
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Jeremy Turns 33

Happy 33rd birthday to Jeremy Vuolo!

Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo

Photo courtesy


  1. Love that photo and love the couple! Hope he has a good birthday

  2. He looks 40. My son is 33 and looks 25.

    1. Oh my he does look like he’s 40 with his beard. And only 33? He needs to keep his cleaned up look/his usual look if he wants to appear younger. I was blessed with a husband that also appears 10+ years younger than he really is. Lot of people comment how young looking he is and he’s almost 45!

    2. Wow I have never heard so many mean, superficial people on this site ..... Jeremy in no way looks in his late 30’s or 40’s they were on a little holiday .... Learn to be kind or say nothing.... how about plastering your face here and let’s see what you look like ... SHAME ON EVERYONE OF YOU!!!!!!

    3. My husband has worn a beard since graduating from high school and I can't imagine him without it. We're both in our mid-60's now and embrace every gray hair and wrinkle. We've earned them. This obsession with trying to look forever youthful is a very shallow endeavor, IMO. I appreciate those who age gracefully.

    4. Yeah, he looks his age.

    5. This is a discussion about how Jeremy's looks have changed so quickly and nothing more than that. No shame, no judgement, and no need to chastise others.

    6. Why does it matter if a person looks older or younger than their numeric age?

    7. Anon 12:18 I was thinking he looked easily like a 40 some year old man too. I guess if a once Pastor decides to leave his Church and move to the limelight of LA and plasters his face all over tabloids and a reality show for money then he gets what he gets. If it bothered him that bad he would have stayed the Pastor of his Church or got a real job.

    8. @4:45 I like the natural look as well, no dyed hair or plastic surgery going on here.

    9. 12:18. Superfical? Jeremy and Jinger are both very superfical. Pink hair, skin tight jeans, rodeo drive shopping, pics of trips and out to eat, constant selfies, pics plastered in Rag magazines, give me a break, these two crave attention and do anything for it! That's what superficial look like.

    10. Really? Not even a Happy Birthday before you insult him?

    11. I don't think he looks as old as 40. But it doesn't matter any way. He is still handsome and quite the catch. Lucky Jinger!

    12. 12:18 AM, he certainly does look older than 33. I showed his pic to five people and asked them to guess his age and they all gave a number between 35-40.

    13. It doesn't matter a number he still looks great!!!!!!!

    14. I think he s very handsome. But looks are not that important. My husband is almost 49. His hair is grey, he has wrincels. His body is not as when he was 22. But he s the best husband and father. I look much younger then my age. Its all not important.... Just be happy with eachother.

    15. He is handsome and does look older. Wasnt him who had a wilder lifestyle before becoming a Christian? That'll do it! Too bad they aren't in Laredo! They had a huge auto parade for Trump!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jeremy! Hope you, Jinger and Felicity have a wonderful day. Also, I love listening to you and Jinger’s podcast.. haven’t missed one. I just love watching your little family and the love and Christ centered home you are showing on TV....Blessings to you πŸ™

  4. Time 11:25AM Sat 9/5/20
    Before I make the comment about Jeremy my birthday is the day before his. Iam 32 Jeremy is a
    Year older then me.

  5. Time 11:26AM Sat 9/5/20
    Happy 33rd BDAY Jeremy enjoy your
    Dad with your wife Jing & Felicity

  6. Happy Birthday Jeremy

  7. That's it? No other commentary, no news, nothing but a picture taken when?? by whom?? of the three of them?

    1. The post is about his birthday, not about the picture.

    2. What do you need besides Happy Birthday? Who, what, when......sounds like an English class assignment to me.

    3. Yeah, when was this picture taken? Is that the most recent baby bump? Some description would have helped. And what are they doing in public without masks? Pregnant and not masked. Scary. Unless they carry a tripod and a remote with them, someone else was there to take that picture.

    4. 9:45, you can totally take a picture from six or more feet away. They are outdoors. No mask needed.

    5. If they had someone else along, you have no way of knowing that person stayed over 6 feet at all times. I doubt they were out in public being 100% Covid cautious. If they were, they'd have stayed at home. Jinger is very vulnerable right now and LA is a hot zone.

    6. 1:47, if they were out in public being 100% Covid cautious, they'd have stayed at home. Huh. If you say so. You also have no way of knowing that if they had someone else along that person came closer than 6 feet. You just don't know. So I prefer to assume they are living their lives and I'm living mine, and I don't have a need to go around assuming other people are doing the wrong thing.

    7. @1:47 Not only that but Jeremy's church has been in a court battle over holding in-person worship. They have been violating the county's limit on indoor gatherings and have been ordered (again) to stop. I sure hope Jinger hasn't been going to church with that large crowd. Covid and pregnancy don't mix well. I hope the Vuolos include virus threats in their ideas about protecting the unborn.

