Thursday, February 14, 2013


How did you first hear about the Duggars? Did a friend or family member tell you about them? Did you find out about them through a media outlet or by stumbling upon their show on TLC?


  1. About 8 years ago, met them at big sandy, and later watched their first shows.

    1. I think Jenny needs a horse. Her passion for animals is overwhelming. I love this show.

  2. Ironically, I first heard of the Duggars in a tabloid magazine article. I never normally read tabloids, but at the time I was taking a college class (I think anthropology) in which we were supposed to read a tabloid and respond to it in some way--I don't remember how. As far as I recall, there was only one article in the entire thing that I liked, and it was about the Duggar family. I think at the time they had 15 or 16 kids. I was surprised and pleased that the article represented them in a positive way, and I remember thinking the story was something of a gem among all the rubbishy stories the magazine included. God bless!

  3. I remember watching their very first documentary many years ago on TLC. Since then I've been watching their family and I have both of their books. I really admire them, they are wonderful parents and people in general.

  4. I remember staying up late one night when i was in my early teens and suddenly seeing 14 Children and Pregnant again debut on the Discovery Channel. I have been fascinated with them ever since and think they are the most amazing family and example of Christlike love.

  5. Our pastor from church counseled them when they first got married and is really good friends with Jim Bob and michelle . They have been to our church and we have gone to several locations they have been at to hear them speak. They are such a wonderful and beautiful family.

  6. I found it while channel surfing!

  7. I found the show quite a few years ago while checking programming that was available. I watched one episode and felt intrigued, watched a few more and knew that it was something special. I look forward to every episode!

  8. I first saw the Duggar family in an issue of Parents magazine years ago. I enjoyed the specials on television then the TLC show (with the ever changing name ...17 kids and counting etc.)

  9. I heard people talking about the family with a ton of kids and I had to check it out. I could not believe a woman had that many kids, now I'm a fan of the show!

  10. my sister told me about it 2 years ago since then i watch every episode i love the duggars so much cant wait for the new episodes :)

  11. Kent Hovind's Creation Seminar

  12. my mom told me about the duggars

  13. I found out about you from your specials that aired on tv years ago. Love your show. You have a great family.

  14. I found them randomely on youtube! :)

  15. we saw an article on the internet when Michelle had baby #15 or #16. :)

  16. The memory is a little fuzzy, but I remember when I was about 10 or so, my mom and I were watching TV and we stumbled upon one of the specials. I think they were doing something with cutting down trees, or some other sort of big work on a house or yard. They only had about 14 kids or so at the time. I found them again through the "17 Kids and Counting" show on TLC awhile back.

  17. I first heard about the Duggars on TLC 3 years ago and been watching them ever since. I have not missed a single show in the 3 years I have been watching them. I also have all the seasons on dvd. Can't wait to see this season.

    David J

  18. I live in Arkansas. In 2000, I saw on the news this man who was running for political office with 13 children. They showed these lovely children playing violin, the mom homeschooling them, the family reading the bible together.

    I immediately began reading about them, finding out more info. I voted for the dad. :) He lost :(

    A few years later, the Discovery Health channel did 14 kids and counting, and I was hooked on this wonderful family. :)

    While I realize they have their flaws, they are a wonderful Godly example, b/c they strive to follow God in all they do. :)

  19. I stumbled upon their TLC show one morning and stopped to watch. After a few mornings I was hooked!

  20. I happened to see them in our local newspaper... they had just had their 14th child..

  21. I saw a little newspaper article in "Helsingin Sanomat" (a big finnish newspaper): " a big family bought a bus in USA"
    That was the first time I heard something about Duggars.
    Blessings from Finland!

  22. I seen the our TV book that comes with our Sunday paper, a program called 14 kIds and Pregnant Again. Watched it, fell in love with the Duggar family, so was hoping for more... have watched every special and every episode since, first time then the repeat. lOve the Duggars and all the stand for! such a Godly, loving family. They truly inspire and help others. God continue to bless them!!

  23. I stumbled upon their show

  24. My best friend is Joy, so I have known the duggars since I was three

  25. Back in the day when we had satellite tv, I saw the preview for 14 Children and Pregnant Again. When they explained that it was an evangelical Christian family, I was intrigued. Have loved them since.

