda pants on her youtube and Instagram for sometime. The Duggar’s made it clear it was their family home rule while growing up but the kids may choose their own path once they move out. Not sure why this surprises people 🤷🏼‍♀️

    2. It may have been family home rule but all the girls stood in front of the cameras and said it was their choice to wear skirts, that they preferred skirts. So why did they all change their minds like this?

    3. @12:29: Maybe they grew up, got families, found it more convenient to wear pants from time to time? What they said about skirts was a long time ago.

    4. @11:21 Not that long ago. Jessa was still speaking about dressing modestly at events a few years ago.

  29. I see Laura is next to Jana; but who’s before Jessa?

    1. Before Jessa there's Johannah (her 15 year old little sister), and Jana is between Faith (Ben's 14 year old little sister) and Joy Anna (her own 23 year old little sister).

    2. Can't you read the caption?

    3. Thanks! Omg, she has grown!!!

    4. @1:55-thanks for pointing that out so kindly. May God bless you. I apologize to you for missing it.

  30. Nice picture. I miss seeing Jill and Jinger. Josie too, but I know she was there just not in this pic.

  31. This breaks my heart not seeing Jill there. :(

  32. The girls all look beautiful and happy. I love the picture. I think that's great to spend that family quality time together during holidays. I imagine there wreaths turned out beautiful. Looking forward to the next season of Counting On. I'm sure it will be very interesting. Merry Christmas ladies 🎄 Natasha b

  33. I am sure that I will not be the only one who comments in the negative about this Christmas gathering. The 'optics' of this gathering is very poor especially for a family that depends on the public to watch their show, buy their books and other merchandise. Dare I say, it furthers erodes the opinion people have of evangelicals.

    There are countless families, mine included, who are facing a quiet Christmas, with no family gatherings. We have not seen our adult children, our grandchildren and other family members for months. We are making the sacrifices for our health care system, for our family members and our fellow citizens. And this area has a much lower case count and death rate per 1 million than Arkansas. Why cannot the Duggars do the same?

    There are countless families that are facing a grief filled holidays. This event is a slap in their faces.

    1. Very well stated! I couldn't agree more!

    2. It is your choice if you don't want to see family. Nothing would stop me from being with family. I do not go out to restaurants or stores and that, too, is my choice. Everyone decides what their priorities are in life.

    3. We're having Christmas next July when it's safer. I don't know why the Duggars couldn't do the same. It's possible to wait patiently.

    4. @9:43. Priorities? The priority for myself and many people here is to flatten the curve, to do our part to SAVE LIVES. Our sacrifices this Christmas means that next Christmas no one is missing from our families, because of Covid.

      We are in lock down even though our infection rate is a fraction of that in the US. No family gatherings; no restaurants opened; no stores except grocery stores and pharmacies opened with various government programs in placed to support the unemployed and small businesses.

  34. Good grief, so many negative comments. I was taught if you can’t say something nice or positive, don’t say anything at all but keep your comments and thoughts to yourself. God bless the entire Duggar family!

    1. What on earth is postive about a huge family gathering multiple households during a raging pandemic?! I am fed up with the COVID deniers who seem to think their fun and good times are more important than helping to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus! The sad part is they claim to be Christians.

    2. This is why I have my children who are 9,8,6, and 3 say something positive every time they say something negative. I tell them just because you are thinking it doesn't mean it has to make it out of your mouth.

    3. Really 7:37? There are situations where it's impossible, inappropriate, or downright dangerous to say something positive when you really mean something negative. Sounds like you think you're teaching manners but in reality, you're taking away that little protective inner voice every child should have too.

    4. @8:24. I agree. I taught my children to stand up for what is right, to not be afraid to call someone out if they putting others in danger.

  35. Nice seeing a picture of the Duggar ladies having fun! God Bless them!

  36. For all those constant with the Covid stuff looks like Arkansas is extremely slack on the regulations including those who are engaging in religious things are exempt from masks though they are encouraged. We all live in different locations and all locations have different directives, orders and mandates right now.

    1. You don't need to wear masks in church in Arkansas? Does being in church somehow protect you from the virus? It doesn't work in other states but maybe things are different in Arkansas.

    2. We may live in different locations, but ALL states are seeing a surge in cases right now. The US has been leading the world in number of cases most of this year. Arkansas tells you to "wear a face covering when you are exposed to non-household members and physical distancing cannot be assured." Why wait for a directive, order, or mandate to protect yourself, your loved ones, and everyone else?

  37. For those upset about them gathering please stop. There have been several things they couldn't do in order to social distance from one another this year. Also we don't know maybe they all tested negative before coming. Or maybe they wore mask just not in the picture. I personally have rarely left my home and have only been inside 3 homes since the start of covid19 but that's my choice and comfort level. If we can have church and political rallies they can have family time.

    1. Exactly. Like we're supposed to forget the "optics" of the huge crowds of people in the streets, but family shouldn't ever be together. Please.

