
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Duggars Return in 12 Days

Jim Bob Duggar and Ivy Seewald
Jim Bob Duggar and Ivy Seewald

It has been seven months since the last Counting On season ended, and we know you are eager for the Duggars to return. And guess what? New episodes start in less than two weeks! TLC has uploaded a new preview video that can be found by clicking here. We are very much looking forward to the new season. Are you?

*The photo above is not a snapshot for the new season, nor is it a TLC photo. We just can't get over how adorable it is and wanted to share it.

Photo courtesy


  1. I'm looking forward to it! I'm thankful for every new season.

  2. Super excited! DVR is all set!

  3. I can't get over all the visiting back and forth between households this family is doing during the pandemic. That and going out in public without masks. It's so risky.

    1. Agreed. I'll have no sympathy at all if any of them get COVID. It's not that big of a deal to wear a mask.

    2. Livin' on the edge! Dundundun! I have never worn a mask, except when required to on an airplane. :)

    3. Well there are those who claim it's a "violation" of our Constitutional rights to be required to wear a mask in public places. I wonder when we got the right to unwittingly spread a dangerous disease to others.

    4. How long do you think families should stay away from each other? Until there is a vaccine? Who knows when that will be...If families want to see each other, it's their choice. If you choose to isolate yourself indefinitely from your family, that is YOUR choice. But don't criticize other people for choosing to see their families. COVID is going to be here for a long time - we can't hide forever...

    5. It's almost as if they trust the immune systems God gave them!

    6. As we've seen in the preview they did stay off hugs and bought the Seewalds masks Jana had seen,the government is easing off the rules now and if they have been following rules and stayed inside they have not contracted the virus from anyone so how can they infect anyone,it's only family,they are not socialising with a variety of friends,I see people meeting up with friends everywhere I go,a lot of people are eager to get back to normal,they don't know for sure if their friends have been careful during lockdown but family members do.

    7. I've never worn a mask and either has anyone in my family. We have been to stores, restaurants, parks, Birthday parties etc.etc. No masks and everyone is fine.

    8. Puhlease. Microbiology 101...the virus is smaller than the cross fibers in your fabric mask. It doesn’t do anything. It’s just virtue-signaling. This family is above that non-sense.
      As for covid...the reports are coming’s like a cold or minor, shorter duration flu. This is from IRL people. The media has whipped up a frenzy.

    9. The point of wearing a mask is to protect other people in case you are asymptomatic or presymptomatic. It reduces spread so the economy can stay open. Why don't people understand this? People brag about not wearing a mask as if that makes them independent or edgy or somehow smarter or braver than those who wear masks, but all not wearing a mask makes you is selfish.

    10. Please be careful. I recovered from the virus.

    11. I cannot even believe that in this day and time there are people who don't wear masks. IMHO that is ignorant, irresponsible, and insensitive to your fellow man.

    12. I wonder if the people who do not wear masks are the same people who don't vaccinate their kids and don't wear seatbelts.

    13. 4:59 - I know a couple who was going to restaurant constantly and they were fine until, boom, they tested positive for COVID-19 last week. It’s all fine until it’s not.

    14. I completely agree with 11:12. It's interesting (and not in a good way) that the same people who pride themselves on being the most patriotic are largely the same ones showing no regard for their fellow Americans right now. It's quite disheartening. Wearing a mask and social distancing is the patriotic thing to do!

    15. If I'm not sneezing or coughing or talking, am I going to spread the disease if not wearing a mask?

    16. Ok people where was the big outrage at all the rioters, and anarchist roaming through America's streets? Loads of them weren't wearing masks and surely weren't practicing the social distant thing, so I think the rest us who are the sane people can decide when and where or if we want to decide to wear a mask. When we seen that apparently the rules for the rioters, protesters, anarchist were that they weren't required to follow any covid19 rules, we knew then that there was no reasonable reason why us decent people had to go along with these phoney restrictions any longer. If you catch covid you have a 99.9 chance of recovery so let's give it a break already. If you want to be warriors for a cause at least pick a cause that makes sense, hey I got one you can get outraged about and that is the destruction of people's property and the looting that took place by these lawbreakers and anti Americans, anti police nut jobs that we seen all over our tv screens. He outraged over that!!!!

    17. I’m guessing 9:11 is not an older adult or a vulnerable person. Please don’t be so flippant about covid-19. An important person in my life died of covid. I’m sad he went through the agony of it, and I’m sad for his family and friends that he is no longer with us.

    18. Masks only will make healthy people people; you can't breathe properly in the mask: you exhale CO2 and right away you inhale it again since it gets inside the mask, so your body does not get quality oxygen.

    19. 9:11 "Puhlease" go back to "Microbiology 101" too. I have several kinds of masks and filter material (to make homemade masks) that all filter out virus-sized particles. Most commercial masks come with the micron filtering rating on the box. I also have level 3 surgical masks treated with citric acid and copper that inactivate viruses within 5 minutes of contact. Those have been available to the public for years. I wear them every flu season. I'm wearing them constantly now.

