Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Discussion Question

The idea for this discussion question came from one of our faithful followers.

The Duggars have nineteen kids and counting. How large is your immediate family?


  1. Only four but my great-grandma (dad's dad) had the same number as the duggars and 6 in heaven

  2. I am the youngest of three: My sister is the oldest and then my brother is next. We were raised by my Mother and Grandfather.

  3. I have three other siblings (all older) besides me, so six members in my immediate family counting my parents.

  4. I have 3 sisters, and 3 brothers:) Then my parents... so 9 in all ;)

  5. I am so only 13 so I dont have any kids yet...but, I do have 5 brothers:-)


  6. Not very big, my three children and six grandchildren... however my mom had 12 children in her family. 11 girls and one boy. My dad was an only child & loved being around her big family!!


  7. My parents have 9 kids.

  8. We have four kids.

  9. My husband and I have 6 children- 2sons ages 23 & 13 who are the bookends -4 daughters in between ages 22, 20, 18, & 15. Where we live most families have only 2 or 3-when people say God Bless you I respond He certainly has!

  10. We have 4 in our immediate family. :-) Shocking, I know! (If you include animals we have 28!!)

  11. 3kids and wish we were conting

  12. We had five in our family, but my daddy past away with lung cancer in 1991. now there is four. My Mother, Me ( Brenda King) My Sister and My Brother

  13. 4 in my immediate family: me, my brother, and my parents. Now extended family - there's a lot more! :)

  14. I am the oldest of 8. My husband is the 11th of 15.

  15. 4 My parents, older brother and me

  16. A husband, a daughter, two sons, and two grandsons

  17. 3 I'm the middle child. I have an older sister and a younger brother.

  18. I am one of five. I have four daughters. My dad is one of eleven! UK

  19. My family has 7 kids and 3 in heaven. I'm the oldest of 5 girls and 2 boys:)So 9 people in all, 10 including our dog:)

  20. 8 kids and counting

  21. I come from a family of 4 kids (my mother wished for more but had to stop at 4..). My husband had the same and 1 brother in heaven.
    My oldest sister has 4 boys and also wishes for more and also had to stop at 4...
    Me and my husband have 1 wich we are very blessed with because as it looks for it right now she will be the only one :(
    My other siblings have no kids.

  22. We have 5 lovely grown children, no grandchildren yet.

  23. I am one of five. One boy, four girls. I have four girls of my own. My dad is one of eleven. Dawn UK

  24. I have one sister and a mum and dad. But my parents are divorced and I've also got a stepdad, stepmum, four step sisters and a step brother.

  25. There are eight of us (so far).

  26. So far we have been blessed with 11 children. Praying for a few more.... :)

  27. My husband and I have 8 children. We have 3 sons, and 5 daughters. We have a set of twins that are the youngest(8). Our oldest is 26(daughter), then 23(daughter), 16(daughter), 15(daughter), 14(son), 9(daughter), and twins 8(sons).

  28. Godly-young-widowMay 31, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    I'm the oldest of 4 siblings

  29. I am the oldest of three. 2 girls (me and my sis who's 6 years younger) and my brother who's 8 years younger :)

  30. There are ten children in my family... plus two brothers-in-law and my sister has twins on the way! So 14 and counting... practically 16!

  31. I am the second oldest of 6 children and we are praying for more.

    My mom is the oldest of 7, and my dad is the oldest of 2.

    My grandmother is the oldest of 8.

    Many people think that our family of 6 kids is very large, I guess they have never seen the Duggars! :)

    Thanks for the question! ~Jordan

  32. 3 kids and counting here ;) Baby #4 will makes it debut in December 2012... praise God!

  33. Three in my family, I am the baby with two older brothers ... however I have six children aged 22,20, 18,3,2 and 6 mths! (two girls and four boys)

  34. I have 9 sibilings, + mom and dad. = 10.

    ON my dad's side we have 30 grandkids... And no Divorces, or adoption.

  35. I have 5 in my family.

  36. 3 kids and 2 parents so a total of 5.

  37. My husband and I have 3 and another on the way and pray for more. The duggars changed our hearts on the size of our family.

