Sunday, December 24, 2023

George Augustine Seewald

If you read our previous post, you know that Jessa gave birth to her fifth child, a boy. We posted the first segment of the birth story. She and Ben just released the second segment, in which they introduce their older children to the baby and share the gender with them. They also reveal the name. Welcome, George Augustine Seewald!


  1. Such a good strong name for their new little guy!

  2. I don't know what she's trying to prove with these names.

    1. ??? She’s trying to prove that babies should have names, lol.

    2. I don't think they're trying to prove anything. They choose names they like for their children.

    3. She loves old fashion names. Stop reaching for something to complain about.

    4. @9:32 Probably the same thing most of prove when we name our children.

    5. Why would she be trying to prove anything, George is a popular baby name these days,Spurgeon is too uncommon and people criticise that name and now a popular name is being criticised too,I don't get it.

    6. Because they couldn't possibly choose the names because they like them or have meaning to them.

    7. 9:32 ,what part of them naming their baby/children, a name THEY like,don't you understand? Unbelievable. 🙄

    8. My sons name is George and he is named after my husband who is named after his father. George is a strong name and we are keeping it in our family.

    9. You sound like a person who always sees the glass as half full. Bless your heart!

    10. I love all the names!

  3. Nice old fashion name

  4. Congratulations to Jessa & Ben!!!!!!! Welcome to the world, George.

  5. Watched the second YouTube video. He is precious and the name suits him well! Fern is adorable with him and the other siblings all seem to love him too. Beautiful family!

  6. I love how they are so intentional with the names they choose.

    1. I think most people are "intentional" when naming their children. Parents may just have a different direction with their intentions.

  7. People are being so nasty on Reddit, saying they feel bad for Spurgeon because he didn't get a normal name, then they decide to give baby #5 a normal name.

    1. George is technically not normal unless you live in England. It's a old fashion name.

    2. Reddit has mostly idiots who act like 12 year olds!

    3. Reddit people are digital gossip magazines. A lot of the things posted on there, you have to take with a grain of salt.

    4. Everyone is nasty on Reddit. Where have you been? That's where miserable people go to talk about others.

  8. Did she not look at initials before she decided? Oh well, he'll never be in school to get teased. But really. Think, girl.

    1. I doubt it'll be a problem since they homeschool

    2. A lot of kids don't even know each other's middle names unless they ask. But if you raise your kids right, they won't be picking on other kids like that.

    3. I had not noticed... Yikes!

    4. Yes, I can identify with the "initials problem". My parents chose a wonderful first name for me. Unfortunately, the initials of the middle and last names made a " swear word" when the 3 initials were put together. This problem presented itself one Christmas when my mother gave me a beautiful sweater with the initials blazoned across the front. It was a disaster and I never wore that sweater.

    5. @2:08 I think you have too much time on your hands. Maybe take up a hobby like knitting, crocheting, painting or watching paint dry. That way you won't have time for analyzing the initials of someone's name.

    6. Ya now that you pointed this out, its obvious. This is kind of a "once you see it" scenario.

    7. The sweater story made me laugh! Yep, expectant moms, you need to do some spelling tests on names. The pain is real!

  9. What a lovely name. We don't see people naming their kids classic names in the U.S. anymore.

    1. I think it is stupid that not too many people are going with classic names. There are SO MANY classic names out there and yet, it seems like a lot of people now are just making up “names”. And by the way, I like the name George as well; that’s my top pick for a boy’s name.

  10. Every time they announce the name of their newborns I feel worse and worse for Spurgeon.

    1. Spurgeon is a good name and unique.

    2. There's nothing wrong with the name Spurgeon! I know of at least two young boys named Spurgeon.

    3. They have interesting names, that's for sure

    4. I feel worse for men who are named Ashley or Jody

  11. Replies
    1. 😂🤣😂🤣

    2. Who looks at peoples initials anymore? Grow up.

    3. @3:25 Nobody needs to "grow up." You have your initials your whole life, or until you get married if you're a woman and you choose to change your last name. Ask anyone what can happen when you're burdened with odd initials. Ask the person with the monogrammed sweater, above. GAS is bad enough, but to have initials that spell out a dirty word? NO. Don't do that to your child. There are plenty of other names to choose from.

