
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Watch the 1st Episode

Spurgeon Seewald, Henry Seewald, Ivy Seewald
Spurgeon Seewald, Henry Seewald, Ivy Seewald
The new season of Counting On premieres on Tuesday, July 7th, at 8pm ET/7pm CT, but you can preview it now. It is posted to the Counting On page on the TLC website. Just scroll down a bit to the Full Episodes section.

Since it hasn't yet premiered on television, TLC requires that you sign in with your TV provider login. If you don't have cable, you can subscribe to an internet TV service, such as Philo or YouTube TV. When you click the episode to login, you can see a list of the accepted services.

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  1. Has Jessa ever heard of mixing up a bleach and water solution for sanitizing? She stands right in front of the bleach and says there's nothing there for sanitizing surfaces.

    1. Maybe she's not a bleach fan. I'm not.

    2. You can't simply put bleach on many surfaces, mixed with water or not. It will dry out, discolor, and eat away many things. It's not a cute-all kind of cleaner. It's highly toxic, and shouldn't even be used to begin with, most especially in a home with children.

    3. IDK. For a "frugal" family none of them seem to know how to do anything in a practical and inexpensive way.

    4. All bleach does is take all of the colour from the dirt, like grey, brown whatever. So the filth is still there, you just can't see it properly.

    5. I do not like bleach. I always wind up getting tiny bleach stains on my shirts when I use it, not to mention how unhealthy it is to be breathing it.

    6. @9:01 That's not true. Bleach sanitizes. Bleach physically breaks down the outer lipid coating of this type of virus, rendering it unable to replicate or infect, and destroys proteins in bacteria, killing them. That equals sanitizing. Don't confuse cleaning (removing dirt) with sanitizing (disinfecting).

      BTW, bacteria can't become immune to bleach because of that physical destruction action. It's like taking a hammer to them.

    7. 9:01- Bleach is a whitening and sanitizing agent. Chlorine is also used to keep swimming pools clean. The "filth" does not get left behind. In the case of the door, it might require a bit of elbow grease or scrubbing with a Magic Eraser sponge.

    8. As for public pools, Health Departments tell us if you can't smell the bleach when you come into the facility or next to the pool, turn around and leave-it's not being sanitized adequately.

    9. Pick up any bottle of bleach, read the directions, and you'll see about sanitizing. Bleach has always been used for that. There's a way to use it properly. Follow the directions. The smell goes away and a bleach solution pretty quickly breaks down to salt water. You can use it to treat water to make it safe to drink. One quart water, 2 drops bleach, let stand. Some municipal water systems use it to flush the water lines each year to insure no harmful bacteria linger. Bleach is not as bad as you think.

  2. I watched it first thing this morning when I seen it was available to watch on TLC already. Good episode with new content! So happy to have the show back on!

  3. Jana treated Josie horribly during the art lesson! First Jana says there's "no right or wrong," and then she tells Josie everything she's doing is wrong and kicks her out! And Jana tells Josie she's going to "con fin scate" the paint. Josie just wanted to brush and spread paint - so what? That's creative and soothing and certainly no artist would object. Jana needs to dial down the bossiness there.

    1. Agreed. Art is supposed to be FUN for kids, not subjected to criticism from a sibling who has no right to bully her younger sisters like that.

    2. I agree. She needs to move out and get her own life. I'm the same age as her and would cry everyday if my life was like Jana's.

    3. @7:00 I just watched the art lesson and I didn't hear Jana get upset with Josie. Josie wasn't able to grasp the difference between the water color paint they were using and children's water color paints. She didn't raise her voice or snap, she simply took the brushes and said she would need to go outside. Jana then said she might need to start some of the kids at a different level. Josie wanted to play and Jana wanted a more mature art class.

    4. @7:00 I am going to cut Jana some slack with this one, because the footage was likely edited and we did not see everything that transpired. Josie may have been having issues that were not caught on the video. I agree that kids should be encouraged to experiment and use their imaginations when it comes to art, but being a retired elementary teacher, I know first hand the problems you can encounter if kids don't follow directions about proper use of paint, brushes, and other art supplies.

    5. I agree. Josie is younger and maybe the style of art Jana chose was a bit advanced for her.

    6. Jana is actually just a sister and does not have a job watching her younger siblings. It's not like it's her own children. She was doing a favor to her busy parents by occupying the girls.

    7. Anon 11:20. Doing a "favor" by watching your younger siblings doesn't give you a right to be unkind to them. Jana was bossy and this isn't the first time we've seen that in her behavior.

    8. @11:20 Just because you're a sister and you're doing a favor doesn't mean you should act like that. What happened to "keep sweet" and "Jesus first, others second, yourself last"? Jana's old enough to know her attitide was wrong. Then there's Michelle and Jim Bob talking about forgiveness, edited into that segment.

