Friday, December 26, 2014

5 Years and Counting

It's hard to believe that today is the 5th anniversary of the Duggar Family Blog. (This is also our 2,000th post!) We started blogging just a few weeks after Josie was born and have been going strong ever since, thanks to each one of our loyal readers.

We are honored to have the privilege of blogging on behalf of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 kids, and our prayer is that our blog is an encouragement to each one of you.

We have to ask, how long have you been reading the blog, and how did you find us?


  1. I found the blog after searching about the Duggars, when I saw a show when Josie had just been born. I was interested because I come from a family with 11 children and no one really understands what it is like to be from a big family unless they have been in one. I read your blog almost daily, thankyou for all the work you both put in.
    Thanks from Australia

  2. Hello and Happy Anniversary!! I came across your blog on Facebook about two years ago. Thank you for all that you do! Keep up the great work!!!

  3. I started reading your blog about a year ago. I found it by accident while doing a search for tv listings of 19 Kids and counting. You do a great job!

  4. congratulations!!!

    I live in the Netherlands and absolutly love this blog!!
    I have no idea how i found it... probably trough Google or something!
    But i love it!!! i´ve been reading this blog for about a year now!

  5. I started reading some time before Jill's wedding, maybe before her engagement. I had heard about the courtships starting in the Duggar family and found this website in my searches for a source of thorough and frequent updates. I've been visiting ever since, and thank you so much for the encouraging content!

  6. Congratulations Lilly &Ellie! Yall do an amazing job! Thanks so much for keeping it up!! I've been looking up your blog for a year now! Can you please tell us if the Duggars read the comments on this blog?

  7. googling the duggars. And I've been with you for about a year!

  8. Googling the duggars. And I've been with you for about a year! Thanks for all that you do!


  10. I've been following for about a year now and really enjoy it! I found it by googling(?) the Duggars. You girls do a wonderful job! Thank you!! God bless.

  11. I love your blog, since we do not have cable I am not able to watch the program so I have watched and kept up with this awesome family for about 2 yrs now. when we did have cable I have been watching the duggars since jill was 12 yrs old. keep your full episodes coming on here and God bless you . Teresa in Kansas

  12. I've been reading this blog for only a couple of months, and I love it! I was hoping to find a reliable way to keep up with the Duggars, so I googled them and found this blog! Please keep posting! I love it!

  13. I just started reading this blog this year but i love it and read it every day. I found this blog over the summer when I wanted to find out when the new season started and have followed it ever since.

  14. A long time! Not sure really - I've been 'following' the Duggars since before Josie was born so I guess from the start/almost from the start? I would have found you by a google search and now I have a shortcut on my desktop...I live in the UK so this is my main Duggar fix :)

  15. I have been following the Duggars since last November, however, I didn't learn about the blog until 5 months later. I found out about the blog when my cousin told me that besides their website; the Duggars also had a blog. So I checked it out, and now I constantly await new posts from you Lily and Ellie. Thank You for being such a blessing for all of us, and I wish you a belated Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year.

  16. congratulations! Your blog is fantastic! I've been reading since the early days! I found your blog when I was searching online for information on how Josie was doing. I find the Duggar family inspirational and motivational -- your blog is too! Thank you!

  17. My mom and 1year!!Thank you for your blog!

  18. I have read 2000 posts?! I started reading your blog shortly after you started, and I check it almost everyday! Thank you for doing this... I can't imagine they'd have time to keep a blog themselves. We have nine blessings aged 21 to 11mo (and a little grand-blessing!) and I marvel everyday at the organization it must take to keep such a large household running. They are an inspiration to be sure!

  19. Thank you for all your efforts over the years and I can not express how much your site means to my family.

    I found you about three years ago toward the top of Google search and your site appeared to be the most safe to access. It also provides clear and honest information about the family without drama or gossip which is what I was looking for. The links to view the shows was an added touch since there was a time I could not view the show with our cable package.

    The Duggars are a nice family as I am sure you must agree and deserve some privacy and kindness which you both express here.

    All your efforts are greatly appreciated and I realize the time and dedication it involves to make this happen.
    May you both have a blessed New Year and thank you.

  20. I started reading this summer because that's when I really started to watch 19 Kids and Couting. I was just randomly looking up the Duggars and I found the blog. Am I'm glad I did

  21. When Jessa first began courting, I was looking at an article about her and Ben on the internet and found your website.

