
Thursday, August 15, 2019

The LA Duggars

Jinger Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo

The Vuolos have been in Los Angeles for two months and have been exploring the city in their free time. Their new location has a lot of diverse restaurants, so Jinger and Jeremy have become "foodies" as they seek to try all the new flavors. According to Jinger, her favorite has been Mediterranean.

Photo courtesy


  1. Mmmmm love Mediterranean too!

  2. It seems like they’re going against what Jim Bob taught Jinger about finances. They’re living in a high cost of living area, with one source of income, and going out to eat often. I hope they talk about how they’re able to afford all this on the upcoming season. It seems unrealistic for any viewers wanting to follow in their footsteps.

    1. Well they should do what they WANT to do, not what JB says they should. There are many small ethnic restaurants that are not expensive and there's no reason they can't enjoy trying new things. The rest of the Duggars eat out often and no one seems to worry about how much it costs to go to Marketplace Grill, etc.

    2. Are there any second generation married Duggars that have the wife working? Each of the married couples have one source of income, outside of TLC money. The others do live in low cost areas which save money, but at least Jeremy has career plans and is using his time in LA going to school to further his goals.

      Viewers should realize that the Duggars' situation is unique. Those watching don't come from a family of 21 people who have had their lives filmed for 15+ years. Their finances are enhanced by the show.

    3. I agree. Also their life seems to perfect through their photos ( prideful IMO). It’d be nice to see real everyday life. At least Jessa, Jill and Joy show us their real everyday life. Not just of shopping, eating and outfits.

    4. Things are not always as they seem. I feel certain that Jinger saved much of the money she earned from "19 Kids" and "Counting On" as she always lived frugally and probably had little or no "overhead". You go girl! Love y'all. Ruth

    5. They didn't say how often they go out. Maybe they eat eggs and beans and tuna the rest of the time so they can afford to go out once every week or two. Budgeting is a lot easier with a smaller family. I do not expect them to spend time on the show explaining their budget. Viewers are just not going to get enough information from them to use as examples. Her parents gave a lot of frugal living advice in the earlier shows and in their books. They also have been vocal about the financial freedom resource that they used. There is information available for those who are truly wanting to live a frugal life, far beyond a couple of people on a reality TV show.

    6. Jim Bob did not raise Jeremy. So how are "they" going against it?? Jinger is a grown adult woman now and can make her own choices. They don't need to talk about how they afford it. It is no one's business. Viewers should follow in their own footsteps not other people's footsteps.

    7. 1. We don't know how often Jinger and Jeremy go out to eat. 2. The rest of the Duggar family go out to eat and no one seems to care about what it costs them. Stop nit picking.

    8. I’m sure they can afford it from filming the TLC show. I doubt Jeremy allows for the filming to occur without being compensated. There is more than one income coming into that household.

    9. You are right... they've become very fancy in this new lifestyle

    10. TLC Could very well pick up the tab when they eat out

    11. Since NONE of the Duggars follow JB's maximums about "frugal living" I don't see why there's an issue with Jinger.

    12. They are married adults. Jim Bob is no longer part of the equation.

    13. Um, they 100% are a two income household. You think they spend all the time being filmed and aren’t getting payed?? Jinger probably makes more than Jeremy does off of the show, which is why they can afford to live this lifestyle.

    14. Los Angeles has a ton of inexpensive ethnic restaurants, and most of us who live here love to take advantage of that. Also, although many areas are expensive, other areas are not. If they're not on welfare, what difference does it make how much they spend food and rent? I wouldn't be so quick to judge their lifestyle.

  3. Do U know what is crazy, is when Anna's sister Priscilla was getting married, and the girls all sat in their room pondering of who they were going to marry. WOW, it looks like it came true, cause Jinger got to live in a big city, and have a city lifestyle!!!! I love U 3!!!!!

    1. She's living in suburbia with citrus trees in her back yard. She's eating out instead of cooking. I don't see how that's fulfilling any "big city" dream she had as a teenager.

