Thursday, October 19, 2023

Vuolos Chat with Founders Ministries

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo recently appeared for an interview on the show 'The Sword and the Trowel" with hosts Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden, to talk about Jinger's book and her faith journey. Jeremy discusses the process of getting to know Jinger and the Duggars before starting an official relationship with Jinger. The couple also shares what happened when Jeremy started listening to Bill Gothard's teachings and expressing his concerns.


  1. Is this a competition to see who can get the most interviews?

    1. What???? Seriously.....

    2. Why, do you want to make it one?

    3. Its ridiculous! Why don't they grow up and find another way to earn money. Good grief haven't her parents and siblings been through enough. Move on already and go away!

    4. Lol sounds like it!

    5. 12:20- those girls are doing a good.job of it by themselves lol

    6. This is actually what happens after you write a book, especially an autobiography. You go on interview tours. It's not unusual at all. Come out from under a rock, if you think it is.

    7. That is your assumption just like mine is you are looking for attention too.

    8. Interviews are scheduled by a publicist. They are selling a requires marketing

  2. I really hope Jinger, Jill, and the Duggar family can heal and move on. I wish them nothing but the best for everyone.

  3. Why bother to watch. All they do is repeat the same stuff over and over.

    1. Let’s not compare Jill and Jinger. I agree Jill is constantly rehashing family secrets over and over, and has become like gossip . Listen carefully to Jinger and Jeremy and you will see two people sincerely concerned that people are on the right path of salvation. As a pastor Jeremy is truly concerned about the truth of the gospel.

    2. If that were only the case, 12:15. But listen to Jill's latest interview and you'll hear her tell what Jeremy had to say about Jim Bob. It was sincere all right, but not exactly what you'd expect Jeremy to say. Jinger and Jeremy are trying hard to keep their post-book image squeaky-clean, but Jill knows them otherwise. Jeremy is not happy with how Jill was treated (Jinger either). Jeremy needs to find a place as a pastor someday, if he ever finishes "studying." So of course he wants to maintain his image. Derick already has a job that his qualifications got him and has nothing to lose now by what he says about in-laws. I think we'll hear more about Jeremy if these interviews with Jill continue...unless Jeremy puts the hush-hush on it.

    3. 8:37 you should listen to this interview, very enlightening. Also, Jeremy talks about currently being a youth pastor. Good pastors never stop studying the Bible.

    4. Jeremy doesn't seem to want to be a pastor again but stay a professional student. I guess it's easier.

    5. Wow ,what is wrong with continuing your education?

    6. 9:31 read the blogs, listen to the podcasts..Jeremy is a youth pastor, that’s a full time job. It sounds like he also continues to study the Bible through seminary.

  4. I would not listen to a word these two say to that group. Founders Ministries is steeped in controversy of their own making. The fact that Jinger and Jeremy would associate with them says it all. Hard pass.

    1. You should listen to the interview..never heard of this group before but it sounds like they are interested in the truth of the gospel and Following the Bible. They referenced the verse in II Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” Jinger shared as she studied the Bible she was able to untangle from some legalistic beliefs that had tied her down.

    2. I looked them up. Eww.

    3. As. Christians we must always cling to the Bible and follow our Savior. We should never put anyone or any church above the truths in the Bible. “Jesus said.. I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but through me.”

    4. That is so untrue. You obviously did not do any research about the ministry. I think what bothers you is that it preaches the truth of the Bible. They don't wave around rainbow flags like you want them too :)

    5. No 11:14. They have said some terrible and untrue things about people they had no business saying things about. No flags involved. :)

  5. I lost interest a long time ago.

    1. But curiously not enough to still comment.

  6. Thanks for the link. I hope there'll one day be one of these podcasts where both Jinger and Jill and their husbands get to be on at the same time

  7. This is getting old. You chose not to repeat the lifestyle choices of your parents and their child rearing.Josh is being punished for his crimes, rightfully so. You’ve made your money telling your woes. Now move on!

    1. LOL that could be the name for their next TV show: Move On. Everybody Move On.

  8. We’re still discussing Jeremy getting to know Jinger prior to starting their relationship? This is becoming making a mountain out of a mole hill. Spoiler alert: they got married and live an upscale life in Los Angelas.

