Monday, May 6, 2019

Buds Garrett and Gideon

Gideon Forsyth and Garrett Duggar are only three months apart and are almost sure to be best buds. Joy Forsyth, 21, and Kendra Duggar, 20, also have a close friendship, which began well before either of them were courting their now-husbands. Both ladies are currently expecting their second child. Joy is due in November, and Kendra has not announced her due date.

Garrett Duggar and Gideon Forsyth
Garrett Duggar and Gideon Forsyth

Photo courtesy


  1. Cute picture of the boys

  2. They have a pregnancy pact. "You get pregnant and I'll get pregnant too". lol

    1. I agree. I think Joy decided she needs a 2nd baby because Austin's sister had 2nd baby recently. So Joy is catching up.

    2. I very highly doubt that was the case, as she said she was scared to find out that she was pregnant! Much as she loves babies and wants more, her first delivery was very traumatic for her, so I’m thinking that they were wanting to wait a little longer. But what with likely doing the ‘abstinence during fertile time’ it could easily have been misjudged so she got pregnant earlier than planned...

    3. Catching up with your sister-in-law? That's the worst reason for pregnancy I ever heard.

    4. @Anonymous(×3):It's really nobody else's business or concern & your speculations are rather intrusive. Congratulations are due! <3 <3

    5. Growing families is not a competition; it's very personal & the above speculation is rather intrusive. Congratulations are due! <3 <3

    6. I mean, even calling a 20 yo a lady sounds like something from 1800... ;)

    7. @4:45, Maybe that's one of the problems with society today?

  3. What a nice picture of Gideon and Garret.

  4. Gideon has the best smiles ever!

  5. Twenty years old and expecting a second child? That's too young, I'm sorry.

    1. Says you. If that’s what she wants to do who are you to jump in and say otherwise?

    2. They are financially set for life due to being tv stars. They are fine.

    3. That's the way the Duggars roll. They'll just keep on having one baby after another. Look at Anna.

    4. No need to apologize for your opinion. Rather than apologize next time, just keep your opinion to yourself as it serves no purpose.

    5. It really depends on the individual.

    6. I completely agree with you.

    7. Maybe for you, but I'm 21 and only WISH I had two kids.

    8. You should be sorry. I don't believe you have the right to decide what these married adults do. You make your own life choices. They can make theirs.

    9. Don't be sorry and keep a comment like that to yourself! Life is not one size fits all. Why not enjoy the differences in people? If everyone did things the same it would be rather boring. This is not your life! We all make our own choices and decisions. Kendra is very likely alot more mature and prepared to handle numerous children than many women much older.

    10. Everyone has an opinion based on their experiences in the world. Everyone’s opinion is based on something real for them. Perhaps you were immature and emotionally or mentally inept at 20, sculpting your opinion today. But other people do not develop or perceive and experience things just like you did, so whatever opinion you have, you MUST also admit that your opinion is not truth and cannot be iterated as fact. 20 years old was too young for YOU to have two but apparently not for others. And that’s fine. :) Just don’t push your life experiences on others as universal.

    11. That is your opinion. If they are mature enough to take care of their children, what makes you decide how old a person needs to be when they have their children. I am 48 and had three children at 21 years old and they grew up to be very successful. I now have 7 of the most well mannered, loving grandchildren and I am able to enjoy them. Let God decide when people are ready to have their children.

    12. 7:11PM Their little cable TV show will not set them up for life. Kids in their 20's need a whole lot more than that to make it the next 60-70 years financially. Last I heard, Millennials will need $3M - $5M invested when they reach retirement age to live comfortably past that, with no reduction in lifestyle expenses. I was at our financial planner last week discussing this so I'm well aware of numbers.

    13. 1:55- If God decides if and when people are ready to have children, why are there so many abused and neglected children in the world? Apparently, he’s asleep at the switch in many circumstances.

    14. 1:30- The truth of the matter is that the human brain does not fully mature until the mid-20’s. That is a scientific fact.

    15. I looked that up 7:00 and you are right. Which explains me. No way could I have been a mother at 20. I only had one mindset then, but I did settle down into family life.

    16. Anon 7.11. They will most definitely not be “set for life”. & they are not tv stars. They are a reality family & there are a lot of them for the TLC payments to go round. This show won’t go on for ever & these young people will need something else behind them as they are only in their early 20s. Even someone winning a million on the lottery in their early 20s would still need to work as it would not last them their entire life. Just look at other reality tv families like the Goslins, their show is finished now as are many others iv watched over the years. This is nice while it lasts for people & a good way to have a nice nest egg for a rainy day, but definitely not something that will set them up for life, I think if you really believe that your living with your head in the clouds.