    2. Big city is not all what is cracked up to be

    3. Neither is country like 9:31.

    4. She's living in Los Angeles, which is a huge city, just minutes from the beach, museums, the mountains, downtown LA, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, etc. Short of an apartment in Manhattan or Brooklyn, I'd say Jinger's doing pretty well at realizing her dreams.

  4. Yay! I am a fellow “foodie”!!!! Hope y’all are having fun there!!!

  5. So, so happy for Jinger! She has a husband whom loves her, a beautiful child; and no competitive need to reproduce as fast as possible with as many children as possible, is living her dream of a big city, and enjoying freedom to live her life her way. While I have no doubt Jinger loves her family very much she is truly the only one who married and “cleaved and leaved”. She has her own life with Jeremy, Felicity and Jake! Beautiful Family!

    1. Yes to this! Jinger appears to be thriving!

    2. Where is Jake? We haven't seen him since the move.

    3. jake's still in laredo - confirmed

    4. 4:07. Jake didn’t go with them. They re-homed him. I think Jake was a storyline.

    5. Anon 9:21 Jake was the cat they adopted in Laredo. Jeremy was allergic to him and they didn't take him to LA. Probably for the best as moving a cat to a new city doesn't always work out well.

    6. Jake was the J cat.

    7. 9:21, they had a cat who followed them home from a walk one time and they started taking care of him. I don’t blaim them for finding him another home in Laredo, cats don’t typically do well in cross country trips. Honestly it was mature of them to realize that it would be better for him to stay in his own area then to move him somewhere else.

    8. @8:19 Cats can and do travel in cars and planes. Nervous cats can have calming medication for the trip and be relaxed through it. As long as understanding owners are with them and the cats are kept inside at the new house, they usually do OK with moving and adjust to their new home quickly. Jake's "own area" was with the Vuolos, at their house! So not only did he have to move from there, he had to get used to new owners, a double whammy, worse than moving and staying with the people he had already bonded to.

    9. We're talking about cats, not children.

    10. Jeremy is very allergic to cats... So when they moved they found Jake a forever home!!!! It's a cat people! Jeremy's Heath comes before an animal. Now that he is back in school that would have been hard on Jeremy... They did the right thing....stop putting animals before people..... No animals were harmed in this.... Lighten up people😀

    11. I'm allergic to cats yet I still have them. I just take a pill every now and then.

  6. A different kind of life for Jinger. Enjoy LA.

    1. I think it's great. I wish some of the others would break off and live in other places and try new things.

    2. How is life different? Has she changed her voter registration party? Joined the local Unitarian church? Signed up to work on the Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders campaign? Denounced Styrofoam? I don't see a single life change, other than getting blond streaks.

    3. Oh my gosh! “Denounced Styrofoam” That’s a new one Ive never seen anyone come up with!! So hysterical! I’m in stitches!! 🤣 funny post, previous anonymous person! 👍🏻

    4. Agree, the only difference is her blonde streaks. Well, that and the fact that her husband let's her wear pants and red heels because he's into fashion. Same life, different wrapping.

    5. She could have a hard time finding Styrofoam or even a plastic bag in CA.

  7. Diverse restaurants? How is food diverse? What exactly are you trying to say?

    1. Anonymous @ 8:39, Diverse is showing a wide variety...foods from several places in the world. What exactly are you getting at?

    2. Ellie means that they are trying different types of cuisine ex. Mexican, Mediterranean, Chinese,Vietnamese, Japanese, French, Ethiopian, southern style BBQ (though BBQ has multi-cultural roots), etc. The Los Angeles area is racially and ethnically diverse and with that comes a variety of foods to chose from. There are great Korean restaurants too. They can even go to a British pub though that isn't really their scene.

    3. They mean culturally diverse!! There are so many ethnic groups in LA that you can sample cuisines from all over the world!! I know - I live in the same area. I love Mediterranean food- which encompasses many nationalities. These are not prevalent in Arkansas as much as here.