      You also need to catch up with the latest Covid-19 reports and news. Doctors are seeing significant long-term implications from the virus - strokes, pulmonary embolisms, pulmonary fibrosis, kidney damage, and brain inflammation (which can lead to psychosis or memory loss), just to name a few side-effects you could look forward to if you're a Covid-19 survivor. There is no "cold" or "shorter duration flu" that EVER produced those problems! This news is not media-driven but published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Some of the reports from autopsies are chilling. One pathologist said he "couldn't even tell he was looking at lung tissue," the damage was so profound.

    20. 9:11 The Duggars are "above such nonsense", like wearing masks? I think I'll take the advice of infectious disease experts over a random poster on a blog or a reality TV family. It's little wonder this virus is making a strong second showing in so many states that had opened prematurely and never advocated for wearing masks, Arkansas being one.

    21. 4:59- Unless you've been tested, you have no way of knowing if you're an asymptomatic carrier or not. I have an extended family member who
      became extremely ill from the virus and it took weeks to recover. She was exposed by someone visiting in her home who was having only mild symptoms. At that one gathering, four people were infected. When you go out in public, show respect for the many essential workers in our stores and places of business by wearing a mask. It's about protecting others, not just yourself.

    22. @2:59 You need to read the heartbreaking stories of families who have gotten together resulting in multiple positive cases and even deaths.

    23. Anon 11:12 we figured out a way to not wear a mask and be around lots of people in our family and in public, we just call our get togethers a riot or a protest because evidently the covid won't bother us then, evidenced by the very leaders who are out walking with protesters and rioters and telling all the rest of us to use social distancing and wear masks and stay home. So yeah we just rename our get togethers and we will be fine. In all seriousness if this covid was so dangerous that we had to shut down our country and stay away from each other then do you think for one second that these so called leaders would not be doing the same thing they are telling us to do?? It's all hype people!!!

    24. Recent studies have shown that Asymptotic people can’t spread the virus so really it’s just up to each individual. If you want to wear a mask then where one, but unless you have a medical grade mask it’s not protecting you

    25. 5:41- That is a disturbing falsehood. If it were true, surgeons and medical professionals wouldn’t be wearing them.

    26. Anon 9:32 There are heartbreaking stories of people dying from the flu and colds every year and a lot of them are the elderly and young babies and toddlers. There is a RECOVERY RATE of 99.9 percent with this covid 19. Good Grief people don't be so gullible!!

    27. There's getting to be too much misinformation in this discussion!

      It's not true about needing a medical grade mask. For the general public, even a piece of cotton from a bandana offers some protection and reduces your airflow towards others. Protection goes both ways and masks or face coverings are as much about protecting others as they are about protecting yourself. Any type of barrier reduces airflow and takes away a virus particle's direct path from person to person.

      It's also not true about asymptomatic people not spreading the virus. Primary-infection carriers can spread the virus, whether or not they are currently displaying symptoms. In fact, one of your most infectious days is the day right before your symptoms appear! That finding was published in a scientific journal in April and has been true with other viruses too. The CDC and the WHO agree that asymptomatic people can spread the virus. If the virus is live in one person, even if it's not causing symptoms yet (or ever), it can spread to another through breathing. Viruses need a host (one infected person) and a way to spread to the next person (breathing) to propagate. This virus is finding those perfect conditions everywhere. Put up a barrier, a nose and mouth covering!

      As far as testing to be sure you're not a carrier, you'd have to be tested daily, especially if you've had contact with anyone else after the test. But, the tests can have false findings up to 20% of the time. This is why precautions (masks, distancing, cleaning) still need to be taken after a "negative" day's test. The results could be misleading, or you could have been infected when you stopped at the store on the way home from the test.

      Don't fall for "assurance" that the air in a building is being cleaned, either. While that might remove virus particles that hit a filter or remain in a treatment chamber long enough, it's not getting rid of the particles coming straight out of the lungs of the person sitting next to you. First stop for those particles can be your lungs, not some filter in the HVAC system. You'd have to have be in a plastic bubble or Scuba gear for full protection! (Or stay home.)

      Inconvenient as it may be, we still need to take precautions, even more so as businesses reopen and people are moving about more. Look at the spike in cases since mid-May openings. Look at the spike in hospital beds occupied. Don't look at only the death numbers, although they are significant. A decline in known cases or death rate does not mean the virus is gone, it only means fewer people bother to get a test (whose results may be wrong) and younger people (average age 37 now) are being infected. We know how to treat this virus better than we did in February, so fewer people who are infected may succumb now. But people are still being infected, and that "flattened" curve is not staying flat.

      Don't get your medical information from politicians or news channels pandering to them. Get it from doctors and reputable medical journals, or from people who study them. Science, not politics.

      BTW 10:13, there are 2 Reopen rally leaders in two different states (MD and NC) who tested positive. This is not hype.

    28. 12:05 There has been NO study that definitively shows asymptomatic infected people can't spread the virus. We do know that symptomatic people are more likely to spread it. BTW, the purpose of a mask is to protect other people from YOUR germs. Being casual about it shows your insensitivity and lack of respect for others. Even Mike Pence is now telling people to wear a mask out in public.

