
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Duggars Return in 5 Weeks

This just in...The new season of Counting On premieres Monday, June 12th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT! Scroll down to read the summary and watch a promo video.

A new baby for Jessa and Ben, an unexpected surprise from Jill and Derick, and Joy-Anna and Austin’s engagement are just some of the major milestones that will be highlighted in the new season. The seven-part run promises love, laughter, and tears.

Jessa and Ben Seewald expand their young family with an adorable newborn and experience all the joys and challenges that come with raising two small children. Viewers will see Jill and Derick Dillard say goodbye to family and return to Central America, but not before they share some exciting news with baby Israel and the rest of the clan.

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo adjust to life as newlyweds in a new city far away from Northwest Arkansas. And the excitement doesn’t end with the older sisters…it’s Joy’s turn now! Viewers will see Joy interact with boyfriend/soon-to-be-fiancé Austin Forsyth. But Joy is not the only sibling to find new love, as yet another Duggar starts a new courtship. There are always new milestones and big announcements in this ever-growing family!

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Then Joy-Anna will be a June bride.

    1. Yup. Jill is there video conferencing. Must be back in the States already.

    2. No they're getting married on her birthday. Oct 28

  2. I can't wait! I do wish Jill wouldn't so bluntly ask Jinger if she's pregnant. Maybe it's just cultural differences between our families, but to me it seems incredibly rude, nosy, and insensitive (in case Jinger and Jeremy were struggling with infertility or something like that). Nevertheless, it looks like an exciting season!

    1. I do think that she should have made it a personal thing or wait it cuz they might have wanted to do a surprise announcement I wouldn't say if nosey because these are siblings that are extremely close and you go from Sharon everything always talking about everything and doing everything together too now you have to ask so I don't know I feel your point but I think that's just the Duggar way

    2. I hear people all the time ask newlyweds if they are expecting. It's nothing new.

    3. Struggling with infertility? They've been married like 6 months. If they're not preggo that would hardly be struggling.

    4. I've watched this family for years and it's patently obvious that Jill bases her self worth on having children therefore she expects others to be the same.

    5. No newlyweds ever need someone (family or not, sisters or not) hinting or asking about a pregnancy. It's never cute or funny, as it makes the bride feel pressured/inadequate or both. Then there's the whole miscarriage thing- just because Jinger's a Duggar doesn't mean she'll conceive easily or often or that there might not be an issue with the pregnancy (God forbid- I mean that). I can't tell you how many times I've been asked about only having one child or people "suggesting" that I'm doing my child a disservice and should have more. I've firmly decided the next person who asks/comments is going to be bluntly told first about our child in Heaven and what a miscarriage is like. While I agree that every child is uniquely created by God and deserving of life and love, I think the Duggars in their zeal have somehow (perhaps unintentionally) made childbearing the gold standard of Christian womanhood, the measure of a wife's worth. It's a little like preaching hard and heavy against sin, but forgetting to instruct the people to love the sinner and hate the sin- you wind up with people who are judgemental against sinners, totally forgetting that they were once sinners themselves.

    6. Jinger ought to take the opportunity to teach her sisters about birth control methods (she's most certainly using). And then watch their little heads explode.

    7. May 10 at 11:06:

      Wonderfully said. I do wish others had the same perspective as you! Out of 19 children, surely several will struggle with infertility which is hard enough on its own, let alone adding the pressure that will be put on them by their family.

    8. There's nothing wrong with saying I have two children -- one in this stroller and one waiting for us in heaven.

    9. If you've ever lost a baby, you don't really want to have to keep being reminded of that because others are inconsiderate/nosy/rude/opinionated. It's not something you really want to re-live. Thanks largely in part to the Duggars and TLC, large families define many people's perception of Homeschoolers and Home Schooling. So, you're an oddity both within the homeschooling community and to Jane Q. Public if you have one child (and sometimes even two). I've been asked repeatedly by both sides why I only have one child and if I'm being "fair" to my child.