  38. i have 1 sis 3 step sisters and 2 stepbrothers a step father a mum and my real dad is in heaven

  39. Both me and my husband are 1 of 7, and we have 3 children and counting...also 1 in heaven

  40. I am 1 of 5 and have 4 children myself and 1 in heaven! Family is the greatest thing!!

  41. I have 1 younger brother, younger half-sister, and 3 stepbrothers.

  42. I am the mother of 3 kids...2 boys and 1 girl.

  43. My husband and I are in the process of growing our family... we have the same beliefs as the duggars reguarding children.... we just give it to God and trust He will see us thru.... We met late in life.. I was 31 and he was 35 but didnt start having children until I was 35... We currently have a 2 year old boy, 7 month old boy and another on the way (gender not yet know) As many kids as God will give us is good enough for us.

  44. Their are five people at present, soon to be seven.

  45. There's just my Mum, my Dad, my older brother and me, but here's hoping I have a big family on day :)


  47. My husband and I have two kids and one in heaven. So two kids and plan on having more.whatever number we decide I plan to be like the where we love God and everyone else we have met thshe seem like such a wonderful family I browse the blog everyday to get advice on what I should do and it really does work hopefully one day I get to meet the duggars ESP Michelle so I can talk to her more God bless the duggars!

  48. I have four sisters and two brothers, including me and my parents, there are 9 in my family.

  49. We are 5 and counting: Mummy, Daddy and three little boys aged 3, 1 and 5 months :).

  50. we only have 2 kids in my family, but 25 cousins

  51. Hola! I have one sibling. How ever, my grandmother, from Cuba, had 22 brothers and sisters. They all lived to be adults and were born of the same couple, who were married for over 55 years.
    Miami, Florida

  52. My parents had 5 kids (4 theirs, one adopted) so 7 total. Personally my husband and I have 1 little boy and another little baby on the way and we pray God gives us more. Don't know how many yet but we're willing to take how ever many God gives us. :-)

  53. I have an older sister and a babysister in heaven and I'm a proud mother of two, hoping for more.

  54. I have a brother and a sister and a half brother a few step siblings! I am not married and don't have any kids of my own!

  55. 4 siblings, 2 parents. :)

  56. we have ten children here and four in Heaven :)

  57. I'm an only child, but I had three! So far one grandchild, but I still have one in elementary school.

  58. A family that used to our church have 14 children - they have 7 of their own and have adopted 7 children from orphanages in Liberia. They are in the process of adopting another child from Uganda. I am sure they will adopt more. They are Christlike family!

  59. I have 2 brothers and 5 sisters. (There are 6 girls including me).

  60. I come from a family of nine children(7girls,2boys), I am the third oldest. My husband comes from a family of 10 children(6boys,4girls), my husband is third oldest also. Roberta Wiebe

  61. My husband and I have 4 children. Praying for more. :-)

  62. There are six kids in my family.

  63. Did any one catch the NEW Duggars episode on tlc? It was on 4:30 - 5:00 am I live in california . It talk about grandma 70th birthday party . Really cute I Love watching the show again .

  64. We have 2 kids, 1 on the way,and (hopefully) aren't done yet. I was 5/9 kids and my husband was 6/7.

  65. I am an only child and my husband has only 1 sister. But, my mom is one of 8, my dad is one of 7(+ at least 2 in heaven) and my husband and I are expecting our 6th blessing(so far) in October!

  66. My husband and I just had our 6th blessing. We now have 3 sons and 3 daughters and amazed the nurses by saying we still plan to have more.

  67. In my house....their is the only me and my husband...I hope one day we will have a few children to make our lives Can't make it happen though, got to wait till God sees fit.

  68. My husband and I have no children and we will be married 12 years on the 9th June. I am the youngest of six children (4 brothers and 1 sister) and my husband is the 4th child of 6 (same as my own - four boys and 2 girls)

  69. I live in Tn, and our Amish friend has 92 grandchildren!! And counting..... That was 3 years ago;)

  70. I have one grown child and 5 dogs. Always wanted a large family but could not have more children. I think God wanted me to take care of the animals.

  71. 13, 2 in Heaven.

  72. * Thirteen, plus two in Heaven.

  73. We currently have 10 in our immediate family. I am from a family of 13 children and my parents so far have 56 grandchildren. I know a family that had 18 children and has well over 100 grandchildren. I lost track quite a while ago.

  74. I'm one of 4. There are 8 in heaven though. So we really have 12 :) yay for kids and babies!!!
    Love ya!

  75. I have had 8 children, 5 here and 3 in heaven. My husband is one of 6 and I am one of 2. On my husband's side, his mom alone had 17 grandchildren.