    29. Anon 6:42 You do realize that all the symptoms than you listed are the same type of symptoms of people that come with a bad flu. Some people who get a bad flu or bad cold can have that turn into pneumonia which can cause serious damage to your lungs, causing severe scarring and can also cause infections that run through your body and into your brain causing massive damage. This isn't unique to the covid virus, but is common in bad flu and cold seasons. We don't hide from a bad flu season and shouldn't be hiding from this covid virus. You do the best you can and leave the rest to God. If a person feels better staying home, then do so, but to expect others to feel that same was is wrong and unrealistic.

    30. @2:12. Yes, you are still spreading it.

      Five minutes of talking between unmasked persons in proximity is all the time it takes for enough particles to transfer and infect. It takes 2 minutes if those people are singing or shouting.

      It takes 2 hours of nobody talking (for instance, asleep near each other) and simply breathing in and out normally.

      Yes, you will spread the disease without a mask even if you're not talking or coughing or sneezing. All those do is make it faster to infect.

    31. 5:41 - That can happen to a small degree, not enough to cause hypoxia or hypercapnia in most people, with ill-fitting masks but not in properly fitted ones. A mask should be fitted close to your face so you're breathing through the mask itself, which is porous. Even after 8 hour shifts in N95 masks, health care workers should not see a blood oxygen level dangerously low.

    32. @3:13 This virus overwhelms the immune system. It can also cause your immune system to "attack" your own tissue and organs with devastating results.

    33. 11:06- We are learning more about COVID all the time. It different from the flue in that it's more highly contagious and more deadly. We are only beginning to learn some of the long term devestating effects of it. Those are the facts.

    34. 12:01, I asked if there was NO talking. If I'm going in a store for 15 minutes and don't cough, sneeze, or talk and am at least 6 feet from anyone except when I'm a few feet away from a cashier with a plastic barrier and a mask for a few minutes, am I going to spread anything by not wearing a mask? I just don't see how that's possible.

    35. The local paper did a series of stories about survivors and what they went through before, during, and after being hospitalized. They came out like a combo of stroke victim and advanced COPD patient. They had to have physical and occupational therapy to walk, talk, breathe, and remember things. You don't have those problems after "a cold or minor shorter duration flu." If this virus doesn't hit you any harder than that, you can count your lucky stars. But nobody knows when they get it if they're going to recover in 2 weeks or 2 years or never. It's nothing to be taken lightly or dismissed as harmless and it's spreading at a faster rate than it was at the beginning. Stay home as much as you can and cover your nose and mouth if you must go shopping! One survivor said she thinks she got it at the grocery store where nobody was wearing masks.

    36. There's a lot of fear and misinformation in these comments, and that's exactly where the media wants you. #missionaccomplished

    37. Dear anonymous 9:11 on the 27th. You are so wrong about the virus. Just because you "may" know someone "irl" who had it and it was a like a cold doesn't mean others haven't had it worse. I am an RN and it is real and far worse. I know of a pregnant woman who was cut (CS) early because of how sick she was, put on a vent and then transfered to another hospital for ECMO. Those who are hopsitalized have long stays and huge bills.

      When people don't wear masks they are saying "screw you" to their fellow Americans. They are selfish and self-centered, a danger to society. Period.

    38. I would love to see Jana opening up a business, like an interior decorating business or something. That would be interesting to watch.

    39. @9:11—you are way off!!!

    40. I hope everyone's microbiology class will be covering this news flash: There's a prevalent strain of swine flu (G4) spreading among pigs in China, same areas where Covid began. Scientists are worried that it's only a matter of time before it jumps to humans and takes off the way Covid did.

    41. Have any of you mask apologists seen video of Fauci giving a speech wearing a mask, and then removing his mask when he thought the cameras were turned off? It's all over social media. THINK! Covid is real, but it's being overblown to gain CONTROL!

    42. 6:20, not to mention the politicians packed into protests and the funeral.

    43. @6:20 What exactly do you think is being "controlled" by wearing a mask? Who's going to do what with this "control" that you claim? Do you mean the Constitution is going to be amended with some sort of new "control" measures? If you're going to yell CONTROL!, then please be more specific. Should I be buying more canned goods?

  4. That is super cute! :-)

  5. So once again JB and Michelle will be playing a prominent role on a show that supposed to be about the lives of their adult children. I'll give it a pass. I'm tired of JB and Michelle.

    1. I like Jim-Bob and Michelle, the show is more interesting when their on.

    2. I hit the mute button when they are on. I prefer watching their kids. Maybe it's because they have been on TV most of their lives, but they are more natural than JB and Michelle are

    3. I agree that the show is more interesting when JB and Michelle are on. I stopped watching when it turned into Counting On.

    4. But J B and Michelle are the ones that got fans hooked in the first place,if it had all started with counting on and not 19kids,it would not have attracted enough attention as they would have been seen as regular people having a few kids,I personally have always been interested in large families as it takes extraordinary people to make such sacrifices and they grew up children with values and integrity,and that's a rare thing these days.

