
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Kendra Turns 21

Wishing Kendra a happy 21st birthday! Before she married Joseph and became Kendra Duggar, she was Kendra Caldwell (middle name Renee). Like Anna and Lauren, she is due in November with a baby girl.

Joseph and Kendra Duggar, Garrett Duggar

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo, Joseph Duggar, 
Kendra Duggar, Garrett Duggar

Joseph and Kendra Duggar
dUGgarLY Christmas sweater party

Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar
Panama mission trip, August 2017

Photos courtesy


  1. Happy Birthday, Kendra!!!!

  2. Time. 7:06PM Sun 8/11/19
    Happy 21st bday Kendra my birthday is next month I will be 31

  3. so young to be the mom of 2 at 21. Oh well, to each their own.

    1. I had my first one at 20, then my second at 23. It’s nice because I’m 40 years old and my kids are self sufficient and now I can enjoy my free time. There’s people my age just starting to have families, nothing wrong with that, but they will be in their 60’s when their kids graduate. I’m glad I had mine young! I’m still young enough to have fun

    2. 6:39- It's all in perspective. I was older when I became a parent and wouldn't change anything about my experience. I had plenty of fun in my twenties, got a good education and job, and now that the kids are grown up, I'm retired and enjoying the benefits of a good pension, courtesy of my former employer. I'm now 65 and can assure you that I'm still "young" enough to have fun! In fact, I just got back from a great trip with a retired friend, who is also 65 and has plenty of spring in her step, too! We averaged 5 miles of hiking each day, part of it on the Appalachian Trail! Age is just a number!

    3. @6:39- Good grief. You make it sound like 60-somethings all have one foot in the grave! Contrary to your rather biased thinking, senior citizens do know how to have fun and are quite capable of doing so. Something you gain with maturity is the ability not to make assumptions or pigeon-hole other people. It looks like you still have a bit of growing up to do.

    4. Some of us don't meet 'the one'at 20 or 30. I'm an older mom and love it. My son is a joy. If I did marry the guy I was engaged to, I would not have any kids and would have resented him

    5. I think it's great to have your kids young. That way you're not going through menopause at the same time as you have teenagers. That was NOT FUN.

    6. 5:49- Instead, you have PMS, periods, and the trials of pregnancy. BTW, not everyone is miserable during menopause. I had some hot flashes, but that was about it. For me, it was a huge relief! And yes, my kids were fairly young when I went through it, because it was premature menopause in my case.

  4. Wow, she is only 21! Married with 2 kids.

    1. Well this is the Duggar family.

    2. It's ironic that Michelle actually had her first child at 21, despite the fact that she got married at 17. Like, she did not start as having babies right away.

    3. Yes michelle did get pregnant young she had caleb who she miscarried and she was on the pill she felt she lost caleb because she was on birth control then she say she would never use birth control again and got pregnant with twins john David and jana

  5. Happy Birthday Kendra i hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  6. 21 with two babies! It doesn't seem ideal, tbh.

    1. That’s your opinion. I have a friend who had her first baby at 19 (he was a total surprise as they were taking measures to avoid getting pregnant, but that still happens sometimes) and then had her daughter (purposefully) when she was 21. She is now 30 and also has an adopted son and daughter and after them two more biological sons. They are also not legalistic Christans in any way. She loves her life and couldn’t be happier, so just because YOU don’t think something is “ideal” doesn’t mean that it’s not right for someone else and their family.

    2. What are “legalistic Christians.” I’m really not familiar with that term.

    3. Since the Duggars LIKE having babies I don't think it's a problem. It's not like Kendra has to work outside the home and deal with child care issues.

    4. Agree with 11:20. I have a feeling Kendra is loving her life.

    5. Her sister was helping her full time with the first baby, and she also does not have to think about financial side of the marriage. She is just enjoying living with her husband, not many responsibilities at all.

    6. @ 3:55

      Some mothers want to work or have to work to support their children. You make it sound like mothers working is a problem. I can assure you that 99.9% of the time it is not.