  3. as we enter a new season of counting on I would hope and pray for less judgemental people against the duggars and their children who are only living the life they choose not you as watchers of their show if you don't like something about them keep quiet cuz you wouldn't be saying this to them if they wernt famous correct ?

    1. Couldn't agree with you more Amy at 11:56. People should watch something else if they don't like the way this family lives. It's called "CHANGE THE CHANNEL". Doesn't seem normal to watch a show just so you can point out everything you don't like.

    2. just want to say I agree with you Amy 100%! well said! the many of us that love the Duggars are just sick of the haters.

    3. If they don't want "judgemental people" then they need to go off the air. It comes with being on TV. No way around it.

    4. I don't know that I totally agree, 9:30. To an extent, yes, if they're on tv for us all to see, and we're all seeing the same things, I think it's normal to discuss them. But just because someone is on tv doesn't give me permission to become nasty and critical in my own heart (which comes out in what I comment). Some commenters truly come across in a nasty, critical way. The anonymity of the internet seems to bring out the worst in people sometimes (fortunately the bloggers don't put the nastiest of comments on here).

    5. Anon @ 9:30 You nailed it!

    6. I'm sure you don't mean it's okay to be judgemental because they share news with viewers (perhaps you're fortunate they allow people to comment against and for th÷m)...

    7. I totally agree. We all have our trials and it's encouraging to see how another family gets through this life of temptations.

  4. Well. Looks like Jill is already back in Arkansas.

    1. These are old clips before she went back to Central America, that's why at the end of the promo they show her at the airport leaving

    2. Well duh ....maybe... (probably)....this was filmed before Jill went back to CA....You have to allow a few months delay,in pictures and stories...and present time.🙄

    3. I think it's an old picture, taken before Jill left Arkansas to return to Central America. It's probably January or February.

  5. Currently when I visit your site, there are two TLC videos that auto play simultaneously. This is a continuing problem. Please put them behind a link or have your webmaster change the settings.

    1. I am having the same problem every time I open the blog.

    2. It's been happening to me too. It's annoying...

    3. Have the same problem.

    4. Ican never get the TLC videos to play. All I get is a large black square. It is a nuisance but hopefully someone is working on fixing it.

    5. Me too!! It's noisy and confusing.

  6. I'd be interested to learn how the family is compensated for the new show, since the adult kids are over 18 and many are out of the house. Are they paid per person, per household/couple, or as one? What chunk is Jim Bob taking out as his Dad/agent fee? And all those years during 19KAC was the money used to create trusts for the children?

    1. Doesn't matter how or who is getting paid. It is none of our business!

    2. And how they are compensated and what they do with their money is your concern - why? Are you obligated to let others know where your income is from and how you spend it?

    3. Why is that any of your business?

    4. Pay rules depend on the state, in AK only adults over 18 have to get paid and parents do not have to do trust funds for their kids. I hope they do considering the get paif half a mil per ep but assume Jim Bob gets it all

    5. Part of your questions were answered last year. I may be mistaken but I read each young adult earned $400k since first airing on TLC.
      They didn't disclose what the parents kept or was provided.
      I believe as adults they keep most since the family have investment property and air rights for cell service.
      I was pleased to read Jana purchased a commercial building last year. I hope something happy comes from it for her.

    6. Talk about speculation LOL
      I come these two blogs because I love these families and like to see what they're up to and how they run life with an extra large family.
      If you're not a fan, why waste your time/energy here, tearing them down?

    7. That shouldn't be your concern 😉
      Are you willing to share your financial status and what your doing with it????
      SO rude!

    8. From what I know, the kids who aren't married still live with their parents. So Josh, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and soon to be Joy, don't live with their parents. I believe John, Jana, Joe, etc. still love with Michelle and Jim-Bob.