  26. i don't most likely by tlc...and i dont remember the year or really have bad memory for being so

  27. I don't remember how I first heard about the Duggars, but I believe that I stumbled on them on TV...

  28. Ive always been an avid watcher of TLC and was obsessed with jon and kate plus 8 then saw this show and became hooked. Im apostolic and share a lot of the same beliefs and was just in awh of how amazing and well behaved the kids are! Love love love them! And Michelle is no doubt the most amazing person! Shes for sure my idol and inspired me in so many ways!

  29. A friend of ours let us borrow 17 kids and counting. Our family has fallen to love the Duggars and I especially want to raise a large family just like the Duggars. These videos led me to want to raise a large family, otherwise my family would have been only a few children.Please continue to give tips of how the Duggars raise their large family. From one video of the Duggars it has taught me alot. Thanks sooooo much. Continue to make these videos so it may hopefully teach many others also.

  30. Heard about their program through people at work....never thought I would be interested (I was an only child and the concept of so many kids was unbelievable to me)....came across the program one day and watched....spellbound by the way they handled their their beautiful witness for Christ and just sorry I came to the program after they already had 19 kids. Of course I have watched some of the re-runs!

  31. I watch the Discovery Home and Health here in Australia where a lot of the TLC shows are aired....I remember watching an add for a large family "14 Children and Pregnant Again!" I remember watching it thinking WOW they are Amazing and have been watching it religiously ever since! Sadly here in Australia they are not up to date with USA so that makes me turn to the internet for more info on them...Love the Blog Ladies thank you xox Tanya Gibson

  32. I heard of them from Kent Hovinds creation seminar series (excellent stuff! For more info go to and then a few years later I was talking with a friend and she mentioned they were loaned a DVD of this family in the states with a lot of kids and I also around the same time saw a news story on the birth of Jackson. So. I snapped up that DVD and have loved watching them ever since!!

  33. Hi Anonymous,
    On February 13, 2013 at 1:57 PM. I just wanted to find out if you are Carlin Bates. If you could say yes or no that would be great!

  34. My friends used to watch them, but I wasn't really in to them, and now that I look back, I don't really remember why. About a year later I was watching a show on TLC and their show came on (18 Kids and Counting at the time, I believe). I watched it for a few minutes and still didn't really like it. About a mount later, I stumbled across it again and watched a whole episode. At first, it was something that I would watch when nothing else was on, but now it's one of my favorite shows. They are such an inspiration to me and they have changed my life for the better. This may sound weird, but it's absolutely true. I have turned back in the right direction and have once again found God in my life. Now, I watch the Duggars on my computer every chance I get! Thank you guys for putting together this website because it helps me find all of the episodes that I missed over the years, and it makes me feel like I am somehow connected to the Duggars. I'm so glad that I started watching their show because they have influenced my life in so many positive ways!

  35. The first time I watched their show 19 Kids and Counting on TLC was when my baby son was in the hospital. Watching that show was so comforting during a scary and sad time for me.

    I do recall thinking they were kind of strange but there was something about the fun things they did and how they treated their family members so kindly that stayed with me. As a Christian myself, it was very cool to see another believing, family-focused family on TV.

    My son got better, and after a few months, a friend of mine told me she bought their first book and was learning a lot from them (she had 3 children at the time.)

    That was when I watched more videos of their show on YouTube and bought their second book after reading their first one from the library.

    I now admire them greatly, like their quirks, and feel like I have learned so much about what love is and how to translate that into relationships from Jim Bob and Michelle. I like to think of them as my TV Aunt and Uncle ;-)

    And its so nice to be able to watch something good on TV! I NEVER have to censor anything from their show. My kids like watching, too.

    I love this discussion. It's fun to see how others who read this blog became of aware of them, too.


  36. The first time I watched their show 19 Kids and Counting on TLC was when my baby son was in the hospital. Watching that show was so comforting during a scary and sad time for me.

    I do recall thinking they were kind of strange but there was something about the fun things they did and how they treated their family members so kindly that stayed with me. As a Christian myself, it was very cool to see another believing, family-focused family on TV.

    My son got better, and after a few months, a friend of mine told me she bought their first book and was learning a lot from them (she had 3 children at the time.)

    That was when I watched more videos of their show on YouTube and bought their second book after reading their first one from the library.

    I now admire them greatly, like their quirks, and feel like I have learned so much about what love is and how to translate that into relationships from Jim Bob and Michelle. I like to think of them as my TV Aunt and Uncle ;-)

    And its so nice to be able to watch something good on TV! I NEVER have to censor anything from their show. My kids like watching, too.