    4. @11:44 that's your opinion. Just like it's my opinion a woman should change her last name when she gets married. It makes her look like a power trip when she doesn't. There's nothing wrong or submissive about a woman changing her last name.

    5. @8:15 A power trip?? I know someone whose maiden name was 5 letters long. She married someone with a name 10 letters long and nearly impossible to spell. She kept her own last name. I'll have to tell her that sorry, the internet says she's on a power trip. I also know a couple where HE changed HIS last name to HER last name! Same reason.

    6. 4:32 that is no excuse. It's lazy in my opinion. I guess if they decide to have kids they can't have a long last name either. In matter of fact, they have to have short names too.

    7. I don't think anyone cares about someone's initials. Why would we?

  12. Don't name your kids Leslie, Peter, Piper or Ashley.

  13. Such a cute name! He looks like Spurg.

  14. It’s doubtful Ivy is old enough to raise this new boy.

    1. Jessa said shes doing things different from her parents. So I doubt that'll happen. But it is normal for older siblings to help the younger siblings.

    2. Umm.. she won't be

  15. Good size baby! Congrats Jessa & Ben.

  16. Awesome name. So glad they picked a name they love. 😊

  17. That's a nice name. Good strong old fashion name you rarely see anymore.

  18. Did anyone find it concerning just how attached and possessive the daughter was with this new baby? George is not HER baby at all....he is Jessa and Ben's. He is her brother like the other 2 are. The kissing him over and over again was also uncomfortable to watch. These children need to be outside of the home part of the day in a real school with other children besides their cousins. Jessa pronounces the baby's middle name as Augustin, but spells it Aug-us-steen. I believe the correct spelling should be Augustin. I wish these children well.

    1. This is normal behavior. But not in the way you are making it sound. I can tell you are not a parent and you don't have siblings.

    2. Uhhh, not concerning at all.

    3. I think they named him after the church father…who’s name is spelled Augustine…

    4. Why can’t a little girl love on her new baby brother??

    5. You wish the children well but you think there's something strange about them doting on their new brother,these fundamentalist families believe children are a gift from God and find births very joyful time and kids learn from their parents,believe me there are worse things children could learn from their parents, it's normal for a two year old to say the things these kids say,you are probably not surrounded by many children,so it's understandable.

    6. You aren't around a lot of kids.

    7. And OP comment is a good example on how anyone will try and find something to twist about these people.

    8. Some people are always looking for the negative. I think it must be exhausting!!

    9. @4:35 Sometimes the negative is right in front of you.

  19. Wow. All of their boys are named for heroes of the faith. Charles Haddon Surgeon, Jim Elliot, Henry- there's multiple, I'm not sure which they named him after. William Wilberforce. Likely George Mueller and obviously Augustine with this one. Their two daughters are named in theme too. My goodness. No one bats an eye when people use last names for their kids like Emerson, Brooks, Merrick, Anderson, etc. Get real.

  20. I've lost count. Is this Grandugger 33 or 34?

    1. 32. Hannah is expecting again and likely Kendra is too and maybe Jill.

    2. This is Michelle & Jim Bob's 32nd Grandchild.

    3. Josh 7
      John 2
      Jill 3
      Jessa 5
      Jinger 2
      Joe 4
      Josiah 3
      Joy 3
      Jed 2
      Jer 1 (one on the way)

    4. Does anyone know Joseph's fourth baby's name and Josiah's second and third baby's names?

    5. Daisy and Emmett for Josiah and Lauren. They seem to be doing the alphabet, in order. Justus is #4 for Joe, along with Garrett, Addison, and Brooklyn.

  21. They sure pick some pretty pretentious names for the boys. The girls get plants.

    1. I really hope it's not because boys are valued more than girls and need "strong" names vs. the dainty flowery ones for the submissive girls. I thought they got away from that kind of thinking. Maybe not.

    2. @2:42 their names are feminine. If you imply that with being submissive, thats funny because flowers have a mind of their own.

  22. That is a interesting name. The initials are too. I love that she keeps these old names alive. I think George is a nice name. But wouldn't it had been better to give him a modern name that would allow him to fit in better with his generation and not like his great-grandfathers generation?

    1. Yeah, but you should teach your child that they don't have to fit in with society or change themselves to fit in anywhere. That can bring a load of trouble. Plus this new generation isn't all that great.