    9. I think that being pressed into service as a "junior parent" has caused Jana to adopt a very authoritative manner towards her younger siblings. I don't see it as being either attractive or appropriate.

    10. 11:20 - Busy parents? Isn’t it Michelle’s job to homeschool? I doubt she’s that busy doing something else.

    11. Retired teacher, did you tell the kids "you're finished," take away their supplies, and send them out of the room like Jana did? Is that what a teacher is supposed to do when kids don't understand something?

      Josie wasn't being unruly or misbehaving. She was quietly doing her own thing, trying to get the paint to leave 3-D lines like oils do, and exploring her creativity. So what if she didn't handle the paint "properly." Neither did Jackson Pollock, and look what he created. Good for Josie! Jana didn't get it at all and was too overbearing. You could see all she wanted to do was quietly paint a watercolor of hollyhocks herself, not "teach" her sisters on camera.

    12. I think Jana was more frustrated with Josie's refusal to listen than what she was painting. Josie is ten, the equivalent of a rising fifth grader, and old enough to follow basic directions. Jana (and at least one other sister) was trying to explain to her that she needed
      to use less paint and more water and Josie refused to listen. Jordyn also painted a solid background color but at least listened and wasn't wasteful or rough with the art supplies. I felt bad for Jana at the end when she was explaining what she could have done differently.

    13. Anon 11:20 How "busy" do you think Michelle is? There are no babies in the house. Her offspring still living at home are mostly adults and teenagers who should be self sufficient and not in need of any sort of care.

    14. Jana wanted to show a painting method with less paint and more water. It was her lesson to teach. Josie is 10, she can listen to instructions, but she did not listen. Other sisters did. So why people attack Jana while a 10 year old was not listening?

    15. 12:38- Retired teacher responding- Like I said in my first post, we likely did not see everything that happened in just this video. Regarding my own students, I would end a project with any student who was being purposefully careless with supplies or was ignoring my directions, despite repeated reminders. I suggest you round up 30 young children and try teaching a lesson with watercolors. Jana did not raise her voice or belittle her. She was simply providing a consequence. Practically speaking, my public school did not have unlimited resources for buying art supplies, so I had to be mindful about conserving what I had. The only paints in my classroom were tempera, fingerpaint, and 8 pan watercolor sets in limited supply. Jackson Pollock obviously had a lot more at his disposal.

    16. Retired Teacher, then your experience can't compare with the Duggars' if your supplies were limited and you had to conserve. The Duggars were obviously given an entire set of paints (seen on the table) for those few girls to try, and I'm sure there's more where that came from, either through the show or through the Duggars themselves. Want to talk about waste? How about painting a zillion plastic flamingos for a front lawn gender reveal? How about dropping things out of planes, playing competitive games for the camera with all sorts of stuff, and every other wasteful thing ever done on this show? A squeeze of paint for Josie to use as she pleased was not going to bankrupt anyone.

    17. It’s called teaching responsibility and discipline and some of you need to get over yourselves.

    18. It's called having a bossy older sister. I know - I had one!

    19. anon@10:30 It sounds like you're having a really bad day or week, or something. I'm sorry for you!

    20. Jana was teaching a specific style of painting with a specific type of paint. Ten year old Josie was refusing to listen. Also, I don’t know what part of Canada or America other commenters live in but where I live, in March and April the LAST thing I would have wanted to do was go into a store because I had to buy more paint due to a kid not listening to instructions.

    21. It's called art class and it should have freedom of expression not rules and regulations, especially from someone who's not your parent.

    22. Ok, first of all, "art class" being "taught" by your big sister for a TV show hardly has to be some strict rule teaching moment in anyone's life. It's a TV time filler, that's all. ("Let's get Jana in this episode and try to show what does all day!")

      Second, the segment got filmed and aired no matter how much paint was used by anyone. A full 90% of that paint set on the table wasn't even touched! Josie in no way wrecked the filming, used up all the supplies, or made anyone have to drop everything and go to a store.

      This was TLC with what they thought was an "interesting" thing to film, but it quickly turned into Jana getting irked and TLC leaving that part in but editing in Michelle and Jim Bob talking about "forgiveness" as a message about the whole segment and what happened, what it had deteriorated to. Watch it again and see.

    23. Jana isn't a typical older sister. The four older girls were placed in positions of authority in the house and responsible for buddy teams. The older girls were the bosses when Jim Bob and Michelle weren't available.
      Jana was supervising an art class and trying to explain to Josie that that type of paint needs to be diluted. Josie isn't a baby anymore and is at an age where she should know the difference between paints. She wasn't treating Jana with any respect and was asked to leave the table.