    4. By definition, diverse means "showing a great deal of variety". There are many different restaurants with many different types of foods. It it not strictly an ethnic term, if that's what you were getting at, although I'm sure the diversity is due in part to many different ethnic cuisines.

    5. I think you know exactly what they are saying.

    6. She is living a real life. Not just having a lot of childeren and sit around. She is a modern christian. Her sisthers would like it too.

    7. They're saying that there are a lot of different ethnic and cultural restaurants serving food from all over the world.

    8. "Diverse" for Jinger is anything other than a fried chicken sandwich from a place not open on Sundays, or a Chocolate Mess.

    9. ellie is exactly saying that jinger is trying diverse foods from diverse restaurants. diverse means different. if you want to try greek food, you'd go to a greek restaurant, thai to a thai restaurant, chinese to a chinese, etc. tonitown, arkansas is not exactly known for the diverse restaurants los angeles is. growing up jinger was brought up on what is considered more 'southern' foods and didnt go out to eat much unless it was a special occasion. the only times they tried something out of their 'comfort zone' was when they were out of country and tried something new. i also dont think arkansas is known for their fresh seafood like maine is. that is also considered diverse. i never really see them eating much of it. now that jinger is living in an area where more diverse foods are available, she is trying all kinds of different things and thoroughly enjoying doing so! hope this helps answer your questions

    10. I've never heard diversity applied to food or restaurants. That's an odd use of the term.

    11. They don't mention church much

    12. You should go to a cultural fair in a large city sometime and sample all the very DIVERSE foods there. It's wonderful to see how many different ways of preparing food there are.

    13. Why not call it just "food"? Why would you have to put any sort of ethnicity to it or point out that it's "diverse"? It's food, and normal everyday food for a lot of people. When you add any other adjectives to it, you make it sound like it's not "your" food.

    14. 6:11 - Why is acknowledging diversity a bad thing? Our country's diversity is its strength. There are restaurants that serve different foods. Those foods come from different cultural traditions. Ignoring those differences doesn't make people more united. Sharing and mutual respect brings people together. People of diverse backgrounds can enjoy all types of food while acknowledging where it came from. I love Mexican food and am not of Mexican descent.

    15. 6:11. Not sure why you have a problem with identifying different ethnic foods. I don’t eat Korean or Thai food every day, but I enjoy having it once in awhile. In that case, I look for a Korean or Thai restaurant, not a typical burger joint.

    16. 7:54- Diverse just means different or a wide variety of something. Why does it sound odd to you?

    17. To anon 6:11 - I can’t tell if your problem with this is actually with people of different (diverse) ethnicities? We live in the suburbs of a big city. When we are sitting around on a Friday night deciding which restaurant to go to or get takeout from our conversation is “who wants Thai, who wants Vietnamese, or Italian, or Indian, or Persian’. We know we all want ‘food’. The fun is choosing which cuisine from a diverse choice. And for that it is necessary to use adjectives (or pro-nouns?)

    18. Ditto 6:11. We should not be ethnocentric about our food. We should not be treating anyone else's food as stranger than ours. I have a fascinating book in my home library: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel. I highly recommend this eye-opening look at food around the world. (Menzel is also the author of Material World, a look at possessions.)

    19. Why do you have to tag food as Korean or Thai or whatever? You should leave the ethnic label off of it. Do people in Korea call their food Korean food? No. So we shouldn't either.

    20. 8:50, there are obvious differences between different cuisines. How silly to NOT label food with its country of origin so people know what kind of food to expect when they walk into a restaurant. Or heaven forbid we have a craving for "Chinese" food.

    21. The fact is that LA has a huge range of diverse ethnic restaurants, and we love it that way. We appreciate difference cuisines from around the world. Why is that offensive to some people? 8:50 -- Are you for real? You're suggesting we call all cuisines "food." So when we're in the mood for Armenian food, for example, we just say, "I'm in the mood for food." When we want Japanese food, we say, "Let's go out for food." Really???????

