
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Josh and Anna Celebrate 12 Years

Wishing Josh and Anna Duggar a happy 12-year wedding anniversary!

Josh Duggar, Anna Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, Michael Duggar, 
Marcus Duggar, Meredith Duggar, Mason Duggar, Maryella Duggar
March 2020


Photo courtesy


  1. Here's hoping, that Josh, and Anna, are enjoying their 12th Anniversary!!!!

  2. Anna doesn't look like she's genuinely smiling...more like she's gritting her teeth.

    1. Looks like a nice smile to me! Sometimes the photographer takes several pictures to get everyone looking nice and people are straining to maintain their nice smiles for many takes!

    2. Maybe the son she's holding was being wild and rambunctious, and she was ready to put him down.

    3. I remember thinking that before too, but I’ve noticed that her bite is a bit off, so I think that’s the issue.

    4. Why is it so hard for people to believe that Anna forgave Josh and they are happily living their lives.

    5. I'd be gritting my teeth too if I had to stay with a husband who had done the things Josh has done.

    6. You don't know anything by a smile in a picture. We don't have any idea what was running through her mind or how she was feeling at the moment. Useless to speculate.

    7. If they are anything like my family, 9:16 probably has it right. Lots of takes when you're trying to get every kid looking at the camera and smiling.

    8. Happily living their lives...with an elephant in the room. There's no forgetting when something like that happens. Life is never the same.

    9. Anna has smiled like this before, she probably is uncomfortable getting her picture taken. I know I am, my hubby tells me when I smile for a picture it looks like I'm frowning. I told him maybe I'll stand on my head next time for the camera.

    10. And for all we know, Anna may just simply not have been feeling so great that day(really bad headache, up late with the baby for some reason,or something like that). Maybe she was simply tired. I think she's forgiven Josh (and that's her decision and right under God) and since she's the one married to him, it really doesn't matter if that's what we'd do or not. To be honest, I would have forgiven, but not extended trust or restored the relationship (that position is permitted according to God in His Word). But I respect her right to choose and pray her trust is not misplaced and he lives up to both God and her.

    11. 7:15 -- Maybe Anna and Josh have experienced the true forgiveness and reconciliation that only a relationship with God can bring. The Psalms are filled with it. I'm really sorry you can't imagine that.

    12. I agree. Jesus did say forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

    13. Ps. Happy Anniversary. And I have a Meredith also.

    14. @6:50 Imagine? What sort of marriage do you have if you have to imagine things are perfect and forgiven?

    15. @Unknown So what exactly do you think was Josh's punishment for his trespasses? Jesus doesn't believe in letting people off without punishment. What was Josh's? He had to build houses for awhile? He had to go away to some rehab camp for a little bit? Seems like a limp slap on a limp wrist and probably one of the reasons he repeated, since it was worth the risk to him. He did everything he did and lost nothing but some time on a TV show.

    16. For everyone still focusing all your minds and thoughts on joshs past, i truly hope you stop and learn to humble each of yourselves and look in your own mirrors. Sin is sin in Gods eyes and lying about something, cheating on timeclock at your job, having a wrong thought, amongst many other things, are all sins and we are ALL guilty of sin. None of us are any better than the next person that is why Jesus died on the cross so that through Him we can be forgiven for our sins.

    17. 7:32 - Josh allowed his parents and sisters to vouch for his character in a national interview while living a double life. He didn't willingly seek treatment for his infidelity and other proclivities, he was caught and then sent away. You have to repent and truly be sorry to be forgiven. Only Josh knows if he has repented for all of his past behaviors. I hope he truly has changed.
      There are some actions that cause people to be justifiably wary of another person. Pretending that the past didn't happen and not expecting accountability only excuses wrong behavior. It can also lead to more dangerous behaviors.

    18. Josh's sins are not the same as the other things you mentioned, they are much worse and much harder to overcome.

  3. Dear Josh & Anna, 😄 12th anniversary. I have seen your courtship, engagement & wedding on 17 kids and counting it was wonderful to see on t.v. Dear Anna, I love watching you and the kids on counting on. I can't wait to see season 12 in 2021. Natasha b

  4. happy anniversary Josh and Anna! have a good one!