    8. @2:35 in no way is there proof that covid has messed with pregnancy

  8. Here's hoping that Jeremy, is enjoying his 33rd Birthday!!!!

  9. happy birthday jeremy i hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  10. πŸ˜„ 33rd πŸŽ‚ Jeremy Joseph Vuolo🎈 May God bless your day. I hope you're enjoying it. I love the picture. I can't wait to see you and the entire family on counting on❣️ Me & a lot of fans can't wait for season 12. Hopefully a courtship or 2 & maybe a few surprises are in store. Natasha b

  11. πŸ₯³Happy '33rd' Birthday 'Jeremy' & πŸ™Many Blessings In The Year Ahead!!!!!!!πŸ™ πŸ₯°πŸ€—


    When I First Looked At The Picture Above > I Thought >
    Is 'Jinger' Expecting????? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ€—

    If So ~ I'm Sooo Very Happy For You All!!!!!!

    1. She’s due in November, they announced that ages ago

  12. Jeremy's getting up there, practically middle aged!

    1. 33 isn’t even close to being middle aged

    2. Actually 34 is the official age considered the start of middle age.

    3. Middle age starts at 45.

    4. It's 45 actually.

    5. One more year till he's middle aged! Nice looking family.

    6. 34 is not middle aged, official or not.πŸ˜„

    7. Middle age is generally considered to be about 45-65.

    8. 9:56pm Not unless one lives to be 90-130!!
      Nothing wrong with being Middle Age. Actually, it's quite an accomplishment and something to be thankful for.

  13. I hope Jeremy will only let her get 2 or 3 childeren. They look more modern and live in the big city. That way jinger has more time for her childeren and her husband. He needs it.

    1. Why do you think he needs more time?

    2. big city isn't always good...especially with the riots and wild fires..

  14. Is Jinger feeling ok? She looks like she has a stomachache.

    1. She’s pregnant and holding her stomach in the picture to show that like most women do so that she doesn’t just look fat. Stop trolling

    2. Oh my goodness.... Jinger is pregnant!!!!!! How about happy birthday to Jeremy😳😳.... people are so uncouth !!!!

    3. She is pregnant! πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

    4. She's expecting :)

    5. At 0942 what's Jinger expecting?

    6. At 10:42pm yes She's expecting a baby this November. :)

    7. Attention, 10:42.
      Who do you think took that picture? Some random passing stranger? Or their publicity person that trails them everywhere.

    8. 10:42 - Uh, a baby girl that was announced quite a while ago.

    9. 6:06 -- Back in my day, you didn't have to hold your stomach to show you were pregnant and not just pudgy. I think stomach-holding started with celebrities...

    10. I love the trolls! They make me laugh! And they make me keep coming back to this blog.

  15. Happy Birthday Jeremy πŸŽ‚⚽️

  16. He is such a catch! Jinger did good for herself! They make an adorable family. She has really matured and blossomed with him.

    1. 100% She did, and he with her too!!!!! Jinger Keep going to classes too!!!! Proud of U!!!!!

    2. Classes? What classes does she take? She's not in college.

    3. 1:59, she took a private photography class.

    4. How do any of us know what she took in private?

    5. @12:32 It was on the show, a way to distract Jinger while Jeremy set up her birthday party. I doubt it's going to lead to anything like a career.

    6. 12:32, we know because it was on the show. It was private because it was just her, a friend, and the instructor, not a group class. When it's in a small setting like that, it's called a private class. Not that no one knows about it.

  17. I liked Jingers hair better dark, it looks cute blonde too, but she should go back to her natural color!

    1. Really this all you have to say in this post ... How about Happy Birthday Jeremy and not bashing Jinger... Just a thoughtπŸ™

    2. Why say Happy Birthday - we have never been told if any of the family reads here, so it's kind of pointless to use this as a way to get a message to any of them. I'd rather discuss what we see going on in the picture.

    3. I agree! Jinger is so beautiful either way! But I think darker hair suits her better. She looks adorable with her baby bump. So happy for their growing family <3

    4. She should be happy with the hair God has given her.

    5. 6:33; Hair color changes over a person's lifetime. Which one is "natural", the one you're born with? I see no reason to be critical of anyone who colors their hair. It's no different than painting your nails or wearing makeup.

    6. Look what she already did with the hair God gave her. Perm'ed it, straightened it, almost missed a plane trying to fix it, grew it, cut it, colored it... I thought these girls were supposed to be satisfied with their looks and were only interested in working on having a pleasant countenance and modest clothes. Jinger's bleached blonde hair is becoming one of those "eye traps" that we were told is not allowed.

