Monday, May 27, 2024

Update from Jed and Katey

It has been over a year since Jed and Katey Duggar welcomed their second child, Nora Kate Duggar, just one year after their first, Truett Duggar. They celebrated with a strawberry themed party, which a number of Duggar family members attended. They uploaded a video to YouTube that shows footage from the party as well as a life update. 


  1. Neddy Constant
    Before I say about Nora
    Congrats again to Ben's sister
    Danielle to her engagement to
    Lawson Howard. Happy Memorial Day Everyone to war veterans you
    & Old. Time 2:58PM Mon 5/27/24

    1. Needy I hope you had a nice holiday and bless you for remembering Danielle!

  2. Neddy Constant
    I saw the photo of Nora's
    Birthday. 3:01PM Mon 5/27/24

  3. Thanks for the link Ellie, it is appreciated. Has anyone else noticed that in these celebration videos, the adult Duggar children show Michelle but not Jim Bob? I hope he is there at these events as well. Eileen

    1. He is there in the video.

    2. I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch the videos yet. I too hope all is well. Thanks Eileen.

    3. Jim Bob is likely there. Just the Duggar children keep him out of the videos because he tanks their view/click numbers and Joy got some backlash for including Jim Bob in the thumbnail of a recent video.

    4. 9:40 pm I did not see him, must have missed him in the video. Thanks for sharing that. Eileen

    5. Jim Bob was there and hold whi I think is baby George.

  4. Hair belated birthday

  5. Thank you so much for continuing these and congratulations on your daughter! So happy for you all! Could you tell us something about the new Dugger that is courting...I hope it’s a Bates girl!

  6. Watched the video of baby Nora for her birthday. Heard something that is troubling & saw something too. The little boy, a year older, was left out. The mother said about the baby brother on the baby girl's birthday - "He (baby brother) will realize today is not about him!" What a terrible thing to say about a child. It's a statement that is critical, no matter whom one is speaking about. Everything in the video was focused on the baby girl. The little boy was distinctly left out. It was noticeable. He should have been invited to be in the video & to help celebrate his sister. It was a disturbing video.

    1. The little boy is two and some say two is terrible. Favorite word is "mine" when your two and that has trouble sharing. I don't think she was being critical but honest about the stage he's in.

    2. The little guy was there, well behaved and involved in the party.

  7. Alexa Bates posted she’s in a courtship. Who is it?

    1. Before we answer that question, who is Alexa Bates?

    2. Alexa Bates is a 36-year old cousin on Gil Bates’s side. Not too fundie and friends with Jana.

    3. Why is this question on the Duggar blog?

  8. Dear Michael: I hope that you are having a fantastic 13th Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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