    17. @7:00

      1:30 here. Actually there is growing research suggesting the brain isn’t done “developing” until the early 30s. So in order for you not to be a hypocrite, you must suggest that no woman should have a baby until at least 35 years of age, in order to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mother is definitely, cranially mature. So you are, therefore, condemning any woman who has a baby before age 35, because who KNOWS if she’s scientifically sound?!

      OR we could just all consider that some women are capable of maturity, whether by training or by sheer will, before a certain number. We can consider that not all people are identical, and we can consider that, as onlookers, we don’t know as much as we think we do. :)

    18. @7:34- I always enjoy hearing the opinions of others. I figure you can learn something from everyone you encounter, even if you don’t share their opinions, religion, political affiliation, culture, race, gender, education level, etc.

    19. anon@1:30- Perhaps an individual of 19 or 20 who chooses NOT to get married and have kids right away, is not "emotionally or mentally inept" as you say, but rather is astute enough to understand that waiting a few years will increase the likelihood of starting out a family on better financial footing and providing future children with stable parents. I have always felt that a sign of maturity is to have the patience and fortitude to be able to work towards a goal. Of course, everyone has anecdotal examples of successful young marriages and having kids right away. However, I think the Duggar TV show may give impressional young people the wrong idea that it's all a bed of roses and precious blessings. There is so much behind the scenes we do not know about their family. Also, 99.9% of people will never have a reality show to generate a large income capable of supporting a huge
      family. Financial stresses are one of the main reasons marriages fail, and that is reality.

    20. @9:15

      1:30 here. You are using statistics of the average low age mothers, who largely come from backgrounds of poverty, poor and little education, no employment, and lack of societal/familial support to make the claim that women below a certain age are not ready to be mothers. Those statistics do not prove anything about the REST of young mothers, who do have income, do have employable skills, do have familial support, etc,, such as the girl in question in this string of comments.

      Additionally, you suggest that the viewing public will not be able to differentiate their own lives’ and capabilities from that of a TV star’s, which is a bit insulting to the general public but more importantly does not make it Kendra’s duty to postpone having children. I mean, that’s crazy-sounding.

    21. @1:30/11:39 9:15 responding: No where in my comments did I declare it Kendra's duty, or anyone else's, to postpone having children. You incorrectly read that in my statments. We live in a free country and people can make their own decisions. It is not, however, my duty to unquestioningly agree with whatever they do.

    22. 6:43 -- Watch it with the blasphemy. God is not asleep at any switch.

    23. At least Austin has a job skill in flipping houses. Unfortunately a reality TV show for such a large family will not set them up for life. Also the quiverful movement is larger than is used to be so having a large family is not as shocking or rare to warrant any kind of reality tv. This family will be fine in life without the show. It is some of the other Duggars with no job or skills that I worry about.

    24. @12:48- Watch it? It might be blasphemy to you, but not everyone. There are many people who do not believe in a higher power, so your point is irrelevant.

    25. anon12:48PM If God isn't asleep at the switch, the alternative is that he doesn't care when the innocent suffer. Either way, he's dropping the ball. If he's all powerful, he could choose to intervene. And no, I'm not concerned that drawing logical conclusions about an invisible entity is blasphemy.

    26. Again...glory goes to God when things go right, but when things go wrong, it's "our" fault. I say take that invisible being out of the equation and open your eyes to what the people around you are capable of doing by themselves. And yes, that includes making others suffer. That's why we have laws. Man's laws.

    27. This earth is ruled by the prince of this world—Satan—according to the Bible. People incline their ear to him often, and it only ends in pain—theirs or another person’s. Innocent children (and others! suffer regularly in this world, because mankind is intent on living in the flesh instead of living in the Holy Spirit. The Bible describes this as grieving God beyond what we can comprehend, and it’s why He has dedicated a time for His vengeance against the wicked. One day, He will repay to all what they have done to others. The innocent ones we mourn for now will be given new life, with no more pain or death or sadness, and the ones who were unjust will be shown no mercy. Our hope is not that suffering can be stopped here on earth—though if there’s action we can take to end momentary suffering of a person, we should. Our hope is on that day when everything will change.

      God is not asleep. He is marking down every single thing we all do. He is longsuffering, hoping that even the wicked would come to repentance. He is not on our timeline, and He is not limited to our finite and unimpressive wisdom.

    28. 7:12 -- Blasphemy is blasphemy, whether or not you believe in God. I repeat, be very careful.

    29. @7:12 Or what? If you don't believe in the Judeo-Christian "God," what exactly are you warning someone about? That.....nothing could happen?

    30. anon@11:16. That doesn’t make any sense. I suppose you’re implying that a mythical lake of fire awaits anyone who doesn’t believe as you do. I feel sorry for you that you have such fear of a supposedly loving higher power.