  4. Johannah looks so grown up!
    And Michlle looks younger with age!!

    1. Johannah looks a lot like Joy.

    2. I can tell by Johanna’s expressions that she’s tired of being grouped with the “little girls.”

  5. If Jessa and Ben are sitting in his "study" or "office" then where are the kids sleeping? The computer is perched on what looked like the changing table Jessa painted. But the rest of the room looks non-bedroom. In a 2BR house, where are the 3 kids sleeping? And now they're talking about considering adoption again? Their living arrangements don't add up for 5, let alone 6. Did we miss an episode where they had the Duggar brothers build a massive bedroom wing?

    1. Apparently the whole family sleeps in one bedroom. Beats me why if they have this 2nd bedroom. Of course they're not going to adopt. No reputable adoption agency would consider them for adoption.

    2. My understanding is that the 2nd bedroom is like shared between an office during day time, where Ben studies, and then a bedroom for kids at night. So kids just sleep there, and they play in the living room during the day. It's definitely not a big house, but they manage.

    3. Mmm, bedroom wing? The Duggar brothers only cut a piece of wall in the master bedroom to install a large door outside, that was it. They built a deck outside as well, but that was outside. Nothing was changed inside, no extra bedroom wing built. The doors in the bedroom made it easier for the kids to go to the yard from the back of house. And now they can play on the deck as well.

    4. Two parents and three kids in one bedroom, with the second bedroom used as a study? That doesn't add up.

  6. In the quarantine episode that recently aired, Joy said she thought Gideon was the 15th grandchild, not the 10th. It was during a family trivia game when they were asked to guess the 10th grandchild (who is Gideon). I felt so sad because wasn't Annabell the 15th grandchild? I wanted Austin to hug her at that moment because she must have realized the error after she spoke.

    1. Technically, Joy's stillborn baby passed in the womb, and so it is not counted as a grandchild. But in case you do, Joy delivered the stillborn baby in June 2019, and Ivy who is #13 was born in May. If you'd like to count by how it could happen by a due date -- that's inaccurate because babies don't come on due dates, and Addison (#14) was born on November 2nd, then Bella (#15) on November 8th. Yes, Joy was due November 9th, and Lauren was due on November 17th... but yet Bella came on the 8th --- and you never know how it could really happen if Joy's baby did not pass back in June.

  7. I really liked how Jim Bob was truthful in that the virus came from China, and that he was not covering the truth like many no do. It is awful what China did to the world after they let the virus out!

    1. Oh my. The new disease originated in China, but the rest of your post is nonsense. China did not "let the virus out" nor was it their fault the disease appeared. I find it disturbing when people say these kinds of things.

    2. No one has ever denied that the Covid 19 disease originated in China. However, the Chinese didn't "let it loose" on the rest of the world. Please stop making up stuff.

    3. I don't need anyone to tell me the origin of COVID. I just think it's divisive and a political ploy to keep bringing it up. This is a global pandemic and the whole world has to work together to find treatments and a vaccine. Interestingly enough, the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic did not begin in Spain. It was merely one of the first countries to recognize the threat it was. Although not conclusive, there is strong evidence to suggest that this epidemic origniated in Kansas, of all places. In late January and early February 1918, Haskell County was suddenly faced with an epidemic of influenza, but an influenza unlike any the local doctor had ever seen before. Soon dozens of his patients – the strongest, the healthiest, the most robust people in the county – were being struck down suddenly. (My great grandmother died from it in rural Minnesota. One day she was well and within 48 hours she was dead.) Perhaps we should start referring to that worldwide pandemic as the Kansas Flu. You never know, it might have been a conspiracy to "let the virus out!"

    4. China did not do this on purpose! It was not a planned biological weapon! My best friends is Chinese-American and I find this comment to be very offensive to her and her family. I'm terrified that people are going to treat her cruelly when she goes out in public. Also, most people do not try to cover the truth. Turn off the Fox News!

    5. I don’t think anybody ever denied that the virus originated in China. I haven’t heard a single person deny it. What people are saying is that how each country responded after the virus reached them is their own fault. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    6. **eye roll emoji**

    7. Oh please. China did NOT let this virus loose on the world. I wish people would stop making stuff up.

    8. Yes, very irresponsible of Chin a to let the virus loose and now the whole world is suffering.

    9. Blame bats, if you need to blame anyone. Blame pigs for swine flu and chickens for avian flu. Viruses don't need humans to help them mutate or jump from species to species. They've been doing fine on their own for EONS. We're the stupid ones to have contact with the animals known to be carrying these viruses, and then doing irresponsible things to spread them among ourselves.