  5. Really cute kids. Happy anniversary

  6. Happy Anniversary Josh and Anna!!

  7. I can't believe how big Mason is!

    1. I know! I had to look twice at him, myself! Wow, he's growing so fast!

  8. Happy Anniversary Josh and Anna!

  9. Anna is a beautiful lady inside and out, and so strong for keeping her family together in light of what her husband put her through. I'm sorry we don't get to see more of her on the show, since she's tied to her infamous husband. I'm all for forgiveness for people, but given the fact that Josh's business was investigated by the authorities not all that long ago, I have my doubts that he is truly over his dark past. Any other woman would have divorced him. He is lucky to have Anna and his brother John to pick up his slack. Nevertheless. I hope a lot that he and Anna are enjoying their anniversary and I wish them and their darling kids well.

  10. I'm so happy for them! Congratulations Josh and Anna!😍😍❤❤

  11. The balloons behind them say 32

    1. It also says the picture is from March 2020. It was probably in celebration of a 32nd birthday.

    2. That's because the picture is not from their anniversary. Probably a bitthday.

    3. Photo is from March 2020. Probably a family photo at a different celebration.

    4. Because the photo was taken at Josh his 32th birthday in March.

    5. I think this picture was actually taken at Josh's birthday party.

    6. That's because this photo, was taken earlier this year, when both Anna (June,) and Josh (March,) turned 32.

  12. I am so happy for you guys, and Anna, you are a strong woman to go through all the struggles along the way. I can relate to being in a hard marriage, but when you both work at it, it’s rewarding. Good for you for standing by your man, and keeping your family together! I wish you both many more years of happy marriage.

    1. I would not have thought any less of her if she'd divorced him. She had every reason to.

  13. I love U very much ANNA, U are the best Mother ever, U are the best person too!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. Happy Anniversary! I just love you and your family. It seems like yesterday that I was watching the surprise engagement Josh had planned. The look on Anna’s face was priceless! May God bless you with many more happy anniversaries! 🥰

  15. What?! I’m confused. According to TLC, Josh dropped off of the face of the planet and does not exist any longer. We know that Anna is still around and apparently having children with someone, but it can’t be with Josh, right? (All said with sarcasm.)
    Congrats guys! You have shown that if you persevere through the hard times, you can have a beautiful marriage.

    1. There's no way to know if they have a beautiful marriage. We only see pictures and most of the time Anna's smile doesn't reach her eyes. I hope that Josh changed and is invested in their marriage for Anna's sake.

  16. It would be be best to stay quiet about Josh. Unfortunately the damage is done and it's better to just go quietly and live his life quietly and in peace with his family. we really do not like to have him brought backup.

    1. Some of us want to know how his family is doing.

    2. Who are those "we"? I like hearing about Josh, Anna and their kids, so speak for yourself!

    3. "We"? Beter say "I".

    4. I can understand your feeling that way, Anonymous at 5:09, but to be fair, some posters here do not share the same opinion. They want to believe Josh has changed. Some of them care deeply about Anna and don't want to see her hurt again. Some of them just don't want to believe that Josh was that bad (and that they were deceived). Some of them care about Josh's eternity. All of them are entitled to express their opinions here too. Personally, I like that Bible verse that instructs us to lead quiet lives (the idea being I think that we should be busy learning to walk with God, learning to think like Jesus, and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of Jesus). We should really be too busy following after God to follow another human being in the first place.

  17. Hope they had a fun time celebrating their anniversary!

  18. Wishing you many more years of happiness,love and peace. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. I hope they had a Happy Anniversary. Let's not spoil it by getting into topics that are truly none of our business and none of us are to judge. That being said.Lets all pray for them and their beautiful children. Dear Lord, please be with this beautiful family and bless them Lord as only you can. Amen

    1. The family makes their business public. They could be a private family, but publicizing themselves is how they choose to earn a living. This has provided a good income for Jimbob, but like anything else it comes at a cost. If any of the family wanted to be private, it would be very easy to do.