    22. @6:59 & 8:50- Well, for whatever reason, every Korean restaurant I've been to in the U.S. pretty much lets you know in their name that it's Korean food you'll be eating. I've known a few Korean chefs and they have no problem identifying their cuisine as Korean! If I want kimcheeor bulgogi, I don't go into just any restaurant. You're making a problem where there is none.

    23. 6:59- Who's making a blanket statement that ethnic food is strange?
      I enjoy trying different cuisines. Some I like, some I don't. The worst was my grandmother's Swedish lutefisk! My own kids are Korean and I guarantee you that they are proud of their heritage and their ability to make a delicious Korean meal. They wouldn't just say they're inviting you over for "food"' they'd say they're serving Korean dishes!

    24. As long as people want to label themselves (and their food), we'll always be a divided society.

    25. anon@6:59- I think Julia Child would disagree with you. She had so much respect for French cooking that she studied it extensively with French chefs and wrote her own French cookbook.
      You are assuming that people are making negative judgments about entire cultures based on their cuisine. I think Menzel's work and photography actually highlights the diversity in our world with his collection of photographs showing what people eat around the world. Food is one thing that can bring us together and I think we show respect to other cultures when we acknowledge their unique cusine and how it is prepared. If I want great sushi, I pretty much know where to find it and it isn't at my corner cafe!

  8. I'm so glad they're trying new things. Southern California is something called the ethnic food capital of the world as there are so many different groups there each with their own food. If you want spicy, try Thai food. It's yummy.

    1. LA is not "the ethnic food capital of the world." Try any of the big cities in SE Asia, South America, the Middle East, Australia, Italy, or France. Try London or New York City. LA can't hold a candle to them food-wise. Anthony Bourdain didn't pack his backpack and head to California to tape his shows, for good reason. Land of Starbucks and McDonald's and KFC.

    2. Yeah. Compared to rural Arkansas. lol Somehow I don't see Jinger and Jeremy eating pulled pork sandwiches in LA.

    3. You are SO wrong!! There are outstanding restuarants throughout LA, the San Fernando Valley , all the way from Santa Barbara to San Diego!! I have traveled the world and you can find outstanding food everywhere. Bourdain wasn’t the final word on food. I loved his show though.

    4. Can't you just be happy for them and their new adventures? Not all of us can go to "the Middle East, Australia, Italy, France, London, or New York." Don't be a snob.

    5. If any city is going to claim the title "____ Capital of the World," they'd better be ready to back that up. I don't think LA has anything more special about their food than other big city.

    6. @9:39 I would agree with you but would add other large cities in North America to your list. Toronto and Montréal are two others that come to mind. In Toronto, the 5th largest city in North America, over half of its residents are new to the country.

    7. Toronto is NOT the 5th largest city in North America by any means. It's the largest in Canada, but Canada is a small country. And if 1/2 of its population was born abroad, does not mean that they all are going to open restaurants. Especially when you can't eat on a patio or easily access places in a snow. You need snow shoes to live in Toronto.

    8. to 11:56 ;) Toronto gets a moderate amount of snow compared to most of Canada. I grew up there but have studied and lived all over our beautiful country. You can easily eat outside for several months per year in most of Canada. According to Wikipedia, Toronto is currently the 4th largest city in North America (1 Mexico City, 2 NYC, 3 LA, 4 Toronto). I love it when Americans think we live in igloos :) Come on up and enjoy our beautiful weather in all four seasons!

    9. 9:39 -- You're not understanding the comment. Here in LA, we have a huge range of ethnicities represented. Everything from Ethiopian food to Armenian, Turkish, Korean, Israeli, Arabic, Persian, Thai, various Latin American cuisines, not just Mexican, British pubs, etc. And all are done very well.

    10. @3:23 So it moved up to 4th. Not surprised, considering the growth of that city. I heard that 1000 people move to the "6" every week.

      @3:23, Canada is the second largest country in land mass in the world (NOT a small country). We tend to be live in wide swaths across the country and along the coast, with the rest sparsely populated.

      Try driving down the 401. It is suppose to be the most congested highway in North America.

