
Monday, September 7, 2020

A Quarantine Courtship

The new season of Counting On is still going strong, with some exciting new episodes slated to premiere over the next few weeks. Below are the listings for September 8th, 15th, and 22nd. We are still waiting on a summary for the last episode and will share it very soon. Until then, feel free to share your predictions: Who do you think is in a courtship?

Tuesday, September 8
8am: Who's the Most Romantic?
9am: The Vuolos Take LA
8pm: Meet Gracie Duggar
9pm: From Snow to Sand NEW!
Jinger and Jeremy take advantage of all California has to offer when they take friends on a snow to sand adventure. Back in Arkansas, the boys throw John-David a dad-chelor party to welcome him into fatherhood. Then Joy and Austin share their exciting news.
Tuesday, September 15
8am: A Surprise Delivery
9am: Grandma Duggar Remembered
8pm: From Snow to Sand
9pm: Jana's Secret Garden NEW!
Jana does so much for the family that they want to surprise her with something she has wanted for a long time--a greenhouse. John, Abbie, and Gracie keep Jana distracted in Tennessee while the rest of the family rushes to pull off this surprise. 

Tuesday, September 22
9pm: A Quarantine Courtship NEW!
Summary TBA


  1. I was hoping it would be Jana but I don’t think so. I guess Jeremiah.

    1. Me too but who knows maybe it is her didn't they post a photo of Jana and Lawson Bates together with Jordyn as shaperone,I know it could have been just friends hanging out but let's hope,they would make a gorgeous couple.

    2. Not Jana, she got a greenhouse, no husband in sight.

    3. I think Jer as well

    4. I agree with 12:43. If it was Jana, they wouldn’t have built a greenhouse because she would be leaving. I think it’s Jer.

    5. The greenhouse could have been gifted to Jana to keep her busy while anxiously waiting to get engaged,but wait a minute if she is in a courtship that means TLC are turning her into a liar because she would have lied last month when she and Michelle were asked in an interview about her single status and she answered she was still waiting,lol.

    6. Well, the greenhouse could have been built before the courtship started. The teaser says it's a Quarantine courtship so that would have been April or May. Not sure when they went to Tennessee.

    7. Yeah, they did the art project with Jana in the greenhouse.

  2. It's obviously one of the boys. I'm voting Jason.

  3. So exciting. I am guessing it is Jana,Jedidiah,Jeremiah,Jason, or James. Whoever it is congratulations!!

  4. I’m guessing Jana because she had a post on IG not too long ago that basically told the guys to “get in line” so there might be someone at the front of said line. If it’s not her I’d guess Jed or Jer

  5. Probably Jeremiah but hopefully Jana?

  6. Didn't we already see the greenhouse when Jana was giving an "art lesson" in it? Another courtship teaser. Probably Jason or Jer.

    1. Yes 10:11. The timeline is all messed up. They wanted to get that pandemic stuff in early in the season to make you think they were keeping up but then they rolled it back to last year.

    2. Yes, but I think that was in the special quarantine video filmed this spring. The episodes have since jumped back to last fall/winter

  7. James and Lauren Caldwell

  8. It could be Jana because the Tennessee thing lines up with it possible being Lawson Bates. I think it’s more likely that is is Jason or James. I think one of them is courting Kendra’s sister Lauren.

    1. If you keep up with bates lawson recently stated he’s not in a romantic relationship but Nathan has a ring on which he’s supposed to explain

    2. 1:47 Nathan said on Bringing up Bates the other night that it was a promise ring. He had a girl, but was not going public right now. I think John, Abbie and Laura Demasie were in Tennessee. I could be wrong. But if this is the case, it possibly could be Laura or Jana is the girl he promised to. This should be interesting. My sense is that it wouldn't surprise me if another courtship weren't in the works with one of the brothers, possibly James, since he spent Kendra's birthday on an outing with the Caldwell family. We will just have to wait and see.