  22. Probably 3 or 4 years... found it through a friend who told me about it. Keep up the AMAZING work, ladies! This is the best duggar blog out there. :)

  23. Wow, congrats on 5 years! How exciting! We feel honored to have somebody honest and truthful to share their lives with us. It's a blessing to have a reliable source to get information. I've found nothing like it thus far. I've been reading this blog for all five years thus far, and found it while looking around for information on the Duggars. Thank you for all the work you do.

  24. I've been reading this blog for about a year. I discovered the Duggar's show on TLC and then soon after found this blog. Love this blog and so happy that I get to see how the Duggar family is doing, they are such an encouragement.

  25. thank you for the blog Ellie and Lilly guys its great!

  26. Maybe two years, can't really remember when I started with the blog. But it is a daily part of my life now. I'm hooked on the Duggars and this blog. And both have helped me. Thank-you.

  27. I have been reading your wonderful blog for a few months now. Probably since before Jill became engaged. I actually found your blog online by accident. So glad I found it. I know other blogs are so negative towards the Duggars and sometimes include false information. This blog is the only one I trust and it is informative. Thank you for keeping all of us fans up to date each and every day. The best Duggar website/blog on the internet, hands down!!!

  28. I've been reading ever since jill met Derrick. I found your blog and got addicted to it. I check it daily and I'm so sad when there isn't a new post! Haha. Thanks

  29. Hi Lily and Ellie,
    I found this blog after searching for the Duggars. I haven't been reading your blog for really long. It has been about 3 months ,and I have been reading ever since. Thank you for having a daily update.
    I have question,though. For a birthday celebration, do you make the post a week before and send ot out on the day of the post?
    Your reader,
    Danielle from Jamaica

  30. Approximately 3 years. Blog is excellent. Thanks

  31. I have been reading the blog since beginning of 2012, or maybe a little bit earlier. I can't really remember the exact month, nor can I remember the exact month I started watching the Duggar family. I probably found the blog by looking up "19 Kids and Counting" on google, just like I did now to get here because I got a new laptop. Congrats on 5 years with this blog, and I hope you can continue for much longer because you give great info on the family.

  32. I have probably reading the blog for 2 or 3 years I think I found it by google. It doesn't really matter how I found it but I'm glad I did. I have gotten to know the Duggars so much more and I wouldn't appreciate their family so much without this blog. Thank you Lily and Ellie you guys are a HUGE blessing to me and most likely others. Kimberlin

  33. I've started reading regularly since last month. Love the family, love that blog ! Found the blog while reading about the fam in the Internet

  34. I have been reading the blog probably for 2 years. I have been watching since the first special. My daughter, Grace and I love the Duggar's!!!

  35. i found the blog just this year. after i followed them on twitter.

  36. Two years I have been reading your blog.
    Happy holidays from Puerto Rico

  37. I have been with the blog since you had it

  38. I've been reading this blog for a year or so. I'm not sure how I found you; probably by googling the Duggar's :) -sherri

  39. I've been reading since spring break 2k14 I think. I found you by researching the duggars

  40. I've been reading for about a year. I don't remember how I found out about this blog.
    Lily and Ellie, thanks so much for making this blog the wonderful resource it is! I love coming here!

  41. Merry Christmas to you both! I have been reading since the beginning! Not sure where I saw the link, somewhere on the internet. :-)

  42. ive been reading about two years and i found you through a google search. the only place i know to get actual fac ts about the Duggars

  43. I've been following your blog for over a year now and I think I found you all from a family friend. Thank you for all you do!

  44. I have been reading the blog for about 2 years and love it. I think I found it following around on TLC 19 kids... Michelle... and stumbled to this. Thank you so much.

  45. I've been reading your blog as soon as I heard about it- about five years ;-)

  46. Thank you! I read it almost every morning and then listen to Ravi Zachariah or Tim Keller as I get ready. We have 5 daughters around the same ages as you and some of the Duggar girls. We have homeschooled all the way thru and have 2 at Covenant College now. It is soo encouraging to have other believers out there who are striving to serve Him as you are. Please keep blogging.

  47. I have been reading the blog for about a year now but I have been watching the Duggars since 2008. I found the blog when I clicked on Duggar news. Just Love the Duggars and love to read about all your family announcements. I just wanted to mention that Joe has the same birthday as I do but different year born.

