Saturday, February 3, 2018

Joe and Kendra's Baby is a...

Joseph and Kendra Duggar

Joseph and Kendra Duggar just announced the gender of their baby. At the gender reveal party, John Duggar was chosen to reveal the news to the couple and their family and friends, using blue smoke. (Yep, it's a boy!)

Hear more from Joe and Kendra on the new season of Counting On.

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Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Over run by boys. Time for grand girls. Hopefully Joy and Jinger.

    1. has Joy's baby come yet?

    2. Not yet! Last I heard her due date was closer toward the end of, very soon!

    3. It's not due until the end of the month/beginning of next month

    4. That's your opinion. There's nothing wrong with lots of boys. I'm a mommy of 4 little boys and a daughter, I don't feel over run by boys. I'm blessed.

    5. I don't think OP meant there is anything wrong with lots of boys, OP was just stating that there are a lot more boys than girls

    6. Boy, people really take things personally.

  2. Congratulations Joe & Kendra.

  3. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
    Michael, Marcus, Israel, Spurgeon, Henry, Samuel and Mason. . . . OH BOYS. Now Add Kendra & Joe's little one.
    Joy & Austin do not know the gender pre-birth GOOD FOR THEM. And then there is Jinger and Jeremy yet to annouce.
    I think Joy is carrying twins. IMO
    Jinger will have a boy for sure!!!!

    Bless them all.

    1. Joy isn't big enough to be carrying twins, she's due next month.

    2. I agree. She's just short waisted. Love that maybe they don't know the gender either. We Didn't know with our two. That "surprise" at the very last second is the best gift God can give!

    3. I think Joy is having a boy and Jinger is having a girl. Jingers baby is going to be gorgeous😍

    4. Jinger will have a Girl, I know it! ♡♡♡

  4. Congrats!!! I was hoping for a girl, though:( Oh well... Congratulations you two!

    1. I'm sure they are happy with the boy God has given them .

    2. Anon 5:30, I know they are happy with a boy. I was only expressing my feelings about it. Boys are great and wonderful, it's just that I would like to see someone have a girl.

  5. I am glad they chose to share the gender with us!!!

  6. Congratulation's cant wait for counting on to get started. Love watching your family grow.

  7. Just a note that you can’t really find out the gender of the baby. They announced the sex of the baby. Pet peeve of mine when people confuse the two!

    1. Haha. My pet peeve too! It's simple vocabulary.

    2. They're the same thing.

    3. I am just happy that they are healthy, and that’s all that matters! There shouldn’t be criticism in announcements like this!!!

    4. What are you talking about? Gender is the “state of being male or female”, followed by “synonym=sex” is the definition I found. Gender sounds accurate to me!

    5. Sex and gender are the same thing. There are only two -- male XY and and female XX except in a small percentage of abnormal cases.

    6. As in, they have the choice to change the gender? I DON'T THINK SO! Why in the world even make a statement like that?

    7. Bless your heart.

    8. Correct, you announce the sex of the baby

    9. Gender is what you are, not what you want to be.

    10. Well I took French classes in HS and college, so I know that technically, "gender" is used to describe words, not people.

      And while I think the Duggars share Derrick's belief's about transgenderism, I doubt their using "gender" instead of "sex" had anything to do with making a political point. Just that many people find "gender" to be a more family-friendly word than the other one.

    11. I read an article where a couple who had 2 boys allegedly paid $25,000 to have a girl. I guess there's a way to tell with testing embryos or something. They got their girl. I would not do this procedure myself.

    12. 6:31, yes you can do that through invitro

  8. Congratulations Joseph and Kendra!!!!! Excited see counting on February 26 th ..Tammy

  9. Congratulations!🐳

  10. Congratulations! Wow, boys rule! Mackynzie and Madison are outnumbered big time, lol! But little boys are AWESOME!!!

    1. You mean Meredith

    2. Who's Madison? Did you mean Meredith?

    3. The granddaughters are Mackynzie and Meredith. They don't have one named Madison.

    4. I think OP was confusing the new Duggar baby's name -Mason- with the feminine version -Madison-

  11. Somebody's gotta have a girl this year! I'm guessing Joy's is a boy and Jinger's is a girl.

    1. I think the same :-)

    2. That's what I guessed too :)

    3. I was thinking Joy would have a boy. Kendra and Jinger would have girls.🤷🏻‍♀️ (Guess I was wrong😂) Can’t wait to find out the other babies genders!

