About Us

Thanks for stopping by! Our blog is the premiere source for factual, encouraging information about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 kids.

Just to be clear, this blog is not written by or officially endorsed by the Duggars. However, we are friends of the family, and they appreciate our blog.

We are a mother-daughter research and writing team that began blogging during the summer of 2009. Our intent was to spend quality time together while becoming Internet-savvy. Our first project was a food blog. Just before ringing in 2010, we started the Duggar Family Blog, which follows the lives of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children, stars of the hit TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting (2008-2015).

A few years later, we launched a blog about another reality TV family. The Bates Family Blog provides the latest updates on Gil and Kelly Bates and their 19 children, whose lives are documented in Bringing Up Bates (UP TV). 

Our goal has always been, and will continue to be, to provide our readers with factual and encouraging information.

Lily and Ellie

Contact Email: DuggarFamilyBlog@gmail.com
*Note: The Duggar family will not receive messages sent to this email address.

703 Comments: Click Here to Add Yours:

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Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I love being able to see what I missed if I didn't catch an episode, Thank You!

Janet Costello said...

I really like this new format. Thanks for updating it! Off to make Duggar Laundry Soap :)

Anonymous said...

Just a question... what in the world is Battlefield 11 the game Jackson listed as his favorite on their website? Never heard of it. Their new website is really great. I like how the kids listed a lot of their favorites.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great blog. Love the Duggars. God Bless You both !!

briansbabe74 said...

Thank you for giving us such a great blog and its great to see that young people like The Duggars as much as parents do. You girls rock!

Anonymous said...

I wish th e Duggars would come to wytheville va I am a huge fan, and would like to meet them.

Anonymous said...

So how do Lily and Ellie know the Duggars? Do the Duggars like give them info every day in order for Lily and Ellie to make this blog about the Duggars?
Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for starting this blog. I really enjoy getting updates about the Duggars. You girls are such a blessing.

Kourtney said...

Id like to know alot more about Lily and Ellie.(btw totaly kool names);)

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Kourtney!

Thanks for your interest! We are a mother and daughter who love the Lord and enjoy spending time together.

Lily and Ellie

Highdesertstamper said...

I am so glad you started a blog for the Duggars. My daughter and I have watched their shows for several years.. and are really blessed that there are families out there still taking the challenge of homeschooling with Biblical principals. My daughter in Tenn also homeschools her 2 children. She was blessed with 1 boy and 1 girl. Thanks again.

Lemsgarden said...

Hey ladies -- Did you come over to answers.com and answer some questions? The answers were great, but I had to make a few changes to fit in with the style guide.

I moved your links to be under "related links" That is something we do so that we can make sure the links stay organized and easy to find.

If you choose to login, you can create links back to the blog on your profile page as well.. drop me a note if you want to do that.

lemsgarden @ wikianswers dot com.

Easy to do, just takes a couple moments.


Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Lemsgarden!

As a matter of fact, we did stop by Answers.com a few days ago! Glad to help :)

Creating an account sounds like a great idea. We will head on over there sometime this weekend to set one up, and then we will drop you an email.

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I am an Aussie fan but we get our episodes about a year after they are aired in the US. I just learnt Anna & Josh have a new blessing in their lives!! Thanks for the blog, was wondering if Mumma Michelle remembers all the birth weights and lengths of her children, and also if there are any plans for number 20? as i am in australia, i wont find out for another year or 2 :)

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog for the first time. I have watched some of the Duggar's episodes. We have reception only cable now and have recently acquired internet. I read your page and wanted you to know that it is you two Lily and Ellie that inspire me. In these times of each family member going their own way I find it refreshing that you really work to find projects that you can enjoy doing together. I believe God is truly glorified when a family works, plays and worships together. Have fun and God bless.

Lily and Ellie said...

Wow! Your kind words made our day. So glad you found our blog!
We are thrilled to have you as a reader :)

~Lily and Ellie

Kim said...

Hi Lily & Ellie, Are the Duggars going to Family Camp in Texas this year? They have gone every other year. I saw that they are on that 25 day vacation, and counted and they would be back, but it's a matter of them going. I really hope they are going!Please try and let me know if they are going. Thanks,

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Kim!

Are you referring to the Family Camp at Fort Rock from September 23rd-25th? The Duggars left for their trip on September 2nd and announced that they will be gone for 25 days.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

No, Actually it's at the International Alert Academy, October 8th to the 15th? I was curious to see if they are going, I really hope they are!They have gone every year! Thanks, Lily & Ellie!

Lily and Ellie said...

It doesn't look like they are scheduled to speak, but they could be attending the camp. We couldn't tell you for sure.

