
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Joe and Kendra Celebrate 3 Years

Wishing Joe and Kendra Duggar a happy 3rd anniversary! Three years and [almost] three babies. 

Joseph and Kendra Duggar
Mission trip in Panama
August 2017

Photo courtesy


  1. Three years of marriage and expecting their 3rd child. I think they need to slow down with the babies.

    1. At this rate she'll have 20 by the time she's 40!

    2. They can have 1 a year. They are near the Duggar house so the older girls and Jana can help.

    3. They don't believe in family planning.

    4. They will. I really dislike it when people presume to tell others what life choices they should make, though.

    5. So totally agree. Having baby after baby like that is irresponsible. She needs to slow down and enjoy the ones she has. @ 7:48 it's not the responsibility of the Duggar girls to help, the raising of their children are Kendra and Joe's responsibility, they made them. Yes, I said dad should help parenting is a 2 way street. Yes, children are a gift from God, but God also gives us common sense. @ 9:18 if the Duggars don't want peoples opinion they shouldn't be on tv.

    6. It's a contest. They're trying to outdo JB and Michelle. So far they're winning.

    7. "They can have 1 a year. They are near the Duggar house so the older girls and Jana can help."

      The older girls and Jana have, or deserve, their own lives to lead.

    8. Why? They are a happily married couple with a good support network. You sound like someone who believes in Abortion and birth control, not Freedom of Choice.

    9. can you not just be happy for them? Oh wait..Karen's never are! Lol

    10. This post is about an anniversary, not about abortion or birth control. Let's please stay in topic.

    11. I pray people don't judge you as harshly as you judge these Duggars.

    12. And I really wish someone would explain to these girls they don’t have to get pregnant on their honeymoon if they don’t want to, they have choices.

    13. Why is it anyone else's business how many kids they produce?

    14. 10:27, I really wish people would stop projecting their family planning beliefs onto other people who have the right to choose what they want for their family.

    15. 8:16 Good question. I suggest asking TLC and People magazine.

    16. It's so weird how these girls go straight from not being able to hold hands with a boy to being expected to have a baby a year. How can this be healthy, physically or mentally?

  2. Happy 3rd Wedding Aniversary to a sweet couple.

  3. You need to update the header and update the birthday list, including who's due, because nobody can keep track of all these babies.

  4. I just wonder if they watch the news.

  5. I do hope they slow down (or stop) with the constant pregnancies.

    1. I hope they have a healthy child and a happy family life.

    2. I second that anon @ 9:19!!

    3. I do hope people stop trying to tell other people how many children they can have.

    4. It's proven that it is unhealthy to be pregnant so close to a birth. They should take their responsibility what if Kendra dies of an uterine rupture?

    5. 7:32, uterine rupture is not caused by close pregnancies, from what I've read.

  6. Time 7:20PM Tues 9/8/20
    Happy 3rd wedding anniversary J&K

  7. I think out of all the couple's Joe and Kendra are the happiest and best matched couple. They are my favorite couple!! They have such affordable children too.

    1. Affordable? I think you meant to say adorable. Their kids are very cute.

    2. This comment made me smile all day, I have two very afforable children and they are intelligent and beautiful too.

    3. Adorable not affordable...good grief my spell check seems to want to pick it's own words. I should have proofread that before I sent it. LOL

    4. I find that having more and more children makes the group more "unaffordable", but all of them stay "ADORABLE"! HAHAHA!!

    5. How are their children less expensive to have and raise than other children?

    6. Children are often not affordable. People have kids and expect the government to send them food stamps. Schools feed children when the parents should feed children. Families of 20 kids pay the same family health insurance rate as families with two kids. Therefore the smaller families are subsidizing the larger families. What a system! Gil Bates said that their family was on Medicaid. Why should the rest of us have to pay for that?

    7. If people can not afford them then they should not have them.

    8. 3:43 They also get tax deductions, which is a form of government assistance.

    9. I knew right away that the poster meant adorable not affordable. But from the comments, lots of people didn’t pick up on it.

    10. Obviously the poster meant adorable - and they certainly are! As to the remarks about how much they are costly the government - have you considered how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they have NOT COST the government / education system / fellow taxpayers, by home-schooling?

    11. @6:13 Your post doesn't make much sense because your state and local taxes, which you still have to pay whether you homeschool or not, are what go to support the schools. So by sending my kid to public school, I'm getting my tax dollars' worth. The state doesn't have to tax extra people to fund my kid. It's all budgeted in by the states and the tax rates. I don't get a tax break because some people homeschool. I think only 2 or 3 states give parents any tax credit for their personal homeschooling costs. The rest of the states don't. Most states use proceeds from lottery ticket sales for education, too.

