
Monday, April 23, 2018

Duggars Spring into Spring

We've been a little absent on the blog for the past several days, as we have been on a blogging break (or semi-break). Rest assured, we're back in full swing now. You can read more about what I (Ellie) have been up to during the break in upcoming posts on (Hint: palm trees, island breeze, and lots of aloha.)

The Duggars had some beautiful spring weather today. When we posted photos from Jason's 18th birthday party, readers were shocked at how old the "little" Duggars are looking, especially Johannah. Here is a new photo of Jordyn.

On our Bates blog, we also posted photos of the Bates enjoying the recent spring weather.

Jordyn Duggar
 Jordyn Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. That's Jordan, mini Michelle! So cute!

  2. miss the little and older Duggars so much!!!!! once again i pray they get a show of their own on a better network. does anyone know why the middle Duggars continue with the show on TLC? i have never heard a statement from them. TLC does not let the parents on their show and now they run from Derrick and Jill because he stood up for Christian beliefs and values. i for one can not understand why any Duggar would continue on a network that discriminates against Christians.

    1. Betty, discriminating would be if they did don’t allow Christians on their channel. Jim Bob and Michelle still appear on the show, Derrick bashed a coworker, and says that he left the show, not that TLC kicked him off. And Jill was on the last episode. Also, they have a contract with TLC

    2. I suspect it has to do with earning potential they receive being affiliated with a popular television network.

    3. The subject of Dericks troubles with TLC has been covered over and over again here on the blog. It’s my opinion that Dericks’s Christian beliefs were not the reason for his troubles with TLC, he used poor judgment in how he chose to express his views and threw a fellow TLC reality star under the bus. TLC’s response is not discriminatory.

      It is unlikely that another network would take on the Duggars due to multiple controversies. TLC has given them a home for their show in spite of those controversies and we still get to enjoy them. Who knows if no new troubles pop up we may see the whole family return one day.

    4. They stay on TLC because the network pays them.
      I don't think TLC discriminates against Christians. They gave the Duggars a national platform and featured the Big Sandy homeschool/ Christian family conferences, ALERT Academy as well as the SOS mission work the Duggars and Dillards did in South America.
      Jim Bob and Michelle were on Counting On more frequently this past season. We have also seen more of the teen boys and younger girls. Josie and Jordyn sat with Jana for a short interview during Joe's wedding episode and a few others throughout the season.
      As for Derick, he has stated numerous times it was his choice to leave the show.

    5. They stay on TLC because look at the other shows on that network. They fit right in.

    6. Anon at 339PM: If by "whole family" you mean Josh, I seriously doubt it. The Duggars should be happy the revelations about him became public BEFORE the MeToo movement. That led to many people being fired from TV shows who had many more accomplishments on their resumes, and none of them have appeared on air since.

      The current version of the show has succeeded without Josh and I doubt TLC would risk the backlash it would get if they put him back on the show. Perhaps if the show is still on in, say, 10 years, they'll eventually loosen up on the editing, and we'll catch glimpses of him when they showcase big family events. But I doubt he'll ever have a "speaking role" like the other Duggars.

    7. The facts don't match your narrative which leaves you rather divorced from reality. TLC continues to air Counting On and several other shows that focus on Christians which proves they don't "discriminate against Christians". As for Derrick, he decided to trash another show TLC was airing and quit. That was his choice. The rest of the family apparently doesn't think he was mistreated as they continue to work for TLC.

    8. Betty, you have brought these issues up several times over. The Duggars stay with TLC because they love the money and fame. It’s quite simple.

    9. Derick just reiterated his stand about quitting the show, not the other way around.

    10. I don't understand why the rest of the Duggar family doesn't follow suit and pull themselves off that network, too. If what's aired there is so disturbing to Derick, then it should be disturbing to the rest of the family, too. To stay on a network whose policies and practices you don't agree with is the very definition of hypocrisy. And what sort of example is that? 1 Timothy 6:10 applies here.

  3. She is looking like Jana.

  4. Time 6:55AM Tues 4/24/18
    Wow Jordyn gotten so big.

  5. I hope you were able to rest up on your blogging break. I just want to say that you do a great job with your blogs. You must wish you had Solomon’s wisdom to keep peace here at times. You can’t please everyone, so just please God and you can’t go wrong. Have a great day!

  6. Jim Bob needs to hire a few sons or sons-in-law to rip out and re-sod that lawn and add better landscaping. Or maybe Jana, since she's so good with plants.

    1. Lauren's father owns a yard care business, maybe he will fix the yard for Jim Bob.

    2. New sod wouldn't rectify the core issue, which is ongoing care. The lawn is clearly never watered or weeded.

    3. Oh no! The grass! THE GRASS!!!!!!! Sheesh. It's not your yard, they don't care what you think. How about chill? Some ppl just don't happen to be quite as Type A as others.

    4. Actually, with the kids and grandkids, I'm surprised it looks as good as it does.

    5. Maybe Lauren's father will hire his future son-in-law and they can all do the yard together. I thought Ben was currently in charge of the property and has been since his engagement?