Thanks for reading!
~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

So how come on the Duggar's blog they don't list Michael as one of the games or in the kids but they ist Mackynzie? Come on, it's been 3 months! Although I know it is not your fault!

Anonymous said...

why is it that michelle always refers to josie as our precious last edition? she has 2 other toddlers doesnt he think they are precious too? Also, you never see her holding one of he other little ones, only josie. I thinf thats sad.

calgary dentist said...

I haven't seen anything on your site about the latest 20th edition. What do you all think?

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi calgary dentist!

We wrote a post earlier this morning about Michelle's latest pregnancy.
Here's the link: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/michelle-duggar-expecting.htm.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

sue said...

I'm in a transition time too...have gone back to work part-time trying to figure out what kind of full time work to do.

Was a homeschooler for 13 years, a writing teacher for 8 and an exhibitor for a company for 6 years. What next?

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I enjoy reading your blog! It is so well written and researched. Keep up the good work and thank you!

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Anonymous! (at 6:44 PM)

Thank you for your encouraging words! We are so glad to have you and your daughter as followers! :)

Have a fabulous week!
Lily and Ellie

Alejandra Gaytan said...

It is such a blessing having so many children. They all support each other and love each other. That inspire me. But I'm kind of nervous about the 20th baby. I'm worried for the 20th baby and as well Michelle especially when the 19th Josie was premature and it also affected the mother. I don't want anything to happen to them. I'm scared of that. I really hope they both gets well when the 20th baby is born. I'm scared that the 20th baby might be premature again and Michelle might get worse... :( I want the two of them to be healthy and having no trouble for for Michelle. I'm sacred if there would be a tragedy... I hope God be with you and have no healthy problems!! I really care about the Duggar Family! May God be with you and I will pray for you. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog! Thank you for providing regular updates and general information about the Duggars! In Europe we can't watch the Duggar series immediately, only once they're uploaded on Youtube. Therefore it's especially great to have an episode recap on your page!
Best wishes from Germany

Christine Morrison said...

We are sending you our deepest condolences on your loss and our prayers that God comfort you at this time.

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your miscarriag; may the lord comfort you during this time ; we will be praying for you all. especially for michelle to regain your strenght back. all things work together for good for them that love god, with much love mark and fanny wickey, bronson; mi

Anonymous said...

I have only seen a few of the Duggars' episodes, but it truly amazes me that there are 19 children in your family! What a blessing! I am so sorry to hear about the miscarriage, I will be praying for you! I read this verse and I thought I would share it with you. 1 Peter 3.17. In the past, I have found comfort from this. May you and your family have a happy new year! Blessings, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I have permanently deleted the Duggar Blog UK. The main reason is because I have moved house and no longer have satellite tv, so I am unable to watch the Duggars on tv any more, but to be honest it wasn't attracting many visitors anyway. Hope your Duggar Family Blog goes from strength to strength. God Bless, Annie

Lily and Ellie said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Annie. Enjoy your new home!

Lily and Ellie

scordoni said...

I'm a fan of the Duggars, as I have seen almost all of the episodes of their show. I'm from a family of five children, although that seems small in comparison to the Duggar family. I greatly appreciate getting to see how the Duggars manage their household of many children and getting to use some of the methods they use to save money and work efficiently. So, I think it's great that they have a TV show, where they can share these things with families all over the world, but I do have a bit of a concern. Jim Bob and Michelle mention how the kids don't really watch TV or access the Internet. But they appear on their own TV show and do interviews and travel with a camera crew, so the kids are recieving plenty of media attention. How do the Duggars justify putting their own children on TV (and the Internet) when they feel that it can have such negative impacts on children?

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi scordoni,

The Duggars aren't against TV (or the Internet). They are against what is shown on those mediums. They watch wholesome television shows on DVD, and they use the Internet for school and work.

~Lily and Ellie

Abi McGraw said...

Hey lily & ellie I am a really big Duggar fan & I had a question. Do you now what bible they use? I know they don't go to church( they worship @ their home.) so ......I was just wondering. Thanks!

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Abi,

The Duggars primarily use the King James Version and the Amplified Bible.

Have a great weekend!
~Lily and Ellie

Abi McGraw said...

What is the amplified version? Never heard of it. Thanks so much!

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Abi,

The Amplified Bible is a version that "amplifies" the text (explains it in greater detail). You can view all translations of the Bible on BibleGateway.com

Happy Valentine's Day!
~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

These people are obsessed with having children and though I feel 20 is plently I respect their belief in the sanctity of life. But again I think she would be endangering her life. Some people can't even have one and they have 19 they should be thankful for the 19 they have and refrain from having anynmore children.

Abi McGraw said...

@Lily and Ellie Thanks for answering my question! Best,Abi

Anonymous said...