    10. Anon 11:59. Turn off God news, you have got to be kidding me, and what, watch the liberal lying cnn,msnbc, etc news? Without God reporting on what is really going on this country would be in big trouble. China knew about this virus, and the dangers of it way back in 2019 hence the name COVID 19!!! They had a responsibility to warn the world and a bigger responsibility to safeguard the world as best they could from it. As far as your friend being Chinese and living here, most sane Americans don't believe that punishing someone because of their ethnicity is right, unlike the insane mob and anarchist and protesters. The majority of Americans are good people, actually some of the best people this world has, so your friend should be fine.

    11. @11:34- Perhaps we should start referring to the 1918 flu pandemic as the American Flu. There's quite a bit of evidence that it actually originated in Kansas. It's been referred to as the Spanish Flu, only because Spain was neutral during WWI and unlike other warring countries at the time, their press was not pressured to suppress information about the severity of the virus. It did not start in Spain.

    12. @10:23-Covid -19 originated in China.

    13. 11:59: yes, the coronavirus originated in China, and yes, it was spread in the world by Chinese people traveling back to the countries where they now live or have business. In Italian region of Lombardy, where there were the highest numbers of cases, the numbers of Chinese immigrants are also the highest. Many traveled to China for Chinese new year in February. The same is with the US where every big city has a Chinatown and where there are numerous Chinese immigrants. China knew about the virus, and they did not prevent it spreading around. Now American people are dying because of the Chinese virus.

    14. Anon 2:47. God reporting the news? On which channel is that occurring? If we didn't have a free press we'd have NO idea what was going on in the world. We certainly can't rely on our president to tell us the truth. He changes his story constantly and ignores inconvenient facts like HOW many new cases of the virus we have every day and how many people have died of this disease he claims is "harmless". Yes China knew about the virus but exactly what did you expect them to DO to control it? Even after we were warned about it, it was over 6 weeks before we even began to make ANY effort to test for it. Whose "fault" was that?

    15. Wow, I didn't know God was a reporter now! On a basic cable channel no less. Will wonders never cease. Is that channel or its viewers His chosen people? Fill us in please.

    16. Anon 8:12 China should have stopped its people from traveling to our and other people's countries since they knew about their corona virus. The same thing we would do if our child had a flu, or even a bad cold we would keep them home, so how much more should they have tried to keep them home?? I seen how you switched the blame from China to our President. Then called him a liar. What is wrong with you? That's weak to hold other countries higher and blameless while bashing your own President. Go try living under China rule and I bet you will feel a lot different then you do now. America is the greatest place on earth to live and millions and millions of us feel blessed to be here. We feel blessed to have a President that stands for America and for us and for God.

    17. Anon 12:57. I always cringe when people assign blame for a problem that is not ANYONE'S fault. This is a new disease for which there is no real treatment or vaccine to curb its spread. No one including the Chinese were aware that it could be spread by carriers who had no symptoms when it took off and became a pandemic. At this time all we can do is try to control it. Some countries have done a pretty good job, the US has NOT due to a lack of a strong well coordinated Federal response. The blame game may make some feel better but accomplishes nothing in the long term.

    18. @12:57 How about this? Everyone is at fault? China underestimated the extent to which the virus would spread. Americans underestimated the extent to which we should be prepared. Recall, our decision to not buy an already proven diagnostic tool in favor of using an American made unproven diagnostic tool, --caused us to miss a substantial influx of cases. We reacted - we were not proactive - and were behind the eight ball out of the gate. So we are all at fault. And rather than establishing blame, my God would not want us to assign guilt but rather He would want us to pull together as humans and help each other.

    19. 2:47, maybe I’m misreading your post, or it was a typo but are you equating Fox News with God?! Sounds blasphemous to me if that’s what you are implying.

    20. Anon 12;11 It was a typo, spell check wrote God instead of fox. I should have reread it better before I sent it.

    21. Quick Fact Check: The Federal Government cannot overule the States' sovereignty, except in very specific situations whose principles are established by the Constitution (in legal terms, it's called setting precedence). The Constitution and its Amendments were written specifically to protect the states from federal government "interference" and abuse of power (and the guiding principle is known as limited government). The individual state governors are the ones with the control and power, determining the Coronavirus response within their own state (hence the wide variance cross-country). Let's give "credit" for any Coronavirus failure where it's actually the governor of your state. Secondary credit goes to the next level down, your local government-your mayor, your City Council, your Board of Supervisors (whichever form of local government you have in your area). Don't forget to give the left over credit to your citizens who voted your local and state officials into office.

    22. @8:07 Aren't the rules different when states of emergency or disasters have been declared? Fed gov't can have some powers over states in those cases? Isn't what those declarations are for, to bypass the usual chain of command?