      It is common for restaurants and other food services (like grocery stories, bakeries...) which cater to certain ethnic groups to spring up where New Canadians tend to first settle. As a result, in TO, you can get Vietnamese, Korean, Greek, French, Italian, Syrian, Algerian, Lebanese, various types of Chinese, Spanish, Mexican, Central American, Caribbean, Somalia, Ethiopian, kosher name

      Snow? Too funny, the weather never stops us, eh @3:23. We are not bears. We do not hibernate in the winter.

  9. What is really fun is when food from two cultures meet and get "married" Then you end up with things like lamb tacos in a Mexican restaurant run by a Greek family. My sister loves the tacos. lol

    1. That’s called fusion.

    2. Haha anonymous 6:04. That’s funny. Im sorry but lamb tacos don’t sound good, who wants a gray meat in their taco. I think certain foods taste best when made by the cultures, like Mexicans make really good salsa and tacos, just like Americans make good mashed potatoes and hamburgers, not being racist, so please don’t attack, it’s just the truth of the matter, recipes get handed down through families and are more authentic. Like Jim Bobs bbq tuna sandwich

  10. I want to see Jinger’s cat in LA with them. The Duggar pets need to be life long members, not cute kittens that are left when things change. Where is the kitty?!

    1. Jeremy said the kitty is still in Laredo, with another family. :( Poor thing has to start from scratch trying to bond with strangers again. Hope whoever has it keeps it inside and that it doesn't try to go back to the other house.

      What ever happened to that dog that Michelle took to the dog wash, BTW? Never saw him before or after that episode. Don't they let their pets inside?

    2. thank you for saying this. i too have wondered if jake moved with them, especially since jeremy has allergies
      ellie, do you know if jake went to california with them?

    3. Jeremy said that they found Jake a new home in Texas. He was allergic to it.

    4. They leave jake w friends in texas

    5. So, Jake was just a storyline. Just like every other Duggar “pet”.

    6. Jake is a random car that followed them home and they started feeding him and taking care of him. They didn’t go pick him up from an animal shelter or pet store, and they didn’t just abandon him when they had to leave, they found a family for him. Nothing wrong with that.

    7. “Left with friends” means they abandoned their pet. Those friends will pass the cat on when they don’t want to care for it. Then the poor cat will end up dead or in a shelter. Sad.

    8. Many assumptions 9:09. They didn't leave the cat to fend for itself; they did the responsible thing and found a family to take care of it.

    9. Wow! That dog was not a puppy when Michelle took it to the dog wash. And, I know many people who have outdoor pets; they provide food shelter and vet care. Perhaps it lived its life.

    10. Jake was never meant to be a permanent pet, they fostered him on his way to his hopefully forever family. I commend Jeremy for giving it a go considering his allergies. Sometimes animals don’t adjust as well as humans to big moves and new surroundings.

    11. 9:09, you're an imaginative person! And if I had allergies, I'd pass a pet on to another family too.

    12. 9:09, that is not true in any way, people have to give up pets all the time for different reasons, sometimes it’s not always in an animals best interest to move with the family. I know many friends who moved away from their homes and once they got to their new destination their cats ran away, not always, but of all the types of pets you can have cats do the worst with relocation.

    13. Not true either, 8:17Anon. I've moved with cats lots of times and not one ran away or expressed homesickness to go back to the old place. Maybe the people you know with that problem were not responsible enough owners? Indoor only cats don't run away any further than another room.

  11. Jinger's smile looks forced. I hope she is OK.

    1. Agree. Her smile and poses on pictures always seem weird

    2. That's her selfie face.

    3. I would have to force a smile to sit through a 1.5 hour (or longer) soccer game with a toddler in my lap too.

    4. Jinger was always the one Duggar child who had so many different expressions; they were always amusing. It appears that she has a happy husband and child, so I'm sure she is happy as well.

    5. No, it doesn't. It's just a camera smile.

    6. Seriously... you got that from this picture! They are all happy and Lissy waving... enjoying the game🤗😍

    7. Both Jinger and Jeremy's smiles look forced. And Jeremy always has his mouth open.

    8. They are making faces for the camera it’s not a “forced smile”. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️You people are out of control with your speculations.

