
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jason's 18th Birthday Party

Jason Duggar celebrated his 18th birthday early, with a party attended by family and friends. Guests chowed down on homemade ice cream cake. For the next several days, the Duggars will be in  Big Sandy, Texas, for the annual homeschool conference.

Click here to view the Duggars' layered ice cream cake recipe.

For those who are wondering why our comment moderation has been spotty, we were on a blogging break for the past week. Even bloggers need some rest once in a while. :)

Jason Duggar 18th birthday party
 Jason Duggar

Johannah Duggar
 Johannah Duggar

Joy (Duggar) Forsyth, James Duggar, Ben Seewald, Josie Duggar, Jana Duggar
Joy (Duggar) Forsyth, James Duggar, Ben Seewald, Josie Duggar, Jana Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. A happy birthday to him, yes, but how will his life change turning 18? In this family, not at all. Look at John David and Jana, 28 and living the same lives as they were when they were 12.
    What are his plans for himself? Is he allowed any? Will he, too, work for his father in HIS projects?

    1. If that's what he chooses to do so be it throw stones much

    2. It’s time for him to start looking for a wife, isn’t it?

    3. Patricia Duong, I think the point is that it doesn't seem like these young adult have choices. If Jason wanted to go to college, would that be allowed? Or is his only option to stay home and work for his father? It is not throwing stones to ask a question, even if the question is a little uncomfortable. I think it is a legitimate question.

    4. @ 7:39 - I agree with you. I would love to know if each of the adult children have truly chosen their jobs in the family business or are they meeting an expectation placed on them from the family 'rules'? To me it seems strange that every sibling in one family would chose to stay at home and work for their parents (unless they "had to"). I have never heard this topic discussed on the show.

    5. @ 2:22 I think it's part family expectation, part easiest path, and part fear of stepping away from the family to be on your own in a world whose secular dangers you've been warned about all your life.

  2. Happy Early Birthday, Jason!
    It brings a tear to my eye to see how grown up all the kids are now.

  3. Johanna looks like Josh!!

    1. Don't wish that on the poor girl! She has gotten really tall, hard to believe she is only twelve, shes very pretty now but shes going to be stunning when shes older.

    2. 10:41, that’s not wishing it on her, they’re siblings so that’s normal.

    3. 10:41 -- Bizarre comment. Not cool.

  4. Johannah is getting so big! I still picture her as one of the little girls, but it doesn’t look that way anymore!

  5. happy birthday Jason i hope you have a wonderful birthday : )

  6. Hannie looks old enough to start courting soon. Or at least to start looking. And I spy someone with glasses who is not a Duggar. A suitor??

    1. Johanna is 12 years old...I certainly hope she doesn't start looking or courting soon.

    2. There are no more girls, besides Jana, old enough to court

    3. She’s 12..........

    4. Original Anon April 21 @ 5:13, your assumption that the kid with glasses in the photos is a suitor is distasteful, when quite possibly he’s a FRIEND of Jason! Heaven forbid any of the Duggar children have FRIENDS at their birthday parties. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    5. Goodness gracious, as much as girls develop early this days, I pray they wouldn't marry her off for another 10 years!!!

    6. 10:45, Blog readers have spotted current spouses in family pictures LONG before any courtship or engagement was ever mentioned. It's not distasteful to wonder if random people in the background now may be the next suitors. It's what the Duggars do!

    7. Heavens yes 1:26, and Ellie just posted pictures of that happening on missions years ago! I remember when Jeremy was the mystery man at a family dinner.

    8. 1:26PM: If Johanna was 18 herself, or even 16 or 17 years old, I doubt anyone would find talk of suitors distasteful. But she is only 12 years old. So Yes I do find a comment that she "looks old enough to court" disturbing, as have many others. Old enough to court also means old enough to marry and have kids. I think there is a consensus in US society even among very conservative Christians that 12 years old is NOT old enough for all that.

      There is no evidence the Duggars actually start courting at 12 years old or that the boy with glasses is a CURRENT suitor of Johanna. Kendra and Lauren were not courting Joe and Josiah when they went on trips with the Duggars way back when. They were friends.

      Now of course, sometimes friends turn into something more, and I suppose it's possible Joe liked Kendra even when they were kids. Doubt that's the case for Josiah as he courted someone else before Lauren. But being old enough to have adolescent crushes does NOT mean old enough to actually court and marry that person. Pretty sure the Duggars realize that.

  7. Michelle I miss seeing you all on tlc. The younger kids are growing up so fast and we are missing it. If we can't see them grow up on TV you need to write another book. Miss you!

  8. Happy Birthday Jason, what handsome godly young man you have become. God Bless you

  9. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  10. Happy 18th Birthday Jason! Be blessed!๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿจ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  11. Johannah looks soo much like Joy

  12. Looks like a fun celebration....Johannah is so grown up.

  13. He is growing into a handsome young man! Happy birthday

  14. My blood sugar went to 300 just looking at that pan. And then I read the recipe. :/ I know it's a special occasion (one of many in that house), but I'm waiting for the day the Duggars share the family kale salad recipe, or broccoli slaw recipe, or anything that isn't loaded with fat, salt, carbs, and sugar.