    7. To 6:33. Why? She has the choice of making her hair whatever color she wants.

    8. Agreed, the natural look is much more attractive. The Bible warns us about excessive adornment. Surely getting your roots touched up every 2-3 weeks is excessive adornment.

    9. The natural look is not always more attractive. My graying hair was much less attractive than my colored hair. It made me look and feel old and unattractive.

    10. Jinger isn't graying.. i like her darker hair too

  18. Blessings to you Jeremy throughout your birthday year. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. Ok. So off topic but is one of the Duggar kids in a courtship? I’m confused by the new episode description that was posted by TLC

    1. Speculate all you want - they want that to happen. People have been saying for a long time that something's going on between a Duggar and a Caldwell. If that's announced on a show that was taped months and months ago, I'll be surprised. But there have been little signs of something going on for awhile.

    2. 6:10, yeah I would be very shocked if they chose to keep it quiet but I do think it could be possible

    3. Most likely just TLC hype to stir up some interest in these rather repetitive shows.

    4. They never formally announced Josh's first courtship before Anna so who knows why they decide to announce some things right away and never talk about others.

    5. Who is supposedly courting a Caldwell?

    6. It's probably a courtship in the Caldwell family but NOT with a Duggar. Or in Anna's family (her brother recently got married), or one of Ben's sisters. I doubt it's a Duggar, or else we would have heard about it by now.

    7. @7:44: I agree with you. I think that TLC might be using "quarantine," as a play on words, to indicate that it has been a long time, since any members, of the Duggar Family, were in a courtship.

    8. I think it is just a teaser - don't think anything new is going on...

    9. All of us here are crossing out fingers it's JANA

    10. 9:51 Not all of us. I would just like to see her move out and be on her own.

    11. To 1:01 : This is 9:51 : I meant all of us here at our house not all of us here in this site.

  20. I love Diggers have babies so much. I have something look forward to. I have no childrens.

    1. Ha! Ha! I love baby Diggers too!!! They are so practical for getting work done outdoors! Hope there is more.

  21. JV, Happy B-Day, I hope this is your best year yet!!!! 1 think I feel kind of sorry though, is U don't have your office, and all your books are packed away!!!! OH, Well I hope U had a great day!!!!! Love U 4!!!

  22. Thank you anonymous 7:44am. Same stuff all the time. Dating . pregnant and whats Jana going to do.

  23. I hope they had a great day. I love that picture. Handsome family.

  24. I wish that Jeremy would stop preaching hateful things about other people's beliefs especially Catholics. All people of all religions and beliefs have skeletons in their closet even yours and the Duggars. We all know about Josh, and I think it's only the tip of the iceberg. I thought that a preacher was supposed to teach about God and how to live a good, honest life not try to intimidate people like the Catholics in Laredo to abandon their religion and take up your beliefs. Preaching, not CONVERSION by insults doesn't fit any preacher that I know. It's too bad that your good wholesome exterior doesn't jibe with what's on the inside. Not trying to be mean, just pointing out some truths about your persona.

    1. @3:34 Everything you said was true. Not mean, but true. Anyone can watch his sermons and see. Anyone can find what others in the family have said about Catholics too. It's so disrespectful, especially when this family considers themselves to be fine Christian examples. Nobody in the know is being fooled, only those who do nothing but watch the show each week and believe everything there at face value. Then when someone here tries to speak the truth, they get told they're being negative. Thanks for your comments rjcasa26.

    2. I agree with 3:34. I’d like to add that his Vuolo grandparents are most likely Catholic. Not sure when or why his father left Catholicism or why Jeremy speaks negatively about it?

    3. The Catholic church has a number of beliefs that don't line up with the Bible.

    4. @9:24 What's it to a non-Catholic though? What's it to someone like Jeremy what other religions believe, or how closely they adhere to a certain version of a book? Why would he or anyone else feel the need to "save" people who are perfectly happy with their own religion? Why would he have to speak out or warn against that religion? Does he think his religion is better or more correct? That's not being right or being tolerant.

      I'm also curious exactly what beliefs you're referring to. I have many friends and family members who are Catholic or who were raised Catholic, and none have ever said anything about their beliefs not "lining up" with the Bible.

    5. @1:43-exactly! Whether your Catholic, evangelical, Greek Orthodox. Baptist or any other Christian religion; we all believe in God and Jesus. Some don’t put as much emphasis on Mary as Jesus’ mother or Saints; etc. Same Bible/Same God.

  25. How does a birthday post and up a religious discussion? If you people want to talk religion there are sites for that. How about we wish the man a happy day and move on? Happy Birthday, Jeremy! Hope it was great! Lovely family!


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