
Monday, September 28, 2020

Maryella at 10 Months

The three Duggar granddaughters who were born last November are quickly approaching their first birthdays. Do you think Kendra Duggar, Lauren Duggar, and Anna Duggar will have a joint party? Below is a photo of Maryella, who turned 10 months yesterday.

Maryella Duggar at 10 months

Photo courtesy


  1. She's a cutie!
    It looks like she has red hair?

    1. That is a bow.

    2. I see red hair underneath the bow. I guess it's wait and see.

  2. Hopefully not. That party could quickly turn into a COVID-19 super spreader event. We all saw what happened when the Bateses had a huge first birthday party. Now is not the time for events like that, so they should just have parties at home with their immediate families. The babies won't know the difference.

  3. Time 6:43PM Mon 9/28/20
    Aww she is so cute❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. She is cute. All of their kids look so much alike. Sure can tell they are siblings.

  5. Having a joint party will depend on where we are with Covid in November. Where I live, we've just returned to no more than 10 people inside if you're from different households.

  6. Such a sweet photo! Happy Birthday Maryella!

  7. She is sooo precious!! I love that dress <3

  8. She's so cute! Maryella looks like her big sisters Mackenzie and Meredith at that age.😊👍❤ I didn't get to see her birth announcement on the blog last year,but I'm curious if she got the name Mary from her late Great Grandma Mary Duggar and Josh and Anna added Ella to it to make it unique.

  9. Chubby cheeks. looks like her older sisters did

  10. That question about a joint party is just begging to start a huge commotion on here about social distancing during a pandemic...

    1. @10:08 That's because the social distancers are correct. The only commotion would be from those who see no need to stay apart and not spread germs. Pro-life Duggars? Then pro it by protecting it now.

    2. Yep. As it should. It’s not the time to think about joint parties, especially to one year olds who don’t even know birthdays exist.

    3. @10:08 That's exactly what all countries/states are suggesting you do. Why question it? Do you think the virus can't touch you or someone you know?

  11. I think Kendra and Anna would definitely be open to a joint birthday party.Lauren seems to want a bit more privacy and I bet something smaller.Maybe she would even do a drive through birthday.Or Zoom Party.Just my thoughts who knows?Happy Birthday to all the little ones!🎂🍰

  12. A joint birthday party? Unheard of. The Duggars are social distancing, don't forget!

    1. I hope that's sarcasm! They are not social distancing.

    2. But what about all those masks they made and the drive-by and window get-togethers? Can it be that it was all for the camera? Duggars not being truthful??

    3. Of course it was. They're not very truthful.

  13. You’re the best mom Anna, All the Duggar girls are❤️ And of course Michelle as well‼️

  14. Is Anna pregnant again? Can't believe she get's all this childeren with him. No time to enjoy them really. Wish her well.

    1. I think she has hours and hours every day to enjoy her kids.

    2. I am expecting my 6th baby. My others are 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8. I homeschool. I am with them every minute of the day. In this lifestyle, I am blessed with many more opportunities to enjoy my children than the average parent who has one or two and sends them away all day, mathematically. Pointing to the number of children is not a way to gauge how much each one gets enjoyed. It’s about the intentional choices you make each day.

    3. As of today, (Sept. 30th,) Anna, and Josh, have not made any pregnancy announcements.

    4. 6:48, you are exactly right. I have five kids, have always homeschooled them, and have had countless opportunities to enjoy them. It's all in your mindset.

    5. @6:48 If you're with your children every minute of the day, when do you make time for yourself? It sounds like a recipe for burnout. I've seen this happen with moms who have big and small families. They may be with their kids all the time, but emotionally they've checked out. I know that happened with my mom. I loved her dearly, but I don't think she was really cut out to have a large family. She suffered from terrible PMS, post-partum depression and menopause symptoms. If you can pull it off and still have your sanity, more power to you. I was able to stay home with my two children until they started school. I don't think I would've been a very good mom had I been at home indefinitely and homeschooling them. I think they benefitted from having their own world and school experiences away from home.

    6. 8:13, you make time for yourself after you put the kids to bed.

    7. Focusing only on the kids and not yourself makes for a very dull wife.

    8. 12:36- Ha! When my kids were little, I was so tired by their bedtime that making time for myself meant going to bed, too!

    9. @12:36 Seems that 'wait til bedtime' plan stretches you thin and ensures your 'me' time is when you're the most tired. When do you make time for your husband?

    10. Nope, I have several hours after the kids go to bed. Sometimes with my husband, sometimes by myself.

    11. I don't believe a word of this entire thread. Spending all day focusing on your kids. Hours at night for time with your spouse or for yourself. Endless happy days of quality time for everyone. Sure. 5:02 and 12:37 are calling it like it is.

