
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Si and Lauren Celebrate 2 Years

Happy 2nd wedding anniversary to Josiah and Lauren Duggar!

Photo courtesy


  1. Happy Anniversary

    Josiah & Lauren Duggar

  2. I feel like it was more than 2 years for them! :) They traveled to New Zealand with the Duggars together, then had an amazing wedding and a honeymoon in Austria. Unfortunately Lauren had a miscarriage early on, but now baby Bella is 7.5 months already! Soon they will probably be having another baby.

    1. I hope they don't have another baby soon! She's only 21! Also, the effect of COVID-19 on unborn fetuses is not yet know.

    2. I met them when they travelled to Australia, they were both so ridiculously friendly I had a great chat with both of them!

    3. If someone is ridiculously friendly it means that they are trying to hard to appear friendly. It is not genuine.

    4. Covid is just the flu people...sigh

    5. 8:04, it's not correct to make a blanket statement like that. Some people are just very extroverted, but it doesn't mean they are all phony.

  3. Happy Anniversary to a very sweet couple!

  4. Here's hoping, that Lauren & Josiah, enjoyed their 2nd Wedding Anniversary!!!!

  5. Happy 2nd anniversary Josiah and Lauren. Your courtship, engagement, wedding and honeymoon was beautiful to watch. I feel sorry for your loss of Asa. I watched the announcement, gender reveal and birth of Bella she is so precious. You have had a wonderful two years. I can't wait for counting on to start. Natasha B.

  6. Happy anniversary Josiah and Lauren. You two are so adorable. Hope you enjoy your anniversary and many more to come. Can't wait to see you two and Bella on the new season.!!

  7. Wishing you many more years of love,happiness and blessings.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  8. Congrats to them. Hope it was good

  9. Why do I always get the feeling that she's happier than he is? You can see it in almost all their pictures. When he's with his family, he seems relaxed. When he's with Lauren, he seems stiff. Anyone else pick this up?

    1. Haven't noticed this. Do you remember any specific times?

    2. stop trolling.

    3. I just don't see the point in speculating. They don't 'owe' you any explanations for how they appear.

    4. Yes, I've always thought so, too, 9:09.

    5. Maybe he is not that comfortable in front of the cameras? I have the impression that he is trying to appear romantic and it doesn't come naturally to him, and it just comes off as awkward.

    6. I don't find Josiah in any way unhappy looking. He looks happy to me.

    7. You have to wonder how mixed up he was after the first courtship flopped. It went off like a skyrocket and then fizzled. Is there such a thing as a rainbow marriage?

    8. MO- Do you think it might be because the pictures of them together are more staged (portrait type) pictures? And the pictures at home are being taken without a formal pose? Just a guess. :o)

    9. Stiff is a good word to describe his behavior. He seems to be on a first date, not married 2 years.

    10. "Rainbow marriage" is a good term.

    11. Josiah looks very happy. He is a happy husband and a happy father. I don't like when someone posts negative opinions here that are totally unfounded.

    12. @9:09 Maybe Lauren is a bit stronger than he expected. Please don’t get me wrong, she seems sweet and sometimes even clingy; but her responses to him are more mature than his comments.

    13. She is strong and absolutely lovely! He is strong too!

  10. Off topic, but the Duggar boys did the best job in finding the sweetest wives. Every single one of them, they are so blessed to have these lovely ladies in their lives.Now, I hope the in-laws of the Dugger daughters feel the same way about them.😇💜

    1. All Duggar daughters were brought up to submit to their husbands and listen to them. Only Jessa who is 2 years older than Ben, seems to be leading in the family, but seems like Ben likes it. Jill is a submissive wife and does what Derick wants in his life. Jinger was called a 'rebel", but all those blond hair and ripped jeans are just a cover of following the husband where he is going. Joy looks up to Austin all the time, and he is 5 years older as well. Joy may be not the sweetest person, but she is a submissive wife.


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