  8. Hope they had a good anniversary.

  9. Here's hoping that Kendra, and Joseph, are enjoying their 3rd Anniversary!!!!

  10. I enjoy watching all of your family so much. Don't let anyone make you feel badly about your choices in life. They don't pay your bills or change diapers,so do and live as you please! We should all hope to be as blessed you.��

    1. 10:06 I am completely happy with my own life. I don't have a need to wish it was like the Duggars.

    2. lol 10:06 people who have to comment that are obviously jealous lol

  11. I'm very happy for them. They seem very happily married. Every time I read a comment, though, from people who state that Joe and Kendra have had too many children in 3 years and ought to "slow down," I just roll my eyes. People, this is marriage. What's "too much" for you, isn't for others. I'd like to see your reaction if someone judged your number of kids to be wrong. Be happy for Joe and Kendra. The Lord chooses the number of children and when they are to come into this world.

    1. I think that many fear that both will just automatically do what they have been shown to do. At Kendra's age, others leave their parents' home to try things out and find out what they want out of life. This is a step that all Duggar children skip - barely of age, they marry and start having children. I don't think that's fundamentally bad, but especially when you obviously had so little close contact with people who lead a different life (studying, doing an apprenticeship, divorced, atheists ...) and friendships developed mainly among siblings, there is a risk that one only knows the alternatives from (negative) hearsay. At the moment it seems that only Jill and Jinger have taken a slightly different path, just like Jana. And I'm not talking about the pants ;-)

    2. If God chooses who has children and how many, then perhaps you can explain why some people who WANT even ONE child can't have one. Is God punishing them for some reason?

    3. Exactly. It actually makes me mad when people tell other people how many children they "should" have.

    4. The Lord also provides birth control to those smart enough to use it.

    5. @1:58- There are a great many children born into neglectful and abusive homes, to parents who have no business procreating. Did God plan that too?

    6. Pretty sure the Lord didn't decide when I got pregnant, I did with my own actions. Then my own actions also prevented any more kids.

    7. I don't think anyone is trying to tell Joe and Kendra how many children to have, but some including myself are concerned about the long term effects of having so many babies in such a short time frame. Pregnancy is very taxing on your body and it does take a while for your body to recover. I know they WANT to have as many children as possible, but sometimes we need to be realistic about what is best for our health long term.

    8. Of course He isn't punishing them, 11:35. Do you really think He would be? How much do you know His character? Very little, if at all, I would say, if you believe so. The answer is this: Sometimes God allows some suffering in our lives to teach us some spiritual lessons -- oftentimes, the spiritual lesson of trusting in Him and not trying to rely too much on ourselves. Also, when Jesus gives us a little thorn from His crown -- suffering -- it is an opportunity to become more like Him and closer to Him. Maybe the Lord has plans for a couple who are having trouble conceiving to adopt a child who needs loving parents. Maybe that couple is being taught by God to trust in Him, even when their fertility issues seem hopeless. We don't know for sure what the Lord has in mind initially, but when you love the Lord and know His tender and merciful heart and His deep love for us, you know things will come out the way they should and they are in our best interests when we leave ourselves in His hands.

    9. I’m convinced God toys with us. Me and my boyfriend desperately want a baby and God does not give us one. It’s been 3 years.

    10. Debbie: I'm always amazed by the explanations that are given for why some people get the goodies in life and others get the difficulties. IMO life is pretty random, with no particular reason why stuff happens and I'm tired of being told that God is "teaching" people some sort of "lesson". Sorry I'm not buying it.

    11. Debbie: If what you describe is God's character, my response is "no thanks". I don't need a petty and vindictive creature that goes around jerking people around to "teach them a spiritual lesson". Ugh.

    12. 11:35: You forget the fact that people who go to college, have life experiences, be here and there - they usually just marry and have kids, the same and Joe and Kendra did 3 years ago already! It all ends in having an own family, so what's the point in going somewhere, have your feelings hurt by bad relationships, drink at college, suffer from some jealous coworkers, while you can be happy and marry someone you are in love with and make love with them??

    13. God doesn't toy with anyone, 1:59. Perhaps He would like you and your boyfriend to make a true commitment to one another in marriage before He sends you children. Kids need parents with a strong foundation of marital commitment. You two should not be having sex before marriage anyway, as the Lord considers fornication a grave sin. Our society today has strayed so far from the Lord's ways that we now see great suffering in it, a consequence of our desire to do things our way, rather than the Lord's way, which is always best for us.