    I love this discussion. It's fun to see how others who read this blog became of aware of them, too.


  37. My family and I would watch kids by the dozen on discovery channel and saw 14 children and pregnant again( the Duggars first TV show) and we loved it! we have seen every episode since!!

  38. I was flipping thru the channel.and first saw 14 children and pregnant again.I was like o my!.been watching shows and following their family blog ever since.I have learned a lot while watching them.I realize they are normal folks like the rest of us but they havr wayyyyy more children than I do so I read a lot of their parenting advice and love the love between michelle and jim bob.some of the marital advice I dont agree with but most of it I I learn alot and even get praises from my family and friends about my parenting skills while other kids run wild and act crazy and their kids are the same age as mine.I think they are awesome!

  39. I first found out about the Duggars through a yahoo article, which was " Michelle's Makeover". I then search them up and found their way of living interesting, and since I'm Salvadorian and saw their colaboration to help and serve my community, decided to consider them as good people who recognize God,Jesus,and The Holy Spirit, to be the guide to salvation. There is no philosophy when it comes to faith and hope, there is only reality. One makes mistakes, if one recognizes them, if one seeks God for forgiveness, if one makes an effort to be a better person, one has the benefit and Blessing of being forgiven and enjoying God's Grace. -Salutations from D

  40. Met them in Indianapolis at a conference back when Johanna was the baby...before I knew they had been on tv. Have enjoyed watching them since.

  41. I first found out about the Duggars after seeing their good purpose of helping out in the country of El Salvador on one of the episodes. As a Salvadorian who lives in Texas, I am pleased to see there are people with good intentions, people who overall recognize God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit as a guide to salvation.And although one makes mistakes along the way, the Blessing is when, one recognizes their mistake, when one seeks an effort to better themselves, when one is then forgiven, and in the end is courageous enough to finish a journey of hardships as well as Blessings and later go on to be with its Savior. Salutations(from Houston, TX)

  42. I was flipping through our channels and I stumbled upon 19 Kids and Counting back in 2010. The first episode I have ever seen was the one when they were climbing Pinnicle Mountain.

  43. I heard about them just talking with friends (you know, the family with the many kids!), and decided to check them out. I have kept up with them really ever since!

  44. I had just had my first child and was not coping with the life change. My husband called from the lounge room "wow look at this family with 14 children". I felt my tummy in knots at the thought of the stress of raising that many children. A couple of months later I caught raising 16 children's on the pay t.v. As time passed and I learned from them and was inspired in a way that took me by surprise, we went on to have three more close together. To this day I am floored at how I am able to cope with the workload by using the bible and its word. I have used the resources mentioned in the show and then found pathways from them to even more resources to approach motherhood with joy. I am so so grateful to this family, I can say in a very honest txt that my children would not of been born if it were not for this family. Xxxxxx

  45. On the Alpha Omega Publications website. They had an advertisement with their picture so I Googled them.

  46. Many people know the Duggar family in NWA. I grew up there and was also home-schooled. I am sure my parents have known them longer, but I remember when Michelle was pregnant with twins Jedidiah and Jeremiah.

  47. I was flipping around the dial one night trying hard to find something worth watching. That’s never easy. Much to my surprise, I saw a house that looked very familiar on TLC. Being from Little Rock and acquainted with the Quapaw Quarter, I thought, “Hey, that’s the Cornish House.” There aren’t a lot of shows from Little Rock on national TV. So, I was really curious as to what this program was.

    I don’t know the name of the episode and my memories may not be completely accurate, but there was a pretty, young woman about eighteen or so in the front yard with a baby on her hip. I was struck by the radiance that shone off of her that I immediately recognized as the presence of the Holy Spirit. At some point, she was doing a voiceover as the editor cut to a shot of her indoors cleaning a sink. When they went to a single camera interview, her name was given as ‘Jill.’

    Watching further, I figured out that this was the family from Arkansas with ‘all those kids.’ I was hooked. I have been continually impressed by the Duggars and their grace and dedication to God and the message of Christ. Their Christian attitudes and the way they live has helped me to grow in my faith and in the choices I make in my own life. I would like to thank them all, but personally Jill. She always amazes me with her tender heart and beautiful, joyous smile. I hope she reads this and finds my words as encouraging as she has been an encouragement to me. Thank you!