May I ask when the new episodes will be available to watch via your link to youtube? Thank you for all the work you do on your website. I love the duggars and this is the only way I can watch their show.

Chamy said...

I've been dying to find this out, and this might be the best place to get an answer! Could you tell me which episode is the one where Joy Anna was eating ramen noodles for breakfast, and there was something about half cooked ramen noodles being her favorite? I don't think they've showed that episode in awhile?

thank you!
Amy S.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Chamy,

The episode where Joy-Anna eats Ramen noodles for breakfast is "Duggars Jump For Joy." Check out our Watch Full Episodes page for a link to the episode on YouTube: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/new-feature-watch-full-episodes.html.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Michelle,

It usually takes at least several weeks for the episodes to be uploaded to YouTube. We will let you know as soon as they are up.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Do you know what web filter the Duggars use to keep their kids safe on the internet?

Lily and Ellie said...


The Duggars use TotalNetGuard (http://www.totalnetguard.com/index.asp) from AFO.

Have a blessed day,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

i am praying for the duggars, and i wish i was there to comfort them.

Debbie said...

I just want to thank you for doing such an amazing job on this blog. I only discovered it yesterday and loved watching the older tv specials when they had a small family of 14! (insert clever chuckle) I pray God's best for you both, and just have one question: will the Duggars be coming back for another season?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Debbie,

Your kind words made our day! We are so glad that you found our blog.

The Duggars will return with new episodes. TLC has not yet announced the start date, but we will post it when they do.

Have a wonderful day,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily and Ellie! I check your blog everyday and have really enjoyed watching the past episodes of the Duggars...thanks for posting them. I want to write the Duggars a letter and my kids want to color them some pictures (though I am sure they get a ton of mail) but do you know of an PO Box or some address for them? Thanks!

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

What a nice idea! The Duggars' mailing address is P.O. Box 1000 Tontitown, AR 72770.

We are honored to have you as a reader,
Lily and Ellie

melissa said...

i would like meet to duggar .. i hope duggar will come up see wisconsin. i missed ... i want them sign name my book...

melissa F

Johnna said...

Hello Ladies,

I am wondering how long after an original show airs are you able to post it on your sit here?

Thank you,
Johnna Buntin

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Johnna,

We post the links when the episodes are uploaded to YouTube, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Thanks for being a loyal reader!
Lily and Ellie

Tasha😉 said...

Hi I'm Tasha just wondering where the Duggars live I would love to go see them even though they live half way across the world from m!😄

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Tasha,

The Duggars live in Northwest Arkansas.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Johnna said...

Just wondering if you are endorsing the Pimleur way of learning a new language? I am only assuming that since you have it advertised on your website that it must be tried and true. What age does this program start?

Carrie said...

Im so Glad I found this blog. I love the Duggars and their such an encouragement to me (A young mother of 1). I would like to know what the dvds are that she lets her babies watch in some episodes. Whether their having a tv interview or really thats all I ever see her let them watch. I would really like to know what it is if ya ll know. For my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Jessa is not a very common name where did they discover it from? Just wondering where they got their inspiration. My husband and I were thinking of naming our daugther this because its so inspiring to us that Michelle is such a Godly role model for so many of us woman today who struggle with raising just 2 or 3 children in today's world

lisa white said...

@Lily and Ellie is there a email for Michelle Duggar?

Lily and Ellie said...

@lisa white

Hi Lisa,

Michelle can be reached at duggarmail@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

lisa said...

Are the coming to Marysville ca anytime?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Lisa,

We haven't heard of any upcoming public appearances in Marysville, but the Duggars will be speaking in San Diego this October. Details on the Appearances page: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/duggar-appearances.html.

Happy Memorial Day!
Lily and Ellie

Lauren H. said...

I have 2 questions.
First of all when is the new Duggar book comming out?? And I edited some photos of the Duggars I would like you to see how would I do that?

Lily and Ellie said...

@Lauren H.

Hi Lauren,

The Duggars are still in the process of writing the book. More details on that soon. We would love to see the photos you have edited! Go ahead and email them to us at DuggarFamilyBlog@gmail.com.

Can't wait to see them!
Lily and Ellie

leah said...

the duggars are so awesome i wish i could meet them so bad :0)

Anonymous said...

What version of the Bible do the Duggars use?

Anonymous said...

Are you related to the duggers or just firends? Do they help with this blog?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Friends. :)

~Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

The Duggars mainly use the King James Version, but they also use other versions, such as the Amplified Bible.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily and Ellie,

Great job w/your blog! Just a question... Is it true the Duggars are to be leaving TLC? Sad if true..there isnt much on TV and theirs is the only TLC show that I watch...they are a great witness for Christ as well as an encouragement to the thirsty!
Thank you!