  76. very small: just me!

  77. 4 sisters and 1 brother plus my parents

  78. I'm one of 2, my husband is one of 8 ( 5 that grew up together with the same parents though). Just us for now, but we would like to have an only child one day.


  79. I come from a family of twelve.
    6 Boys & 4 Girls ranging from ages 5-21.

  80. I am the oldest of 7 childeren, two girls and 5 boys.
    I think growing up in a large family is wonderful and the Dugger family sets a great example.

  81. Well, I am the oldest out of 9 kids. I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers and 1 sister and 1 brother in Heaven.

  82. I am the oldest of 5, not including my moms two miscarriages.

  83. i have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. i am the second sister or called third born. so that makes nine.( PLUS mom and dad and our cat mrs. kitty.)

  84. I have 11 kids, 5 girls and 6 boys. I only had a brother and my husband had 2 sisters

  85. My parents had 4 children, 1 son (not married) and 3 daughters (all married). My younger sister is the only one with children (3 girls) = 12 people total.

  86. Interesting. I have 1 sibling. One of my parents in an only child and the other grew up with 7 siblings (5 out of 8 like Anna). One set of my grandparents, one only had a twin sister and the other grew up with 10 siblings. How many are in your family, Lily and Ellie?

  87. I'm the youngest in my family. I'm #2 out of 2.
    Me and husband have 1 child . But would like to have brother has 2 kids. My husband's sister has no kids. She can't have any kids. My husband is #1 out of 2.

  88. One kid and counting?

  89. We're four in our family, my parents, my older brother and I. My mom is number 2 out of 4 kids and my dad is the youngest child out of 10 kids.

  90. Hi Readers!

    Loving the responses! There are four people in our family. Ellie has an older brother. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    ~Lily and Ellie

  91. I only have 2 sisters (I'm the middle child) But my great-grandpa's sister had 21 kids!

  92. 3 boys, 2 girls, mom and dad. =)

  93. OPPS! 4 boys, 2 girls, mom and dad. =)

  94. we have myself, my husband and my 2 daughter's and a dog :-) from my parents is my parents and 3 other siblings other then me, my father has 3 other daughter's but i never grew up with them so i dont count them.

  95. Hi,

    I think your blog is awesome!
    We have 12 children, 6 boys and 6 boys! We would welcome any more children that God would bless us with. I am going to be 42, and our last child born was 2 1/2 years ago. We are praying about the possibility of adopting a group of brothers and sisters now!

  96. We have 5 boys and one precious little girl. And Counting......

  97. My husband and I have 16 children and counting.....
    We are so grateful to the Lord for blessing us with all our beautiful children!!!! We are praying the Lord will bless our family again.

  98. I have 6 siblings. So there is 9 people in my family ;)

  99. 77 in my family. Mom, 12 children, 11 spouses, 51 grandchildren, 1 grandchild's spouse and 1 great grandchild. (Dad's in heaven) All 12 children are from the same Dad and Mom.

  100. We have 4 children and praying for more!

  101. At my parents house, we were 4 (I have three sisters). Now that I'm married, I have 2 kids (they are almost the same ages of Mackynzie and Michael). I don't want to have kids for a while (health and financial problems), but maybe I will have more kids in the future. I would like to have 5 (maybe 7?) kids, but I'm not sure if I will ever get there... I love kids, but they are a lot of hard work!

  102. 4 daughters and 3 sons, plus 2 in heaven. I'm 41, my youngest is 8 months old, so we'll see if there are more...They'd certainly be welcome! We love our children, and each one has taught us so much.
    Sheila, Mama to Seven (and a closet hermit, believe it or not)

  103. 3 sons, 4 daughters, plus 2 in heaven. I'm 41, our youngest is 8 months old. We'd gladly welcome more... :)

  104. my father has 18 childer of which i am the youngest....most of my siblings have 2-3 children each

  105. I was the 5th of 8, unfortunate my oldest brother passed away from cancer, my husband is the 4th of 12, we are 26 and have 2 kids so far! My kids already have almost 40 first cousins! My parents were also from big families 7 and 9 and all of them married and have between 5 and 15 kids, and their children have lots of kids, so I have 100,s of first and second cousins, my great aunt had 18 , and hundreds of grandchildren and great! So big families aren't such a suprise to me but its still amazing how much work just one child is and even more amazing is how a mother can go through pregnancy and birth etc again and again!