    7. 3:43, Christians who follow many man made rules in addition to ones that are given in the Bible. My point being that many “normal” people have multiple children at a young age too, not just people who grow up in families where it’s common, and in many ways expected.

    8. She seems to have an easy pregnancy, so why not? Joseph wants family and kids. He provides for her fully. How many 19 year old brides move into a house right after getting married? She never had to work. She has siblings and her mom to help. Why not have another baby?

    9. Agreed 11:20, I had mine young and glad I did, because now I’m 40, and I can do what I want when I want, don’t have to chase after toddlers all day. Everyone told me when I was 19 and pregnant that I was too young, and this and that, it really annoyed me, like my family and friends thought I was too young. Some people can handle it though, and it definitely makes you “grow up” fast, it gives you a whole new perspective

    10. @6:43 I've seen too many girls forced to "grow up fast," and all it did was backfire later. It's not a good way for "growing up."

    11. Women's eggs start dying at mid 30s so if ya want to have a baby git with the right man to marry up with and go :)... so many friends I know waited and now regret working 1st, kids after ya know

    12. They want a big family. So they have to start young.

    13. Wow, 21and two kids😜😜 everyone is different I was married at 18 and had my first 10months later.. my mum had us (3 before 25) myself and my sister's married young and had children whilst we could. My mum had a historectomy at 27.. I'm now 35 and there planning mine..

  7. Happy Birthday to a precious lady! Hope Kendra has an awesome birthday with her family.My daughter's middle name is Renee (same spelling too). God Bless!

    1. It's a very common middle name. Never realized this until a couple years ago, but I hear it constantly!

    2. It is spelled Renée, not Renee. If people used French names for their kids they should at least spell them correctly.

    3. @3:26 Where on a standard American keyboard do you find an e with the accent mark over it? Even my Alt key doesn't bring one up.

    4. @3:26..You probably could download different keyboards. I would be surprised if most people do not have already different language keyboards already installed. Languages like French and Spanish all have accents.

      I use the CMS Keyboard-Canadian Multilanguage Standard

    5. 3:26 -- Maybe that's how the parents want to spell it? If it were me, I'd not want to have a name requiring people to use a special character to spell it "correctly."

  8. Happy birthday Kendra. Somehow she seems even younger than 21. She has such a lot of responsibility for one so young, I wish her well on her second pregnancy & the new baby. Bless her she may have been very ready for motherhood as it’s all these young women know, however no one can dispute how difficult dealing with two young children is. Have a very special 21st Kendra & enjoy these last few months with just the three of you before your little girl arrives. I know when I had my daughter my son was only 25 months at the time of her birth & I kept feeling guilty incase he would feel my attention was taken from him, obviously he was fine & him & his sister have always been super close. I really hope Garrett & his little sister are the same.

    1. If any young lady can handle small children, It seems to me that Kendra is perfectly capable. And Joseph strikes me as a daddy who will certainly step in and take his share of responsibility.

    2. I so agree with you, 3:50. And Kendra seems like such a sweet and wonderful lady. I think she and Joe are perfect for each other.

    3. Anon 3.50. As someone who had years of experience with babies & working in paediatrics everyone thought it would be a doddle for me too. However when they are your own it’s always different & you always feel your dividing yourself between your children & worrying that your not giving them all enough of your time. It’s often fine with your first, as there is the two of you in a little bubble together. However I’m yet to meet a mum who doesn’t say that baby number 2 does bring about extra stress of dividing your love & time, & everyone worries if they will have enough love for both (which obviously you do), but it doesn’t stop you worrying. I also was a stay at home mum for years while my children were small but the guilt I felt when I was pregnant with my daughter when my son was only 25 months was incredible, I was worried sick he would feel the baby was taking some of my attention, as we were so close & never spent any time apart. I hope Joseph does help around the house & with the children but even if he does some mums still feel it’s them the baby needs all the time & it can be stressful. I think to say otherwise is quite naive.

    4. Responsibility? Her sister is always caring for Garrett, her mom helps because her own baby is just a few month younger. She lives close to her parents and siblings. The responsibility maybe to go grocery shopping and cook. The baby is taken care of by others.