  8. "Oh my cow," that house is filthy! If they have 13 able-bodied people living there, they should be able to clean. What happened to jurisdictions? There's no excuse for a door to get that filthy. Ew! Also, what's the point of making disinfecting wipes? If you have a bottle of cleaner and a roll of paper towels, just spray the cleaner and wipe it with a towel! You'll use less cleaner per roll of towels. They had to abandon using the wipes half-way through cleaning the door when it was obvious the wipes weren't up to the job. I can only imagine how sopping wet paper towels disintegrate or turn gross. Paper towels aren't made to be constantly wet. They are not wipes material. What a silly thing to film and feature!

    1. Some of us have been making homemade baby wipes with paper towels for years. It saves money and works.

    2. i've come to the conclusion EVERYTHING this family does on the show is highly staged and has nothing to do with what actually goes on when the cameras aren't rolling.

    3. I haven't seen that episode yet. Are there other filthy things besides a door?

    4. Because they really don’t know how to clean and disinfect .... making cleaning products is only for the show....I would not want to eat or use the restroom at their home!!

    5. A magic eraser would probably have gotten that stuff off the door easier and no paper waste. What with paper and cleaning products being so difficult for a lot of people to find it would be nice if they came up with new and creative ways to conserve and to produce less waste.

    6. It's puzzling why the family is depicted in such embarrassing and silly situations. You don't even have to buy disinfecting wipes to keep things sanitary.

    7. 12:15- It's amazing how people can watch the same video, yet come away with different things. The door may have been ready for some cleaning, but I'd hardly call it filthy. The video itself was not high-quality, so it's hard to make such claims. Also, Michelle said she'd made her own wipes in the past- the ones they were using made from paper towels didn't disintegrate. While it may not have been how I'd tackle the job, who cares? While I do not in any way hold with the Duggars' religious beliefs or some of the things they do, some of the nit-picking goes too far.

    8. She made BABY WIPES in the past. Not the same as these cleaning wipes. Have you ever tried scrubbing something in the house with a wet paper towel? Maybe it's OK on a baby's bottom, but on something like a dirty door...??? You'd shred the towel and waste it.

    9. @5:43 Ever notice their socks or bottoms of their feet when they're walking around the house without shoes on? Ever notice the hazy film on their stainless steel commercial kitchen surfaces? Ever look in the backgrounds of the pictures they post between shows? It doesn't seem the cleaning jurisdictions are being enforced any more. Wonder what happened to that famous job chart?

  9. I would like to know why the parents are featured so prominently? They WERE NOT SUPPOSED to even be in these shows after 19K and counting was cancelled due to the family scandal. Most people held the parents just as responsible for the deception as their eldest son. He is never seen; why are they? I don't want to see them as these newly reformatted shows were supposed to feature Jill and Jessa only according to the title; Jill and Jessa: Counting we have the parents' home and all the other under 18 kids on too. Not interested in TLC sneaking the original show back under a different name. Speak about deception???? Not Godly, honest or biblical, is it?

    1. How is it deception if you can clearly see from the previews that the parents are on it? They are not hiding anything. Besides, TLC never said they were Godly. Far from it.

    2. @1:22 The show was cancelled due to loss of sponsors.....perhaps those sponsors are more forgiving than you?

    3. How is it deception, exactly? Did the producers ever promise you that the parents would not be on the new show? If you don't want to watch, you can turn it off.

    4. i agree with you 100 percent.

    5. Completely agree.

    6. That's not true about the show being canceled due to loss of sponsors. Two dozen or so may have pulled out at first but the rest were still under contract with TLC, and the commercials still ran. The show was canceled because of the controversy and backlash the Josh situation created. TLC thought it better to stop showing the episodes for the time being. They soon reworked the show and brought it back, as you see. Some people don't think that should have happened. Once off the air for good reasons, always off the air.

    7. If you want to know why the parents are featured so prominently, ask Derick. He had some very interesting things to say about the show lately.

    8. Yes, some VERY interesting things!

    9. I don't necessarily believe everything Derick is supposedly saying. For starters, Derick stopped working not to long after he married Jill and they certainly weren't "living on love" alone. The mansion they lived in belonged to Jim Bob. Jill and Derick were benefiting financially from the show, maybe not in terms of cash, but it was evident from other ways. Heck, when they lived in Nepal, Michelle sent them an air conditioner. They fixed his teeth. No, I'm just not convinced. None of the adult married Duggars work a traditional 9/5 job, except maybe Josh, and we all know why. Money is floating around, it has to be.

    10. Derick said that Jim Bob wanted him to sign an NDA last year. Sounds like Derick didn't do it. Didn't Cousin Amy have to sign one?

  10. I couldn't watch it, but seeing the ad with someone wearing a mask & it being about quarantine, did NOT make me feel a desire to watch. Whoever chooses the footage & etc for this show is doing a really bad job. I'd LOVE to see footage & stories of Jessa & her children, for ex, but not a focus on quarantine...