    6. I though Ben was Master Toilet Cleaner.

    7. He graduated from toilets to grass, remember?

  7. This looks like the Johannah I have in my mind.

  8. Thank you for posting these last two items (Jason's birthday and a pic of Jennifer). It's nice to see something other than pregnancies and weddings. (I also liked Grandma Duggar's picture)

    1. I liked seeing Grama Duggar too :)

  9. Awe! So happy you sweet ladies enjoyed your time off! Beautiful photo as well, thanks for sharing!

  10. Why a legging? Het dress is long enough. Not very Nice. She is really Nice.

    1. Why not leggings? Did you ever play as a child? Ever fall off your bike? Why do you have to comment on what she’s wearing? I would like to see THEM comment on what YOU are wearing.

    2. Leggings are good so the gir k s can play without worry of showing undies.

    3. Some things are just none of your business. This is one of them. They have their reasons. Leave them alone.

    4. She probably dressed herself. Imagine being used to covering up so you don't slip out accidentally. Wouldn't you conve up extra if you're going to be active?

    5. There could be a possibility that a long dress could get tangled in the spokes.

    6. If their reasons are none of their business, then why did Jim Bob want people to sit and watch an hour-long TV interview where he tried to explain their reasons for safeguards?

    7. If her dress were long and flowy around her ankles, I can see it possibly getting tangled in the spokes, but I really can't see that happening in the dress she's wearing.

  11. No bike helmets needed in Arkansas, I see. Where I live, helmets are mandatory for all bike riders 16 and under.

    Arkansas does have a bicycle front (and back) light law, though. I don't see a front light there.

    1. Bike helmets are required for children where I live also, but they don't seem to enforce the law here as I see lots of kids riding without them.

    2. Those laws apply to bikes that are being used on public property, not private property. Much like the way a driver’s license is required to drive a car on the road, but not around your family farm.

    3. I think Jordyn looks like herself, but all of the duggar kids certainly look related to each other.

    4. She’s riding in her yard, for goodness sake.

    5. Bicycle and motorized vehicle laws apply only to public places (sidewalks, parks, bike paths, roads, etc). You can do whatever you want on your own land.

    6. Will you please relax? It’s obvious she’s riding on the family’s property.

    7. She is in her yard not riding on the street. They have a large yard, so there is no reason for her to ride in the road and need a front light.

    8. They aren’t off their own property....the law does not direct activities on private property. For safety sake helmets would be a good idea.

    9. She is standing over a bike in the grass. Hardly "riding a bike" and not on concrete or asphalt. I never wore a bike helmet as a child. People are obsessed with "child safety" these days. In life, sometimes people get hurt. Soon there will be a law against getting hurt.

    10. Picky! They're just in their yard. Cmon

    11. She's riding a bike that's too small in her back yard. I highly doubt she needs a front and back light, and she'd have to really be trying to cause a head injury on the dirt and grass...

    12. Shes in her yard for Petes sake, I doubt she needs a helmet in her yard. How about you instead saying thank you to Ellie for all the updates of the cute pics of the family that she posts? Unless of course you are only on this blog to be critical and negative toward the Duggar family, if so, please move on.

    13. She's in her yard. I don't think any of that matters unless she rides on the road.

    14. Are you kidding? Surely you realize that the light law is intended for driving on a public roadway, not in your own backyard?

    15. She's riding on her grassy front yard and driveway, not a road!!

    16. The law doesn't specify private property exemptions. No exemptions are mentioned at all.

    17. 9:15 -- LOL -- You looked up the law? Let me guess -- you volunteered for Hall Monitor duty in middle school?

    18. OP and 9:15 are right. That rule doesn't say anything about private property. It simply states that all bikes in Arkansas are required to have a front and back light that's visible at 500 feet.

    19. Helmets here are required for everyone, regardless of age. And falling off a bike while on uneven unpaved surface can still result in a concussion. Better safe than sorry.

    20. Nit picky people...jeez!

    21. Here,does not matter. Helmets required and driver licences, even on private property. There has been too many tragedies. Better to prevent these tragedies them live a lifetime of regret with a child with brain damage. Those who complain about this probably have not spent any time in an ER. They probably think car seats and seat belts are unnecessary.

      The Duggars put themselves up as examples for their friends to emulate. As the old saying goes...a picture is worth a thousand words.

    22. I have a million times more respect for someone who takes the time to look up something so they can learn or get it right, than I do for someone who thinks it's funny to laugh at other people and call them names.

      How many of us learned something new thanks to the OP? How many of us should go check our own state laws and make sure our kids' bikes are in compliance, both with lights and helmets?

    23. to Anon 26 Apr at 8:52 am -- I am a doctor and a driver's license makes absolutely no difference to being a good driver or not. Actually, a car seat and a seat belt are unnecessary if you are driving at 20 km/hr on your own flat land. They are extremely important if you are an impaired driver or driving at high speeds or if you are on hilly terrain or if you are on a public road where you cannot control those around you. A helmet for toddling around the grassy yard on a bicycle or posing with your new bike is unnecessary but extremely important if you are bicycling quickly or on pavement. Your post indicates the truth that laws are needed because too many people don't have common sense but for those few with common sense, do what you think is best on your own property.