  106. 10 in all! 8 kids, 2 parents!

    Sometimes i wish it wasnt like tha. Does anyone else?

  107. 7 kids......catching up!!!! Haha just kidding. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and im a girl. So It goes girl, boy, girl, girl (ME), girl, boy, boy. I am the exact middle child. Creepy right?

  108. we've got 8! ;)

    6 kids 2 parents

  109. I have four younger brothers :)

    Your Kiwi Sister in Christ

  110. Plus my sister was stillborn when I was 23 months

    In Christ
    1 Thess. 5:18

  111. I have 2 brothers but I have 380 relatives in Italy.

  112. I have 7 other family members. 5 consist of my older brother,Josh, my 3 older sister's,Sarah, Rebecca & Hannah,& my younger twin sister, then my 2 parents

  113. I am the oldest of 8. i have 4 sisters and 3 brothers. There is a year between us. I'm also a mother of 2 gorgeous little boys and aunt to 1 niece and 1 nephew =) x

  114. Just me and my brother, but that was more than enough for me, haha. We live (or rather, I lived) in a regular row house with 3 bedrooms. When the attic was converted into a bedroom for my brother my dad took the little one next to mine as a studio. Now that I moved out he's converted mine into the studio (it's bigger) and turned the little one into a guest room.

  115. My husband and I have 8 children (ages 12 years old - 11 months) and one on the way. We live in CA where big families are rare!

  116. I am the middle child with an older brother, and a younger sister and mom and dad :-) I'm only twelve but ya........... :-)

    God bless
    -Maegan †

  117. I am #2 of 5 living siblings (3 boys, 2 girls). If you include all of my siblings in Heaven, then there is a total of 21 children (many, many miscarriages), and I would technically be #8.

    1. So sad... I am the 2nd eldest as well, we have 2 in heaven, a miscarried baby and our stillborn brother Gideon.... :-(

  118. There are 7 in my family. I WISH WE HAD MORE!!! :(

  119. We have 8 kids , four girls, four boys expecting 9th and two in heaven....

  120. I have two brothers and one sister. Counting my parents, there are six of us. Also, a set of twins went home with the Lord before any of us were born.

  121. My wife and I don't have kids and we don't any.Not eveyone is called by God to be a parent.Suppose this makes us bad christians?

    1. No, that just puts you in a different life story, not everyone is called to the same thing... But, did you say you don't WANT any? Well, hm... Why did you even comment? And why don't you want more blessings?

  122. I am the youngest of 3. I personally can't have children of my own, but I am the best aunt a kid ever had!

  123. My parents have 5 kids. 3 boys and 2 girls. I am in the middle. The ages are{from oldest to youngest}..16{girl},15{boy},14{girl},8{boy},and 4{boy}. I am 14 :)

  124. I am the 6th of 9 kids, my husband is the 3rd of 6 kids and then his dad remarried a women with 13! We together have only 3 (we are done, we got married much later in life), but our children will have many cousins. As will the Duggar kids!!

  125. We have 7 children + 2 in heaven and currently we are care taking 3 other children whom have come from a horrific background of violence and abuse of all kinds. All up that is 14 including hubby and I.

  126. Only 2, my husband and I, we also believe every child is a gift and would welcome as many children as God sees fit to send us. Unfortunately I am infertile and we are not in a position to be able to foster or adopt. I struggle greatly with this but believe God has His reasons.

  127. 8. My wife and I have 6 girls, & 2 boys.

  128. My mom and my stepdad and me and my younger sister so 4

  129. 4 :) my parents,my brother and I. But i would like to have a large family like the Duggars although it probably won't be that big!

  130. Well I am the 2nd eldest of 5 ( Living ) children. 2 girls, 1 boy, 2 girls... And a baby and a brother in heaven... :) So, there are 7 of us here on earth. Plus... about 40 animals which are not quite relatives but are family members, hahaha! ;) My Mom is the oldest of 6 and my Dad is the youngest of 6! :D. My Grandpa has 8 siblings and my grandma has 2. So all in all I've got alot of kinfolk! Thank the Lord! :) So far there are 19 grandkids on my Mom's side, but rest assured there'll be more, my grandmother said all of her kids have to have at least 6 each! ;-)

  131. Currently my husband and I have 3 living bio children, almost 6yrs, 3yrs, and almost 4mths, we also have a 7mth old foster baby. So right now there are 6 in our home but we have 4 babies in heaven and have had other foster children, and are expecting another foster baby, so our numbers keep changing.

