
Monday, May 8, 2017

Duggar Campout

Family and close friends of the Duggars say that Joy-Anna lights up whenever she is with fiancé Austin Forsyth or someone mentions his name. You'll find that to be true in the video below, as the soon-to-be-newlyweds talk about the joint bachelor/bachelorette party they hosted this weekend. They have had a hard time finding a date with all the rain Arkansas has been having, but they finally got a sunny weekend and were able to go through with the much-anticipated event.

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Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I am very rarely able to see any videos from this sight

  2. The video was unavailable but the ad was a shocker. Is there any way to tell TLC that and maybe a less offensive ad can be used. Thanks.

    1. Was it that Chevy car ad? That's the one I saw

    2. You well beable to watch then bachelor,and Bachelorette party on counting on this summer.

  3. Her first time to camp outdoors? What was all that "survival training" they had on the show? Did she forget that? Although the girls did retreat a lot to the motor home that time, so maybe this only felt like the "first time" to camp outdoors, no motor home to run to. Sometimes I wonder if they watch their own show and remember what they did or said.

    1. I am sure she didn't consider that camping since she went back to the RV.

    2. I think she's meaning camping as in tents and staying outdoors the entire time. During the survival training they stayed in their mobile home as they always do while in Big Sandy, Texas. They've also rented cabins several times, so obviously Joy is meaning something else.

  4. A bachelor/bachelorette party must mean there's a wedding right around the corner???

    1. That's what I though too but it probably won't be before Jill gets back !

    2. I thought it was planned for October.
      Am I mistaken?

    3. June, October, next year- it really makes no difference when they get married. Regardless, they keep any news mum in order to boost ratings for their show.

    4. They keep it mum to try to keep the unauthorized reporters away from the wedding site. But that never seems to work. The Duggars have too many friends with too many social media accounts to keep things 100% secret beforehand.

  5. I remember being a teenager and how excited I was about wanting to have a first kiss. Thank goodness I didn't have to sign a marriage license just to make that happen. These poor kids.

    1. but this is what they choose to do. they are not forced to wait for that first kiss. they feel in their heart of hearts that they should wait.

    2. Personally, I find it very special to save a first kiss until the wedding day. You're sharing something with someone you've never shared with anyone else. There are many Christian couples who want to avoid temptation and to honor the Lord in their relationship. I respect couples who decide to save their kiss for their wedding day.

    3. I don't think they feel sad....they have made a choice to be totally pure on their wedding day.....different strokes for different folks :0)

    4. To all you teenagers, I advise you to save your first kiss and you will be so blessed. If your boyfriend doesn't agree, then he is not the right man.

    5. Absolutley nothing wrong with saving your first kiss.
      They chose to be honorable young women. It's a Godly character.

    6. Well, you shouldn't feel bad for them. They're choosing that path, they want to wait for it. Don't forget that part. They could kiss if they wanted to.

    7. My feeling is that people are not who they are going to be at this age, so if you get married you might find very little in common with this person once you hit your thirties or even your mid to late twenties. If I married my high school sweetheart, I have no doubt I would have been a stunted version of who I am today.

    8. You do know that these marriages are not like marriages that are happening in falling apart in four months but these girls are not marrying just for a kiss I understand there's some people do things and they don't follow the rules of the Bible these girls decided to follow the rules and laws of the Bible and however you may feel poor kids they feel and I see blessed kids because they're blessed enough to be brought up in the ways of the Bible they did what they were supposed to and they did it the way they were supposed to so the poor kids are the ones that are out there having sex unmarried just given their self to Tom Dick Harry Mary and whoever else not the ones that are doing it the right way and remember blessed are those that walk with the Lord

  6. Joy's never been on a camping trip before? Didn't we watch her on their television show camping out with her siblings at a survival camp?

    1. Remember they tried sleeping outside but then retreated to the RV? Since she didn't actually sleep outside that time, this would be her first camping trip where she actually camped.

    2. Anon @ 10:43 It was of course all staged for the show. From what they said the camping was was all Austins idea, his family likes to camp. If Joy doesn't like it she better get used to it, I see a lot of the great outdoors ahead for her!