Lauren H. said...

I sent the pictures, so if you can check them out for me that will be great! Thanks again.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

New episodes of "19 Kids and Counting" will return to TLC in late August.

Have a wonderful day,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

i found a jessa duggar twitter page its "jessa_duggar" it kinda shocked me...she didnt acted like she does on the show...can you please check it out and tell me if its fake? she said she went and seen the avengers...i just thought they stayed away from stuff like that and she also said she like taylor shift...

AllyD said...

I have been wondering when a new season of 19 kids and counting will start? I know the loss of baby Jubilee must have been hard ,so I figure they stoped taping for a while,which is more than understandable , but was wondering if there was a new season coming up this summer or winter maybe? ,my hubby is deploying soon and I know I will watching reruns of the duggars, it get's me trough to see happy and in love people living life with so much love to give to their children, thank you !

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi AllyD,

New episodes are scheduled to return in August.

Have a blessed day,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is kelly, i seen the post talking about jessa duggar having a twitter page and was wondering if it was fake also. the duggars are a huge blessing to me :}

Lauren H. said...

I sent you all another email, you all can definately post the pictures I edited on your blog, and if you want any more, send the pictures you want edited to me. :)

Lily and Ellie said...

@Lauren H.

Thanks so much, Lauren!

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is lacey. I am a stay at home mother of 5 boys and o love it. I watch this family all the time Michelle is my hero and I would love to have a huge family like they do. I Absolutely love this family. They have touched my heart many times. I admire the parents they are and the faith that they have. Serving the lord is number one on our home and I always go back and learn from them with everything we do. Hope to meet this family one day. God bless from our home to the duggars!

Sophie said...

Your family programm show over here in england i watch it all the time how do u keep sane in a house full of kids?

God bless!x

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Sophie,

Here are a few posts to answer your question. Enjoy!





~Lily and Ellie

Lauren H, said...

Ok, I know I've been on here alot! But, I have questions about the Duggars LOL! Ok, so I was watching 14 Children And Pregnant again, and Michelle was talking about why she had so many children and she said, after they had Josh they wanted God to decide how many He wanted for them, and they didn't say anything about the birth control, is that a conviction that they felt like telling the public later on? And I was wondering why does Jill Duggar want to become a midwife other than the example of her mom?

Anonymous said...

Hi duggars I love your show. I can't wait untill your next season!

Anonymous said...

Dear Duggars you are the one of my favorite shows on t.v. I love to watch your showI engoy hearing your family's story

Hannah said...

I thought you were from the bates family

Anonymous said...

thank you so Much Lily and Ellie for this Blog. I really Appreciate reading it OFTEN :) I am in QLD Australia and its just lovely to see how the Duggars are Via your blog and all your links etc..Sadly we are very behind but i hope they catch up soon here in Oz...

GREAT work xoxo

Tanya G

Joy said...

Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your blog; you do a great job of providing Duggar fans (I know there are a lot!) with accurate information. I love the pictures, too!

Jason'sLittleGirl said...

Love this blog! God Bless the two of you!!!
I love the giveaways. So cool! I hope you have more!!!

Johnna said...

Bates show will be called United Bates of America.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was wondering if you would be interested in setting up a way in which your readers could donate money to you, maybe through paypal, so you could buy/upload the missing 4 eps of the latest session?
I live in the UK, so I can't buy them myself, but I would be more than willing to donate the money to you, so you could upload them on here for your readers to watch :)
Just a wee idea, thanks xx

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Have you tried purchasing the individual episodes on iTunes or Amazon US? Are you able to do that in the UK? Here is the Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0079FPNB0/ref=atv_dp_season_select?ie=UTF8&redirect=true.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi, yes I've tried buying them on both but it doesn't work, you need to live in the US to but them. That's why I suggested my idea, cos if I could I'd buy them myself but I'm not able to.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

That is not something we are able to do right now, but once the episodes are on YouTube, we will post the links.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Thank you, it was just a suggestion :), cos I'm soo desprate to watch the new eps and there taking so long to go up on youtube :(

Anonymous said...

Every now and then Anna's siblings appear on 19 kids and counting...I would like to know thier birth order and ages (birthdays) i enjoyed the link to her sister Pricilla's blog and viewed her beautiful wedding day- on thier site she also gave info on thier sister Ester and her family- Josh had also mentioned doing prison ministry w/Anna's brother- I also read a post by a brother in law married to one of Anna's sister's that didnt speak well of TLC's coverage/footage- I know that they are a conservative family...where Galations 5:22 is lived out-w/some of the siblings. I would like to know what Susanne and the older brother are up to-
Thank you...from just curious in NH :)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering have the Duggars been watching the 2012 Olympics? I know their viewing of tv is limited!
Que Diso Los Bendiga!
Miami, Florida

Emma said...