    5. Kendra's sister Lauren isn't always taking care of Garret. Lauren has been photographed taking care of her little brother.
      Kendra and Joe both look like hands on parents who take care of their child.

    6. Anon 5.56. I had no idea her sister was caring for Garrett. Why ? He is Kendra’s son, & she doesn’t work. I’m all for bew mums utilising family support for help in the first few months, however I find it odd her sister would be looking after him most of the time. I would also think her mum has enough with her own brood of children & a relatively new baby of her own, to help out Kendra too much. Thanks for that info, I really had no idea.

    7. Fuzzy: Don't put a lot of stock in claims made about the Duggars. I doubt the poster making those claims knows the family and has any accurate information about any child care that is happening in the family.

    8. Fuzzyferet, I wouldn't put much stock in what an anonymous commenter claims. We don't have any official information about how Kendra spends her days.

    9. Fair enough, I suppose I’m assuming you all are American I live local to the family, when in all honesty many of you may be just like me & only know what we see on tv & on this blog. I can’t imagine kendra’s mum would help her out too much as she has a big family of her own, with very young children too. I like Kendra as she always appears happy. My comments initially came from a very good place & the fact it is more challenging with 2 young children & ultimately they are your responsibility. I always wanted children from a young age, just unfortunately I didn’t have mine till my late 20s. I always loved babies & that’s why I choose my profession as I wanted to spend all of my working life with them.

    10. I don't think it was said that Kendra's baby in like full care of Lauren, her younger sister. But whenever we see them, the baby is always with Lauren. Even when they showed their trip to the beach, it was Lauren who was carrying the baby, and then Kendra's mom was sitting with him (even though she was pregnant herself at that time).
      Even if Kendra is a hands-on mom, and her baby being with others is just what we see on TV, she has an ample opportunity to have all possible help from her and Joe's numerous siblings.

    11. It's a huge stretch to say Lauren is the one taking care of Garrett based off a few photographs of family outings. It's only logical that Lauren would take those opportunities to get to hold her nephew.

    12. The beach trip was one event that we saw ten minutes of on Counting On. The pictures of the family hike, which is the only pictures I've seen of Lauren with a baby, Joseph is carrying Garrett while Lauren is holding and taking care of the little brother.
      I'm sure that Kendra loves having the support of the Caldwells and Duggars, but saying that they are raising her son or he's always in the care of others is not true.

  9. Happy birthday to you and may GOD bless and keep you. Enjoy your day

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 21ST KENDRA!!!!!! I hope this will be your best year yet!!!! I love U 4!!!!!

  11. Garret looks so cute with his little head peeking out from behind! I know people are going to say this is a stretch, but there is a slight resemblance between his forehead and Gideon's forehead (in the previous post)! Ok, I know, maybe a stretch, but if you look carefully.... ! Finally, I am wondering if that is a T-shirt under a T-shirt that Kendra is wearing, or is the white material at the neck sewn-in?

  12. Happy birthday Kendra hope that u had a wonderful day. God bless your fan Natasha Marie

  13. Hope she had a good one

  14. I think most everyone knows she had a different last name before marrying... she’s the same person though. What are her interests or passions? This just seems like an odd thing to say about someone on their birthday.... but happy birthday Kendra formerly Caldwell now Duggar...

  15. Happy 21st Birthday Kendra, I hope you had a great day. I can't wait until the gender reveal for baby #2. Love the show and looking forward to seeing everyone on the new season. Natasha B.

    1. They already said it’s a girl

    2. Thank you! I still can't wait anyway. Natasha B.

    3. They did gender reveal on June 25th - it was a double reveal, both Kendra and Lauren revealed they both are having girls.

  16. I really like Kendra; she’s always smiling and seems genuinely happy. So, happy 21st birthday; may you be just where you want to be. God bless.

  17. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful one too!! 🥳 🎁

  18. Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. Mary gave birth to Jesus at 16yrs of age. Our bodies are fruitful from 12-14 until our forties, with few exceptions; anyone who thinks 20-21 is "too young" to have children has an issue with our Creator. Happy Birthday, Kendra! God Bless you good! ❤

    1. I hope you don't mean that women should start having kids as soon as they are physically able to? 14 sounds awfully young...