  9. Jer with the girl from bowling this spring !

    1. Yeah. When someone bowls with the Duggars it's a pretty good sign something's going on.

  10. I’m guessing Jed, or possibly Jer. They’ve been sort of hinting in that direction, especially now that the twins have moved out on their own. There’s also a rumor about James and Kendra’s sister Lauren, so I guess we’ll see! It will be so strange to see the middle boys start courting etc. when we’ve watched them grow up since they were like 3!

  11. Replies
    1. I don't know about Nathan and Jana together but it might be Jana because this one was kept a secret unlike the other courtships. I really hope it's Jana tho!

    2. Let find out tomorrow night on bringing up bates episode

  12. Seems to be a little late to announce Joy's pregnancy. She's already given birth.

  13. My guess is James. It is only a guess. Not much to go on except that he was pictured with the Caldwell family. We will just have to wait and see. Whoever it is, all the best to them.

  14. I think Jere or Jed!

  15. I think it is Jeremiah or jedediah.

  16. I wonder if it’s Jason or James dating Lauren Caldwell. You never know

  17. If there really has been a courtship since filming, they're keeping it pretty quiet. Didn't one of the boys just make a social media account? Haven't we seen a lot of them with the Caldwells? Those are usually the signs of an impending change.

  18. Without saying names, do you know that one of the kids is actually in a courtship? Or is TLC just trying to boost ratings

  19. Yess,so excited,I'll have to guess by seeing who's being smiling the most recently maybe Jedediah.

  20. Please, please, please let it be Jana. She is so sweet.

  21. Could Nathan Bates and Jana Duggar be courting?

    1. well in a clip of Bringing up Bates Nathan said he thinks it's time he got out of the single life. The Bates guys often joke about that though so it's hard to know if it was a serious comment. Plus, wasn't the pilots training in Arkansas? Lastly, it would make since that for Jana their might be a more secretive courtship and dramatic announcement. All that being said, watch it be James or Jason.

    2. If it were Jana; it would be a two hour secret extravaganza for sure!

  22. Either James or Jason and Lauren Caldwell

  23. I think that TLC, might be using a play on words, to indicate that it has been quite a while, since there was a courtship going on, among the Duggars. So my guess, is that nobody, is in a courtship, at this time.

  24. Hopefully Jana she seems to be a very special person. I hope she is in courtship.He that fines a wife fines a good thing.

  25. James and Lauren Caldwell

  26. I’m guessing Jason is in a courtship with Lauren Caldwell
    But it’d be nice to see Jana in a courtship but I really think she will stay single for a long while

  27. I think secret courtships that can't be announced are silly, even more so if you factor in not being able to talk about it until your TV show airs.

    1. I don't think it's silly. Why shouldn't they be able to choose to have a relationship and keep it to themselves rather than airing it for the whole world to know and gossip about?

    2. Anonymous @ 10:25- Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but the Duggars have spent the last 12 years making a living by airing their relationships, births, deaths, and everything in between. ;) They courted the limelight. Why shouldn't the public expect to know, is the better question. Like every other event in their lives, they're teasing the public to build up ratings and they'll announce it either on-air, in a magazine spread, or a special interview...for big bucks.

  28. I think it’s James.

  29. Jed, Jer, or Jana.

  30. I'm wishing Jana but who knows it maybe one of the boys we will just have to wait and see who it is?

  31. Yawn. The only ones it could be is one of the twin boys. No suspense here. Sorry, this family should have closed up shop a few years ago when their dysfunction came to light. They are not a successful family, so great, etc...when a scandalous history was hidden and they shun another. The choke hold that their father has on them is not healthy nor is it something to celebrate with a TV show.

    1. If you are bored why are you on here

    2. Actually, it could be Jana, Jed, Jer, Jason, or James, as all of them are over 18. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  32. I'm hoping it's Jana but I think it's Jason.