    1. They don’t have a problem with obesity, it was a Birthday celebration, why be critical?

    2. I don't think they eat kale and only eat broccoli if it's in a casserole with lots of cheese.

    3. I mean, it’s a birthday cake so of course it’s gonna be sweet. But I agree, overall the Duggars don’t seem to eat very healthy. I’ve noticed they go out to fast food restaurants a lot. It also bugs me that they eat in disposable plates so much, it’s awful for the environment

    4. I'm surprised Ben Mr. Healthfood is there smiling.

    5. What do you think they do with ALL the vegetables from their garden? Also, maybe you missed the several episodes where they discussed the importance of nutrition and exercise! Many, many times they have promoted eating healthy and exercising. Moderation people, that's what they do. Your petty, unwarranted criticisms annoy me today.

    6. If you look at their family's website, you'll see they actually have some healthier recipes on there.

    7. I want some of that cake!

    8. OK, I took 11:05's challenge. I looked at the family website...and saw recipes for cookies, cakes, candy, and punch. Oh, and something called "Mama Carmen's raw food recipes" from some sort of class. But that was from 3 years ago, and there's a note that they know nothing more about the recipes, since they were copied. Those "raw food" recipes end with 2 pie recipes and a candy recipe that are loaded with honey (another sugar to your body).

    9. There use of polystyrene plates and bowls to save washing up saddens and shocks me. As a Christian we need to be doing all we can to save the beautiful environment God created and reduce waste as much as we're able. Filling landfill sites unnecessarily because it's too much to wash up... I don't understand their reasoning.
      Also their diet of fresh veg has improved over the years, still lots of processed stuff including tins when you see in their larder.

    10. Maybe they raise veggies in the garden to feed the animals they have on their farmland? I know I end up with bushels of less-than-perfect produce from the garden every year, and if I had hogs, that's where it would go.

    11. 12:48 -- If you're saddened and shocked by disposable plates, then, as a Christian, I'm surprised you can even lift your head off the pillow to function with all the evil in the world right now. People being blown up and beheaded as martyrs for Jesus are what sadden and shock me, not disposable plates. Our world will be just fine until the moment that God decides it won't. HE holds the whole world in His hands.

    12. How many people are at this party? Seriously, you're worried about the calories the dessert has when its going to serve at least 20 people. My question to you is how much would you take as your portion?

    13. Amen, 12:48!!! With all the things to be concerned about, disposable plates are not high on my list. I am concerned about the environment but not to the point that I would criticize the use of disposables at a larger celebration.

    14. 12:48 is clearly a European, probably from Great Britain ("tins, larder"). Of course the wasteful consumption and amount of trash produced in an American household would shock him/her. Europe is very eco-conscious with clean air, anti-pollution, and recycling laws that Americans would have trouble following.

      I'm surprised that by now, there's any family in the US who is not aware of how bad Styrofoam is for the environment. It's probably only a matter of time until those plates and cups are banned. Every fast food place gave up using them a long time ago. Oh wait - every fast food place but one. The Duggars love to eat at Chick-Fil-A and what are Chick-Fil-A's cups made of? Polystyrene...

    15. @12:41. I agree. We,here, in Canada also recycle. Some parts of the country are more advanced than others but it is getting better. Plastic bags are no longer handed out like candy at stores. People bring their own reusable bags. Many restaurants do not have plastic straws. And the city has a recycle and compost program. People clean and sort their recyclable items and place them in city provided per household bins for pickup. We also have bins for waste also for those who do not compost themselves. And of course, we have places to bring our e-waste.

      People who live in less congested areas like the Duggars do tend to be oblivious of their wasteful consumption because they do not see the impact first hand. The impact is felt by others,just as Africa and the high Artic are now experience the devasting impact of climate change.

    16. Oh please... the hippie climate snowflakes need to relax...

  15. I'm sure I must sound like a broken record, but I can't believe how quickly these kids grew up. I remember when they were all very young. I didn't even recognize Johannah at first in this photo. Happy Birthday, Jason, and many blessings to you.

  16. Johannah is so grown up!

  17. lol, feeling old here! what a wonderful young man he has become. very hard working, busy guy. hope we will get to see more of him now that he's come of age

    and wow, johanna has really gotten tall! she doesnt look like one of the 'little' kids any longer

  18. Happy bday Jason. Cant believe how old everyone has gotten. Really miss seeing all the Duggars on tv.

  19. Johanna has certainly grown up!!

  20. Woah, when did Johanna grow up so big? And I want a house full of people all the time like that!

    1. You should see what it does to your floors.

    2. I'd recommend commercial/business type flooring in the Duggar homes.

  21. I think that's the first time I've seen a dog inside the Duggar house. Wonder whose it is?

    1. I'm sure it was sent outside again when they realized they had a pet in the house.

    2. I don't see a dog you must need your eyes check

    3. Paula perhaps you need your eyes checked, look down at the bottom of the first photograph of Jason holding his cake and you will see a small white and tan dog. Maybe look before commenting in such a high handed way!