  12. I wonder why the moved to LA?

    1. Jeremy is attending seminary school

    2. Jeremy is attending a program there. They've talked about it extensively.

    3. She moved to LA for her husband to go to school. You don't have to wonder anymore....they are doing fine and no one has a right to what they do just because we "know" them from reality TV. I love this little family, since they seem the most "normal" of all that got married. I expect Abbie and John David will be my next couple I admire

    4. Jeremy is getting his masters there

    5. I wonder that too

    6. Jeremy is attending a school there.

    7. Something to do with helping this church or something of the sort. Someone can correct ms if I'm wrong.

    8. Jeremy is going to school

    9. Jean-I didn’t say I had a “right” to know, I was just wondering why they moved to LA, which I’m sure a lot of ya were wondering, and by the way, they are the ones who are putting it all out there about moving to LA. If they don’t want people to know, then they don’t have to tell anyone. Why so hostile and defensive? I just asked a simple question. Wow.

    10. Anon 10.38. You will soon find out if you become a regular user of this blog that there are some people who won’t let anyone say anything they deem offensive to the Duggar’s. Your quite right, you simply asked a question & as you clearly didn’t know why they moved to LA you had ever right to ask the question. Most of the contributors on this blog knew why they moved so should be happy to answer your question. I have had some very nice responses from some people when posting questions (I live in the UK & don’t know all the up to date info about this family, or American ways). A great deal of people on here are extremely friendly & happy to answer you questions, however you will find some who, even when you say something coming from a good place, will interpret what you say as rude toward the Duggars. Don’t worry about it, you will get used to it.

    11. There are plenty of good seminary schools out there...why choose L.A.??? 🙄

    12. 10:38, there is no mystery, they told us about him attending school in LA when they announced they were moving. You probably just missed that.

    13. Thank you Fuzzyferet, ya, I never remember them telling the reason why they moved to LA. I’m happy for them in their journey, I’ve always thought Jinger is super cute, and Jeremy is funny.

    14. Anon 8:22. When people choose a school most people choose one that they like and WANT to attend. The location of the school is not as important as the course of study and how it fits their needs and goals. The school Jeremy WANTED to attend happened to be in LA.

  13. God Bless. Jinger and Jeremy,enjoy your life what ever you choose. I lost my life's partner. Through high school--- then marriage. 55 years together. Life is to short to worry about what anyone says or thinks. The only thing that matters in this life is love.There really is nothing else of importance.

    1. So very true, who cares what anyone thinks or what their opinions are, they are happy and in love that is all that matters anyways.

  14. Mediterranean food is really good and is also a very healthy diet.

  15. Somehow I don't see Jeremy eating pulled pork or tuna in bar-b-que sauce. I'm glad they're having new foods.

    1. The days of Tater Tots are behind them. Unless they're Tater Tots with truffle sauce served en brochette. And you take a picture of them.

    2. Haha, I don’t think anyone gets tired of tater and my husband both lost like 50 plus pounds each when we changed the way we eat, but there’s always time for tater tot casserole!

  16. None of our business. They seem happy and enjoying life.

  17. I don't know what event and where the picture was taken. Also, all the restaurants. I do know that when I was in graduate school, all I did was study. How do they have time for school? I thought Jeremy was in grad school.

    1. Have you ever heard of summer? Fall classes haven’t started yet.

    2. People in school are allowed to eat. If they want to go out to a restaurant for a meal it's OK. I'm sure you ate meals when in graduate school.

    3. Grad school for me was about working and studying and socializing with the other grad students. Sounds like your experience was drudgery.

    4. @9:48 Most highly-rated grad school programs are NOT like undergrad programs. They are NOT just a bunch of courses you attend. When I was in grad school,when my kids were in grad school, it was a year-long job. You had research to do (12 months a year), course assignments to mark, course labs to run.. plus the few courses had to take. The income (from the university) was not enough to eat out, except in the student caf, and not enough to support,especially if at only the Master's level.