  48. An online homeschool message board had some discussion about them before the first special even.

  49. I first heard of the Duggars when we were on vacation in Tennessee. My dad bought the movie and brought it a long. That was the first time I ever watched them. This was in the summer of 2009.

  50. We first heard about the Duggars when we were out, and someone thought we were them!

  51. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 49,

    We sent your comment to Jill, and she was touched. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  52. I am from Springdale, AR, the Duggar's hometown. I used to see them around town and at piano recitals.

  53. Many years ago on TLC I have loved following your family! I like your recipes, traditions, & travels but the fact that you are Christians living for God! Thank you for your faithful walk on television hopefully reaching out to the lost what a Blessing : )

  54. I guess the show was just about to premeire or somthing and they were showing the specials before and well it went from there

  55. I think we first found this show one time on vacation while channel surfing in 2007 or so.

  56. I had 3 children and was pregnant with my fourth. After a discussion about our beliefs a friend said I sounded like the Duggar family and asked if I had heard about them. I had not, so she suggested I watch the show. I did and couldn't believe there were people that had similar beliefs!

  57. I found the Duggars on tv when they were building their home and found them to be an amazing loving and patient family. I live in Liverpool, England and we are only just getting last season over here so I get very excited when I hear TLC are getting ready to show the next. We won't get to see it until Autumn but as my daughter now lives in Lancaster, I record the current series and we are having our own 'Duggar Time' whenever she gets to come home!! Thanks for letting us into your lives, God Bless. xx

  58. I saw the show title while watching the scrolling, and found it fascinating. Then when they announced #18 to come, that's when I was hooked

  59. I found out right when Josie was born, but only watching 18 kids and counting.

  60. Stumbled on it on Youtube :) Glad I did :)

  61. I used to love the documentaries on Discovery Health channel, including 14 Children and Pregnant Again. Its fun sometimes to go back and watch again to see the kids when they were littler and how they look like each other at different ages.

  62. in a newspaper article, they spoke of the birth of Johannah :)


  63. I have serious issues about so many of the beliefs of this family. I only watch them as an observer of their extreme culture. Is it possible for one family to be labeled a cult? I certainly see some of the same behaviors. I find them fascinating and am writing a paper about them for a Masters Class. Thus, the only reason I am looking forward to their first episode of the season - research!

  64. I was flipping through the channels one Tuesday night and immediately fell in love with their family. The episode I first saw was one on James' birthday. A few episodes later, Michelle announced her pregnancy.(Josie) After that, I was hooked. (:

  65. I think it was around the time that Michelle had baby 14 or 15 when I first heard about them and how all the children had names starting with "J's". Yet it was around the time that Michelle and Jim Bob announced that Michelle was pregnant with Jordyn-Grace when I figured out who they really were and was hooked ever since.

  66. A family member who had seen them on TLC, told me about a family on there back in Oct. 2008 when their show first started, that seemed to share our convictions. I was intrigued. My family and I have watched them ever since. We've seen every episode, some more than once. They are such an example, inspiration and encouragement to our family.

  67. We met the Duggars when they went to our church in Centerton for a little while. We also homeschool and had the same convictions as they did. We just became friends.

  68. I first heard of them in the TLC show 'Say yes to the dress', which featured the Duggars. After that, I looked them up on the internet, and was quite happy when their show aired here in the Netherlands. But the show has stoppped here, Josie's born and that's about it:(.

  69. The first time I heard of the Duggars was when someone asked our family if we were the Duggars. :)

  70. I came across their 14 kids show on youtube about 2 or 3 years ago, ever since ive watched every movie/episode I could find..

  71. my sister cant wait till next Tuesday new episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. I found them out by channel flicking

  73. My aunts best friend told me about you. They live in Kentucky but I heard on our family reunion. Now, I am a big fan of you and your show is my favorite.

  74. Not 100% sure but probably saw their family special documentary years ago and have followed since.
    It is 'heart and soul' touching to be able to turn on the television and watch a family in a reality series live their lives through God. I follow the Duggars because its genuinely a kind happy type of programming and whilst serving and sharing God's work. So many teachings. I thank TLC for allowing for this type of programming and enabling this family to be able to reach out to so many is God's will for this family.
    Ive read some insane things online about this family, it is amazing how quick people are too judge and in a negative way. I am thankful for your family as you all serve as a shining example of how to raise children with God's Grace and teachings in this ever challenging world of ours.
    Basics of Life, family, Love and Faith and so much more.
    Continued Blessings to the whole Duggar Family, congratulations to Jill and Derreck and Jessa and Ben...May this family continue to be able to share their teachings to all of us.