    3. lol, I thought the same thing. And wasn't she one of the first to go inside the RV ?

    4. For Pete's sake! First it's Jim Bob who guides his girls and you show disgust - Now it's about camping with Austin's family and that Joy had better get used to It? Y'all just can't wait to "zippedy do dah" through this family... Now whos staging this bc of the show, its no different than what you accuse the Duggars of!

  7. They are a cute couple if they are already having a bachelor bacherlorette party wedding must be coming up sooner than Oct

  8. Usually a bachelor or Bachelorette party is a week or two before the wedding, @Lily and Ellie any mention of a wedding date? We all know October 28th is not the date

    1. Hi there,

      As of now, Joy and Austin have chosen not to announce their wedding date. If that changes, we will let you know. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. They won't announce the date, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on and when.

    3. Note the response was "Joy and Austin have not chosen to announce...", so likely Lily and Ellie know the wedding date but are not at liberty to share that on the site. Likely,it's part of Joy and Austin's contract with TLC to maximize viewer ratings=generate higher sponsorship=more income. Then, there's the People exclusive contract to consider as well. No wonder so much planning goes into a Duggar wedding.

    4. 2:07, Do you know how ratings are calculated? I am guessing not, since you think that just turning on your TV and sitting back to watch a show *magically* translates into ratings. I suggest you read up on the Nielsen Ratings system and the meters and technology needed to facilitate their system of capturing ratings samples from selected households.

    5. If Joy and Austin do marry in the next couple months ,
      will we see the wedding this season or next..❓

  9. Wow. That must mean the wedding is very soon, like in the next few weeks.

    1. Stuff has been bought from the registry, too, like they already had a shower.

    2. My thoughts exactly. No one has a bachelor/bachelorette party 5 months out...and her siblings all had theirs close to the actual wedding date.

    3. We are going to a Stag&Doe this weekend, May 13, for a couple that are getting married Sept 9 (4 months away). I didn't think that it was unusual. There's money that is needed now in the planning.

  10. I still think she will be a June bride.

  11. There is something about these two that really FITS. I predict great happiness.

  12. Is it just me or is it a little weird that she keeps looking at his lips the whole time he was talking ? To look at him while he talks OK but his lips thé whole time ... A little weird ...

    1. They all do this, and no its not just you who finds it weird lol.

    2. I actually watch people's mouths when they talk too. Probably looks weird because she is standing so close to him. Not sure her reason, but for whatever reason I lip read often. I have to really concentrate on what I'm hearing if I choose to look a person in the eyes while they talk.

    3. It's weird that there was a comment like this when Jeremy and Jinger was courting........

    4. Jill does it. Jessa does it.

  13. I can't believe how much she kooks like Jessa in this video: in facial expressions, looks and non-verbal communication. Wow!

  14. I am so excited for them! I love seeing happy endings. They really as so cute together. All the married couples seem so in love. So cute! So much love for this family.

  15. I wish them a long and happy marriage. Praying for them and the rest of the family. It can't be easy having every move they make be looked at under the critical eye of America.

  16. Awww! Austin reminds of my husband :). My husband loves the great outdoors. We're going to go camping sometime this summer. Very happy for them both :)

  17. when is the wedding since the bachelor/bachelorette parties are a couple weeks before the wedding?? @Lily and Ellie

    1. "Nobody can say," but it will leak out soon enough. Always has.

    2. Saturday, May 20.

    3. Hi there,

      Joy and Austin have not made the date public yet, but when they do, we will share it. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  18. I was able to watch this video on my mobile devices...but if you aren't able to maybe try to watch on a computer

  19. They are so sweet. God bless them abundantly!

  20. Before I'm branded a "hater" or schooled in "positivity", let me preface this by saying I like Joy. She's cute and I've always liked that she has no need to be the belle of the ball or the Queen Bee. Watching this video clip though, there seems to be no chemistry between her and Austin. She definitely does not "light up" when she looks at him in this video and his "most enjoyable thing" was "hanging out with all the family and friends" (mentioned first, order is important), followed by just spending time together outdoors. Yikes! Later he rather flatly comments about "...spending the rest of my life with this beautiful young lady." Maybe he just is not a camera comfortable person, but this whole clip is painfully awkward, like "I'm. going. to. say. my. line. now.". You're getting married to THE ONE- THE ONE God has especially for you, THE ONE you've both been praying about and waiting for. Neither of them are exactly lighting up and this isn't the only video of them like this. You're engaged and presumably close to the wedding if you're having bachelor/bachelorette parties and yet your future mother-in-law is still Mrs. Caldwell (pretty formal) to you? How sad. This whole clip is kind of sad on a few different levels.