    4. Paula, first picture, Jason holding his cake. Small dog clearly seen.

    5. Anonymous 1:23 PM you don't need to mean she just asked a question. You need to apologize to Paula

    6. Everyone calm down and stop being so rude to each other. The way the photos are posted, it's not readily apparent that there is more than one photo. If you don't click on the one and only photo in the story to enlarge it, you won't see the other two photos at the bottom -- at least in my Safari browser. Why are people here so quick to be rude and chastise others????

  22. Hope you had a lovely and restful break, Ellie and Lily!

  23. Are the adult children allowed to move out even if they are not married?

    1. Nope. They are still under their parents authority until they marry. Very sad they can’t go out on their own!

    2. That is sad...I can remember I was excited about moving out of my parents home and on my own. I wonder why that can't move out. I wish they would explain what a adult Duggar is allowed to do.

    3. You may be thinking that they are required to live at home - they're not. They are actually allowed to do whatever they want as an adult. They don't have to move out unless they want to. Why would you move out if you don't want to? Its different for everyone. I wanted to get away and on my own because I wasn't that close to my family but I want my children to stay with me as long as possible. And let me be clear, I want them to stay with me as long as possible as productive adults making their own choices. You have to think about what its like when someone thinks differently then you do. Some people love spending all their time living with their families. Ever heard of the Putmans (TLC) I love them.

    4. 9:09- Part of becoming an adult is learning to stand on your own two feet and make your own place in the world. That's tough to do if you still live with Mom and Dad. I would never refuse my grown children a place to live under unavoidable or urgent circumstances. However, I feel strongly that I would be doing them a great diservice by encouraging them to stay with me indefinitely, if they're perfectly capable of providing for
      themselves. It's like taking something important away from them- my confidence in them that they can make good choices without being under my radar.

    5. 2:48— um where did you get that info from? They still live at home. Jana shares a bedroom with little girls and she’s 28

    6. 9:09 -- Where do you get that info? Actually, as I understand the Duggar family rules, the girls ARE required to live at home until marriage.

    7. I got this information because I know the Duggars. Also they spoke about it in the girls' book, Growing up Duggar. I encourage anyone curious about this subject to read their book if you want to know how they feel about this. Also, its illegal to keep an adult against their will. This is not happening. Some folks just cannot wrap their heads around a different way of thinking. It may be uncommon to a lot of you but there are other families whose children are perfectly grown up and living with their family in different ways. I love that the Putman's are on tv because we don't get to see enough examples of this perfectly developed family style. @8:04 Just try to not think about how you did it and think openly about other ways. It could be right for you one way and right for someone else another way.

    8. I moved out when I was 24. I paid rent til I could get a roommate

    9. John David does not live in the big house. He once said he has his own place.

    10. Jana had this to say in a article I read "I will not get married for the sake of moving out of the family home" To me it sounds like she is not allow to leave until she is married.

    11. So I guess those rules apply to girls only? We need to teach our daughters to be strong and to take care of themselves and not have a man take care of them.

    12. Interestingly there are many recent polls showing up to 1/3 of all Millenials live with their parents and most are not married, and many do not have full time jobs. So the unmarried 20-something Duggars living at home are actually NOT being counter-cultural, they're being trendy!

    13. yes @6:00PM you're right. And I hope the next trend is families living together...I would love to be a Grandma with my Children and Grandchildren in the other wing of the house!! My dream :)

  24. Looks nice. Wow Johannah has changed a bit.

    1. She looks a lot like Joy there!

    2. I see Joy & Jinger in her.

  25. Wow, all of a sudden Johannah grew up!!

  26. Happy Birthday Jason I wish we wouldn't have had to miss a big chunk of all you younger kids growing up, too bad ๐Ÿ˜ŸUs fans invested so much time and love and devotion only to get it snatched away thanks to you know who,still angry I guess.Anyways, wish you the best๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽ‚

  27. Wow! He can go in a courtship now. Who will it be?

    1. He will court the daughter of one of Jim Bob's associates.

    2. Well, maybe Katie Grace Bates would be a good match?

  28. Happy 18 birthday Jason Michael Dugger. I have watch you grow into a fine young man since 2004. I can't wait to see what God's plans are for you. Looking forward to seeing more of you on Counting On. Natasha B.

  29. Jason looks like his brothers. Will he be working for Jim Bob like his brothers?

  30. Love seeing everyone celebrate Jason! Puts a smile on my face and happiness in my heart. Such sweet family photos. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  31. remember an episode when it was jill's 21st she got a bottle of perfume and a packet of her favourite sweets michelle then told everyone on how she prides herself on remembering everyones favourite sweets!!

  32. Is Grandma's left cheek banged up?

    1. Maybe one of the Nerf guns recoiled?

    2. Whoever 12:46 is, great sense of humor!

    3. No it does look like grandma's cheek banged up. It looks like her hair is in the way.

    4. I made it as big as it could go and it's not clear what it is. Could be a boo-boo. Gun recoil, HA!

  33. Is Jason the one that fell into a pit a long time ago?

  34. Happy Birthday Jason! Looks like everyone is having a good time...Jane


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