    12. 3:24, no one said it was endless happy hours. Sometimes they're tiring or frustrating hours, and they are not 100% focused on your kids. You balance other things in there too. But the facts are that being a homemaker with your kids provides you many opportunities to make great memories and enjoy your family. You're doing life together, not running in different directions and only seeing each other a short while each day like some families. And yeah, put the kids to bed around 8, and you can have three hours to yourself and/or your spouse and go to bed at 11. That's calling it like it's been for my family for years.

    13. LOL - I don't know ANY mother who is able to stay awake til 11pm!! Put the kids to bed at 8pm, go see what one wants at 8:05pm, put the other one back to bed at 8:10pm, get the first one a drink at 8:15pm, put the second one back in bed again at 8:20pm, listen to crying til 8:30pm, fall into bed at 8:35pm and sleep til a little the next kid wakes up and cries!! Then it's up with the chickens and hit the ground running all day. Repeat repeat repeat for YEARS. Making great memories?? It's a wonder you can remember your own name.

    14. Well, meet me! 😄 I don't think mine were that intense at bedtime, but you have my sympathy!

  15. She's thinking..."Please let me be the last one".

    1. Rude....I'm sure they all love having brothers and sisters.

    2. 3:22 - she already has 5 siblings though...

    3. She already has five siblings.

    4. 3:22, I have four siblings who I love, but I would never want to be in a family with 10 kids. Having siblings isn’t even the problem, if it was only about that then it would be great, but the more siblings you have the less one on one time you’ll have with your parents and that is a big thing to miss out on

  16. AWE!!! What a cute picture, of Maryella.

  17. She looks just like Josh. Beautiful baby

    1. That is not a nice thing to say.

    2. I think the poster was trying to say that she looks more like Josh than Anna (his blue eyes, his face shape, his chin) and she is beautiful. She's an absolute doll and I love her beautiful smile.

    3. Baby girls can look like their fathers! That's how genetics works. It doesn't mean she has beard stubble and a receding hairline or anything like that.

  18. Nobody should be having parties right now with the virus. No kid needs a big first birthday party anyway. They don't remember it. It's only for the adults, and they all should be adult enough to realize parties are a bad idea this fall. Get a little smash cake, take some pictures, but keep to yourselves. If they couldn't get near Abbie on her birthday, then they shouldn't be getting near these babies either. There are more sick people now in Arkansas than there were back then.

    1. It really won't matter because from Jana's footage above, they adult Duggars and spouses are regularly bringing theie children to GRanny's and GRandpa's for Play Days with their cousins...exposing all the still-at-home Duggars, the children, and all the adults to whoever they've potentially been exposed to, as well as the potential for all of the Duggars to expose anyone else they're getting together with in any capacity. I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing Jesus in that behavior, I'm seeing selfishness. That they're willing to risk their children, the grandchildren, their parents, Granny & Grandpa, the extended family grandparents (who also have minor children in their homes), all the aunts and uncles (except Jinger & Jeremy) just ridiculous. Then talking about how they can't have the film crew in???

    2. I could see the Duggar household turning into the West Wing with contact and spread among those who thought they'd be OK.

  19. What a cutie!!!!!!!! I think she resembles big sis Mackynzie the most.

  20. Hard to believe they're all coming up on their first birthdays already!

  21. Such a gorgeous girl, just like her sisters! 💕

  22. What an adorable little cutie! Just love that little smile!

  23. What a cutie. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  24. If I lived near them, I'd call the cops to shut the COVID party down! The Duggars should consider themselves lucky that I live far away from them.

    1. and you may ignorantly find out that they have been together the whole time and no need to social distance from each other and then you would look like the fool. i'm sure they'd be relieved to know you dont live near them

    2. It's not against the law to have your family over....the cops would not get involved. I think it is wise to continue to socially distance with anyone that does not live in your home and wear a mask when out and about. You do not have the right to demand certain behaviors from others.

    3. It was the blog authors idea not the Duggar’s

    4. I know of someone (far away) who threw a party this year with 650 people there, and who routinely had been having parties with 250 people. They got in big trouble when the neighbors turned them in. Their excuse? "It's a private party on private property so we can have as many people here as we want." Uh, no, it doesn't work that way. They violated their state's gathering limit and now they have a hearing date.

    5. For pity sake. We have a large family and have had family gatherings (all local including 80 year old grandparents who we do our best to protect) all year, Easter/Mother’s Day/Sunday’s etc and we have not gotten or spread COVID. This hype is total nonsense and it is perfectly absurd to say that families can’t get together and see their grandchildren etc. We need to be careful like we always should be with sickness but this is an exaggerated excuse to break up relationships and diminish the value and importance of family.