    5. I'm tired of Jim Bob's inappropriate jokes and "heh heh heh" references during courtships, proposals, and marriages.

    6. I like when the parents are in the show and to be honest with you, me and my friends enjoyed Jesse's Christmas 2019 video where she filmed everyone at her Mom and Dad's house opening gifts and eating the big feast. We enjoyed that more then the TLC shows since they stopped letting all the family be a part. Just let Jessa film the big family get togethers and we would be happy with that. 😊

    7. I can’t stand Jim Bob and Michelle, I really wish TLC would stop airing them and just leave them as background characters.

    8. I like to see Jim Bob and Michelle. It’s what got me interested in the show to begin with. While I don’t agree with the religious group that they follow, I think they love their children and grandchildren.

    9. They would be interesting to watch if they were showed interacting with their younger children and not just the talking heads part. So no, I’m not interested in watching what happened over a year ago either.

    10. I though Jb and michelle weren’t allowed to be on counting on?????????? 19kac got canceled for a valid reason and they were part of that reason.

    11. Time 11:31AM Sun 6/28/20
      Well Anonymous dont watch it.
      Your comment was rude. I'm tired of
      JB & Michelle dont watch it. I dont
      Mind if they are on the show.

    12. Neddy Constant--As Annonymous 06/27 @1:22pm pointed out, they are not suppose to be on the show. That was part of the deal when they started Counting On. I don't know why that changed. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion. No need to chastise them for it

    13. @3:22- I don't think that it's rare to find children who have grown up with integrity and values. I have them in my own children and extended family, as well as my friends. I also don't think you have to have a huge family to prove your worth as a human being. I also think there are people who have a lot of kids for purely selfish reasons.

    14. I am not sure why there is criticism of Jim Bob and Michelle. They did nothing wrong. They are not banned from the show.

    15. @3:51 Some people believe they did do something wrong, that they mishandled things when trouble happened. The record speaks for itself.

    16. Well, I'll say it again, Jim Bob and Michelle shouldn't be forever banned from the show because of something that happened years ago, whether you hold them solely responsible or not. The Lord forgives and we should too. Personally, I'm glad they are back. They seem to be the only ones these days who still don't compromise on their convictions, unlike most of the adult Duggar children of today.

    17. @Unknown But they should be forever banned from telling how wholesomely their family lives their lives, because it's obvious now that what was being said before was not true. How can we believe anything they say now, after all that happened? Who likes being deceived? How sound are those convictions??

    18. One child did wrong. The parents (who are not mandatory reporters) dealt with it the way they knew how, however naively or misguidedly it may have been. They went to their spiritual leaders, didn't shove it under the family rug. That doesn't mean that the rest of their lives weren't lived in a wholesome way. It would be different if it was a pattern among their children or if they had done nothing. They did take steps to deal with it (bedroom door locks, no hide and seek, no lap sitting with the boys), which you can still see today in the side hugs that they get criticized so much for.

  6. What a darling photo of JB and Ivy. I always enjoy the Duggars.

  7. Oh how i miss the old show i wish they could just rename it to be based from the duggar house and parents, then sections of diff couples who want to be on the show still.

    1. 19kac was cancelled for a very good reason.

    2. What was the reason anyway?

  8. My parents and I are so excited. DVR will automatically record. So I can watch it again. I love watching rerun's. We look forward to every new season.
    #1 fan Natasha B.

    1. Natasha B. It sounds like you have a close-knit loving family. I gather that from your comments and happy for you.

  9. I am also tired of Jim Bob and Michelle show the adult children and maybe courtship of Jana, Jed , or Jer

    1. Yes,new courtships would be nice but with social distancing that could go on for years if we get a second wave how are they going to meet a potential partner,oh well let's concentrate on staying alive!

    2. I am really interested to see if/when Jed/Jer (21) and Jason (20,) start any potential courtships.

    3. Yes I agree! I can handle Michelle more than JB but yeah it's about the adult kids/married ones..

    4. I was hoping for new courtships/proposals, but with this social distancing things definitely could not even develop this Spring. If anything, there will be more pregnancy announcements

  10. Another season of pregnancies and young women giving birth while Michelle tells them how to moan. Oh groan.

    1. Let's see. That happened once.

  11. do not waste our time because we know what happen all old news by now. some big new will be released before the show? some getting into a court ship or someone having a baby.

  12. Unless one of the unmarried adult Duggars gets into a courtship (Jana, Jer, Jed or Jason) I'm not watching. This show has become "lather, rinse, repeat".

    1. How are courtships anything other than part of the Duggar "lather, rinse, repeat" cycle? It's their thing.

    2. Anon 8:09. Courtships would introduce some new people which would be more interesting than watching young women give birth.

    3. 10:16- How about if someone, anyone, in this family moves out of the homestead and becomes independent before they find a spouse? I'd watch that!