  48. Up to or around a year i think

  49. I started reading when I searched for legit Duggar material and not the gossip sites about the time that TLC aired the courtship of Jill. While the information preceds the airing of TLC, it's nice to read from people who actually know the Duggars and not just gossipers. It's been interesting to read things that you don't find on other sites.

  50. by googling "I hate the Duggars"

  51. ive been watching for about 3 years and I love yalls show and I lovethe house that jills in when will yall be back on tv.

  52. Well I found this blog through google about 4,5 Years ago and kept reading regularly since then.
    Do you live near the duggars? Are you relatives to the duggars?

  53. I think for over two years. I've watched the Duggars on TV for over 5 years. Love, Love, Love their family. They give me hope that there is still good people raising their children in the right way. Also, love the Bates family.

  54. I was googling information on how The Dugger's were doing and bang there was your blog!! Thanks for doing this!

  55. I started after I looked up the sugars and I have been on your blog ever since and it is great and you give us great information

  56. It's a great blog. I've been viewing it for a few months. I found it most likely through Google. I'm from Australia. I appreciate this lovely family and wish the haters would just leave clear alone. Thank you for a lovely blog and for the Duggars for being willing to share their lives with us. God bless you!

  57. Probably stumbled onto it from googling this family a few times. Or maybe it was Facebook? But I do remember the early introductions of you; starting homeschooling yourselves and blogging together as a family project. Thanks for all you do and I look forward to more. Hey, even if the show DOES end within the next year, will you still be doing updates on them? I hope so. Blessings on you all. Oh, and feel free to update us on your own lives too, ok?

  58. This is awsome love the blogs and the show. You children are an inspiration to all kids. Even yall. Love ashley d.

  59. Im not sure how long its been that I've been reading but its been a loooooooooong time.... Im thinking it was soon after you started though. I am so thankful for this blog, there is just so much nonsense about the duggars floating around and I always know I will get the truth here. Please send my blessings to all the Duggars and tell them thank you for allowing you to keep this blog. Thanks ladies for all your consistency.

  60. Merry Christmas Duggar's and Duggar Family Blog!!! AND happy anniversary. I have been visiting the Duggar Family Blog at least once a week since earlier this year and I found out about it from searching for the Duggar's online because I wanted to know more about them. I am the middle child of 12, and my mom mentions the Duggar's sometimes, but we don't have cable TV so I never watched their show, but I really enjoy visiting the blog and I wish I could meet them someday! Also, the girls book is so wonderful and so encouraging and I really enjoyed it! Thanks Duggar's for your encouragement and joy and God bless!

    Much love,

    Jennifer B.

  61. Since the beginning!! I love this blog and am grateful there's a place on the internet with factual information and no yucky gossip. I also love that it's a mother daughter team, I think that's adorable.

  62. I have been reading you since almost the beginning.... but can not remember how I got to the blog (my guess is Google).
    Thank you for being such a reliable source of information ladies. Keep up the good work!

  63. I found a link to this page on Facebook and have been following it for about two years now

  64. Iam not sure how I first found the blog? But,I have been reading atleast 3-4 years:O)))) I look on the blog nearly everyday!!!
    Love,love,love The Duggar Family:O))))
    Thank you so very much Lily and Elle!!!!! I so very much appreciate all your hard work and effort to keep this blog going!!!!:O)))

  65. I wish many yeares to come! Thank you for all this infos and sweet pictures!

  66. I found your guyses blog about a year ago. I was actually googling something about birth control when I came across the Duggars and then this blog! I follow you ever since. My husband and I live in GERMANY and I would have never heard about this encouraging family. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  67. I've been reading this wonderful blog for a month....i was so thankful that you guys always keep me updated the news from the DUGGAR family and i already become your loyal blog reader.....😍👍👍👍👏٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

  68. I found the I found the blog by searching for a question about the Duggars! I think I've been reading for 6 months now. Thank you for factual and encouraging updates!!

  69. You are doing a magnificent job. Thank you!

  70. I came across this blog thorough the duggar family's website. I love keeping up with it and learning different exciting things coming up in their life.

  71. I found this blog on Google, trying to find news updates on them. I found it probably when jessa and ben found each other. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep posting updates, we dont have cable so tt0his is the only way to know whats going on in the Duggar household. Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. About 3 years. I posted about the Duggars on facebook & a friend recommended your site. :)

    ~Jessica G.