  6. Is Gideon toddling around now?

  7. they're so cute together

  8. I am amazed how commenters think or imagine that if the ladies want to get pregnant, then BAM! They are instantly pregnant whenever they want. Not so. It might seem like it, but even for the ones who fall pregnant relatively quickly, I am sure they have had to wait and at their young ages, even a month or months can seem like a real wait. Anyway, I am just tired of seeing comments where people say they can just fall pregnant whenever they want exactly. No one can do that, not even Duggars.

    1. @6:36- There’s no denying the Duggar track record- pregnancy follows the nuptials within a very short time. They’ve even joked about taking pregnancy tests early on. The exception so far is with the oldest.

  9. Two very sweet little boys. I do agree with anon 3.10 in some ways. Not so much to say 20 is too young to have 2 children, however I feel it's quite unusual in this day & age to see a 20 year old woman with 2 children. If Kendra is happy being a young mum with a couple of children then who are we to say she is too young. Yes it's young & my own daughter who is 21 wouldn't dream of even getting married yet let alone being a mother to 2 children, but that's her personal choice as it is Kendra to have children at an early age. If joe has a job & is financially supporting his family then they really arnt doing anyone any harm.

    1. Obviously everybody has the choice, but she's so young and unexperienced, she literally went from being a kid in her parents' house to being a wife and a mum (like Joy, like Lauren). To each their own, but they're really so young that I wonder if they actually had the choice.

    2. Anon 1.47. I really hope these girls did have a choice, because anything other is too sad to think about & would be tantamount to living in a cult where your forced into doing something against your will. Pray god they are not so brainwashed as to think that way & they do actually want marriage & motherhood at an early age. As I said in my post my own daughter who is 21 wouldn’t consider marriage at this age let alone 2 children, but that’s her choice & I hope it is the same with these girls, & they have chosen this path in life.

    3. The average age at which men marry in the US for the first time is 29 and for women it's 27. I find it encouraging that it's gone up quite a bit in the past 50 years.

    4. Yeah it's the lack of maturity that's the problem. Knowing how to change a diaper does not mean you're ready to parents.

    5. 9:38, you aren’t factoring in the fact that many young adults choose to live together for YEARS before they actually get married. That’s definitely not encouraging.

    6. 5:32- I see nothing wrong with living together before marriage. Not everyone shares the same views about it. My husband I lived together before we got married and we’ll celebrate our 30 year anniversary this year. Those who adhere to strict religious beliefs should quit being concerned with how others choose to live their lives.

    7. To commenter at 9:38... In the last 50 years, it has now become socially acceptable for people to live together which has directly affected the average age of marriage. They may have a few “trial” marriages with live in lovers before actually having a ceremony and signing a marriage certificate but that is not encouraging or applaudable.

    8. 444 You need to read 1223's comment. Closely.

    9. 4:44- Live your own life to suit yourself. Do not expect others to live theirs to suit you or your religion.

    10. 4:44- I find it discouraging when people look down their noses at others who don’t follow their particular set of religious rules.

    11. Anon @5.58. I have to agree, something that is getting to me more & more on this blog is the people who think their way of religion is the only right way. We are all entitled to our own views in what we believe & as such we need to accept everyone & be respectful of their beliefs, not everyone (I myself included), agree with all the religious beliefs of the Duggar’s. I have my own religious beliefs that were instilled in me from childhood & that I believe to this day. I would not wish to be so arrogant as to expect people to think my belief system was superior to theirs & neither do I think people that post on here should try to belittle others who have slightly different beliefs to the strict fundamentalist beliefs of the Duggar’s.

    12. Agree, Fuzzyferet. I wouldn't mind it so much if people would put "In my religion, here's what we think" first. At least be a little humble, acknowledge that there are other religions out there, and admit that yours is not the best, the be-all, or the end-all that everyone has to follow or they're doomed.

      I really have to wonder, too, what kind of church preaches that sort of thinking? Churches should be the first place to practice tolerance of all or any religions. I know a church with Sundays where members from other churches are invited, and then those churches reciprocate on another Sunday. I get a feeling the Duggars and those who belong to that same type of church (including many on this board?) would never do that, spend a Sunday in a church that was not their own.

      You should look at religion as a whole, not be narrowly focused on one type. You should be tolerant of those who have found other spiritual paths, or are content with no path at all. The last way you impress anyone like that is to quote them Bible verses, as if you expect them to suddenly want to heed those or convert on the spot.