  132. I am the youngest of 8# children (and the only girl). 4 are married or in a long term relationship. There are 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson in my family. So about 19 people!

  133. I have 3 kids. I grew up in a very large family.

  134. I'm the oldest of 5. 4 girls and one boy :)

  135. I am the oldest of 11. Nine girls and 2 boys. No twins and all from the same parents. A lot of us are grown up and have kids of our own now. I have 2 - a girl and a boy. My husband and I definitely want more. There are 9 grandkids so far.

  136. I'm the oldest of ten

  137. The third out of 8 children

  138. We are the Taylor family in Alabama ,! and God has blessed us with 4 kids ., God is doing so much in r lives and in r home ! I have found out that if u sumit ur whole self to God , that God will bless u till ur cup runs over !

  139. 14 of us! 10 girls, 4 boys.

  140. 8 of us! 5 boys, 3 girls.

  141. There's only 5 of us including my half sister we are praying for more blessings!

  142. My father always says that if someone were to give u a million dollars u wouldn't turn it down now would u? Well children are even more of a blessing and if u wouldn't turn down those little things that we get like new toys, movie ect these things that don't have a right to be here I can't believe when people say " two is plenty" or "19 children that's ridiculous what about your life it's is your life?" Well I think that's selfish and to anyone who thinks like that I pray for you. We I am currently in my tween years and have only 4 other sibs we are praying for more and as for mr and mrs duggar I greatly appropriate your testimony to the world may God bless you as your imprint touches the world and everyone living on it for generations God bless the duggars! Long live!

  143. Three kids in my family!

  144. 10 in my family my grandfathers family has 19 my grandmother was 45 when she had the youngest

  145. Seven kids in total in my immediate family plus my two parents.

  146. Hi, this is Carol in Ireland.I have a boy and 2 girls. I would have loved a large family but it wasnt ment to be. My grandmother had 15 children and it was always a wonderful atmosphere when we visited and I now have over 100 first and 2nd cousins.Amazing.

  147. Well, I am only a tween, so I don't have any kids, but I want 20. 10 of each.

  148. My family started grew to three then adoption increase to 13 kids.
    I have an adopted sister my age and twin brothers 7 years younger. The rest are older brothers. Was very hard to There was a lot of leave my baby sister
    Everyone came home for my 16th birthday that was fantastic and so kind. My first dozen red roses from my second eldest brother.
    As an adult I raised seven children including two spares we welcomed into our household that had their own families but needed a loving home.
    I am looking forward to more grandchildren as they find their ways in life.

  149. I am the oldest of seven. 4 girls, 3 boys. My husband and I have three, so far. My first two, (ages 5 and 2) and my two youngest sisters are the same age. Expecting at the same time as my mom was so much fun! We definitely are thankful for each member of the family and look forward to new additions!

  150. I'm the oldest of 3. But my parents are divorced so if you count: my mom, my step-dad, my dad, my step-mom, my 3 step-sister(23,18,&11(mom side), my step-sister(18)and step-brother(14)(dad side), half-sister(13 weeks(dad side), my two biological siblings(17&8), me and my husband (21&22), and my brother-in-law(20ish) and unborn nephew (family to one of my step-sisters on my mom's side) that's 16 in all! And hopefully counting very soon!!!

  151. I am the middle child of 9 (4 sisters and 4 brothers) and I love the duggar show.. I know a family who has 15 kids. I am homeschooled/... My favorite kids are Jessa and Joy-Anna..
    Thanks and Keep posting,
    Your Fan!

  152. i am in a family with 1 brother 1 sister and two foster sisters because my mom can't have more kids.

  153. We have 4 children here on earth and one that preceded us to heaven

  154. 4 people in my family but both of my parents had large families so I had 20 1st cousins that is not counting myself. they range in age from 40s to my brother who is youngest at 23 and all of us have had kids so now there is more of us than you can count now and we are all still close.

  155. They're grown now but I have 10 kids. So immediate family is 12. 16 grands so far. Have been blessed.

  156. 5 kids. 2 girls. 3 boys. .. I'm 15 second oldest and a girl. (Hoping for another sis)

  157. Only 5 here(including parents).................wish I had more sibling but grateful for what I do have!!!!!!! We have more pets then people we have 8 animal and might get more...