    5. @8:14 You just described my neighbor's daughter and what she's having to do in grad school to a T!

  18. They moved to Los Angeles so Jeremy could attend the Masters Seminary. Have you heard of the MacArthur Study Bible? John MacArthur began the Masters Seminary from his church, Grace Community Church. Go to
    When Jeremy is out of seminary maybe he will be a pastor again. I think he may stay at Grace Church and go on staff 😊 Just my thoughts!
    Jeremy and Jinger love the Lord and are serving Him in Los Angeles! Jinger is a good cook and I bet she always misses her family😞 I love the Duggar’s and the Bate’s❤️

  19. I am so tired of hearing about the Vuolos. How come we never hear about the kids still living at home anymore?

    1. Anon 8:23 I wonder about that too. The Vuolos seem like nice people but they are the least like the Duggar family that we have come to know. They seem nothing like the frugal, ministry oriented family that we have followed. We can see people like the Vuolos anywhere on tv. I would like to see the younger children and even some of the older children who held onto their lifestyle and traditions they grew up and hold true to them.

    2. I think they are ministry oriented, I just don’t see where they get all the money to go to school, move, but a house, like I would like to hear how they made that possible, mabye give some others some hope. I’m sure they get money from doing the show, so that helps. But it’s like Jill and Derick, he’s going to law school and they bought a nice house, how are they able to afford that? Like totally just curious here. It would be nice if they could have a Q&A with fans, and mabye give some people some inspiration on how they became successful. Totally happy for them and all, just when all you see is social media posts about how perfect life is, it would be nice to know how they managed so well. Not trying to be negative here at all, it’s really just curiosity!

    3. 9:17 am, i agree 150 percent with every word you said!!

  20. Enough with the door knocker earrings, Jinge.

    1. Maybe my vision isn't so good, but I thought they looked like hoops. I am willing to stand corrected.

  21. Yea for Jinger! My favorite family!

  22. Jeremy studying for his Masters Degree😀

  23. Scrutiny,judgy,nosey,jealousy to a fault is on every single post!!! They are either too Christian or not Christian enough, too modest or not modest enough.There are no perfect people or families, can't y'all just be happy for others and be content with yourself and enjoy a picture or a blog for what it is.SMILE AND BE JOYFUL AND KIND TO ONE ANOTHER😁😇🙏🏼✌🏼😘

    1. How exactly do you get jealousy from all that?

    2. Most of the comments are harmless. I like to read differing opinions. If all that is posted is glowing praise, it becomes boring and disingenuous.

    3. 2:28, mabye your jealous. I don’t think anyone’s jealous. I think people are just asking normal questions

    4. I like different opinions, some of what goes on here is nit-picking. There are expectations for these people, don’t change, get out there live life, wear pants and when they do more criticism.

    5. @6:22- The family is freely putting themselves out there in the spotlight. Criticism comes with the territory, I'm afraid. Any time it becomes too much, they can quietly retreat to a life away from the cameras. No one is stopping them!

    6. 6:49, while that is true, people shouldn't use it as an excuse to be rude, critical, and nosy.

    7. I consider it rude, critical, and nosy when you're on TLC yet you feel you have to analyze and comment on the lifestyle of others on TLC too. Remember, members of this family are just as outspoken about others when they don't approve. Does doing that in the name of your religious beliefs make it OK?

  24. Looks like they are all happy and having a good time in Los Angeles. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  25. So, is Jeremy a Duggar now?