    1. interesting view. i thought the complete oppisite. to me they looked so in love in such a pure innocent way. i'm pretty sure i saw them sway back and forth as they were standing together.

    2. I see what you mean. My husband isn't camera crazy either. Maybe Austin is uncomfortable expressing his feelings on camera. Joy seems more laid back and shy than the others. She reminds me a little of Jana that way.

    3. Sometimes people find The One That Will Do, not necessarily The One.

    4. I attribute it to different personalities.

    5. The part about the YOUNG lady was weird to me. Why young ? It felt like something an old person would say !

    6. That's right 1:57. Eventually in every marriage you make the decision to "love the one you're with" anyway.

    7. It was awkward. Most of them seem to latch on to the 1st person to come along.

    8. First, as the original Anonymous poster, my apologies. I forgot Austin's mother (Joy's future mother-in-law) is Mrs. Forsythe, not Mrs. Caldwell. No wonder Joy called her Mrs. Caldwell in the video! "Duh-hing" myself, here! I'm sorry Mrs. Caldwell! I'm sorry, Joy!

      Second, I mean no disrespect to Austin or Joy with my concerned post. I'm sure Austin is a very nice, respectful guy. Marriage is a really important step to make, literally a vow to take (If you're a Christian). There's so much involved in marriage done right, God's way. We're 25 years into ours and we look back and see how we thought we were so mature and ready and we see our immaturity (we were both committed Christians for years, plugged into a Church with solid Bible teaching). It's really about so much more than most teen/twenty-somethings really understand- Physiologically, the areas of the brain that process long-term aren't even through developing until around 24-25 years old. I know many will say they married young and are doing fine. For a small percentage, that's true, but a large number are supported/propped up/carried by family or friends through the first 5-10 years (if they make it at all). None of the "Duggar couples" have demonstrated the ability to leave and cleave to their husband and start a separate family/household independent of their parents or their support (financial, housing, emotional, etc.)- Jinger and Jeremy aside, they're newlywed and he's lived independent. It was important to us as a couple to live independently, make our own way, stand on our own two feet. It's the reliance on each other that forges a one-ness and cements your commitment to each other for the curves life will throw. There's a God-given satisfaction in facing the challenges, just the two of you, and overcoming them together. If Mom & Dad are hovering on the periphery and stepping in to rescue you/"provide for you"/"help you", your marriage isn't the 2 of you.

    9. Anon @ 1.57 What a sad thought 'the one that will do', the person you marry should be someone you can't wait to be with at the end of the day, the person who gives you butterflies when you see them (at least in the early days), the one you want to grow old with. What happens if 'the one' comes along and you realise it is too late or you would have to divorce and tear apart a family? This would just lead to a lifetime of what ifs and resentment, not a good way to live ones life.

    10. I thought the scripture says cleave to the *wife* not the husband as you stated.

      "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
      Genesis 2:25 KJV

      If these women are close to their family, it would make sense for the husbands to follow suit according to the Bible.

    11. I think you're reading more into this verse than you should. By your reasoning the husband should be under his in-laws rules instead of starting a new family unit with his wife. I don't think it's unbiblical to move away from the wife's family.

  21. can't see video and so sick of TLC!! they continue to offend fans of the Duggars with their bigotry toward this family and censoring the show yet knowingly playing offensive ads during show promos and show itself. TLC must truly hate Christians and our values.

    1. If what you say is true, then it is up to the Duggars to cease doing business with TLC. To continue an association with this network under those circumstances is completely hypocritical and disingenuous of the family.