    6. Does Arkansas have a mandate that you can't have parties? No? Why would you take police away from their duties?

    7. @12:36, This hype is NOT total nonsense. It is sound medical advice to limit all social gatherings. The US is in serious trouble.

      Do you stay at least 6 ft from family members, have no physical contact, have gatherings outside, wear masks? Anything less than that is NOT protecting your 80-year-old grandparents and other family members.

      If you real value your family relationships, you would DO EVERYTHING to protect your family members from this disease.

      No wonder the US is in such trouble!

    8. The indoor gathering limit in Arkansas is 50 people, with social distancing and masks if possible.

    9. @12:36 How many examples do you want of family gatherings that resulted in illness and death? The examples from all over the world are out there. Look them up and you'll see. Just because your family gathered and didn't get sick proves nothing. That doesn't mean it's safe for any or all other families to gather. How do you think this virus is spreading? It isn't walking from house to house, knocking on doors, hoping someone will let it in. It's spreading through our own choices to have contact with others, exactly what you said your family is doing.

      Keeping your family members safe is in no way diminishing their value or importance. Quite the opposite. It says you love them, you don't want them to get sick, and you want them around for a long time after this. If you practiced patience you'd know that's the sensible thing to do.

    10. @12:36 If your family obviously doesn't get Covid then they should be volunteering in all sorts of places so that people who are vulnerable can go home and stay home. If you're not that worried about catching it then instead of having parties, go volunteer.

    11. @12:36 Where did you get your conspiracy theory about the pandemic being an excuse to minimize or break up families? I've not heard that one yet and I thought I'd heard them all! There's no better way to break up families permanently than to recklessly put loved ones at risk by potentially exposing them to COVID. I follow guidelines because I love my family and I have respect for the countless frontline workers in hospitals, law enforcement, retail, schools, etc. who are doing their best to serve the public during these chaotic and uncertain times. The least I can do is wear a mask, social distance, and postpone any family gatherings.

    12. Having joint parties of any kind during this pandemic is irresponsible. Bringing together family members or others who don't live in the same household significantly raises the risk of exposure. I find it mind-boggling that so many of the same people who are vocal about being "pro-life", are at the same time so flippant and dismissive about the seriousness of this pandemic. It appears that the unborn take priority for them- the living and breathing, not so much.

    13. @12:36 Well, the most protected human beings in the country, the president and first lady, have now tested positive for COVID. I think your rationale that the "hype" is total nonsense is, by itself, total nonsense.

    14. Did you know it is not Law to social distance. Did you know it’s not Law to wear a mask. These depending on your state are orders or mandates and you can not be cited for going against an order. You are still free to do what you feel is best. Even if the Duggar Blog police get mad!!! You can have a party gather with friends and go to church. You are free to do what you think is best!! It’s still a Free Country!

    15. @8:18 I'd gladly wear a mask in exchange for abortion being outlawed.

    16. @10:40 It's not about needing a law to tell you something, it's about doing what's right for everyone and not being selfish. Isn't there God's law for how to treat your neighbor? Also, you're wrong about not getting cited for going against an order. It's happening all over the world, not just in the US.

    17. Debbie, those things are not part of some package deal and never should be.

  25. It figures that Arkansas lets a parent pierce the ears of a minor who's that young. I'm starting to see exactly why the Duggars live in that state. It has lax regulations for all sorts of things.

    1. Totally against piercing a baby's ears. The excuse for the parent wanting it done is usually that the child won't remember the pain. Lame excuse for a parent to inflict pain on their child. Stop treating the child like an object!

    2. 9:26, an object to decorate.

    3. It's very sexist to assume that a baby girl wants to wear earrings then or later in her life. I'd have been livid if my parents had put holes in my earlobes so they could adorn me with earrings as a baby.

    4. 9:26 - I had my ears pierced as a new born, before I left the hospital, since it’s very common in my country. I love it, don’t regret it one bit and I’m glad I didn’t have to go through it as an adult. I didn’t feel like my parents “abused” me and I’m definitely piercing my kids ears as newborns 🤷🏼‍♀️

  26. If they have any consideration at all for other people and the contagious nature of COVID, they will forgo any family parties of any kind. It isn't all about them. Multiple members of the Bates family have already been infected.

  27. A joined birthday party? Isn't there a pandemic?
    Better no party at all.

  28. An adorable photo. Such a pretty lil one. See them on the next counting on.

  29. Joint party? Really? I would hope not. This is not the time to encourage social gatherings.

    My country, which has SIGNIFICANTLY less infection than in the US, has declared that the second wave is starting. We are taking steps to flatten the curve again. Social gatherings are being strongly discouraged. Non-essential travel is being strongly discouraged. Bars are closing...