    9. I'd say if you are not the Duggar family's Lawyer or Accountant then your questions are way too personal for them.

    10. I would hope that they abide by the laws set up to protect children on TV. If not, they have some explaining to do.

    11. As long as any of the Duggars are asking for money to support their "missions" and trips home, it is entirely reasonable to ask the particulars about their income and finances.

    12. I don't think it's unusual to ask these questions- people ask questions about salaries for movies stars, athletes, etc., all the time. They are public figures.
      And it is also worth asking these questions because there aren't rules regulating child labor for reality tv, for example how many hours a day they can be filmed, how they are compensated, etc. So I think it is important to think about how family members are compensated for appearing on the show. If children are on the show in extended scenes or doing talking heads, then they are doing "work" for the show. I never saw Honey Boo Boo (or wanted to), but at least the mother set up trust funds for each of her daughters, to encourage them to go to college. Even if the Duggars aren't interested in college, having some money as they grow up might give them more financial freedom to do what they want.
      Also, many people wonder how much the Dillards are receiving for participating in the show, since they are also asking for donations for their mission trip. Perhaps their transparency about how much compensation they receive would put people's concerns to rest (or then again maybe not, if they are receiving a lot).

      So I think there are many different reasons people might want to know or be curious about what the Duggars are paid to be on TLC. Asking about a public figures salary is less intrusive than asking an average person, in my opinion.

    13. 💓 -_- 💓

  7. Love this show and watching the changes come about in the family.
    Sharon from SC

  8. 🤗🤗😍 Soooo Excited !!!!!!!! :D I Already Put In A Reminder With 'Cortana' Of Day > Date > Time !!!!!! :D
    I Love This Family !!!!! 😍💖💝💓😘

  9. I don't think Jinger was to pleased about her sisters intrusiveness. It was really classless.

    1. That's their approach and the camera was rolling.
      It's interesting to see difference depending on exposure.
      I'm thankful she is becoming her own woman and will experience life.

    2. Just because some get pregnant in their week of marriage...doesn't mean everyone does,,,or wants to ,,,that soon.... about------ONE TRACK MINDS !

    3. She looked like she didn't know how to explain birth control to them in a way they'd understand.

    4. And Joy may already be dreading that , if she doesn't get pregnant in that first month......

    5. Joy will be pregnant before she's 20. Her wedding's next weekend in ak

  10. i can't wait to see this season of counting on!!!!

  11. Nothing new; same old, same old.

  12. The same thing is happening to me: two videos autoplaying at the same time. It's makes it hard to watch. Also, as I go to read a new post, sometimes an older post w/video will start to autoplay. It's distracting.

  13. Still can't view the video on this blog. It is really annoying. Hopefully it is able to be fixed. Great to see show is due back soon - season of only 8 shows seems small. How many episodes are there usually in a season. Jinger looks absolutely radiant and is obviously thriving in Laredo. She looks beautiful. From pics they have posted she and Jeremy look so happy. Good to see. All the best to all you guys.

  14. Can't wait to see them again. I've missed all of them. Really hate to see Jill & Derick go back to Central America. Too dangerous.

  15. I sincerely hope they don't recap the delivery and Henry growing up to fill time. Or Jinger honeymoon or Joy courting.
    There is enough current events we missed as viewer's to share.

  16. so excited to watch joy and austin's courtship!! also just want to agree with amy wolfe's comment about judgmental and mean people who come here to slam the duggars - hopefully they will find more productive things to do with their lives.

  17. I agree with Jill being inappropriate when she asked Jinger if she was pregnant. Her tone almost made it sound like it was a competition or something. And poor Jinger's oh theres something really wrong that I'm not pregnant.