    13. Anon 10.43. That is one of the most refreshing religious viewpoints iv ever read on this blog & wholeheartedly agree with you. I also know churches that invite other religious denominations to visit for Sunday service & it is wonderful to see how other religions worship. I have been to our local mosque, synagogue, Hindu temple & Church of England service, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I like to embrace everyone as individual & accept their belief system,whatever that maybe. Perhaps this comes from the way I was brought up & the fact my protestant father married my catholic mother in Northern Ireland & being born in the late 60s & raised in the 70s when the troubles were at their height, my parents marriage was one that was frowned upon & we as a family suffered greatly with our home being petrol bombed on several occasions. Ultimately my parents had to move to England. However they instilled in me to always be tolerant of all religions & to this day I try & hold that view.

  10. Such a cute picture!! It would be fun if they both got sisters this fall!

  11. Lost of babies this year Jessa, Anna, Joy and Kendra so far

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Gideon always looks so happy in his pictures:-)

  14. I love there smiles. I can't wait to watch the little ones on T.V. and watch them grow. The grandchildren and counting on are so cute they'll be besties growing up. Natasha B.

    1. I'm not in favor of raising children in front of TV cameras. I think this family would do better to keep their kids off national TV.

    2. Why would they be besties? Children have different personalities, just like adults. They like some kids and not others. Just because they are close in age doesn't mean they will be best friends, or friends at all.

  15. Gideon has such a big mouth! Very cute and funny looking. It matches his endearing smile. :)

    1. The :) at the end of your sentence doesn’t hide your hurtful comment, nor the content of your heart.

    2. @10:22 Chill out. Gideon has a beautifully large mouth for beautifully large smiles. Everyone is made special, and using words like “big” doesn’t automatically conclude that the speaker is meaning to be hurtful. That’s your perception based on something you’ve experienced in life. Chill out. She’s fine.

    3. I think he just smiles more than most babies.

    4. 10:22, you're quite malicious! I find it funny and cute that he has a particularly big mouth. ;) It's just a feature like any other, like having big eyes or dimples or whatever.
      I think it makes him unique, because if you pay attention to it his mouth is really big, which is cute considered that he also smiles a lot.

    5. How low will the owner of this blog go to allow a comment like this to even be posted? Have you no shame?

    6. At this point, I would be very content to just have the picture updates with blog owner comments and upcoming Up tv and TLC beginning dates and special Reports from both UPtv and TLC....or I could just stop reading the comments!

  16. Two adorable baby boys. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. What is they have babies on the same day? Joy is due in November, Kendra in October (most probably), so it can be the same date. Hopefully Joy will go to the hospital. And if they had babies on November 5th, that would be Spurgeon's birthday too.

  18. Gideon looks like he's having more fun than Garrett.

  19. I just think Gideon’s smile is bigger. I imagine they are both having fun. Gideon looks like he laugh’s a lot!!! Nothing better than children’s laughter!

  20. @ 10:22. If I misinterpreted the intent of the author, I am very sorry.

    My reading of the comment was based on the trend for years of responders bashing anything Duggar, including their children and grandchildren . The wording used by the author triggered a response based on that fact. I am glad to read that was not the case in this instance. I stand corrected.

  21. Cant these people just post a picture of their children like many others do, and not get so much "opinions".Can you put yourself in their place and just imagine what it must feel like,they have the same rights as everyone else who posts.Sometimes I feel sad for those who are so " opinionated " now I'm just disgusted.Its just as sweet pictures of two babies folks. Oh, adorable picture of both by the way😇

    1. This is a comment section of a blog so of course there will be opinions. This should not be a surprise or a reason to fret. Why some people take it so personally, who knows. If the Duggars didn't want publicity and the opinions that come with it, they wouldn't so readily share all these pictures of their family. They want you to talk about them. They have opinions about us, too!

  22. Anon 10.22. I am glad you have apologised for your comment, that in itself says much about you as a person. A good person is one which can apologise. Now I would like to apologise to you for a previous comment I made saying that I was sick of people on here going on about posters who are not godly in thought. I myself totally know what you mean about people lambasting the Duggar’s. I myself left this blog for several months just over a year ago, this was because I was so upset at what some posters were saying about joy’s first pregnancy & the timings surrounding the date of conception & size of her bump. I felt so hurt for this poor young girl that I decided not to come to the blog for several months, as I couldn’t bare hearing such awful comments levied against a young first time mum. There are things people say about all the children that is not always pleasant, Gideon’s size & his eating habits now seems to be a one mentioned a lot, personally I think he is a Pettit child as his father is a small man, nothing to do with joy not feeding him well, which is a dreadful thing for people to say. The picture of Gideon here does show him with a large mouth, as I said, because if everyone looks closely he isn’t smiling, he is having a raucous belly laugh, which on any young child is such a joy to see. Well again I apologise to you, maybe we all have the best in our hearts for most of this family & sometimes we just express it in the wrong way because of things that have irritated us in the past. I wish you well.



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