  75. I heard about the Duggars from a friend about 3 - 2 years ago.

  76. I don't remember but I am SOOOOOOOOO glad I did cause I love the Duggars

  77. Hey Lily and Ellie
    I was wondering if the Duggars read your blog???????????????? And if they go to church or do a home church????????????

    Thanks Ashley

  78. @Anonymous

    Hi Ashley,

    The Duggars do read our blog. They attend a church fellowship with several other like-minded families. They started off meeting in homes but have since moved to a commercial property.

    Lily and Ellie

  79. I heard about them on internet, makes me so mad and sad they get a lot of hate. I love the Duggars!

  80. I love my story on how I first heard about the Duggar family. I haven't been one to watch Tv or movies in the past ten years or so, I just can't stand all the glorification of evil. This came up in conversation with my mother over dinner preparation one night and she asked me if I had ever watched 19 kids and counting. I said no, what is it about? She said; well I just wanted to bring it up because they have a daughter your age and you two would be perfect for each other. They are a Baptist family and the show is just about them living their lives and following God on a daily basis. At this point I wasn't necessarily jumping at the thought of watching a reality show, but I respect my mother very much so I watched the next episode with her. Boy howdy am I glad I did, it was so refreshing seeing good God loving people on TV.
    It wasn't just entertaining to watch, but it actually answered some prayers that I had been praying for a very long time. I went all through school without dating anyone, I just never liked the concept of "dating." It seemed impersonal and without justifiable end. As a young man I could understand why it was would be fun to date, but as a Christian I didn't understand why you would want to emotionally attach yourself to someone without an end goal in mind. That goal being marriage and in that I couldn’t see that being reachable as a young immature man in an immature relationship with an immature women.
    Courting, my mother told me was what they did instead of dating. I remembered the concept of courting in the old world. I had learned about in books about gentlemen and such, but I didn’t really understand how it applied to Christian relationships today. She went on to explain how it was a way to stay physically detached from another person while remaining in purpose of figuring out whether the two of you were right for eachother. Suddenly it clicked in my head that this idea of courting was the relationship answer I had been praying about for so long. Keeping God first and the goal of marriage at the forefront of the time you spend with someone was exactly what I was longing for. Letting the physical and thus some of the emotional attachment come later seemed like a great and well thought-out plan. And its one that I will certainly use when God brings along any hopeful spouse.
    I know that this was long winded and maybe a bit confusing, but God has used the Duggar family for great things in my life and I am very pleased that my mother shared them with me. I hope to see them back on Tv some day, it’s been pretty disappointing not having something to watch every week. I hope to someday meet this family and share this with them. As a sidenote and conclusion I have also been trying to figure out how to contact Mr. Duggar. I would love to get to know this family and if God willing court a duggar daughter. I only want what God has planned for me, I don’t know if this is one of those things, but I think I have to give it a try in order to find out.

    Thanks for reading,
    Anonymous Texas

  81. Not sure quite how i first got into them, I know Mom was looking at some of Michelle's resources or something around the time the show came out along with their first book which is probably how she heard of them. I first hit on things after Josie was born although not really full-throttle until A Love that Multiplies Came Out. My love for them and fascination grew and i watched everything there was available (or at least episode-wise what i could afford to purchase on Amazon Video, our collection there is now over 65 episodes and 3 series specials ...... and counting!)...... until the scandal then i promptly abandoned them although my less understanding, cognitively impaired sister didn't and I had just purchases Josh's wedding episode (i never watched the whole thing). I tried a couple times to get back into them but it was really just a couple of weeks a go i finally did. My love was cemented back in place once i was finally allowed to watch Counting On. The Duggars are and always will be fascinating, and the only thing that can truly diminish an episode of Counting On is if Josh ever appears. I love the couples and grandbabies especially Izzy, I can't wait to meet Austin and see Joy in love. I am excited to meet the new baby Seewald, and I hope Tyler makes an appearance on the show soon. My only beefs are 1. I think Jeremy moved his and Jinger's relationship too fast, and 2. I think Jill and Derick and crazy to return to unsafe anf unsanitary Central America with Jill expecting, Derick obviously not totally well, and Izzy so young!


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