    1. What's the matter? Don't want to pay attention to what's happening in the real world? Not everything is sunshine, puppies, and cupcakes all the time!

    2. It’s only one episode. The rest will be taking place last year picking up from where the last season ended (Grandma Mary’s funeral). Relax...

  11. The 1st episode was on how they struggle with life during the pandemic. This was like re-living our own reality; empty shelves in stores, and so on. I liked how they did a phone family meeting. I was surprised that Jinger was complaining about long days being stuck at home. Did they go out a lot? Just seems like having a 1.5 year old makes you busy all the time, no time to be bored. Maybe they went out to parks or eat out. And I also was surprised how Johanna was saying that like no motivation to do school. Probably when Ben could not come in person, it gave little motivation to study on their own?

    1. Why do people keep saying they are stuck at home? No one is stuck in their house! You can go outside, for goodness sake! Please stop the drama, folks.

    2. Ben teaches Johanna? So that's his "job"?

    3. Since they are already home schooled, why would anything have changed regarding their schooling? Makes no sense to me.

    4. How do you support a family of 5 on a the salary of a "virtual" teacher?

    5. 9:14 : If you watch some of the previous episodes, Ben's job was teaching younger kids. Not only Johanna, but all younger kids including Jackson and down in age from there. They all had like a class, and Ben and Michelle were explaining the arrangement. So, yeah, Ben is reaching younger Duggar kids.

  12. I could barely stand to watch the clip, seeing everybody crying so hard at Grandma Duggar's funeral. Poor family, we've all been there with losing somebody we loved. It was hard to watch.

    1. I watched the entire episode on YouTube. I didn't see anyting of a funeral.

    2. The youtube clip is only the first hour. Last night's show was 2 hrs. long, 2 episodes. The second recap hasn't been posted here yet.

  13. Whaa? Grandma Duggar’s funeral AGAIN? What’s next..Josie’s birth?? Trip to Nepal for an arranged courtship?

    1. Yeah. That's a bit much IMO. I'm not unsympathetic to their loss, but they just keep milking it for the TV show. I'm also tired of JB and Michelle's constant presence. This was supposed to be a show about the next generation of adult of offspring, not them.

    2. If Jim Bob did not arrange Jill's courtship, she would've been another Jana now. And seems like Jill loves Derick. So it was a good thing that Jim Bob arranged her courtship/marriage!


    4. LOL 3:45! Maybe they'll build a bigger house from a kit. Give themselves home perms. Take the dog for a bath. Restyle Michelle's hair. Lots of choices!

  14. Haven’t seen it, but glad to know some of the younger kids were featured. If the audience doesn’t get to know kids # 10 and younger, the audience won’t tune in when they are married off. So featuring the teens and preteens is a good marketing idea to keep the audience watching for a few more years.

  15. I was a little surprised that they had dusty cabinet doors, like don't they clean the house regularly?

    1. When you are a guest in someone's home, do you make a visual inspection of all the cabinet doors and furniture for dust?

    2. Uhhhh, kinda hard to miss that grimy pantry door right there in your face!

    3. @2:57 I don't have to make a visual inspection. My nose will soon alert me to the fact that a house is full of dust and needs to be cleaned and vacuumed. A-CHOO!

    4. When I'm a guest in someone's house, I don't go looking for dust, but if it's pretty obvious, I don't exactly want to eat there or use their restroom. LOL If It's someone I've known for a while and their house is usually normally well-kept (not magazine cover perfect, but lived in and fairly orderly and clean) and I begin to notice that changing, I'm going to be concerned that my friend/host/family member may be struggling physically, mentally, or emotionally. That's often a sign of depression, a person losing some physical coordination skills/physical endurance or strength due to aging or a medical-related condition, or they may be struggling emotionally with some issues (burnout, grief, loss, mid-life changes, maturing children attempting to individuate and parent reads that as a loss/loss of control or influence, maturing children producing an identity crisis for parents deriving their value from mothering, moving into the age range where losing old friends/former classmates/older siblings becomes more common, etc.), or potentially Alzheimer's or Dementia. I'm going to be looking for coping mechanisms or nonchalant sounding excuses-either of which signal to me that my friend/host/family member is aware of the change (both are hiding behaviors). I'll be working on trust and hope my friend/host/family member will trust me enough to be honest if they're struggling, so we can work up a game plan to help them. Struggling, being no longer able to keep up the pace you once did (for whatever reason), and feeling the need to hide it are horrible stressors. I'd want my person to just let me know and we can come alongside them and take care of what they need done (teamwork, bearing one another's burdens). It's pretty difficult when you've been a television reality show celebrity, conference speaker, motivational speaker,and author detailing how you get it all done with 19 kids and you find yourself aging and maybe not quite so able to "get it all done" quite so well. Unfortunately, the Duggars have had some pretty glaring inconsistencies between what they've said (on air, in interviews, or in print) and what they've actually done. So,it's understandable that some people are going to feel like they've been lied to about things like jurisdictions, the huge color-coded Managers of Their Home job chart, how responsible/obedient/well-trained the children are, etc.