    1. They must be getting paid or why else would they keep repeating this inane stuff.

    2. It's not unusual for book authors to get a bunch of repeated interviews. You should read more.

    3. 11:16- ...and getting paid for it

  9. Another fringe group that wants to live in the past. Sigh.

    1. If I had a past like theirs, I don't think I could get over it either. Especially if my brother what he did to them and my parents took his side. Even paid him what he earned from the show. But not the daughters.

  10. Jill had another interview, in which she disclosed that Jeremy likened Jim Bob to "a playground bully" and said that you can't reconcile anything until the bully's behavior changes. More and more comes out about this family with every interview.

    1. I think Jinger and Jeremy are trying to stay out of the fray, but Jill keeps pulling them back into it by quoting things they've said in the past. Very interesting and I wonder what will happen next.

    2. Jill is causing a ton of strife and division..or at least trying to.. it is beyond pathetic now..she's got her money and is debt free.. Goody and congrats, now stop. God said vengeance is mine

    3. What I find interesting is that the other married Duggar women aren't speaking bad about the parents. They're all out of the house now and could be writing tell all, but they're not. That's very telling

    4. I wonder how Ben and Jessa stay out of all this because Jeremy and Ben were friends and Ben and Jessa introduced Jinger to Jeremy. Ben and Jeremy are both Calvinist and believe the same things. I would be hard pressed to by believe that Bens opinion on the Duggar family is any different then Jeremy's because they still seem pretty close even after the book release. Seems to me that Derrick, Jeremy and Ben are a huge influence on their Duggar wives and all three have a bad opinion about Jim Bob and the way their wives were raised. Maybe Jessa has a book in the works. lol

    5. So Pastor Jeremy has chosen sides more than previously disclosed. Christmas this year should be interesting.

    6. If you've said things like that, you've put yourself in the fray. Interesting that Jeremy and Jinger didn't mention this in all the interviews they've done, like they purposely left it out. I don't think Jill would lie about it being said.

    7. 7:41 you are certainly correct, Jill is trying to pull all the siblings into her vendetta against her father. I’m very impressed that her siblings, like her parents, have not given into Jill’s pressure to join in on her self induced chaos.

    8. I would be willing to lay Big Money on a bet that the other kids have had to sign NDA's to get their share of the pay and their inheritances, and have been told to stifle about the family spats or else no money now or later. The wall has gone up once again so the public can't know the extent of the family's problems.

    9. 9:02 you should listen to this interview..Jeremy is very respectful of Jim Bob..and I have never heard of Ben talking against Jim Bob. Derrick is the only one who has continually been disrespectful of Jim Bob over and over..and even threatened a protective order against Jim Bob.

    10. In her book Jill explains that her father exchanged hush money with many of her siblings to maintain control over his image and what the family can disclose.

    11. Anon 9:41. Jill's simblings can't AFFORD to follow her path and break free. The adults that are married should not be under their parent's thumbs. That's not "chaos" but transitioning from childhood to adulthood.

    12. 10:24 Chaos is when you constantly go from one interview to another putting your family and past memories Jill is doing...that’s the chaos everyone is referring to..not transitioning to adulthood. Just face the reality that her siblings are happy with their life and don’t want to go down Jill’s path of destruction.

    13. 5:14 It's not the Jinger/Jeremy interview (linked above) where Jeremy said things about Jim Bob, it's a Jill interview where Jill told what Jeremy said.

    14. 1:03 wow! That’s amazing that Jill is ok about gossiping about Jeremy on facts that aren’t verified by anyone else.

    15. 3:47 why is it the public’s concern to know the extent of their problems..the functional side is not being shown..just leave the Duggars alone. Jill got her money from her family, money from the book, etc. she got her revenge for not getting what she wanted exactly when she wanted stop all this chaos and try to enjoy your life.

    16. @11:39 It's OK to come here and talk about Jill, who you don't know, but if Jill talks about her brother-in-law and reports what he said, it's "gossip"?

    17. 3:15 looks like 1:03 was just saying it was Jill who said on the interview that about Jeremy. The comments people make on this blog are just comments. People are referring to Jill gossiping about Jeremy when it had nothing to do with book promotion, on a live interview.

  11. The Duggar girls were mistreated by their brother. They grew up in a home and culture that wounded them. They are processing and healing. People should not judge them for wanting to share the truth of what their life was like.

    1. This interview did not talk anything about mistreatment. It’s a great interview and focused on finding truths from the Bible, especially when there is confusion from legalistic views intertwined with Biblical truths.