    2. betty well said I've been over the negative comments against this normal Christian family and their beliefs let this family live their lives without the negativeness

    3. Right! I read an article on Yahoo about the Duggars (big mistake!) And I was so angry with the anti-Christian comments. I understand people believe what they believe, but don't trash a faith you know nothing about!

    4. But we DO know about their faith, after all these years of them telling and showing and testifying, and some of us ARE the same faith. That's why when we see things that aren't right or don't add up, we speak up.

    5. Well, the solution is simple. No one is forcing the Duggars to continue working with such a shameful business as TLC. They can quit.

  22. Joy reminds me so much of Jill in this video! Congrats to the happy couple!

    1. She reminds me of Jill too!

  23. Video only plays 10 seconds and then goes tho a horrible commercial. Pleade re-uplpad

  24. What an enviable and lovely life the Duggar ladies have. I could think of nothing better than marrying the love of my life, someone who worships me, and I, him. Millions of ladies wish they had waited for marriage for their first kiss, and would also love to be a stay at home mother who takes care of the family. With a loving man the Lord and such a beautiful relationship, the Duggar ladies and men have a life I for one envy and wish you all the best of love and blessings possible. So excited for you Joy and Austin xx

    1. I am reminded of the old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is." I am an old timer. Rest assured, you can be very happy and have a good relationship, even if you don't save the first kiss for marriage. And for the record, millions of women actually prefer to work outside the home.

  25. Sooo the Duggars always talked about how Joy was this TOM BOY"
    and how she loved to be out doors. The engagement was out door (so they claimed she loved outdoors) and nowwww she has never camped? So of these things are not adding up. Mrs. Caldwell (Kendra mom, her brother new girlfriend) had to suggest what they should do? What happen to your mom's advice or Sierra or your mom's friend. The Duggars need to start speaking the truth.

    1. Someone can be a tomboy and not go camping. She always loved playing outside and running around with her brothers.

    2. I was a total tomboy as a kid and only camped once in my life between ages 0-25. Outdoorsy doesn't have to mean camping. None of their descriptions of her were wrong. Maybe she enjoyed playing outdoors, exploring nature, and roughhousing instead of shopping, getting manicures and playing dolls.

      I'm guessing Pastor and Mrs. Caldwell did their premarital counseling, as it's common in the Christian culture to have your counseling with the pastor and his wife. It is very possible that they were chatting casually about what might be fun to do and she brought up camping. You have turned it into some sort of betrayal of a non-existent secret society and you're making yourself and the other trolls look foolish.

  26. I love it how when Austin talks he keeps his eyes on Joy and looks at her with all the Love ❤️ it's so romantic. And Joy has such a beautiful smile when he complements her and she looks at at him when she talks it's so obvious that are in love �� and I couldn't be any more happy �� for them then I am now. I can't wait to see the wedding ���� ��

  27. bachelor/bachelorette parties are typically held within 4-8 weeks of the wedding. jill, derick & israel will be back within that time frame (8 weeks is the end of june) so a plausible date for the wedding should be as soon as jill is home (probably that same weekend). i cant see joy not having jill in her wedding party as they've always been extremely close. maybe joy & austin are going to get married "out of the limelight" and we'll find out about it as a special on tlc? a surprise for followers like ben & jessa keeping their first kiss private! all 4 weddings have been completely different so maybe they're going along those lines & doing their own thing? just a thought

  28. wow I guess I missed something. I thought they were just courting!

  29. Ellie and lily- this is your blog. Why not control the negative comments and STOP posting them. It's irritating and frustrating. Many of us love the Duggars and I come on here to avoid all the ignorance on yahoo and google, etc. but any more- your sight is NO better. I'm so sick of reading the ignorant stuff posted. You are friends of the Duggars- why wouldn't you protect them. I'd never let someone on my social media beat down someone I love. Very frustrating. And incredibly sad.

  30. You say you don't post anything insulting or derogatory?? That is all most of these comments are any more. I wish you would stand by your disclaimer. You can't go many places and not read nasty stuff about the Duggars. Shame you all have followed suite.


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