    2. This is an odd comment. Would you want your 12-14 year old daughter to become pregnant because she is able to? What about her mental and physical development? Are they not supposed to work or finish school either? We aren’t living in biblical times.

    3. Why would Our Creator create a body where the reproductive system matures long before the brain matures? That might have helped cave men but it doesn't offer much other than problems in today's society.

    4. Another made up "fact". the Bible doesn't SAY how old Mary and Joseph were when Jesus was born. If you think giving birth at age 12 is a good idea, I'll disagree with you.

    5. No where in the Bible does it give Mary’s age of when she had Jesus, please don’t just make things up. And just because your body can physically conceive at the age of 12, does not mean you should get pregnant at that point in time. You start having your period at that age so your body can begin to mature and adjust to the changes that your body will go through. I would also like to add that many people have no business having children in their early twenties, as they simply are not mature enough to raise a child. (Personally I think Kendra is a good mother from what we’ve seen on the show, and was ready to have a child.) Believing that someone is not ready to have a child at a specific age does not mean that you have issues with God��

    6. Where is it documented that Mary gave birth to Jesus at age 16?

    7. Just because you can have children at 12-14 doesn't mean you should. Children grow up too fast as it is, let children and teens enjoy their childhood.

    8. So Johannah is ready now? :)

    9. I had my first when I was 20, and that was hard. But now I’m 40 and have 3 grandchildren, so it’s nice I’m still young enough to enjoy my grandkids

    10. 6:36 You must be the same person making multiple comments implying that having kids young is ideal because once you hit a certain age, it's all over and you won't have the energy to enjoy anything. I turned 65 yesterday and I can assure you, that is not the case! I always thought of menopause as a new lease on life and the years since have been the best of my life!

    11. How can the average 20 year old support a family? Even if they're married, that's not an age where you have a well-established career or a completed degree and great job prospects. Wanting to be "free" at 40 is not a good reason to start having kids at 20.

    12. Many women in their 30s are having a hard time becoming pregnant. Girls mature faster than boys (sorry but true!) So I get the OP. No don't have kids at 12 but don't wait too long either!

    13. @6:36 I am 64 and let me tell you, your statement couldn't be further from the truth. At 20 years old I was having fun. I was living at home with my parents, had friends, a job and my freedom. I wasn't even thinking of getting married. Didn't have a steady boyfriend but was dating some really nice guys. I am now past menopause and still enjoying live. I have a great family and love spending time with my grandson. Who keeps me on my toes. I am semi retired so I have a steady income. I can come and go as I like. I also am a widow. Not dating anyone I am too busy. Just because you chose to get married and have children at 20 don't assume about people's choices or their health.

    14. 10:30. Our “creator”, for some inexplicable reason, failed to make sure our brain maturity was in sync with our reproductive systems. Parenting is tough under the best of circumstances. Why not give a child the best shot in life by making sure you have the emotional maturity and financial stability needed to be a parent?

    15. 6:36- So, you’re saying that there’s some magic age limit on being active or enjoying grandkids? Boy, have you got things distorted! I am a senior citizen and can assure you that I’m enjoying life now more than ever!

  20. Even if a 12-14 year old girl is physically able to have a baby she is not mentally ready for one. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  21. I forgot to wish Kendra a happy birthday in my previous post! Blessings and Happy Birthday to a sweet and gracious young lady!

  22. good comment august 13 @6:07pm . thank you, very good point

  23. Fantastic that she gets her little girl. She really wants it.

    1. @2:42 - do you know Kendra personally? Just curious as to how you know “she really wants it (a girl)”?

    2. I never hoped for a boy/girl when I was pregnant didn't matter to me. I had all boys and now a grandson so all i know is boys if a granddaughter comes along i will have to learn what to do with a girl lol.

    3. I think Kendra would be happy with any baby she has.

  24. Remember everyone; these kids are not even allowed to kiss until married; so that may just have something to do with marrying young and not using birth control. Hormones y’know;)


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