    2. O.P. the other girls seemed to have moved on. It happened when they were young. Yes, it was wrong but let them deal with it how they need

  12. I wish that Jinger and Jill would stop doing these lame interviews and there would be something better going on in the family. Like an engagement, marriage or new baby.

    1. Don't watch or listen if you don't like the interviews.

    2. Josh’s conviction wasn’t terribly long ago. That was an exciting development for sure.

  13. I'm sick of Jinger's story. How many times do you have to retell it on different platforms? And I"m sorry, Gothard aside, but dressing like females and keeping your hands to yourself until marriage and not watching pg-13 movies and staying away from music that makes you shake yourself is hardly a horrible life. I think Jinger is less concerned about keeping people out of so-called "bad lifestyles" then she is about getting all that materialistic stuff she's always wanted deep within her heart.

    1. If you are sick of Jinger's story, you are free to not read about it or listen to her interviews.

    2. 12:21 Forcing your kids to stay away from those things is not healthy and can result in the kids sneaking behind your back to do them anyway. You set up a cycle of deceit. Teaching your kids those urges and desires exist and how to constructively handle them is a much better idea. The Duggars drew the hard line and you see what happened. Josh thought it was exciting to cross the line.....

    3. I sense a lot of defensiveness in your criticism. For anyone who takes a moment to hear and consider her story, it’s deeply more complex than your summary here.

    4. This is what happens when someone writes and autobio. You go around on the interview circuit. If you're a Christian, why not build up a sister in Christ, instead of seeking to tear her down because you don't like her new clothes and nice life?

    5. @12:21 Jeremy is the one who introduced her to the materialistic lifestyle. This was a girl who grew up concerned mainly with whether her hair was going to go straight or curly on any given day. Beyond that, it was a shared closet of second-hand clothes, and Bible study. Then Mr. GQ appears and now we're all about the designer shoes, clothes, and watches and making sure the public sees those along with the endless "date nights." There is no turning back for Jinger. She and Jeremy are going through some delayed teenage phase where they can't see what's important in life other than their image. I truly feel sorry for them.

    6. I’m surprised anyone would refer to this book as an autobiography…you are the first whose used that reference. The content and sharing of person information of the family members for the purpose of disparaging and embarrassing them is a far cry from an autobiography.

    7. 7:45- it makes Jinger look pretty hypocritical to have explained why she dresses that way and why she believes what she does, then turn around and discard it all

    8. Wow, you didn't listen to the video lol.

    9. @8:37 Have you seen her latest series of selfies in the mirror to show off her outfits? All stuff her mother and father would never have let her wear. I don't want to think about why she feels it's necessary at her age to show the world these clothes.

    10. There is nothing wrong with how they are living their life if they are happy. They are both adults and regardless how Jinger was raised she can do what she wants. It doesn’t matter what her father thinks. What is wrong with date nights? We’ve been married 26 years and still have date nights. There is nothing wrong with working on your relationship and spending time together.

    11. Anon 9:37 When a person who once lived a simpler life and didn't live for the world and was involved in ministries along with her family and then turns around and walks away from all that to write books condemning her previous life and then posts pics of herself in all her worldly outfits and fancy date nights from the proceeds of them books is the reason so many people call Christians hypocrites. People like her and Jeremy make witnessing to the unsaved so much harder for the rest of us. I wish they would just get off social media.

    12. @7:54 am Spot on comment!

    13. In my opinion Jinger is stuck in a teenage era. For a grown woman who is 30 or nearly, speaks and acts like a teenager trying to be cute on social media. She is always ready to show off something or some place new. You can be the kindest, sweetest Christian and still have an huge ego and look cute and innocent doing it. If my daughter acted that way I’d definitely call her out on it.

  14. This was a very interesting interview. As Tom Ascol was pointing out there were Bible believing churches in the 1970’s that encouraged their congregation to attend Basic life principles conference. My husband and I went to a Long Beach, California conference in the 70’s before we had kids. We had been Christens quite a few years so weren’t swayed to follow Gothard’s teachings and threw away the books some time after. I appreciate Jinger and Jeremy’s humility…and I appreciated Jinger’s comment. “I am thankful that my parents pointed me to Christ”.

    1. To be sure. Gothard enjoyed a great deal of popularity in the 70's and 80's. He was very convincing and churches bought in. It wasn't until later that people took a step back and realized how warped his teachings were. Imagine a man that never married or had any children of his own telling people to have as many children as they could and how to raise them. Unfortunately, some who bought into his teachings still cling to them.