  12. Yay!! I'm so happy for you Joe and Kendra! I can't wait to see the new season of counting on!
    Best wishes!!

  13. Congratulations Joe and Kendra! And I'm sure Joy and Austin are also having a boy. In the Duggar Family congratulatory video for Jinger, I'm positive that Jessa let the secret out of the bag when she said Joy is having a boy (and then tried to make a joke out of it). Congrats, very fun having a gender reveal party!

    1. Joy and Austin are waiting to see what they're having, so Jessa doesn't know and couldn't have spoiled.

    2. Joy doesn't know what she's having. Her and Austin want to be surprised.

      Congrats Kendra and Joe from my mom and I.

  14. How far along does this put Kendra?

    1. Well you can find out as soon as 9 weeks, but some people wait for 16 weeks

    2. Maybe 18-22 weeks??? I have no clue

    3. Considering they usually make the big pregnancy announcement at 12 weeks or so, she's probably right around 19/20 weeks now.

  15. Congrats Joe & Kendra All we need to hear is the gender of Joy & Jingers baby soon. Who knows you the baby could be named after you Joe. Time 6:32AM Happy Sunday 2/4/18.

  16. Yay!!! Congrats on having a little baby boy, Joe and Kendra! I can't wait to see pictures!

  17. Aweeee congrats on your baby boy!! He will be adorable! 💙

  18. Congratulations! Can’t wait to see this young beautiful little boy enter the world. Can not wait for you guys. My prayers that everything goes so they throughout your pregnancy.

  19. How did we ever get along without gender-reveal parties?!! With the relentless increase in numbers with this family, party planning must be a full time occupation.

  20. "have" just announced...that "craft" of writing is really showing :-)

    1. Kitty, I've been published on the subject of grammar, and I don't see anything wrong or worth criticizing in this post.

  21. seems a little too soon to know? when is her due date?

    1. Too soon? She must be right around 19-21 weeks by now...

    2. These days you can find out as soon as ten weeks

    3. They have been married five months she could be 16 to 18 weeks....normal time frame.

    4. You can actually find out at 7 weeks with a blood test.

  22. Congratulations, Joe and Kendra on your baby boy news. I know you can't wait to hold him in your arms. Looking forward to hearing more from this sweet couple on "Counting On"...Jane

  23. Can't you simply tell your friends and family you're having a boy, without dropping a blue smoke bomb in a field?

    1. I was just thinking the same thing lol. What's with these over the top gender reveals, I guess they just love the attention. I think a simple mature statement would suffice.

    2. Can't you simply let them enjoy every moment of this pregnancy and celebrate as much as they want?

    3. It exploded, not dropped. Much more exciting.

    4. What's wrong with having some fun with the announcement?

    5. I'll bet Jinger explodes a pinata.

    6. LOL 5:01 Or rents a crop duster and either blue or pink dust spews out lol

    7. It makes for filling airtime on their show. TLC orchestrates much of this stuff for filming purposes.

    8. 5:01&5:06, we'll now o know how I'll be doing gender announcements🤣🤣

    9. I brought cupcakes to work and revealed the sex using the color frosting on top. Pretty much everyone guessed a boy and they were right :)

  24. When is Kendra due?

  25. Good! Now we can concentrate on what their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th children will be.

  26. I guessed right I had a feeling their baby would be a boy

  27. Another boy? Oh well maybe there'll be a girl soon. But no "baby bump" picture. Too bad

    1. Theres nothing wrong with having sons. A baby is a blessing whatever sex it is.
      Perhaps she's trying to stay modest.

    2. God has given them what He wants them to have. Boys are just as special as girls. I have 4 little boys and 1 girl, they are all gifts.

  28. Awe, congrats! I sure wish we could see a picture of Kendra. But maybe they choose to be private about it, or it will be on Counting On. Whatever the reason, I pray God's blessing on them. Boys are special.