    2. Regarding your last sentence, two or three wrongs don't make a right.

    3. Please listen up, a negative COVID test is only negative at the time of testing. It does not mean the person does not have COVID-it can be that there aren't enough COVID antibodies to register as positive. There is nothing the Duggars HAD to gather for since January/February. Not one event was a life or death matter. Can we please stop making excuses for them???

    4. Indoor gatherings, especially intimate family ones when people do not stay apart,eat together etc..are more deadly than outdoor events where people wear masks and keep their distance. We had a case here. A person with no symptoms went to A family gathering. 89 infections,including deaths, was traced to that intimate family gathering.

  38. Sure thing. As long as they don't spread Covid along with all that love.

  39. Let's focus on the positive. These are beautiful girls, who are used to being around thier circle of family. We don't know everything. If we go out, we take our masks off for pictures. It's been a tough year, everyone. Merry Christmas Duggars! God is good. 2021 will be better!

  40. not sure they should be meeting in such a large group during this time. hope they stay well.

    1. It's a shame they didn't check with you first.

    2. @7:19. It is a shame that the Duggars do not seem to b following public health measures.

    3. @7:19 I guess they checked with you first, if you think this is OK and so do they. Best of luck staying healthy this winter.

    4. 7:19....That is my favorite comment of all time. Thank you.

    5. @7:19. It is a shame that they did not check the health guidelines first.

  41. Looks like some belly hiding going on.

    1. Oh please. None of those women need more kids for another 2 years at least.

    2. Kind of looks that way, doesn't it? Got to use that hook to keep the viewer numbers up. Suggest it and keep 'em tuned in to find out. No thanks.

    3. Thank you 6:11! I completely agree with you!

    4. Sometimes we all want to hide our bellies after a long pandemic and eating junk food...

  42. Wow 4 sugars in pants I'm impressed

  43. I hope all those bellies hidden behind wreaths contain female fetuses named Evie!

  44. Could the owner of this blog and the bates blog please screen comments for words related to the pandemic please? Things like COVID, pandemic, social distancing, quarantine, mask, virus, spread, ect.... should be weeded out and not approved. I understand people have a Voice and an opinion, BUT there is a time and place for everything the comment section is really getting out of hand. Almost Every single comment is related to the pandemic. It’s obvious if someone is or isn’t doing something by just looking at the photo. It doesn’t need to be pointed out and people voicing themselves being offended and upset over every single photo In every single comment section is just out of hand. If you don’t agree with this family - just skip it or don’t look. It isn’t like they read your comments anyway. Everyone has differing opinions on what’s acceptable right now- and you do you. But please let this blog go back to being a fun escape from the world with a neutral comment section only related to the posts content.

    1. Having had COVID wouldn’t wish it on anyone
      Don’t know why the Duggar’s are being so irresponsible

    2. I completely agree about moderating the covid comments. That topic is “easy pickings” for the many commenters who come here for the sole purpose of discouraging and annoying people who appreciate the Duggars. Moderators, please moderate.

    3. For real. The covid comments need to go away. So tiresome.

    4. Well said, and I totally agree with you. So many of the comments have nothing to do with the post and it can become so argumentative and contentious. These blogs should bring us some joy that we all desperately need.

    5. No. Absolutely not

    6. Considering the outcome of family gatherings over Thanksgiving, I don't think we should ignore the risk the Duggars are taking by gathering several households to "make Christmas wreaths".

    7. This is the same family who earlier this year was afraid to do anything other than drive by and drop off gift bags and honk on birthdays? Visit other households only with a glass window between them? Scrub down surfaces with homemade disinfecting wipes? Now at the peak of a surge in cases, they're getting together all the time for fun, not a mask or wipe in sight?

    8. We are not their judge and jury, their mommies, or their consciences. We don't need to constantly be harping on what they should or should not be doing in a forum that they may never visit. It really is tedious.

    9. We cannot pretend that the biggest ongoing news story in the world this year does not exist.

    10. 10:36, we ALL know it exists. People ceasing to harp on it in these comments is not going to make us forget. 🙄

    11. @8:45 Reminding people to practice the health guidelines will SAVE lives. You may know the pandemic exists but do you take it seriously enough? Any one who does would have NO problem with people "harping" on it, as you wrote.

  45. Jessa looks like Jasmine the Disney Princess in these pants :).

  46. Faith, Ben's sister (and Jessa's sister-in-law) looks so grown up now! She was just a little kid at Jessa's wedding, I remember.

  47. Love this picture! Merry Christmas to all!

  48. If the Duggars are really as Christian and patriotic as they say they are, they should really practice what they preach. Mask up and social distance, preferably outside!

  49. What does this family not understand about a pandemic? If you care anything about others or your own family, stay home or at least wear a mask! Love one another, remember??


  51. Maybe they have a “pod” or “bubble”. Many people have formed them in order to live some semblance of a normal life. Don’t assume you know everything they’re doing when the camera is off.