    24. I don't know where you live 12:50, but where I live, you can't move a car at all - anywhere - without a driver's license in your possession. Actually, it's called an "operator's license," and if you're operating the car, you have to have the license with you. Also, all front seat passengers must be wearing a seat belt when the car is moving. It doesn't matter how fast or slow you're going, or if the road is public or private. "Click It or Ticket" is the saying to remind people of this law.

      As far as bikes, anyone under 18 must be wearing a bike helmet when on a bike, no matter where they are with that bike. Everyone I know who has kids makes them wear the helmets, even if they're riding on the lawn or in the driveway.

      There is no allowance in the law for following someone's common sense instead, since we all have different definitions of that. In order to have fair and uniform coverage for all, we all have to follow the rules as they're written. We can't make them up as we go along or bend them to suit us. No judge would buy that and it wouldn't hold up in court.

    25. Shoot my son has.fallen off his bike many times and some of those times were without a helmet. Instinct took over

    26. And I fell off my bike many times as a kid, got banged up elbows and knees, and chipped a permanent tooth. None of those were any fun. If helmets and other safety gear had been around then, I was the poster child for someone who needed them. Guess I didn't have good instincts.

    27. @`12:50. Being a doctor does not make you an expert on drivers or the need of safety measures, like seat belts or helmets. I listen to engineers (which I am one), who are involved in designing and testing these safety devices.

      Shame on you as a Canadian doctor. (A Brit or American would never quote speed in km/hr). Common sense means that people OBEY the law. That means that only those with the appropriate licenses operate motor vehicles and that seat belts are ALWAYS worn, no matter how fast the vehicle is going. Also, people ALWAYS put on a helmet when on a bike so that it becomes second nature.

  12. She doesn't need a bike helmet? Oh well guess she'll be OK if she's just posing for a picture.

  13. Jordyn-Grace Makiya What a sweet face!

  14. How in the world did millions of people ever survive without helmets through the years? Jordan's having fun on her bike just like we all did back in our days without helmets.

    1. Actually, some didn't survive. Some had serious head injuries or died. I remember driving home one day and at the end of my street was a teenage boy who had collided his bike with an oncoming car. I got there before the ambulance. I don't ever want to see anything like that again!! Helmets should be the law.

    2. To be fair some didn't survive, hence we have helmet laws

    3. Helmet laws were enacted to save lives and prevent head injuries. Sure most of us didn't suffer injuries when riding bikes before helmets were readily available, but that doesn't make disregarding the law OK. When you see some of the outcomes when children and adults don't wear helmets you might change your mind about wearing them. Safety gear is NOT a bad thing and if the Duggars want to be a role model for us, they should make their children wear the appropriate gear when riding a bicycle instead of ignoring the law.

    4. In many places.helmets are the law. No one here would ever think of bike riding without a proper helmet,even in one's own property and in a longish dress.

    5. Better safe then sorry! Wear a helmet.

    6. Depending on how fast the car was going, chances are kid wouldn't have made it regardless..

    7. Yes and before cars had seat belts most of us arrived at our destinations without incident. Using safety equipment is smart as it mitigates injury in case of an accident. If you're smart you'll make your children wear a helmet when riding a bike no matter where they're riding

    8. What a terrible thing to say, 10:12PM.

    9. Do any of you seriously think that if bike helmets had been around when other generations were kids that the parents then WOULDN'T have used them to protect their children? A huge part of being a parent is protecting your child. If there's safety equipment to do that, you should use it, and use it properly. If you grew up in a time when there wasn't that safety equipment, I'll bet your parents wished that there was a better way than continually nursing kids with broken limbs and concussions - or watching news stories where untethered kids were badly injured in car wrecks. That's why car seats, helmets, and skate padding were invented, and laws about them were passed. It's foolish not to use safety equipment these days, and certainly "we didn't have them way back when" is no excuse for not using them.

    10. I know someone who died in a motorcycle accident and he wore a helmet..

    11. Your point is what, 5:23? Nobody should wear helmets, because they were useless that time? My nephew died in a motorcycle accident, too, wearing a helmet, but that doesn't mean my family is against helmets now.

    12. Anon 5:23. What is your point? People die in accidents all the time but that's not an excuse for failing to obey the law and not using available safety equipment. Do you wear your seat belt when driving? Wearing a helmet when riding a bike is the same thing. Just because you knew someone who died in a car wreck while wearing a seat belt is not going to fly with the police when they see you driving without your seat belt on.

  15. Maybe Jordyn didn’t want to have “helmet hair” 😏

  16. I think she looks like Michelle.

  17. what a cute outfit.

  18. It looks like she's outgrown her bike. Time to break out another bike from the Duggar warehouse and pass that one down to a younger sibling or cousin.

  19. I’m happy to read about the family and see the pictures. Thank you.

  20. Jordyn is a beauty.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn


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