    2. 7:44,I bet their parents think they're the most wonderful gifts in the world,just like every other generation feels about their children. Sad you would categorize an entire generation in a negative way.

    3. I know 2 little boys under 5 named George.

    4. @2:12 its true though lol.

  23. Congratulations to the Seewalds on their new bundle of joy! But I am so glad I am much more superior than them and most people here.

  24. His initials are GAS

    1. Who cares who initials anymore? It's almost 2024.

    2. @7:43 Right. All human caring ceases at the stroke of midnight 1/1/24.

    3. It doesn’t matter what year it is. People will tease when they realize what his initials spell. Being a new year doesn’t change people

    4. Oh no lol. I wonder if this was an oversight.

    5. Your ages are showing if you seriously still care about initials.

    6. I haven't heard anyone get teased because of their initials since early 90s. Y'all need too grow up now.

    7. 8:11/7:24 (same person) Since when do you have to be old to be aware of someone's initials? In one breath you say people are old and in the next, they need "too" grow up.

    8. Please read the "Sweater Story" above and you'll have a better understanding of "unfortunate initials"

    9. 7:24 Initials and acronyms get made fun of all the time, if they're chosen wrong. The first President Bush almost made a naming mistake that would have haunted his daughter her whole life has his mother not intervened. The Wisconsin Tourism Federation (a real group) had a terrible time trying to shorten their name. State license plate agencies have to be careful what 3 letters they use on their plates too.

    10. 12:37 people are still not making fun of initials. That is so 90s.

  25. Is she going to start calling him "Georgie" the way she says "Spurgie"?

  26. Congratulations Ben and Jessa on such a cute new little one.

  27. Spurgeon might like his name he will never get teased with it because he is homeschooled.

    1. It's a good name. People need to teach their kids need to tease others like you.

  28. Congratulations on the new little baby boy his name is a strong sounding name !!

  29. Augustine is pronounced “steen” not “stin” on the end. I’m surprised they used it. St Augustine was a wonderful Catholic saint. Ben and Jessa are notoriously anti-Catholic.

    1. You do realize people pronounce names spelled the same differently, right? That's what is wonderful about American English.

    2. Who cares how they pronounce the name? Perhaps they just liked the name and didn't care who St. Augustine was.

    3. Derrick was the one that made the comments. But can you blame them? They worship man.

    4. They didn't name him St. Augustine though

    5. Ok. Let’s all just pronounce names however we want. Who cares about if it’s correct. . We will just call it all “American English”. Sounds about right for American intellect.

    6. Maybe they named him after the city in Florida which is pronounced St. Augustine (au gus stein).

    7. Actually, Ben did make anti-Catholic comments years ago.

    8. @10:24 If it weren't for "American English," we'd all go around talking like Shakespeare or Chaucer. Come to think of it, even the British don't talk that way either.

    9. 9:23. They are all anti-Catholic.

    10. Augustine is not a Catholic only name.

  30. People on this website need to do research before making comments.

  31. Congratulations Ben & Jessa Seewald on your new bundle of joy. And Happy New Year! Have a toast of cabbage juice.

    1. Wow, I don't know if you literally mean cabbage or that old term from the 1960s I haven't heard in years. That took me back. We use to call champagne, cabbage juice for some reason during that time. Just like we use to call money, bread and dough.

  32. Congrats Ben & Jessa. Happy New Year! I bet you are happy you can claim him on your taxes lol.

  33. Isn't Augustine a girl's name? I'm surprised that a Duggar who has been so brainwashed by traditional gender roles would do that.

    1. I've never heard of Augustine being a girl's name. But the most well-known Augustine was a man.

    2. The name of the male patron saint of beer brewing. Wonder if Jessa knows?

    3. 12:21 and who was he named after? His parents didn't create the name.

  34. I must say your five children are absolutely beautiful. Congratulations on little George, he is so adorable. God has blessed you dear ones. Congratulations.

  35. George has come back into style a bit, but the initials GAS were definitely an oversight.

  36. I wish people would stick to classic names like this instead of making up names that sound like its a science experiment gone wrong. People forget they have to live with their names. The initials though could had been better lol.

  37. Here's hoping that Joseph is enjoying his 29th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  38. Here's hoping that Jana & John-David both enjoyed their 34th Birthdays!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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