  73. I absolutely love this blog! I found you online after I discovered the show a couple of years ago. (I also absolutely love their show! This blog is an encouragement to me as they are such an example of people who are striving daily to serve our Lord and Saviour. Thank you so much for doing this so that we may be encouraged. May God bless you and keep you both.

  74. I've starting reading your blog in January of this year. I discovered this site when I goggle the Duggars.

  75. I've been following your blog over a year now. Found it via a google search on the duggars and have been so regularly encouraged by your blog. Thank-you so much for your faithfulness. From Melbourne, Australia xo

  76. Iv watched the show from the beginning but only found the blog last year... I love keeping up with the duggers and watching them grow and grow. Love reading there lives and there fellowship whitch the public. Also love hearing about babies babies babies...

  77. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!! You do a fantastic job of keeping it updated!!!!!!!!! I'm not really sure how I found it. I think it was by googling it. I've been following it for about a year now.

  78. Thanks so much for this informative, creative and encouraging blog about the Duggars. I found it while looking for the Duggar's website I believe. Not sure. I've been watching the Duggars since the first special. I have read both of their books and will get "Growing Up Duggar" soon. I check this blog almost everyday just to smile and know something nice is happening in the world. Please keep up the priceless work ladies!

  79. Hey, just a should do a post about Amy Duggar sometime. I would love to hear more about how her music career is going!

  80. Dear Lily & Ellie!!
    It has been only two years that I have been loyally going on your blog, AND I'M THANKFUL that you guys had started this blog!!! This is because this has helped me know the family better, and has kept us up-to-date with the coming and going of the Duggars. It has also been a truth teller of what is really gong on with the Duggars too. Like those stupid rumors that has plagued the Duggars over the years, when their new season will start, things like that, sneak peaks at the weddings, and giving us a real account of the truth too. Please keep that up, and I'll be loyal for as long as you two have this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  81. congratulations on your 2000th post and happy 5th anniversary. i've been reading your blog for at least 2 years. however, i have gone back & read all your posts from the very beginning, and learned a lot in doing so. i dont remember how i came across your blog, but i sure am glad that i did! hope to keep reading it for at least another 5 years.

  82. I googled duggar and have been reading your blog over a year. I have also read and thoroughly enjoyed your books. Your family has been an inspiration to me. My granddaughter, niece and I watch most all of your shows. On Netflix I watched all your previous seasons. It is easy to see how wonderful and blessed your family is due to your great faith. Thank you for sharing some of your life us.

  83. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 6,

    The Duggars are too busy to read every single comment, but they do follow the blog, so they read some. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  84. @Anonymous

    Hi Danielle,

    We write most of the birthday posts the night before. :)

    Thanks for being a loyal reader.
    Lily and Ellie

  85. @godly-young-widow

    Hi godly-young-widow,

    Right now, we have no plans to stop blogging. :)

    Thank you for being such a loyal reader!

    Lily and Ellie

  86. Thanks for all the updates you provide about the Duggar family. I found your blog when I was searching for information about a new season of 19 Kids and Counting probably 2 - 2 1/2 years ago.

  87. I started watching the show this past summer when reruns were airing in the morning. I got very interested and became a fan. I have bought a Duggar book and have read 2 others checked out from the library. I found your blog and realized it was authentic and authorized by the family. Thank you for doing this, and you do a wonderful job with the blog. Keep it up!

  88. I've been visiting your website since about 2011 to utilize y'all's links to watch the videos. Thank you! I've been checking into the blog at least weekly since 2012 after I finished all the videos. Y'all have done a great job!!! I look forward to y'all's posts.

  89. A couple of months!

  90. I found it while googling something about the Duggars. I've been reading it since then, which has been since about May (and I check back here about 3-4 times a day, haha!). Thank you!

  91. Just found about this earlier this to get the scoop quicker than the TV Shows...really love this family...nice to have a place to keep up with them.

  92. Congratulation !!! And Thank you for all the updates on the Duggar, Dillard, and Seewald family!!!
    And I have been following the blog for about a year and a half now
    -Brittany :)

  93. I have been reading this blog for about 6 months. I found it while searching the Duggars. I LOVE the blog!! It provides so much great information!! The Duggars are such an inspiration to my family, and it's nice to read about them on a daily basis!! Thanks Lily and Ellie!!!

  94. Dear Ellie
    I love!!! ur blog
    Thx so much
    From VA


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.