  13. I'm so happy that it seems Michelle and Jim Bob will be more on the show!!

  14. I absolutely love the Duggars! Can’t wait for the show to start! - Julie

  15. I am looking forward, to the new season, of Counting On.

  16. Can't wait, just pray🙏🏼 it's different, not more of the same🤞🏻 😇

  17. They'll likely have a few token clips of them wearing masks and social distancing back in March. Then it will be right back to manicures, shopping trips, eating out, and massive family gatherings- minus the masks, of course, as is evident on their social media. Many southern states, including Arkansas, are seeing a resurgence of infections because people are careless.

    1. These shows were all filed prior to social distancing and masks.

    2. 2:20 I don't think so, or why would they be talking about it and making masks?

    3. Resurgence in Covid numbers is also due to more people being tested. According to the CDC, if you are tested and found to have antibodies, you're considered a "new case." Ditto if you have Covid syptoms even if not tested. So all the people who are now able to have elective surgery must be tested before it, and if they have antibodies, they're "new cases."

  18. Love Jim Bob and Michele! Wish the old show was back!

  19. Looking forward to the return of the Duggars. Hope to see much more of the younger children from Josie on up. Give the younger Duggars a chance to shine.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  20. July it self is a busy month for Duggars - James will have his birthday on the 7th, Sam Dillard on the 8th, Meredith Duggar on the 16th, Jim Bob on the 18th, Felicity Vuolo on the 19th. And Michelle and Jim Bob will have their wedding anniversary on July 21st.

    1. You know I have trouble keeping track of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. in my own family so I don't try to track another family too.

  21. Does Ivy Jane look like Michelle Duggar? I think so. :)

  22. I'm excited!

  23. I viewed the preview. How is this season 'like no other'? I think it's exactly the same...babies, Jim Bob & Michelle. Is the difference that this family is showing us how they are wearing masks and washing their hands? How was this done during a lockdown and isolation? The TLC crew was obviously there. Not very smart if this is true. The program really needs to be true to their own word of keeping the parents OUT OF IT. I'm tired of these two who thought they could keep such a horrid secret. They are not the model family; they are dysfunctional. They do not love all of their children unconditionally. Only the ones who keep their rules even as adults themselves. Stick to the married ones. Jana would appreciate this as she does not like being on this program and it shows in her 'interviews'.

    1. @7:05 TLC keeps this show on the air like every other crazy program they have. This family is no different from the others. They think they're spreading a religious message but TLC is making spectacles of them, just like they do with every other family they film.

    2. Yes! That's apparent in the interview questions they ask the kids and in the stunts they have them do. I've had the feeling for a long time that the production company is just as tired of filming this stuff as we are of watching it. Then they edit it to make everyone look foolish.

    3. Anon 9:20 It's all about ratings. The Duggars seem to be OK with what TLC does or they would just stop appearing on the show like Derrick and Jill did.

    4. Of course the Duggars are OK with it. They want the paycheck at any price, privacy and dignity included!

  24. I'm so excited! I'll never grow tired of this awesome family and their wholesome lifestyle. :)

  25. Ivy is a real cutey! She has such beautiful big blue eyes!

    1. In this picture she looks a lot like Jordyn.

    2. 8:28, you're right!

  26. Hi! I hope we see more about John David and Abby. I was wondering if they have plans to build a home. He has been working hard for so long,and she worked for years as a nurse. It seems strange that they are living in a trailer at age 30. My guess is that they don't want a mortgage...saving up to pay in full? Not to sound nosey, but he seemed to be doing well with his jobs, and I thought he bought a house years ago, when they showed him working with his big machinery. When they built their garden, it sounded like they planned to be in the trailer for awhile.

    1. Other than appearing on the TV show, what sort of job does John have? John used to have a brick ranch house, but it seems to have disappeared and all he had when he and Abbie got married was the trailer. I don't think they're going to move any time soon since they planted the garden.

    2. They are saving money. Good for them!

  27. I am so looking forward to the new season but I just don’t like that Jim Bob and Michelle will be on so much. They seem so controlling with the adult married kid’s. Everything doesn’t have to revolve around the “Big House”. It’s only done there so that Jim Bob has control. The only thing I’m looking forward to is Jinger,Jeremy and Felicity... they are the only “normal” ones in the family and don’t have parents telling them what to do. Jeremy and Jinger just seem so polished compared to the others. Just a beautiful match. Live their podcast and I see how much Jinger has grown into a beautiful confident woman 🙏😍

    1. Jinger married someone who went to college, played professional sports, and has experience living in the real world. However, Jinger really hasn't been the independent person you imply that she is. She has all the Duggar boxes checked: stay home until married, transfer authority to husband, have children, but do not have a career. I watched a bit of one of their podcasts, and see Jinger a bit different than you. I see a young woman who looks like she defers to her husband and looks to him to take the lead. That's what's expected in their particular faith. Now if that's the kind of marriage that works for you, fine. However, while she might be allowed to wear jeans and shorts, it fundamentally isn't much different than the Duggars.

    2. I think Jinger and Jeremy are overrated and over celebrated. The only reason she gets so much press is because she has "bucked" the traditional Duggar dress code. Period.