  30. Wednesday 9/30/2020 at 4:00 o’clock pm.

    Dear Lily and Ellie,
    I think it’s time to update the header and include Joy-Anna’s little baby girl. Thanks

    With Kind Regards,
    Queenie Loveheart

  31. @12:36 A relative of mine was infected on Mother's Day, when two of her visitors brought the virus with them. (They thought they just had the sniffles.) She was seriously ill for a month. A friend of mine lost her mother to COVID. Everything may seem overblown to you until it isn't. You and your family have been lucky, despite your carelessness. It's attitudes like yours that keep fueling this pandemic.

  32. Dear Queen, I think the blog owners already know that!

    1. 10/02/2020 at 2:14pm O’clock pm.

      Dear Anonymous October 1,2020 at 6:48pm.
      Please leave my blog comments alone.
      Queenie Loveheart

    2. Deer Queenie, you can't expect to have your comment posted and then expect nobody to have the right to respond to you. Blog comment sections don't work that way.

    3. Dear Queenie- A different Anonymous here, but if you're posting on a blog, any other poster has the right to respond to whatever you've posted...that's what a discussion blog is all about. If you don't want others to comment on your posts or respond to them, you may not want to post then.

    4. 10/03/2020 at 3:49pm

      To all Anyonymous,

      Remember, there are people who are new to the blogging world. Generally, comments are from people who are new to the blogging world and don’t know about the unspoken rule that comments should be short and sweet.

      I Invite you (nicely) to start your own blog to say it. If you already have a blog, your comment would make a great response post.

      Queenie Loveheart

    5. Comments should be short and sweet? Says who? Yeah, it's unspoken alright. Because there is no such rule.

    6. Queenie, if you want short and sweet answers, you could start your own blog too and limit the responses to 20 words or less. There's nothing wrong with this blog or the answers, short or long, sweet or thought-provoking.

    7. Queenie, I don't think you're right about most commenters being new to blogging. I'm not sure how one could tell, though...

    8. To All Anyonymous

      Queenie Loveheart

  33. anon @ 4:37: please do not suggest volunteering just because you 'dont get the virus' because these are also the people that are spreading it as well. this is fact. people who may not get it themselves can carry it to others. like myself. i can carry it to others so i stay in as much as possible and wear a mask when i'm out but, i have apparently spread it to others in my extremely small circle but not gotten sick myself. this is not the time for 'volunteering so others can stay home'

    1. I read that as being facetious since the other poster claimed that it was safe to gather and that her family wouldn't get the virus.

    2. If her family isn't scared, think they're healthy, and think they can be around other people without getting sick, then why not volunteer to replace someone who'd rather stay home and stay safe?! Too many vulnerable people are being forced to work in potentially unsafe conditions right now. Let's see this family get out there on the front lines and do something other than simply getting together. It may change their entire outlook on covid spread.

  34. ....And now anti-masker "its just sniffles" Trump has tested positive along with Melania. Yep, keep thinking it's safe to gather!

    1. Haven’t you ever been sick before?

    2. I know I haven't been sick since I started wearing masks in the winter many years ago. You know, those masks that "don't work" and make you "look weak." When the virus hit this year, I had a nice supply of masks on hand that I'd bought last fall, before any mask panic. So many masks that I was able to send them to family and friends. I gave one to a pregnant lady in the grocery store. Suddenly everyone wanted the masks that I'd been stared at and laughed at for wearing before. So why couldn't our leaders in DC be bothered to wear them? The spread that's going on there right now is terrible, and was avoidable.

  35. I wonder if his followers will start taking the pandemic more seriously now.

  36. I can already tell that Maryella is going to look just like her big sisters! How is she already nearly a year old!?! God bless

  37. I have 6 kids and am exhausted every day. I’ve stopped being joyfully available.

    1. Having that many pregnancies can deplete your minerals. Have you had your hormones checked? Your vitamin D level? Do you take a good quality B complex? Drink enough water? Spend time outdoors in the sunshine with the kids? Eat right?

    2. 7:05 We hear you. You're not alone. Things nobody will talk about truthfully! They'll tell you that you're doing something wrong and are at fault somehow. But you know your own struggle. Don't let others put you down for doing what you need to do for yourself right now. Husband aren't innocent bystanders in all this either. Often they are part of the problem and don't understand that. A woman can only be stretched so thin before she breaks. Hope you have some good woman friends you can talk to who don't make you feel guilty.

  38. 7:05: Haha. I too have stopped being joyfully available. Two kids are enough for today’s world.


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