Hi, I was just very curious as to whether the Duggars would be watching any of the Olympics this summer? Thanks Emma

Anonymous said...

Lillie and Ellie, I have a suggestion for Jana, Jill, Jessa and Ginger (Joy, Anna and Priscilla, too) that they do a UTube series on how to alter skirts to make them more modest. It is so hard to find modest skirts, and I am guessing that they have done this when they buy skirts. I would love to have some instruction on this. (Or maybe a book on the topic??) Thanks.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for the idea! We made a similar suggestion to the girls a little while ago.

We are honored to have you as a reader,
Lily and Ellie

Allie said...

Lily and Ellie,
The new Bates show is " United Bates Of America"

Anonymous said...

Hi! Have the duggars been watching the summer Olympics? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Do you have any new information about the older duggar girls new book? I can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lily and Ellie. Apologies for the misspellings of both your name and Jinger's, Lily! (No excuse for Jinger's... after eight years of watching the show, you'd think I wouldn't make that mistake!) :)

Lily and Ellie said...


No worries, we're used to it. :)

Thanks for being a loyal reader!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Are you personal friends with the duggars?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

The girls are hoping to have the book on the shelves by the end of this year. Details to come.

~Lily Ellie

Anonymous said...

When Jinger Duggars diary got stolen did any of it get put online? When I looked up Jinger online a website came up that had contents of the diary. Just wondered if it was real.

GFMouse said...

If the Duggar's do not run this blog how do you acquire their pictures either they have taken or their family events?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Janel,

We acquire the photos from various sources.

Thanks for reading!
~Lily and Ellie

Maja said...

Hello Lily and Ellie,

thank you for your work and reliable postings!

I was wondering why the portraits which make up the header of your blog show Michelle and Jim-Bob as a couple, but Josh and Anna in single pictures. Also, I was surprised to see Mackynzie and Michael queuing among Jim-Bob and Michelle's kids, even thought I am aware that this is how they present their children and grandchildren. However, especially as far as the pictures of Josh and Anna are concerned, I think, it would help the presentation to have them on one picture, especially since the only other couple is shown in one portrait.

Best wishes!

Raim Arellano said...

Thank you so much for making a blog for all of us Duggar fans! I try to read the blog everyday that I can, so I can get the scoop of what the Duggars are doing and that all happens because of you two. God bless you both! Thank you again!


Anonymous said...

I feel sad for Michelle and Jim Bob but I can't help but to feel frustrated at the fact that they keep trying for more children. Poor Michelle's body can only take so much, as a fan I worry for her health. I respect their beliefs but Jim Bob should have more compassion towards his wife and give her a break. The human body wasn't designed to be a baby making factory. Be greatful for the children God has blessed you with.

Anonymous said...

A little late but was wondering what song played at jubilees service? Have miscarried and delivered a full term stillborn and seeing how gracefully and eloquently they got through this hard time was amazing and uplifting! Thank you Dugger family for showing Gods amazing power and love.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

The song is called "I will Carry You" and is performed by the band Selah. Video and lyrics here: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-will-carry-you-by-selah.html

~Lily and Ellie

Unknown said...

Hello I have been able to watch the videos for awhile but now I was unable to view them because I had to upgrade to the latest video player, I downloaded it and it said I was successful, but it is still not allowing me to view anything. Is there something I'm missing?
Thank You God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

I'm from England I'm a foster carer of 3 children sorry to hear of your loss, I have 4 children of my own (all grown up) . I love fostering have you ever thought of fostering or adopting from another country?

Kate Howard England

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Kate,

Bless you for taking in foster children! The Duggars have mentioned that they are praying about the possibility of adoption.

Have a great week,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I missed the 8/28 season premier. Any ideas as to watch this episode? I didn't see it under your full episodes. Thanks!!

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous

The 8/28 premiere ("Duggars Down the Aisle") is on YouTube. Video embedded here: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/duggars-down-aisle-on-youtube.html

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily and Ellie,
I was looking at TLC's TV schedule and for the next 2 Mondays @ 9/8c the Bates are not playing. I understand why tonight obviously but do you happen to know why its not playing next week?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Michelle,

The show was only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and TLC has aired exactly that many.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

hi duggurs love your show and your kids happy birthday for amy duggar for the 30th

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I'm in Australia.
Do you know when it will be possible to buy Season 6?
Many thanks,

Dawn said...

good question to ask Michelle is about Josie and her Lactose intoerance...what is status of this??

In a past show she was eating mac and cheese and in recent episode cheese is favorite snack in snack fridge.