    3. How can you say Jinger's family is the only "normal" one, when Jill and Derek have totally withdrawn from the limelight. In fact they aren't even allowed at the big house without permission, according to Derek.

  28. How many of you can afford hospitalization and treatment co-pays if you get this coronavirus? We're talking astronomical 7-figure medical bills for some patients, now and in the future as they deal with the aftermath.

    How many of you can afford to put a piece of cloth over your nose and mouth or stay home instead? Not talking essential workers, but those who have no business being out and about for pleasure. Patience and responsibility are small prices to pay.

    Your choice. Pay now at the reduced rate or pay later. What you do influences what happens to others, too. You ready to send someone to bankruptcy or worse because you refused to cover up and stay home? You ready to live with the guilt if you spread this virus to family or friends?

    1. Do you have any CLUE how many businesses have already been wiped out and people sent into bankruptcy because of this covid shutdown? Our family has not had a paycheck since MARCH. California unemployment has been applied for at the first opportunity, but hasn't arrived. Wake up!

    2. All families should have 6 months of living expenses saved. Scrimp and save and work extra jobs and you can do it. That's what you live on when disaster strikes. Everyone has to be able to be self-sufficient. No paycheck but you obviously can still afford internet connection. You'll get every penny of unemployment owed to you too.

    3. @4:27 Well then the last thing you need is medical bills. Stay safe.

    4. Wait. Is everyone not saving 6-12 months of living expenses anymore?

    5. 4:27- Yes, these are terrible times for many people. Failed businesses and people losing loved ones to this horrific virus. Blame an unprecedented pandemic caused by a virus, not the measures required to slow its spread.

    6. anon@4:27; I think most people who pay attention to what's going on know that businesses are hurting and that bankruptcies are common now. It's no secret that unemployment is tragically high. I'm sorry your state is not efficient in getting unemployment to you. My daughter's business had to close in March and remained so for three months. She was collecting unemployment + the extra $600 per week the whole time. (Some folks are making more on unemployment than they do when they're working!) This pandemic is, unfortunately, not only causing significant health and economic problems, but also dividing this country. The whole world has been shut down for months, only now trying to unsteadily reopen. What are your expectations that are different? When states reopened to try to save the economy, the fate of this pandemic shifted from government mandates to personal responsibility. It's not going well at all and cases have spiked in many states who opened up in May, becaue too many people were and are not being responsible. I think it's a safe bet that everyone wants things to go back to normal. However, as long as this virus goes unchecked and people deny there's a problem, our economy will continue to take a hit. You can't force people to take a vacation, go out to eat, have a drink at a bar, or go shopping for a new boat. Everyone I know is diligently trying to save money, not spend it as fast as they can. I don't know what business you're in, but if you haven't already done so, I'd start looking at other options for income. Long term care facilities and big box retailers are hiring. (My niece found a job in no time at a nursing home.) As the experts are saying, this pandemic has only just gotten started and we have no assurances of if or when there will be a vaccine. I do hope that you have a CLUE as to the tremendous sacrifices our health care and other essential workers are making every single day. They are putting their own health and well-being at risk to make sure we have the goods and services that are necessary for the American people.

    7. @4:27 Instead of criticizing someone who is just stating the facts about the virus and the conditions in the US, why don't you yell at your government? Why is it taking so long for unemployment checks to be issued? Is your government doing enough to support businesses? Other countries are, why not the "so called" richest country in the world?

      This virus is deadly. I suggest you Wake Up. If more Americans would follow health guidelines, like social distancing and wearing masks, only going out for essential reasons, you would not be in the mess you are in now with rampant disease spread and an ever-climbing death rate.

      The longer you ignore this virus, the more damage will be inflicted on your economy.

    8. Well we've seen what happens when people exercise their "right" to ignore public health warnings and congregate in groups without wearing masks. The rest of the world has decided Americans are nuts and the EU won't let us travel there.

    9. 11:52, how do you propose that "nonessential workers" feed their families and pay their rent? You think they are going out to work for their pleasure? You do realize that there are holes in these "new wave" numbers for a variety of reasons and that the death rate has plummeted since April? There has to be some common sense here.

    10. So basically 4:27PM, you're saying that unless we all wear face masks and stay home to slow or stop the spread of this virus, even more businesses are going to go bankrupt. That's what officials have been trying to tell us for months. If they have to shut businesses down again because people won't stop gathering and spreading this virus, that means even more economic hardship.

      Seems then the logical things would be to cover up or to stay home and order online instead of shopping in person. Which brings us right back to the picture in the top of this blog post...families gathering for pleasure outside their immediate households, and potential spread.

    11. @2:19- You have to understand that it takes weeks for the rise in infections to also show a rise in deaths. The death rate may have dipped temporarily, but remember that we're just now seeing a significant spike in new infections since states have been reopening. Give it a few weeks. My friend's mom was sick for three weeks and then on a ventilator for two more before she finally passed away.

    12. @4:27 There are over 500,000 people around the globe who will never be shopping or spending at businesses ever again. How many more are going to be gone before this pandemic is over? What good is an open business of any sort if all the customers are sick or gone? We HAVE to close things down because people aren't getting the message to stop doing the things that are spreading this.