  26. Did Jinger cut her hair short? She looks like she has super short hair in that pic.

    1. She has a pony tail..

    2. No....look!!!! It’s pulled back

    3. It looks like that, but it's probably just pulled back.

    4. Nope, it’s just pulled back into a pony tail

  27. Shouldn't the title of this post say the LA Vuolos, Jeremy isn't a Duggar!

    1. Yes.... I don’t understand why they do that Jinger is a VUOLO.... Duggar’s aren’t moving anywhere!

    2. Naw. He's known to the world as Jeremy Vuolo-Duggar. lol

  28. IMO, the entire Duggar family has gotten way too hooked on publicity. Take that away, and what is left? Ordinary people, doing nothing extraordinary. Can any of them lead a life away from a camera? I don't see how any of this fits in a modest, humble, Christian lifestyle any more. I don't know of any Bible passage teaching that it's good to get lots of Likes and Follows. Quite the opposite. James 4:6 Philippians 2:3-4 Proverbs 11:2 18:12 27:2

    1. IDK. As long as their fans watch their show TLC will air it. You can't blame them for taking what they're offered to let their rather banal life be filmed.

    2. Exactly!!!!!!! Completely agree!

    3. I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that it asks for random (supposed) Christians to say mean spirited things against very apparent Christians, and yet here you are. Worry about the problems in your own life before criticizing others. Matthew 7:5.

    4. If you give birth to 19 children and be in excellent health yourself, and have all your children healthy - you are a miracle, just like Michelle. No, they are not ordinary people. And they are on TV because people love them and want to see them.

      And they actually don't go on Fiji or Bali vacation all the time like Kardashians. They all are very modest people. They don't die their hair in green, don't drive Range Rovers, and don't dine at 5 star restaurants on a daily basis. They ARE modest and humble.

    5. Yes, they're just your everyday modest and humble multi-millionaires with multiple planes and too many properties to count. As far as Christians saying things against others, you have to agree that the Duggars sure have their own opinions that they make public.

    6. Anon 9:02. Well said. They also make it clear they don't want their children to mingle with 'outsiders" so they home school.

    7. Judge not lest you be judged....if you don't like them then don't follow them😍 Have a blessed dat👍

    8. @1209PM They don't drive Range Rovers? Who were the 2 marrieds who drove away from their reception in a Jaguar?

  29. Leprosy on the rise due to rotting garbage in certain parts of L.A
    I'd get out now while I can!

    1. Repeating lies is SOOOO much fun.

    2. Garbage causes leprosy? That explains why so many sanitation workers have it. lol

    3. I have not been to L.A. but I have seen you tube videos about the garbage on the streets and wondered if it was for real. Looks disgusting.

    4. Leprosy was a horrible disease before antibiotics were available. Like tuberculosis it is very treatable now that we know how to treat it. I search and could find no recent reported cases on the CDC website.

    5. Don't the Duggars live across the street from a garbage landfill?

    6. Where are you going with this???? What point are you trying to make?????

    7. Anon 5:46. I've been to LA many times and have never seen garbage in the streets. Just because you saw something on You Tube doesn't mean it's actually real. Many of those videos are FAKE.

    8. Anon 5:46.Videos on the internet are often faked. I have found that people will believe almost anything, no matter how illogical if it supports their point of view.

      Anon 11:44. I think the landfill is about 1/2 mile from their homes. Since none of them have leprosy we shouldn't worry about rotting garbage. It's perfectly safe.

    9. Rotting garbage doesn’t cause leprosy. Certain animals such as armadillos can carry it and I guess if they’re attracted to the garbage that might lead to an increase in people getting infected. From what I’ve read, it’s very rare and not as easy to contract as people used to think. It’s also easily treatable. I think the Vuolos don’t need to be overly concerned. I would be more concerned about groundwater pollution from living close to a landfill.

    10. The streets of NYC are piled high with garbage bags every night, after business owners put it out for the night. Then sometime during the night, the sanitation trucks come and collect it all. If you photographed NYC at certain times, you could give the impression that there's always a mountain of garbage bags on the street.

    11. There hasn't been any new cases of leprosy in the US reported to the CDC in YEARS. You really need to just stop it!!

  30. Its funny...Jeremy must be Italian. Vuolo. I remember the episode years ago when Michelle when they went to New York City and Michelle said she liked the "I-talian" food. Now her daughter has married an "I-talian".

    1. Maybe Jeremy should change his last name to Duggar. lol

    2. I thought he already did

  31. Ummmm - the LA Duggars?!?!?!


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