I am lactose intolerant and have to stay away from all cheese.

I know pizza is Duggars most consumed food!!!

Are there other food issues with them

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Jeremy,

Right now, the only way to watch the latest episodes is on iTunes, Amazon, and YouTube (YouTube links here: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/watch-full-episodes.html).

Have a wonderful weekend,
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Lily and Ellie! I love your blog and I really like being able to watch the episodes that I missed. I love the Duggar family.I love the blog and hope you keep it up.
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you might know what has happened to the show United Bates of America. I love the Duggars and your blog, and was really enjoying the Bates show as well. It doesn't seem to be on any longer. Do you know what has happened or if it will return? Thanks!

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

The Bates' show was only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and TLC aired exactly that many.

~Lily and Ellie

Unknown said...

hi i am ~barbara s~ first, God Bless Ya'll . i was wondering if you will keep the name 19 kids ? or will you change it to 20 kids and counting, to remember jubaliee? i hope with all my heart i spelt her name right. if not... i am sorry to bring that up, but God Bless all of you. i am alone with no family, and i LOVE to watch every show. makes me so HAPPY

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the Bates show--I was worried that they discontinued it. I wish the Duggar's show and the Bates could run all year long! Thanks for your blog!

Bethanie said...

On a recent episode, Anna was making brownies with her daughter. What type of mixer was she using?? It's a free-standing mixing with the blades attached to the inside bottom of the bowl..

GingerRoot said...

I know the Duggars don't eat pork. I thought I saw or read somewhere that they use a spice blend to make ground turkey (or beef) taste like ground pork. Do you know the recipe for this spice blend?

Lisa said...

Hi Lily and Ellie ~

Two episodes ago (the strep throat ep.) when the Duggars had the lady over from the marriage retreat, she brought pork as part of the dinner. Nobody mentioned it and I imagine most of the Duggars didn't eat it, but I did see Grandma Duggar taking some for her plate. Does she eat pork products, do you know? Just curious. Thanks!


Jessica N said...

I am sorry to mention to you that every time I click on the second Bates' video and it sends me to the other video web viewer the related videos on the right hand side are extremely bad. I wouldn't want anyone else to see these let alone my kids. I think it has to do with the title being Papa Bills Farm. maybe if the title were changed these "related videos" wouldn't show up.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure Josiah is one of the cutest guys ive ever seen! :)

Anonymous said...


I'm not 100% sure but their mixer looks like the Bosch mixer


Anonymous said...

I have a question for the older girls. I am 22 and live in California and I am searching for my passion, for a job or career that suits me best. Are they going to college? And have they found their passions yet? What are they?

Thank you so much! God Bless!

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi KK,

Ellie spoke with Jill in June about the girls' upcoming book and what they have been up to lately. Here's the link: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/chat-with-jill-duggar-new-book-6.html

Some of the Duggar girls are earning their degrees through CollegePlus.

~Lily and Ellie

Maggie :) said...

Hello Ladies. I love your blog. It is very informative and you post almost daily! I have a question. Do you know when Jana Jill Jessa and Jingers book will be coming out? I'm very excited to read it!! Thanks!!

Lily and Ellie said...

@Maggie :)

Hi Maggie,

The girls are hard at work but have not yet set a release date. Their goal is to have the book on the shelves as soon as possible.

We are honored to have you as a reader.
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I thought some of the folks would like to read this.


Anonymous said...

I have been looking for DVD's of season 6-10. Are they available? and would you know where I can purchase them? Also, is there a DVD of the earliest Duggar shows? I have seasons 1-5

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

"19 Kids and Counting" is currently in its 6th season, although Wikipedia refers to it as the 10th season. Season 6 is not yet on DVD.

Some of the early specials can be purchased on Amazon. Here is the link to "16 Children and Moving In": http://www.amazon.com/16-Children-and-Moving-In/dp/B000M9C6QK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355028109&sr=8-1&keywords=16+children+and+moving+in

~Lily and Ellie

Elysha said...

hi! i love your show and blog! its very interesting!

Shantell jensen said...

Hello i love your show i would be greatful if u can pray for my daugther she has to have surgery again please keep her in ur prayers

Thank you

Shantell jensen

Anonymous said...

Hello Ladies! An official announcement has been made over the courtship of Erin bates and Chad Paine! Check out the Bates website for te announcement. (Click on family updates from their home page.)
Blessings! Mmolesy

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Mmolsey,

Good to hear from you! Hope your 2013 is off to a wonderful start. Thanks for making sure we knew about the courtship.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I am not able to view the home page of your blog as of 4 days ago. Are you doing some blog renovating or is something wrong?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

When you type in the url of our blog (duggarsblog.blogspot.com) what do you see?