    1. So are girls! ;)

    2. Girls would be extra special then to this family

  29. Still can't get over the fact that such a young girl is pregnant.

    1. I feel that way too. My husband and I started dating at 15, married at 23 & started our family at 28. Wouldn't change a thing!

    2. She is not a girl. She is a fully grown married Woman! I had my first child as a Married Woman at 18. Kendra is a very mature 19 year old Woman.

    3. There are girls that are out here having babies when they are 13 and 14 years old. Some people complain because Kendra is 19 married and pregnant.

    4. I have to agree 19 is very young, especially considering that the brain isn't done developing until about the ages of 24-25

    5. Shoot, you should have gone to my high school back in the 90s. The majority of women were muslims and many women were married and pregnant by 15!

    6. 6:38 -- Are you serious?! Where was this/what city?

    7. At least she's an adult and married and pregnant, not an underaged single mother.

    8. Putting a ring on a girl's finger at any age is no guarantee that she'll become more mature or be a better mother.

  30. Congratulations to the happy couple! What an exciting moment!

  31. Congratulations!! Is common in USA be a mother at 19? Here in Spain women became mother after 30

    1. Not at all. The average age for an American woman to have her first child is 26 or 27. In more rural and/or religious parts of the country, women tend to have children slightly earlier (early 20s), but 19 is truly an outlier.

    2. People do it, but I don't think it's a good idea. In my opinion, it would seem like older and more mature would be best.

    3. No, 19 is not the norm. The average age for first time mothers in the U.S. is 26.

    4. Not in mainstream USA but it is within the fundamentalist christian community

    5. No it is not particularly common in this day and age to have children at a young age. Most wait until they are older and more settled. As lovely as they are, please don’t judge Americans by the Duggar standards.

    6. Actually there are many girls aged 19 and younger who get pregnant in the US, but they abort their babies so older ages are the norm to give birth to a baby.

    7. I'm apart of the fundamentalist Christian community and I had my first at 26. I know a lot of ladies that don't have babies until mid 20's.

    8. @8:22, to assume that the rate of teen pregnancies are low because of abortion is incorrect. That would mean that the rate of abortions for teens would be higher than that for older women. That is not seen in the statistics.

    9. @6:36..For Shame! That is incorrect. Muslim, like most immigrants, tend to be very educated-oriented. Their young women wait till they are older, finished school before getting married. All the Muslim women I know were in their mid to late 20s before they married and had children.

    10. Actually, to assume that the rate of teen pregnancies itself is low via statistics is misleading and skewed, given the un-regulated availability of Plan B at your local Walmart, Target, etc.

  32. Congratulations Joe & Kendra!! Glad to hear that everyone is healthy, may God bless you all!!!

  33. I had a feeling it was a boy. Congrats Joe and Kendra!

  34. I forget where they went on their honeymoon. Thinking this picture was taken then.

    1. I think it was Greece but I could be wrong

    2. Greece, Joy and Austin went to Switzerland.

  35. Not another boy they have the opposite problem of the bates who have lots of girl grand children
    Come on duggar babies you need to be girls

    1. Just don't think it's a problem. Lol. Boys are just as amazing as girls and vice versa!!

    2. There's nothing wrong with boys. They are blessings too. I have 4 boys myself and 1 girl.

    3. I wonder if any of the Duggar and Bates grandkids will get married?

    4. Fellow 4 boys 1 girl mom here! Boys are wonderful

    5. You "4 boys 1 girl mothers" sound a bit biased toward your boys. Hope your girlie feels extra loved! I just happen to see numerous posts on here about your 4 boys 1 girl.

  36. Those Duggar kids certainly produce a lot of boys. I hope at least one of the upcoming babies is a girl, but I’m probably biased. I loved being a mom to a little girl, though I’m sure I’d have loved being a mom to a little boy if I’d had a boy.
    I know it’s become standard to find out the sex of an unborn baby in the US, but I think when you do that, you really miss out on something wonderful. There are so few genuine surprises in life, and there is something so uniquely special about getting through labor, especially a long labor, and hearing “It’s a boy, or it’s a girl” at the end of it. It’s like the grand prize at the end of a marathon. I wish more people waited to find out just so that they could experience that one moment of excitement. It really is worth waiting for.