  33. I am guess jana or jeremaiah or jason

  34. My guess is its probably Jeremiah but one thing does stand out to me. On the Bates blog it's been stated that Lawson was doing flight lessons in Arkansas and on this blog it said that Jana was kept preoccupied in Tennesse so shecould be surprised with the greenhouse. I'm sure it's just a coincidence but is strange

  35. Wow, courtship? It's probably James as he was a lot in the pictures with Caldwell family, and he and Jason graduated in the same year as Lauren Caldwell. James though just turned 19, a little young to get married. If courtship will be shown now in September, can he propose right away and set up a wedding for like December? A quarantine wedding?

    1. The Duggars would throw a big wedding no matter what, rules or no rules.

    2. It would not be fair to Lauren Caldwell (if it's her courtship) to have lower profile wedding than her sister.

    3. Outdoor wedding with social distancing and individually wrapped treats.

    4. You still have rules about gathering sizes and you still would need (shared) bathroom facilities. People trying to have weddings right now have really had to alter their plans, indoor or out. Well, all except that couple in Maine who weren't careful and infected 150 people and caused 3 deaths. :(

  36. I would guess Lauren Caldwell with either Jason or James.

  37. I hope Jana since she made it clear that she hopes to be married soon

  38. Time 7:33PM Mon 9/7/20
    Happy Labor day Everyone.

    1. Happy Labor Day, Neddy. Did you do anything special? We ate a lot of food during the whole weekend, so now I have some weight watching to do.

  39. Time 7:34PM Mon 9/7/20
    I dont care who is in a courtship
    At the end of the day I will be happy for
    That person.

    1. Nice comment, Neddy. Thank you.

    2. Very sweet way to put it, Neddy.

  40. I think Jedediah is courting Kendras sister. I think she is Beautiful..also acts mature.

    1. If Kendra’s sister is half as great as Kendra, one of the Duggar boys is very blessed.

    2. I think Jedediah is with Lauren DeMaise. In the past episodes they were always by each other.

    3. Isn’t Lauren DeMaise Janas age? If so that would be a huge gap between the two. Not a big deal if the man is older but more uncommon if it’s reversed. Who knows?

  41. I definitely think if jana entered a courtship she would wait to announce until she was already engaged because the media and fans will go crazy. So my guess is kendras sister....just a silly fun guess, so please dont judge me too harshly folks.

  42. Here we go again. Same old stuff nothing new. Someone new dating and somebody always pregnant. Or keep us guessing if Jana is dating. Sow them with friends and cousins.

  43. I'm guessing one of the twin boys -- Jeremiah.

  44. Every single one of those kids needs to support themselves - without “working” for daddy - as adults before they even consider getting married. That’s like Being an Adult 101. It’s ridiculous that these married parents of growing families are still dependent on their daddy and a TV show.

    1. The young Duggar men are hard working adults based on many things they have shared with us. Just because they don't have a 9-5 job working for a stranger doesn't mean they don't work hard and can't support themselves.

    2. Lots of people work for their father or mother. They are reality stars; kind of like actors. So, that’s these kids paths right now. They are “employed”.

    3. I agree. They say John is a "go-getter" but I've never seen him do anything that pays except appear on the TV show.

    4. I know a lot of people that work for the family business. What’s wrong with that? It used to be the norm.

    5. hmm.. They are working! They are not setting on their butts waiting for a handout. They are not on the welfare rolls. THEY WORK... I only wish I could have been successful enough to set my kids up... to get them started in life. JMO

    6. Many people work for their parents and in their parent's businesses. George W Bush became a president after his father George H Bush was.

    7. @7:42-your observation made me laugh! John David a “go-getter”!!! Hysterical!

    8. To 8:52 I find your remarks offensive. There are many people who fall on hard times and need that help. You make it sound as if all welfare recipients are lazy and acting entitled. This year has been especially hard on Americans and we are going to see a huge increase of people who need more help once unemployment runs out - people who were working hard before their workplaces closed or went out of business. The attitude that being on welfare is somehow bad...that's offensive.