    14. Debbie: if God chooses who has children and how many, I wish he'd stop thrusting babies on people who don't want them and don't take care of them. Our foster system is overrun with neglected and abused children to say nothing of all the abortions.

    15. 10:53: I agree that God toys with us. My husband and I are MARRIED, and still no baby for us after 3 years! So what ridiculous Godly rule have we broken? Who makes up these rules anyway?

    16. 9:43 You're painting college life with a very broad brush. Not everyone does those things. Some of us went to college, had our horizons broadened, got an education, got a job we loved, met amazing people, learned things about ourselves and others, and were very happy. You talk as if everyone goes to college to drink and fail. Let me guess - you never went to college.

    17. Please be careful about what you say. My husband and I are still hoping after years we could have just one child. That doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong or we aren’t blessed. We are blessed a lot, even through all our tears. The only thing I know is that we have a loving Father and someday He will explain. May God bless you all.

    18. @9:43 It's unfortunate if you've had bad experiences with college. You are projecting your own feelings as being true for others. Some of my fondest memories are from my years at college, the friends I made and the things I learned about being independent and responsible for myself. Later, I met my husband through my job. I enjoyed a long professional career and am now benefitting from a good pension in retirement. If the Duggars are happy with their life choices, that's great. I haven't walked in their shoes or know what it's like to get married young and have a lot of kids. I do know that there isn't anything I'd change or that I regret about my own life.

    19. 4:05 I really don't believe that a higher power is toying with us or making decisions for us. I think we are simply at the mercy of time, chance, and our own decisions. I am sorry that you are struggling to have a child. I can relate, as my husband and I walked that same path for a very long time. We finally had to face an important question- what was more important to us, being a parent or having a biological child? We were able to move on and adopt two wonderful children who have brought us indescribable joy. They are all grown up now and looking back, I wouldn't change a thing.

    20. Debbie- Your logic doesn't hold up. If God would prevent one unmarried couple from conceiving, why wouldn't he do the same in all similar circumstances? BTW, my husband and I lived together quite awhile before we were married, which was 30 years ago. I can assure you, we have not suffered nor feel any regrets about our choices. (WE used contraception.) You are free to follow the Bible any way you wish, but don't assume that those who don't are someone living lives of complete debaucery or misery. If people would follow the Golden Rule, including evangelicals, the world would be a far better place.

    21. Anon 4:05. I don't think God "toys" with us however, I'm troubled by people who make up implausible narratives to explain God. I'm sorry you're unable to have the child you want so badly, but I really don't see that God has anything to do with the matter. Good luck and perhaps your dream will come true some day.

    22. how about you and boyfriend marry 1st???

  12. Congratulations! I hope they have twins!

    1. twins are awesome!

    2. Someone very well could so why not them!?!?!?

    3. Because being pregnant with twins leads to a more high risk pregnancy, and is just harder in general. She’s the one who would have to go through the pregnancy not you so it’s just a weird thing to wish for. Joe and Kendra are already having children very close together without adding on multiples.

    4. 8:09 it is their business.. not yours

  13. Happy Anniversary have a wonderful life

  14. Happy 3rd Anniversary Joe and Kendra and many more happy years together. Love watching you.

  15. Congratulations! I hope you had a nice day.

  16. I think Kendra is adorable and such a happy addition to the family. Very sweet young woman. Happy anniversary to them

  17. Kendra is such a blessing to family and others.

  18. Dear Joe & Kendra 😀 3rd anniversary. I've watched your courtship from the beginning. You're a very sweet couple. Natasha b

  19. Congratulations!! Happy Anniversary!!

  20. Wishing you many more years of happiness,love and peace. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  21. happy anniversary!!! Don't let the Karen's get to you!!!

  22. Was this photograph when they were courting or married?

    1. This picture, was taken during a mission trip, which occurred, in August. of 2017. During, August 2017, Joe, and Kendra, were engaged, and down to the last month of planning, before their September 2017 wedding.

  23. Joe and Kendra seem very happy about everything! If they want 3 kids under 3 good for them! Kendra is so joyful. She’s always participating in family events and seems to genuinely enjoy the fun of a large family!

  24. Replies
    1. I hope they have 4 kids by their 4th anniversary.

    2. I hope they have 25 kids by their 25th anniversary.

    3. I hope they have 25 kids by their 25th anniversary. If there are enough of them then Jed will get elected!

  25. Happy Anniversary!
    Was wondering when they will announce baby number 3's gender...I only ask because Alyssa and John Webster is expecting their 4th baby girl, and they are due Feb. 17th 2021.


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