    13. @2:19- Well, you could become an "essential worker" by taking a job at a supermarket, big box retailer, or a care facility. I see "we're hiring" signs up all over!

    14. @2:19 The US death rate has plummeted? Really? That is what you base your criteria for opening up the economy.

      The US today has over 130,000 deaths so far, with 676 deaths on July 1st. And that is only the deaths that are counted. The actual death rate from COVID is higher. The curve is showing signs of flattening out (and not decreasing) at about 600 deaths a day and looks like it will start increasing. Death from COVID is not like a heart attack; it is a long and painful process. The estimated death rate is 10% in the US!!

      And how about all those people who survive COVID? Scientists are discovering that many,including those with no symptoms, have long term lung and heart damage

    15. Anon 7:48 Using your logic the whole country will be in a standstill over a virus that has the recovery rate of 99.9-99.8 percent recovery. The flip side of this lockdown is the drug deaths, suicide, domestic abuse, child abuse, businesses that will not be coming back, bankruptcy, severe depression cases, restless children with way to much time on their hands, the depletion of the American resources due to ridiculous unemployment payments and loans to hold some businesses up. I could go on and on but the fact is, there is more destruction now because of these shutdowns then there ever could be from a virus with a RECOVERY rate of 99.9. Enough is Enough already!!!

    16. All of you who think this is just some accidental outbreak need to educate yourselves. Fauci is on videotape in 2017, predicting that Trump will have to deal with a pandemic in 2020. Look for the video. It's there.

    17. @July2 2:18Pm The recovery rate is only 90% for the US right now and 92% for the world. I don't know where you got that 99.9% recovery rate number from, but it's not accurate and never has been. There are real-time case numbers and death numbers online that change by the hour. I've been watching them several times daily since March. There has NEVER been a recovery rate that high! In fact, back in April when the virus was peaking in Europe, the death rate in cases with an outcome was over 20%!

    18. For 2:18 - I just crunched the publicly available numbers every way I could and came up with a recovery rate of AT BEST 96%, but MORE LIKELY 92%. We can only wish it were the 99.9% you claim. Are you looking at Covid numbers or seasonal flu numbers?

    19. 2:18- Enough is Enough of what, exactly? The country has tried to reopen and it's backfired in an alarming number of states. Your "recovery" rate does not take into account the many who may have gotten better, but spent weeks in the hospital or out of work because they were so sick. This virus is much more infectious than the flu and more deadly. If your wish is to have everything back to normal, join the club. However, we can't force people to go back to the behaviors that would completely open the economy, like taking vacations, shopping in a mall, or keeping a business open that has many workers getting sick from COVID. These are extraordinary times. How you can not take seriously what front-line doctors and other caregivers are saying about the devestating effects of this pandemic is beyond me.

    20. 6:27- It's really quite incredible how people watching the same video draw entirely different conclusions on what they heard. You see a conspiracy. I see an infectious disease expert telling the audience that our primary mistake is underestimating the globality of health issues. He refers to HIV, Ebola and other epidemics. In order to address these infections, we have to be prepared and he was giving a warning that we are not prepared. He was right on the money with that prediction! He also said that historically, infectious diseases are a perpetual issue and to ignore that reality is foolhardy. Using his knowledge of how this all works, his educated guess was that we would be facing a pandemic in the near future, no matter who was in office. This was not something manufactured to hurt Trump or establish a new world order. That kind of thinking is what led to the Salem witch trials and burning at the stake.

    21. Anon 6:27. I always love a good conspiracy theory. Thank you for that one. WHO has been concerned about pandemics for years. Every time a new disease appears there's always that risk. If you're going to blame someone try blaming the Chinese. It's very popular to do that now.

    22. @4:27 Instead of debating with strangers online, try contacting your state representatives about your missing check, and use every help resource available on your state's unemployment site. My stepfather was the head of his state's bureau of employment security, so I'm familiar with this. There are ways to cut through bureaucratic red tape. Complaining on a reality show family's site isn't one of them. Use your time and energy more productively, if this is such a stress.

    23. I used to wear a mask, but stopped a month ago when I began seeing medical professionals from our local hospital shopping at Walmart with NO masks. My brother is a havac technician working in many different homes. He's fine. I knows this virus is real;just tired of the mixed signals I hear and read.Just be honest with the public.

    24. @9:49 Do you stop wearing seatbelts when you see someone else not wearing theirs? Maybe those medical professionals were already exposed, got over it, and now have antibodies. You can't tell that by looking. Your brother could be an asymptomatic carrier, especially with his exposure. Don't worry about what others are doing and only worry about what you are doing. If your city or state has a mandatory mask requirement, you should follow it. You could be asymptomatic too, and spreading it to someone older or more vulnerable.

    25. 9:49 Anon 7/6 Your post makes no sense. You stopped wearing a mask because you're confused about what you're seeing in public. Removing your mask because others did is not going to stop you from getting the virus. Quite the opposite.