    9. 8:52 What would you want to see those people who can't fully support themselves do? Live under the freeway? Do you realize how many jobs are (were, right now) minimum wage and almost impossible to live on as a sole income? Try eating on a food stamp (now called SNAP) budget sometime, BTW. It can barely be done, and I'm sure the officials in Washington who set those limits never tried it themselves either.

  45. I think someone is courting Kendra’s sister

  46. Jer or Jed (I get them mixed up) as been seem with kendras sister Lauren a lot so I’d say they are in a courtship

  47. One of the twin boys. They have kinda dropped a hint or two along the way recently anyway.

    1. Yes that’s true I have noticed that.

  48. jana and nathan bates

  49. Yayyyyyyyyy🙏what wonderful news!!!!!!! We can use some happy good news blessings to whoever it is🔥🙏🔥

  50. I am guess jana or jeremiah and jason

  51. Jason with Lauren Caldwell...

  52. I'm really really really hoping it's Jana!!!!!!!!!

  53. My dream is to meet u guys one day

  54. That is wild! Someone was courting and there was no indication in social media?? OMG. And it's not just friendship, it's a courtship!! Definitely one of the brothers! Jed and Jer are 21, Jason is 20 and James are 19. Justin is not even 18 yet so it's probably one of the older 4.

  55. Gabrielle 🍩 Hepfler!!September 8, 2020 at 1:34 PM

    Maybe Jana? or Jason! AH! Cannot wait !!

  56. Hoping for Jana but maybe Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason or James. Either way, congrats on the happy couple.

  57. James with Lauren Caldwell

  58. Replies
    1. Naw. Jana is getting something better than a husband, she's getting a greenhouse.

    2. It's not a greenhouse it's a SECRET GARDEN. Like the lonely girl had in the F.H. Burnett book.

    3. Anon 10:45: you made me laugh out loud.

    4. what a mean statement 9:09.

    5. I thought of that book too. Pretty sure it's what TLC was getting at when they named that episode.

    6. yea it should be Jana or she will end up alone :(

  59. James and Lauren Caldwell

  60. Jed or Jer to some girl named Claire??

  61. So, a bunch of repeated events for two weeks; just awesome.

  62. Easy: James and Lauren Caldwell

  63. Replies
    1. Johannah is only 14!!!

    2. My point exactly!

    3. that is borderline illegal??

    4. Her brother is 17 and already courting for some time...

  64. I am confused why on this blog and episode 22nd says Duggar quarantine courtship when rumors says its Nathan Bates. Could it be a miracle and be Nathan and Jana. I hope so. I cant wait.

    1. Oof, I hope Jana doesn’t marry someone like Nathan. He comes off as very controlling

    2. Nathan would fit Jana a lot better than Lawson, but I don't think it's any of them.

  65. James and Kendra’s sister

  66. James and Kendra's sister, OR, Jana or Nathan Bates!

  67. Jason and Lauren. Can't wait to see. I love the Duggar family.

  68. My guess it's the one running for public office. JimBob likely runs his campaign and thinks a family man image is more appealing than a bachelor, although I don't think he has a chance of winning under any circumstance. He's still a kid.

    1. You make some good points, 8:47am. I agree with you.

    2. At least he thinks it is important to be a public servant and so is stepping up and running for office. Even if he doesn’t win, he will have experience and name recognition under his belt for another run sometime.

    3. Experience running for office and name recognition and a dime will get you a cup of coffee. In other words, Jed needs the things that count, like education other than high school and leadership experience in something other than his father's car business.

  69. It would be terrible if TLC is teasing us and it's only a family friend like Laura Dimassi. I probably I messed up her name but I am referring to Jana's friend. Maybe instead of Jana with Nathan, Laura and Nathan are courting? Lawson and Nathan were in Arkansas during part of the COVID stay at home so maybe?

  70. I don't think it's a Duggar in a courtship. It'll be someone they know, like Lauren Caldwell, in a courtship with someone from the church. It's just a teaser. No Duggar courtship.