  158. I'm the 3rd eldest of 10! 8 Boys and 2 girls! I waited 18 years for a sister! She just turned 1 year old. People have said that since I've helped with so many children I won't want any of my own, but I hope God blesses me with at least 6 children! :)

  159. My husband and I are blessed with one child (since we are 99% infertile).
    My parents had 4 kids (including me) Both my mom and dad come from a family with 8 kids and both are the third youngest.
    My husband came from a family of 5 kids and one in heaven.

  160. my family is about average sized. i live w/ my dad and mom, i have 1 sister, and 2 brothers. 4 kids in all

  161. 3 of us children (I'm the oldest at 16), but I have 20 cousins, and 2 of my cousins had children, 5 in total. We're all dotted about everywhere though, I wish we were closer together like the Duggars. Some of us in London, some at the seaside, some up north, some in compleatly different countries.

  162. I came from a huge ( to me) family 15 kids....a couple short from the Duggars! :-) But there are adopted kids and foster kids in those 15 so there are not from the same parents. 9 girls and 6 boys.

  163. I am the oldest of 4 and I hope to have a big family one day :)

  164. I am one of 14. I have 6 children of my own. 4 boys and 2 girls. Plus I have 3 in heaven. My husband is the youngest of 7. I have 20 nieces and nephews. My mom was one of five, as was her mom and my great grandmother was one of 12. My dad was one of 7. I love that my family is big. I love my children and wish I could have more but for medical reasons I can not. Thank you for your show. It has thought my so much and helped me be a better mom. I live is Colorado.

  165. @AnonymousI was an only child and had an only son, I have never experienced a family of more than one child. I am 62 years old and have beat cancer twice!! I would love to spend a day with the Duggars to see what a large family is like. Oh yea my favorite chore is laundry, maybe I could help grandma Duggar for a day.

  166. There is five of us; my parents, my two sisters and me. There's really six of us if you count my dog, who is family just the same :-)

  167. I am the oldest of 4 kids

  168. im the youngest of 7. 4 brothers and 3 sisters

  169. We have one child. I wish we were counting, but we have more losses than children.

  170. I am the youngest of 3 and my husband is the oldest of 4. We have 3 kids of our own. Hope to maybe one day look into adoption once kids have grown some.

  171. I am one of seven kids, 2 in-laws, and three grand kids. Oh and my 2 parents, GRAND TOTAL : 14

  172. We have 5 terrific kids.

  173. I am one of 11 kids 4 brothers and 6 sisters.

  174. I am in a family of 6 -- 4 girls, Dad and Mom!

  175. I'm the third of a triplet: me, my sister Cecily and my brother Nicholas. Now I'm married with a wonderful man that is the love of my life. We've 5 beautiful children (and we've done for sure): Andrew 9, Finnegan 7, twin Faith and Joy 5, and Isaac 3 months.

  176. My mom side have 15 kids 5 miscarriage. My mom was 5 years old my grandfather died uncle Ronnie is last baby. .
    My dad side have 15 also but his parents die my dad raise them. I have only 1 is my lovely daughter and I lost 2nd miscarriage 5 weeks in September 24 1999. I try for more none oh well God want me have just 1 that ok. I really want more. I never ever use birth control or tube tied. I leave it natural way God made me. I believe long hair is glory covering. Plus I'm Native American Indian mix not believe cut either. I loves skirts. Thank God change me lots. Jesus is pray for all of us in Heaven. That great news thank Jesus. I want all of you and us in HEAVEN. I have no favor. I loves you all equal blessing gift God made all beauiful. I love you all no matter what. God big bless all of you.

  177. 1 alive real bro (1 real bro in heaven), 1 alive real sis (1 real sis in heaven - my twin), me ( I am the oldest), 3 miscarriages and 1 half-bro, mum, dad, dad's girlfriend, I have 1 son

    Total 13

    and my ex's side........ Well, that's another story for another time.

  178. I admire your family to no end. I have six children all eleven and younger. I struggle daily with balance, teaching my children how important respect, obedience and love for the Lord is, among other things.
    Thank you for your examples and influence. You are needed and greatly valued by God-fearing people around the globe. Thank you for fulfilling your purpose here.

  179. I'm the youngest of 13 children. All have passed away now but 3 brothers and myself. I am 57 years old.

  180. I'm a 48 woman and all alone in the world. God has forgotten about me.


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