  16. I loved how all those babies were shown during the phone meeting. Michelle and Jim Bob must be very proud that their children are having wonderful grandchildren who live close and far. I wonder who will have a grandDuggar #20. It would be so cool is #20 was born in 2020... Not really possible unless someone is at least 3-4 months pregnant now. But it would be really cool.

  17. I watched the first episode twice and thought it was a wonderful episode dealing with what we all were going through with the virus and many still are in some areas. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

  18. I always cringe when the Duggars go along with these ridiculous TLC stunts that make them look foolish. Anyone that actually wanted to make their own disinfecting wipes would use pieces of cloth (like lightweight dish cloths) NOT paper towels. I know the Duggars are paid to do these things but they should have some better standard for how they appear to the general public.

  19. I enjoyed seeing the group again. The only comment I have is that since the coronavirus affected all of them, it would have been nice to have a bit more footage of people like Joe and Kendra, Si and Laurem, and some of the boys, like Justin and Jackson and a bit less of Jessa and Ben, to give all of them air time.

    1. Maybe they don't want more air time.

  20. I hated the way Jana treated Josie! She is just a little girl showing art expression! She should had been praise not criticize! Shame on you Jana!

    1. Agree w/5:55. That was one big cringe.

    2. It looked as though Josie disregarded Jana's instructions and was using up quite a bit of undiluted blue watercolor paint in the process. The stuff doesn't come cheap in the tubes, which are usually quite small. Jana wasn't mean or talking in an angry voice. She was quite calm about it. Why would you praise a child for not following directions?

    3. The paint's not expensive. I found what looks similar to the set they used, at the craft store where they like to shop. It's only $15 for 26 tubes of paint. That's 57 cents per tube.

    4. Anon 12:56. This was an ART class. That's one time when kids should be allowed to do their own thing and not have to "follow directions". Jana was wrong to banish Josie like that.

    5. Yep! If Josie wanted to douse herself in blue paint straight from the tube and roll around on a piece of paper, Jana should have let her. At least that would have been interesting to watch. Jana is too uptight!

    6. 9:15 - You learn how to use the medium in an art class. Part of being in a class is learning the proper technique. Josie was being wasteful and wasn't listening. It's disrespectful to the teacher when you won't follow instructions. Jana wasn't even telling her what to paint just that the type of paint needed to be diluted.

  21. I think Ben and Jessa should get a bigger house (or expand the current one) for the sake of Ben, not even for the sake of kids. Ben definitely needs some privacy while he is studying, and this is important for him. Can't Jessa's brothers build some extension to the house? they were so great in making a new french door to the porch and building the porch itself.

    1. What’s Ben studying?

    2. TLC wouldn't pay for a room addition so they're not going to build on the house. They got a deck.

    3. That’s an important part of being an adult and a parent so many of the family missed - being able to support yourself and provide for your children.

    4. Anon 7:04. Who knows? Apparently he can't study in the "coffee shop" because of the quarantine now. Guess Jessa can't manage the kids for him to study at home so he's having a tough time of it. lol

    5. @7:57 in Jessa’s defense, it is very challenging to keep three very young children quiet in a small home for hours at a time! Perhaps, Ben needs to postpone his education until more places/his school opens up or Jessa takes the kids for an hour ride or to a park while he studies. Be creative and flexible!

    6. Quite a few of us are parenting and schooling at home during this pandemic with a work-from-home spouse, keeping our children quiet while someone works or has work-related conference calls. Many of us studied at home with younger children making noise, without having a nearby coffee shop to go to. LOL No offense, but that seems so snowflake (unable to cope with real life situations) and immature. Children, those blessings from the Lord, are not always so quiet. LOL Parents can train them to be quiet/quieter for some periods of time (length of time depends on the age and attention span of the child and how long you've been training them,and your own realistic expectations-LOL).

  22. I would love to hear more about Duggars who still live at home, or those who moved out and live on their own but are not married yet. The show focused on the married Duggars and their kids, but would be interesting to know what Jed, Jer, Jason, and James are doing with their lives. They all graduated school, so they must be working now? We saw 4 little girls in the 1st episode, and seems like it was Ben who was homeschooling them. It would be nice to see what else they are doing in a free time, are they friends or have their own friends.

    1. Jed and Jer looked like they were sitting in an RV during the Zoom get together! I wonder if they were in the driveway, pretending to have moved out, lol!