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily and Ellie!!!
I love your Blog and I love the Duggars so much!! I was just wondering if Anna's sister Priscilla is pregnant because in one of the pictures it looks like she is. Is she? Please Respond. Thanks!!

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

That's correct. Priscilla and David, her husband, are expecting! Their son is due on March 9th.

~Lily and Ellie

RememberGushKatif! said...

Hi to you all from sunny Jerusalem, Israel. I have such a deep respect for the entire family. If you ever plan to visit Israel, we would love to meet you, G-d bless you all. Love, Rivky

Anonymous said...

Hello Lilly and Ellie,
When I type in the URL and your homepage comes up it has all the pictures but then where the article would be there's a box that says: Sorry, the page you are looking for in this blog does not exist.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

That sounds like the message that comes up when the wrong URL is entered. Try copying and pasting this URL directly into your web browser: duggarsblog.blogspot.com

Hope it works!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I copied and pasted and got the same message. I also am able to click all the tabs on your "menu" and each page comes up normally. But when I press the "blog" tab, I get that message. Hopefully it's just an issue with my connection and isn't happening for other people. Thanks for your tips :)

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Sandy,

The pregnancy has not been confirmed by the Duggars. It is our policy not to make a big announcement like that until the Duggars wish to make it official.

If there is news to be shared, the Duggars will share it when they are ready. :)

Thanks for being a loyal reader. Enjoy your weekend!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I homeschool my 6th grade daughter and was wondering what computer program/or curriculum the Duggar kids use for their school?Thanks

Anonymous said...

I heard that the new season of 19 kids and counting is starting March 12. Did you hear this too?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Here is a link to a post that lists homeschool resources that the Duggars recommend: http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/duggars-on-homeschool-curricula.html

~Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

That's correct! The new season starts March 12th.

Thanks for reading,
Lily and Ellie

Lily and Ellie said...

@Pauline daws

Hi Pauline,

We will post a link to the segment after it airs.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Lily and Ellie:)

Jessica S. said...

When are the Duggars coming to Ohio next?

Lily and Ellie said...

@Jessica S.

Hi Jessica,

Doesn't look like the Duggars have any upcoming appearances in Ohio, but keep checking the Appearances page (http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/appearances.html). When/if something comes up, we will post the details.

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I have seen a few posts about Josh and Anna moving to DC. Do you all have confirmation or any information about that? Like when they will be moving? I live there and it would be so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thank-you to the Duggars for all the positive that they show of family life mixed in with showing humanness, too. Saw ya'll on the Dr. Oz show. I was surprised when one of the young girls was called Drama Queen. I don't mean to be rude but this bothered me. I know ya'll believe in individuality of each child. However,telling her she is a drama queen will help to make that part of her personality. Could telling her that she is good at expressing what she thinks & with guidance it will help her be an independent young lady help? Prayers Kindness :) all rights reserved

Debi said...

Is there any way to contact The Duggers? I love the show and have so much respect for them.I would like to send them a personal e mail.Thank you.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Debi,

You can contact the Duggars at duggarmail@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!
Lily and Ellie

Elena said...

Hello Lily and Ellie,
Thank you for sharing your information, do you have a personal friendship with Michelle and JimBob? How do you get your information? I will be a loyal follower of yours and the Duggars. Meeting the Duggars is in my bucket list. Ive been in Ireland and NY the same time and i had no idea. Oh, so close yet so far..keeping my fingers crossed. Be well, and God Bless

Anonymous said...

i am only 9 so 19 kids is all i allowed to watch on TLC so i would of never watch this show so thanks

Anonymous said...

I love the blog on the duggars
when will josie start potty traing?

Unknown said...

Please, Please make all the original 1hour shows available either here or on you-tube the all have been deleted from You-Tube!!! I love the Duggars and would love to take a look back at those shows. Keep bringing us good, clean, loving family TV that you do not have to afraid to view. Those specials would be great shown from start to finish as a extra event on TLC.
Thank You

Lauren H. said...

Lily and Ellie,

May you PLEASE post the upcoming episodes of 19 kids and counting, I love the Duggars and I don't have cable. I tried looking on Youtube for them, but all I got was the sample from tlc which costs $1.99 for the full episodes and the crappy videos that don't even have a part 1. It would be very much appreciated! Thank you so, so much for all your hard work and dedication to this website which I check daily!! :)
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Why are Jinger and Jason not included in the pictures at the top of the page?

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Jinger is in the top right corner of the blog header, and Jason is below her.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Hi so is the duggar's have a new baby if they do is it a boy or a girl

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Anonymous,

Josh and Anna are expecting their third child, a boy, on June 7th.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Are you all going to post the new episodes to your blog??