  18. Mrs. Crystal PhippsMay 10, 2017 at 5:34 AM

    I love watching the show, can't wait for it to come back on. I find it to be encouraging even though they aren't perfect, k

  19. Aww I like the part with Joys proposal. It seems like Austin is a sweet and respectful guy- congrats Joy!

  20. Why not 10 episodes instead of only 7? You give us so much "news" in advance that the show itself is anticlimactic. Want more! ❤

  21. So, does Mr. Caldwell have an auto repair business OR is he a pastor of a church? You can't part time either one and do a good job. A pastor should be a full time dedication. I wouldn't want my pastor to be 'busy with other things' when he's truly needed for spiritual things in his congregation. Just my opinion.

    1. Well unless the church is supporting him to the extent he can support his family, he may need a second source of income.

  22. Why is it that Jill always gets the biggest houses? What does Jingers husband do for a living you see Jim Bob question all the other guys about how they would support their familys ?

    1. He never asked Ben that question.

    2. When you used the words "always"and "houses" plural, that is insinuating this has happened with more than one " big house", what other big house has Jill and her husb lived in besides the 1 big mansion Jill and Derick live in when they are in Arkansas, owned by her Father? And if I may answer your question about Jeremy, he is a Pastor of a community church in Laredo TX as well as he and Jinger also generate income from the reality TV show Counting On.

    3. You either put the wrong name in your question or you are not a huge fan, or you have been out of the country. Jinger's husband is a pastor.

    4. Wonder where they will live upon return.
      Her husband Derrick has a Bachelor in business and worked for Walmart in the accounting department.
      Jinger husband Jeremy is a temporary pastor for a church in Texas.

    5. 11:50, maybe you're forgetting about the first house (a large white one) where they lived after getting married. Remember, it was fixed up for them by the family? Then it was put on the market, and they lived in the second big house, the one very near the main Duggar house. That's the one they'll return to. So yes, "always" and "houses" plural. Josh & Jessa have both lived in the smaller ranch house.

    6. Jill and Derrick lived in big house when they got married...another one and then the one late last year ,through holidays, before they went back to this right...

    7. Anon @ 11:50 Jill and Derick lived in a large house owned by Jimbob when they were first married, which was eventually sold. Its renovation by the family was shown in episodes of the old show. Anon @ 2:06 they will probably live in the 'pool house' owned by Jimbob on the nextdoor property. This was partly why so many got upset at the Dillards request for funds to support themselves when home, they will have a large comfortable home free of charge.

    8. Anon @ 12.08 The original poster made it clear who they were talking about, Jill and Jeremy, no wrong names used. Not everyone who comes to this site is a 'huge fan', and I am sure some would not call themselves fans at all. This is a public blog where anyone can post a comment, I think the admin do a pretty good job of keeping the comments balanced, it would be very boring if all it did was heap praise on the Duggars.

  23. OMG Jinger looks beautiful in this photo. Married life with Jeremy and living in Laredo agrees with her. She is such a sweet soul. Looking forward to seeing their new life in Laredo and of course all the family. Be nice to have them on our screens again.

  24. This is side rude to ask if someone is pregnant ( we never know, they maybe have infertility issue....) Plus what's the rush ? They only got married less than year ago...

    1. Anonymous 2:35 - What else are they going to use as material for their TV show? Michelle talking about tater tot casserole again? The boys pretending to work? Jana saying she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life in the next 5 years because God may or may not send her a husband? Those storylines are played out.

  25. How do you stop this video?? Can't mute it and it interferes with trying to watch the other videos on the site.

  26. Anon 5/10 @2:22....I'm sure that poster isn't putting their lives out there for all to see and to encourage others to be like them as the Duggars are doing. When doing so, one loses a great deal of other-wise privacy. They also preach how frugal they are, buying used, etc., but we don't see ANY of that any more. They should state what types of arrangements they have. After all, movie stars and other TV show stars' per episode salaries ARE known to the public. The Duggars aren't especially exempt from that.

  27. Can you please add the mobile device feature to the blog? Many read this on their phones and it moves all around as you try to scroll. Also those of you that are getting a black box, tap on it again, might take several times buy eventually it will load!

  28. This promo video keeps going on. Can't listen to anything else. We can't control the videos.


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