    1. @10:15 When is the camera off? The Duggars constantly post pictures of their activities, and there is no pod or bubble. I've seen lots of non-Duggars in pictures taken at the house lately.

  52. I imagine how Michelle must be proud - she created such a wonderful family, her kids are best friends, and now her girls came to celebrate holidays at one of her daughter's house. Three adult daughters, four younger daughters, four daughters in law, all together and celebrating in the spirit of holidays! And how many grandkids were there? If it was all girls, then Id guess 8? And probably Jinger also attended via phone with her 2 daughters.

  53. I wonder who will be next to announce a pregnancy. Jessa? Abbie? Lauren? Anna?They all love kids and definitely will be having new additions, just a matter of time.

    1. Anna has her kids every 2 years, Maryella just turned 1, so Anna might have a baby in 2021. Jessa is almosr overdue with a new baby :). Ivy is 1.5 year, and Jessa had her babies close. I'm sure Abbie would be happy to have another baby soon, she got married later, so she might want to have kids sooner than later. As for Lauren, I also think that she would want her kids be close in age. So we might have a lot of new Duggar grandbabies in 2021!

  54. All this upset over that COVID virus makes me wonder. To this day, I could not catch it if I tried. I work in home care going to 10 different people per day. I'm in and out of my car, into apartment blocks, up and down elevators, in and out of convenience stores and gas stations and super markets, I got tested 3 times - all negative. I've gotten used to knowing I'm symptom free. If my health changes I'm so in tune I will sense it. I hate to see every thing put on hold and people forgotten, isolated in their small rooms with zero visitors, stagnating for months constantly watching, literally endless television propaganda about the big, bad virus that's out there! I'm guessing the Duggars enjoyed a time of fellowship and all survived without getting the virus that day. I think taking a 'chance' and living was better than being 'safe' and sitting alone staring at a television reporting very dramatically on more bad covid news. Sadly people don't feel allowed to use their judgement or think for themselves anymore as it is illegal to do that.

    1. 9:09PM: You know, COVID isn't going to be forever. You talk as if people are going to be locked away forever, alone forever, in fear forever. Use your judgement and intelligence to do the right thing, keep infections down, minimize gatherings, wear your mask, wash your hands, socially distance. My goodness people. Yes, it's brutal right now, but it's NOT FOREVER. It'll end when enough people are vaccinated. Have faith that God made scientists smart enough to solve this puzzle.
      Mother of two healthcare workers

  55. Well, u never know. Almost all of my family already had it and so now we don’t have to worry about possibly spreading it when we r together. It is very nice to b on the other side of it now. Let’s not judge what other people do or are comfortable doing or not doing right now.

    1. Do you not know that you can get it again? And the second time can be worse than the first? Plus, since you can get infected again,you can spread it to others?

    2. Even if EVERYONE in your family has had Covid, that doesn't render you and your relatives immune. People have had the virus more than once, so you could catch it again and spread it to everyone you come in contact with. Taking recommended precautions is good for your community even if you don't like the protocols.

  56. Please tell me who is the lady between Abby and joy ? I thought it was Kendra but it doesn’t look like her and where is little Josie ?thanks for any info

    1. It’s Johannah. :)

    2. Kendra is between Joy and Abbie.

    3. It is Kendra. And idk where Josie is...they just said she's there but not in the picture :)

  57. I used a thing called a “Search Engine” to check what the rules are for Arkansas regarding Covid-19. It appears they did nothing wrong.

    1. How old are you, Alberta Rose? You must be 90 to not know that everyone is familiar with "search engines". You must be new to computers I guess😂😂

    2. 🙄 it’s called sarcasm. She did it well 😏

    3. What if she is ? Well done for learning something New, Alberta Rose!

    4. Just because it isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it isn’t selfish, irresponsible, and - yes - wrong. People are really showing their worst selves this year.

    5. They may have done "nothing wrong", using your logic I suppose you would you ignore a weather alert that a tornado was heading your way or refuse to evacuate when a hurricane is approaching your town. So you will ignore public health warnings because they will inconvenience you. Weird.

    6. 11:40, that was sarcasm.

    7. I think Alberta was using sarcasm :D

    8. Or she is mocking everyone claiming how they are violating pandemic rules when they are too lazy to look up the requirements of Arkansas.

    9. We looked up the requirements for Arkansas. We saw they do want you to wear masks when around other people. We decided never to move there if the state is so stubborn that they refuse to make it nothing more than a suggestion at a time when numbers are peaking and people should be using the sense God gave them and not be around others unmasked.

  58. IMO the optics of the recent Duggar activities are REALLY bad. They come across as though they simply don't CARE what is happening in the world outside their tight family circle. Sad.

  59. Frazzled Mom got it right. Anonymous 4:03 P.M. thanks for the compliment, and the others who identified the sarcasm thanks!

    For the record I do treat tornado warnings with respect, I do mask up in stores and other public places; however when my cohort people and I get together, we do not mask up.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.