  15. If you read Jill’s book, you find out that most of the adults signed an agreement to get money for not saying anything negative about their parents. And also have been told that they will be cut out of the will if they do say anything. Therefore, it’s actually all about the money for those keeping their mouths closed.

    1. Of course. This whole family fight has been about MONEY. Jill stood up to JB and asked for the money she was owed.

    2. Truth, 6:48. It's not about being respectful to parents by not talking. It's about a contract for money and inheritance.

    3. 12:59- how do you know it's absolute truth?? You really don't, and Jill doesn't have much of a relationship with some of the other siblings, which says a lot. Jinger sounds like she doesn't want to get in the middle of it all. She has all these materialistic items now that she's married so she has money. I think it will come out someday that Jill was getting revenge thanks to her more worldly lawyer husband giving her advice and ammo (figuratively speaking)

  16. Meanwhile, these devout Christian Vuolos were dressing up for Halloween, as if that's a normal holiday for them and there's nothing wrong with observing it.

    1. As a Christian I don’t celebrate the satanic holiday of Halloween but we do enjoy dressing up and having some fun with the neighborhood friends.

    2. The Halloween celebrated in America is similar to how they celebrated it in Ireland over 100 years ago. Many Christians celebrated for generations. The Irish would celebrate harvest and not having to work the fields. They have bonfires, dress up, play music, pour cider and the kids would be given homemade sweets and candies. There would be a huge feast, a Irish thanksgiving. The Roman Catholic and strict Baptists didn't do their research. They put the end of harvest and Samhain in the same category.

    3. @1:37 In other words, you're celebrating Halloween. If you weren't celebrating it, you'd be sitting in your house with the porch light off, watching TV, like any other night. Unless you dress up in costumes every night? Sure sounds like Halloween to me.

    4. 11:37 exactly! How Halloween is celebrated is not like Samhain at all. But certain religions still call out evil where there is none. Dressing up and getting candy is not a sin.

    5. @8:15 You're going to have to scrutinize those costumes worn while collecting that candy because some of them are certainly sinful, satanic, and evil. That's why Christians like the Vuolos should not be on the streets that night taking any part in this ritual.

  17. Here's hoping that Jessa is enjoying her 31st Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  18. I pretty much look upon all religions with skepticism. Believe in whatever you want.. magic, curses, angels, devils, demons, gods, crucifixions, resurrections. Just kindly remember that you have no business imposing or forcing those beliefs on anyone. I'm growing very concerned with what looks to be a push to inject Christian theology into government, public policy, and public schools. Worship in your home and church... leave it at that.

    1. Wow 5:05 that is so sad. I pray that you will read the Bible and be convicted that Jesus loves you and died for you. I don’t think you have to worry about Christian theology being in government..most of the officials don’t believe in God. You are right no one can force you to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s only through faith that we accept the free gift of salvation. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe th in Him should not perish but have every lasting life”. The Bible is true , but it takes faith to believe.

    2. Well said, 4:50. Taking God OUT has done much damage to our country

    3. I’m not sure it’s Christian theology you need to be worried about.

    4. @5:05 Yesterday's election results were a breath of fresh air in a lot of places. We are still not a theocracy, thank goodness.

    5. 4:50 Why would you wish your religion on anyone? That is exactly what 5:05 was pointing out, how people overstep boundaries!

    6. 3:44 looks to me like 4:50 was saying no one can force someone to believe the’s only by faith and believing The Bible.

    7. @8:56 No, they were saying that it's overly presumptuous of someone to think that another person wants to or has to believe a certain religion. It's like saying, "I'm blonde, so I think everyone else should be blonde too." Then giving them bottles of hair dye and pestering them to go through with it. And expecting the whole country to get on board the blonde train too because it suits you so it must be the best thing there is to be and the only way that's correct. This country is in trouble because there aren't enough blondes and we need to change that, right? Any of this sound vaguely familiar?

    8. 8:56 it’s true salvation is only through Christ. The truths are in the Bible… not everyone will believe, sad

  19. Dear Spurgeon: I hope that you are having a fantastic 8th Birthday!!!!!!!!! (Posted by: Here's Hoping.)

  20. Here's hoping that Jinger & Jeremy are enjoying their 7the Anniversary!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  21. Dear Bella: I hope that you are having a fantastic 4th Birthday!!!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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