    1. You don't think that exploding something for fun isn't exciting, too?

    2. I agree with waiting. We did with both pregnancies. Nothing more exciting than that last second when the doctor says "It's a xxx!" A true surprise and gift from God. Not many surprises are so special and sweet.

    3. Some people don’t like being surprised. I actually hate surprises. So, don’t put your opinion on others. And, presume what is best for them.

    4. I was surprised with the first two but really had no choice. Didn't get a sonogram and they weren't that good when I was having kids. Found out with my third cause I had an amniocentesis. Lived knowing ahead of time!!!

    5. Waited to find out with both my babies too. I couldn't imagine finding out and I even had multiple ultra sounds due to high risk pregnancy. Just told the technicians not to show me anything revealing and it always worked out well.

    6. I thought I would like being surprised, but both times I was, I was actually disappointed when the baby was born. We had a number of boys before finally having a girl, and I really really wanted a girl. If I had known ahead of time that they were boys, I would have had time to get used to it and be ok with it before they were born. My initial reaction at their births would have been joy and excitement instead of excitement mixed with twinges of disappointment.

    7. 10:05 AM - I get it.

    8. For all those pro-lifers, knowing the sex of the age is actually discouraged in some countries to reduce the number of sex-preference terminations. There are some cultures, where male children are preferred over female children, for financial reasons.

  37. i found out with my daughter at 12 weeks due to a blood test. god bless them! we had several babies in the past year and a half, all girls!!!

  38. Congratulations on your new baby boy GOD bless y'all. Patricia

  39. At this rate you'll have to start another blog that's nothing but a huge header that gets changed every few months.

  40. Contrats! Well, this is just my silly calculation according data we have.
    Jinger announced her pregnancy 3rd january and recently she posted her baby bump of 15 weeks. That means she was around 12 weeks pregnant during her announcement. If Joe and Kendra did it the same way, then they are slightly ahead with due date, about 2-3 weeks further along. That puts Kendra about 18-19 weeks pregnant (because Jinger's 15 weeks baby bump photo was posted already week ago, is she more than 16 weeks now) And it could be because most of reliable gender ultrasounds could be done up from 16 weeks. Earlier scan is not so reliable. But this is just theory which could be proven wrong if they still decide to share due date or when the baby is actually born.

    1. Data and calculations? They're pregnant. They'll give birth eventually. End of story.

    2. 2:16 PM -- You just might be right! :)

  41. I thought they'd have a boy! I'm guessing Joe Jr, Adam, Luke, or Caleb for his name.

  42. I'm excited for them, yet exhausted just thinking about all the diapers they'll have to change, late night feeding sessions, baby crying fits they'll have to tame...BUT at least they have a supportive family who is willing to watch baby so they can get a way for a date night once in a while.

    1. Of all of the things you mentioned, babies are so worth it. Parents sacrifice for their children, and it's worth it. And late night feedings can be a precious time. I have five little ones. They are worth it all.

    2. I agree, 3:41. I'd put up with the diapers, crying, etc., just to have another sweet baby.

    3. I'm glad you enjoy diaper changing, feeding sessions, and all that goes with it. I have four young boys and find myself exhausted all the time with all that's required of motherhood. I look forward to them growing up and moving away and regaining freedom.

    4. I've got news for you 3:19. Although your diapering days will be over by then, your parenting days won't be. Those kids will need you forever, come back to you for advice, still need things from you (like money!), might need to move back home...... Once a parent, always a parent.

    5. 3:19 - (I'm also 10:15) - I get the exhausted part! I hope you're able to get some rest and be able to enjoy the time you have with your boys before they grow up and leave.

  43. I love this family and I admire their genuine Christian spirit. They set a great example for young people today but I guess good morals and excellent character is taboo now and the pc culture! Very very sad! Love to all.

  44. I think joy's baby is a boy also

  45. That fam is overrun with boys but congrats on the babe as. long as it healthy

    1. No worries... there are many more Duggars who have yet to be married and have babies so I'm positive some will have a girl or 2

  46. I'm certain Joy is having a girl! I just get a "girl" vibe from her and the way she's carrying. But we will find out soon enough!


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