  29. Here's hoping, that Lauren & Josiah, are enjoying their 2nd Wedding Anniversary!!!!

  30. I think this is a lovely picture of a grandfather holding his granddaughter. I'm a bit envious as I can't hold any of my 4 grandchildren right now. My grandchildren do not live close by. They live at least 1,000 miles away. We try to get together at least once a year. We use FaceTime and other sites to keep in touch but it's not the same as actual contact.
    P.S. My posting here is not in reference to the corona-virus. My post is in reference to the love a grandparent has for his/her grandchildren. My heart aches for my grandchildrens' "tender touch".
    Thank you.

  31. You know Ellie and Lily, you have the power to keep out the trolls who turn every post off-topic or criticizing the family. I know there is a great profit -the more hits the more sponsors - the more trolls- the more creepers who come to see what the troll are saying. It saddens me that you lovely ladies have come so far from the original reason for starting this blog. "What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose their soul?" I know God would increase the blessings of financial profit this blog brings to your deserving family if you would honor HIM by letting the comments mirror "Whatsover things are good, pure, trustworthy..." Let's not follow the world with this blog - can't we stand for something different?

    1. Perhaps Ellie and Lily don't WANT to get rich off the blog and that's why they allow differing opinions. lol

    2. Your definition of "troll" is different than others'. A dissenting opinion is not trolling.

    3. @12:27 There are very few comments on this blog that I consider to be troll-like. People have opinions and I think it's fine that they are posted.
      The Duggars, and other reality TV celebrities, are controversial for many different reasons. BTW, it sounds like you embrace the prosperity gospel. The Duggars claim they do not. Not sure if Lily and Ellie do.

    4. I don't see why this blog should exist to simply lavish praise on the Duggars. Not everything they do deserves heaps of praise. Why do you think Ellie and Lily's souls are in "danger for allowing people to express opinions?

    5. 12:27. If you think this blog has come far from its original reason, you ought to see how far the Duggars have come.

    6. anon@12:27 I think you're being unnecessarily harsh and critical of Ellie and Lily. They have clear comment guidelines, one of which is to post all points of view and I think that's a positive thing. Also, the Duggars have been doing business for years with a secular and controversial network that airs content in direct oppostion to their beliefs. They're making great profit in the process. Would you tell the family to stand for something different?

    7. But I LOVE the trolls! I would stop reading the blog if all it had was sweetness.

    8. You make a good point.

  32. Until you know someone you love that has died of Covid, then you cannot speak about its media fabrication.Science is real, you must not believe in doctors at all then, they must be all liars.Then don't take medicine ever or vaccinate.This is not a political disease, so that nonsense needs to stop.Oh, I wish the naysayers well and hopefully they don't get it for being naive.🤞🏻

  33. Everyone!!!!! This is not the place to discuss the covid-19 virus.... this is about Counting On returning..PERIOD!! The Duggar’s, Vuolo family have nothing to do with this.... Now PLEASE move on

    1. Well in the new episode the Duggars had no problem discussing the virus and how it affected their lives. So I think the rest of us can discuss it too.

  34. I really love the show.. Looking forward to the new episodes.. and the new births of all the little girls. I know God has blessed this family.. as the Pastor at my church said recently.. when you put God first, everything else seems to fall into place. Amen..

    1. Susan- What your pastor is saying is that if things in your life are not going well, then it's your fault. I can't agree with that, not at all. BTW, the Duggars have not been immune from heartache and troubles. Have they not put God first?

  35. The original intent for this blog was to post all points of view. I agree these posts should not be insulting or profane.People have different points of view. If only adoring posts of this family were to be printed here; change the name of this blog to the Duggar Family Admiration Society. Isn't there something against their religion to 'adore' anyone or anything on earth besides God? The Duggar family is many things, good and not so good, but they are not perfect nor do they hold the copyright on the perfect and only way to live. They are extremists and not all extremes are good things. Please continue to print all points of view.

    1. I think some people get upset because certain comments ring very true, and it makes certain people uncomfortable to admit that. Any opinion based on an observation of something the Duggars present to us on TV or online is a valid opinion. I enjoy reading the various opinions here and don't think they should be filtered to only one kind.

    2. They do print all points of view. Even the ones rude to other commenters.

  36. IMO, the only reason Jinger "bucked" the Duggar dress code is because Jeremy would not be seen with any wife of his who dressed like a 'traditional Duggar'female. The change in Jinger's wardrobe was almost instant. The girl had no experience actually shopping for stylish outfits nor did she know what was stylish. It was Vuolo all the way who dressed Jinger. She continues because her husband prefers it that way.

    1. Plus it's all part of the plan to sell the Vuolo brand. It has begun already. They've been enlisting help to do this. Does anyone really think that pictures of the 3 of them in public happen spontaneously?

    2. Some people have a sense of style and I think Jinger one of those people who have an eye for what is becoming to them. After she got married she was able to dress in things that followed her natural taste. Jeremy supported it as he wanted her to look good.

  37. Enjoy the show- refreshing to see young millenials not caught up in the current climate of hate and destruction.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.