    1. That could very well be. Remember when TLC promoted a big surprise. They even said one of the brothers had said it was Jana. It turned out to be nothing. TLC was just playing with people. It doesn't say a Duggar Quarantine Courtship. It could be anyone.

    2. It's possible that that was Jana, but that relationship did not work out. I keep wondering if this will happen with this courtship as well. That this may be a pre-courtship, but between that time(maybe at the beginning of the pandemic) and now, they may decide that this cannot lead to marriage. Maybe they are breaking up as I type.

  71. I'm thinking it's Jana or it could be Jed, Jer, Jason or even James who knows we will just have to wait & see. I hope the courtship will be on the next season of counting on possibly 2021.
    Natasha b

  72. I just realized that Lawson recently released a song called "A song for a girl"...maybe that girl is Jana...?

  73. It says here that Nathan made a comment about getting out of the single life? Perhaps he was referring to flying single engine aircraft.....having nothing to do with courting. Just a tease in advertising.

  74. I first thought it was James or Jason and Lauren, Kendra's sister, Now I'm thinking what if it's something that nobody even knew about like Jed or Jer now are in courtship, they will be 22 in December. Joe married Kendra at 22, Josiah married Lauren at almost 22.

  75. So if Lauren Caldwell is the bride, and one of the Duggars the groom, there will be two Lauren Duggars: Lauren Swanson Duggar and Lauren Caldwell Duggar. I wonder how they will distinguish the two.

    1. Probably by saying"Josiah's Lauren or Jedediah's Lauren,or middle names or like you've said it.

    2. Josiah's Lauren? Like a possession?

    3. LCD & LSD respectfully.

  76. Awwww! The suspense! Let it be Sept 22nd already!

  77. and Jessa's middle name is Lauren

  78. Both the Bates' and Duggars' shows are teasing about a possible budding relationship, and my guess is that neither family actually has one.

  79. Lauren Caldwell, Kendra's sister, is already 20. Kendra got married at 19 and had her first child not even being 20. I doubt that Lauren will stay on the market for much longer. It's might be Lauren who is dating one of the Duggar boys. Also, what about Lily, Lauren Swanson's sister? She is probably of age as well, suitable to marry into the family.

    1. Stay on the market? That's a rather crass expression when referring to someone who is unmarried. Makes it sound like she's livestock being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Good grief, what is this obsession with getting married while you're still very wet behind the ears?!

    2. Well let's be honest here and face it, the Duggar girls and those in their circle are raised to get married and reproduce "as many as God will give us". They all are well are when they're heading toward a certain age that they're being evaluated (not just by the guys, but the guy's parents as well). Jim Bob talked pretty pointedly about the evaluation process behind making a good match and inviting other suitable families to see if the families get along together. The idea being that the other families have children that may become potentially suitable mates for his children and vice-versa. He pretty much said he begins looking for suitable families and developing family to family relationships with that in mind, having them over, setting up activities and outings, etc. He's shopping. I'd say that's a market mentality.

  80. Well, TLC (and JB) got exactly what they were going for with their title teaser: lots of curiosity!

  81. I think Jana, just because Nathan Bates revealed he has a promise ring but won’t tell who it is, because it’s probably Jana, and they can’t give away any info before the quarantine courtship episode. But who knows. And also didn’t the twin Duggar’s just move out into a house they share?

    1. Jana and Nathan Bates would NEVER work out. Nathan is too into himself for someone like Jana. I can only imagine who he's "promised" himself to.

    2. Yeah, a person who is so into himself that every month and a half he flies medical personnel to medical mission trips. How selfish.

    3. 4:57 You made me laugh out loud! I don’t see Jana with Kenneth..oops....I mean Nathan, either!

  82. Yikes promise ring are we back in high school going steady?

  83. The Bates Boys are babies compared to Jana.

  84. It appears to be Justin...🤨

    1. I agree.... He first needs to grow up and become adult... But sadly enough his parents didn't give him the best example...


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