    2. Since none of them move out and live on their own before marriage you can't focus on that aspect of their lives.

    3. It's possible they were in an RV, or in a trailer office of one of the businesses.

  23. You might want to actually watch the latest episode before you make your comments. It was a very good one.

  24. It might have been easier for Josie to start out with tempera or fingerpaint. Watercolors can be a bit tricky. I'm not sure why Jana reprimanded her and stopped her from painting. Maybe there was more to the story than what was filmed.

    1. Paint is paint is paint to a child that age. There was no need to fuss at her so much. So what if she wasn't getting the watercolor effect Jana and the other girls had? She didn't care when the others told her to use more water. She wanted her paint to be thick. Jana should not have made her leave. I have a feeling that there's more to the story, like maybe some attention disorder they don't talk about but handle by sending her to another activity.

    2. How old is Josie? The premise with painting with Jana was to get out of the home environment and have fun, right??? Odd series of events between Jana & Josie.

    3. Didn’t Josie act very independent and in charge in the past? What happened to her with Jana?

    4. Josie is 10, not 4 to do fingerpainting.

    5. 2:06- When using watercolor from a tube, the whole point is to dilute it with water. Otherwise, you'd use the whole tube up very quickly. You might just as well use tempera or acrylics, which would have likely been a better choice for Josie, who appears to be a child who likes to play by her own rules.

    6. I don't know why Jana was so impatient with Josie. Josie may not have much ability with water colors but there was no reason to make her leave the room.

    7. @7:52- Jana didn't lose her cool. She was very calm about the situation, which likely had more to it than what we saw. Josie isn't perfect and may have been very uncooperative, in which case a consequence was appropriate. She's ten years old and should've been able to follow directions well, unless she has learning or behavioral problems the family would never share.

  25. In my opinion, it seemed as if they are the only one’s struggling through thIs pandemic the way it was narrated. It’s not anything different than what everyone else is going through.

    1. That’s how they approach everything. Jill used to explain about nail-painting as if they were the only ones who did it.

  26. I love this TV show! they make me be a better person with the morals and values they have. i have 2 complaints about the show. stop showing the weddings before the courtship and leading up to stuff. its so anticlimactic and a lot of people cant stand the way the edit it. also i have to buy it because i dont have cable and 7 episodes a season is redick. please make the season longer. idk what show has a season so short. those r my only issues. please have more seasons!

  27. I don't believe they listened to what they told us in that episode about social distancing. Just about the entire family got together for the 4th of July, or traveled, or hosted people at their house! They are getting together with people outside their family as if nothing is happening! With Arkansas as one of the hot spots, NW Arkansas in particular. Shame!

  28. On my time zone Alaska... the 1st show(says new) about the pregnant and Jessa w/photo shoot (which he saw last season). 2nd 2 hour new Duggar’s in Quarantine... This show is “Counting On” not about the Duggar’s big house.. It’s about the married kids family... I’m so disappointed ... I have watched this show for years ... and it was time for a change... and it did change a bit with the married kids.... now back to Jim Bob and Michelle. Please... please show more of Jinger, Jeremy and Lissy... they are a wonderful young Christian family .... doing normal things without parents telling them what they need to do or where to go daily!! I love that Jeremy lovingly takes care of their family🙏😍

  29. Why is/was JD so concerned about the lack of produce??? In New England, that is one area we did not seem to lack during this pandemic. And, why is his tomato garden growing on a mound on dirt???

    1. I live in the Midwest and even though there wasn't a lack of produce in the stores here, many of us are growing large gardens because we wanted to prepare in the event of shortages. It's a way of feeling in control. Besides, the fresh vegetables from your own garden can't be beat!

    2. @7:03-I agree about gardening; but why did he mound his topsoil to plant tomatoes???

    3. The food supply was pretty uncertain where I live. I never knew what I would find at the store. I was also leery of picking up produce at the store because of potentially sick shoppers handling it or coughing on it.

  30. I’m not saying Abby didn’t care about the elderly; but I feel she really feigned considering going back to work. No wife works outside the home in Duggar-world!

    1. She has been pregnant (and sick) or mothering a baby for most of her marriage. Neither are ideal for going back to work. It's nice that she has that to fall back on if she needs it.

    2. I don't think John would allow her to go back to work. Abbie seemed to really enjoy her job and I think she'd like to have more contact with people other than members of the Duggar family.

  31. Look at Jana on the couch with the young girls...she looked a bit miserable.

  32. Lauren looked so enthused ;)

  33. The show was better-produced than usual. But yes, a little too much of Jessa. Did they say what Ben is studying? Is it for an online degree from real college? Or a pretend college?....

    1. Yeah. You never know what's going on with them. Poor Ben had to give up the coffee shop and now Jessa's gorging herself on ice cream. They're really suffering.


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