Anonymous said...

josh and anna, i heard your having another baby boy next month and i have three name suggestions that are part of the " m " tradition, Matthew,Mark or Mitchell. Hope you decide on one of them.

Rebecca S. said...

I love you blog and your family so much! I think that it would be so much fun to meet your family! I would really love to have as many kids as you and be patient with all of my children like Michelle is.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a job will Josh do? All he did in Ark was his car sales. Who hired him to move out of town?

Unknown said...

When are the Duggar's coming to Canada?! Hopefully they will make a Vancouver BC!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love reading your blog. :) Do you know if the Duggars have ever read Kisses From Katie or the blog of Ann Voscamp - 1000 Gifts? Curious what they'd think of those two amazing Christian women and their ministries. Keep up the GREAT work - much appreciated!

Lee said...

Hi my name is Lee and I wanted to let you know that I love this family. If you ever get a chance to tell her let Michelle and Bob know that their family is absolutely beautiful and I love how close they are. God Bless each and every one of them.

somewhere in the middle mom said...

I love your blog, keep it up. I love the laundry soap and make it for my family of 6. I am blessed to stay at home and I work as an It Works! skinny wraps distributor! If anyone's interested, https://jenniebrown.myitworks.com

God bless!!

Anonymous said...

This has been weighing on my heart since I saw Anna and Josh looking for homes in Washington D.C. I have a bad feeling about them moving there. I know it may seem silly because I do not know them. But, I felt in my heart I had send this. I hope they move back home.

Drew said...

Hello Lily and Ellie!
I was just wondering if you guys knew when "19 Kids and Counting"'s new season will be starting? Thanks! Have a great night!


Lily and Ellie said...


Hi Drew,

New episodes return this fall. TLC is aiming for mid September.

Enjoy the rest of your week!
~Lily and Ellie

Susan said...

I KNOW you can't possibly find the time to read all of these comments...but I just wanted to add my hat to the ring by telling you all how wonderful it is to see a family that can support itself with NO government assistance. A family that CAN raise good, healthy, nice children without using violence and that you CAN teach love and respect by example alone...thank you for making our world a better place for having your family in it.

Unknown said...

When will your show return?

Lily and Ellie said...

Hi Janet,

New episodes of "19 Kids and Counting" return in September.

~Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Josh & Anna are naming their kids with the letter "M" as a tribute to Michelle?

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video about Teen challenges. Does she share in one of her books more about talking to and encouraging teens through temptations and hormonal changes. i would like to be able to read it. Thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Benefit flea market

The Duggar family will hold a flea market and auction, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 7 at 500 Arbor Acres Ave., Springdale, to benefit the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which cared for their youngest child, Josie Brooklyn, born prematurely Dec. 10, 2009.

The family is accepting donations of household goods, small furniture, games, toys, electronics, clothing and similar items in working condition, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. today at that address.

Signs on the property will provide directions.

Crews from TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting will be taping during the drop-off and the flea market. The show’s seventh season kicks off at 8 p.m. Sept. 17.

Hrosenski said...

I need to find out how to contact Michelle. This program her and Anna's example truly saved my life.
I do assist in running a group of almost 20,000 grieving parents. Considering we have 9 angels it does get trying at times my faith and this show has helped me through so much. I am a pastor and a medic my husband is o faithful cop of 13 years. I have no clue why I am posting all this nor why God has lead me to contact michelle. It would be a blessing to be able to email her. When I first felt lead to do this I prayed about it for along time. God could not make it more clear that I am suppose to email her and talk to her. How this will happen I don't know. Why God has put this in my heart I have no idea. The only thing I can say is that it is not up to me to question God I have done that to many times in life and consequences have been there. So I try to know longer question just have faith and do as I feel lead. Thank you and I am hopefully and faithful you will be able to help me in this matter.

Hrosenski said...

I think Michelle does an incredible job and should not be judged. Even though we are let into their lives we do not see every second. She loves all of her kids a believes they are all precious miracles. If I remember right Josie almost didn't make it. Maybe she needs extra attention and she does hold the litele ones. For all we know she can only carry so much weight. Stop judging until you birth 19 kids and do such an amazing job. They are so blessed with all their children and they know it. I have a 15 year old son on earth and 9 angels in heaven. Each ofmy 9 babies that became angels hurts so bad that they are gone but they also all served and continue to serve a purpose as the Lord has let me help thousands of women and grieving parents. So t is nice to see so many blessings in that family. Jeeps life balanced.

Lily and Ellie said...


Hi lcmedic,

Sounds like a great organization. You can contact Michelle at duggarmail@gmail.com

Lily and Ellie

Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to seeing the DUGGARS 9-17-2013 they have been gone to long this is the best most up lifting show ever. LOVE IT

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