    2. 2:38, we can still be nice even if they are in the public eye.

  20. Happy Anniversary. Love your story and God's redemption. Its so good to see Anna, the kids and mom and dad back on Counting On!!

  21. Time 1:08AM Mon 9/28/20
    Happy Anniversary Josh & Anna.

  22. Praying for Many More. Y'all are awesome. Keep working on serving the Lord. God bless you both and all your beautiful children (aka Blessings).

    1. How are they serving the Lord, exactly?

  23. Happy Anniversary.Josh and Anna. Always so nice to see your beautiful happy family.

  24. What a nice looking family! I wish them well.

  25. Why does everyone hate on Josh so much? He's not perfect I'm sure but with the way California is signing laws anyone that supports that state, pays taxes etc is what I would call an enemy.

  26. Why does everyone hate on Josh so much? He's not perfect I'm sure but with the way California is signing laws anyone that supports that state, pays taxes etc is what I would call an enemy.

    1. 4:50 You forgot to include rioting in your response. I'm sure there's room for that random thought in there too somewhere.

    2. For starters, TLC has offices in California and the Duggars have a long business association with them. Also, Jinger and Jeremy live there and pay taxes. You must think they're the enemy.

  27. In my last post I wasn't referring to Jinger and Jeremy who live in california, I was referring to Josh and his old job and now what legislation california pushes, as in reproductive freedom, whether age or transgender, and removing the 'image of God' or how he's seen by false made carriers.

    1. anon@ 5:18 If you're referring to the job Josh had as a spokesperson for the Family Research Council, he clearly violated their stance on promoting traditional family values. That has nothing to do with California legislation. Deflecting away from his problems is a very weak tactic.

  28. They seem to always hanging out at the big Duggar house. Do they live there too now?

  29. I'm wondering... we saw the kids in last week's episode when there was a stay at home notice. Does thst mran they live at the big house ?

    1. I read someplace that Anna's kids are at the big house a lot.

    2. I think they live in Duggar property like Joe and Kendra do

    3. They live in another house right next to the big house

  30. What a beautiful family!

  31. I feel sorry that Anna is trapped in a relationship that wasn't honest to her. She held to her vows. He didn't and who knows how many times he went against his vows and had relations with other women. She deserves happiness. He doesn't deserve her. If anyone thinks Anna is happy, you are all kidding yourselves. Whatever he did, he killed a little bit of that love inside for Anna, no matter what she says. If it was just the cheating to overcome, but there is still the issues of molesting not 1 but several sisters!! He should be in long-term therapy. Real therapy and not the fake thing he was sent too. I have seen too many women including myself trapped in a relationship just like that. The old saying goes, leopards don't change their spots - he is a repeat offender. I am not happy for them. I am sad that she was tricked and lied too. I wish Anna all the happiness she can find for her and the children.

    1. I appreciate your candor. You are spot on.

    2. I know, I love Anna too, and I do feel bad, for her too!!!!!!1 Anna, is my favourite Duggar!!!!

  32. Anna always fixes the girls hair so cute.

  33. Anna is probably now focused on the kids, and finds hre happiness in her kids. Some think she should have divorced Josh, but she chose her kids to have a full family. Of course she is happy, 6 healthy children that will grow and will give her grandchildren. And also she does not even have to think how to provide for them.

  34. I may be remembering wrong, and if so I stand corrected, but didn't the Duggars tell Anna and her family about the molestation while she and Josh were courting? And if so, then she chose to go ahead and marry.

    1. Yes, he told her and her parents, and they thought he had gotten past that. Sadly not. :(

  35. I have read the little paragraph you have at the end about your aim is to post all points of view, but nothing profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste. So the question I have and I hope you or any of the readers of this blog can answer is where does the truth fall in all of this? For example, if the question that is being asked is based on truth and fact will you publish it or do you not publish it because it's not a pleasant topic regardless of it being truthful and factual? I hope I see an answer the next time I check this blog. It looks like a nice blog but a little one sided. Thank you


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.