
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

'Counting On' Promo Photos

As we announced earlier, new episodes of Counting On return Monday, June 12th. Are you excited? Take a look at these promo photos...

 Jessa Seewald, Ben Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald, Guinn Seewald
Celebrating Spurgeon's 1st birthday

Spurgeon Seewald and Israel Dillard
 Enjoying cousin time before the Dillards return to Central America

 Johannah Duggar and Joy-Anna Duggar
Decorating for Spurgeon's 1st birthday party

Austin Forsyth and Joy Duggar
Austin's proposal

 Joseph Duggar and Pastor Caldwell
Asking permission to court Kendra Caldwell

Pastor Caldwell

Jana Duggar, Joy Duggar, Jessa Seewald, Jill Dillard, Jinger Vuolo
Duggar sisters ask Jinger if she is pregnant

Photos courtesy TLC


  1. Wouldn't be surprised if Jinger has conceived but I'm curious about J. Hartona. When a Christian publication starts gabbing it's often not just rumor.
    Any updates ladies?

    1. Curious about this as well.

    2. What's J Hartona? I googled it and nothing came up?

    3. The Hortono picture that is the subject of speculation is at least one year old.

    4. The Hortono picture that is the subject of speculation is at least one year old.

    5. Are you talking about the internet rumor with Jana and Jonathan Hartono? I'm pretty sure it is just an internet rumor.

  2. Joseph looks the same age as Pastor Caldwell.

    1. Hah! I thought the same thing! I couldn't. Believe that was her father! He looks like an older brother!

    2. I thought the same thing!

    3. I thought the same thing!

    4. I thought the same.

    5. I thought Pastor Caldwell looked very young as well

    6. Pastor caldwell look so young.

    7. Pastor Caldwell looks really young!

    8. That was my first thought as well!

    9. That was exactly my first thought!

    10. I got a little curious about his age because these posters are right, he does look young. :)

      I cannot say for certain that the information is correct but Family Tree and another source puts his birth year at 1977 which would make him 40 this year. Look under Paul G. Caldwell. (G is mostly likely for Gene) The possible relatives of Paul G. Caldwell are listed and include a mention of a Christina Caldwell (his wife) and Kendra :) so I am guessing it is probably the right guy.

    11. That's what I thought too!!! His youthful look first shocked me, then I did the math and realized he may well be just a few years older than Chad Paine!!! If Pastor C got married at 19 and had Kendra at 20, he'd only be 37/38 now, with a daughter old enough to court!

    12. Chad Paine just turned 30.

    13. A lot of the Duggar boys have receeding hairlines, it kind of ages them quickly.

  3. Sorry but the blindfold on Joy is just creepy.

    1. I know, right?

    2. I thought the same thing! A proposal is supposed to be romantic and happy/ memorable for both parties! This soooo goes against my educational opportunities in college. I did have to laugh because i too thought the blind fold was creepy with an element that just doesn't belong in a marriage proposal but like they say two each their own! lol !

    3. It's suppose to make sure she doesn't peak.

    4. I think it is fun and exciting!

    5. The blindfold,in this case is romantic and different for some but not creepy💓

  4. She's barely been married and their asking if she's pregnant? I don't get why the duggars take a bunch of tests before there's even a hint of being pregnent. I know Jill said she took a bunch of tests before she found out one month after. Thoughts?

    1. They take much pride in their fertility and think that a woman's life should be completely focused on finding a husband and having many children. It's little wonder that it's all they talk about.

    2. I don't either, especially Jill with her education. She should know her body well enough to know when to test. Those tests are also expensive and the results can be sad. Why would anyone put themselves through that?

    3. Because that is their goal-to be pregnant as soon as possible after being married!

    4. I think it is a bit strange to take pregnancy tests to just take them. Just because you are married does not mean you will be with child right away. The girls need to relax a little bit.

    5. Because that's them and not you. If they want children, that's their business and decisions. You know how many people that I heard who are newlyweds - who doesn't even believe the way the Duggars do - and ask them if their pregnant all year long until their first anniversary? It's part of life.

    6. Remember how Anna was so upset after not being pregnant at 4 months post marriage.. 4 months and she said she took countless tests already lol abit weird

    7. I agree. I read an interview with Cousin Amy who said that when she got back from her honeymoon the duggar girls were already asking if she was pregnant..

    8. Until the Duggars, I had never heard of taking multiple pregnancy tests per month. There are many other simple ways to tell if you are pregnant, which we won't go into on this post, but considering the price of each test I am very surprised at how many they use. What's the rush?

    9. Some women get symptoms of pregnancy right away but there's a certain number of weeks that go by before the positive shows up. Pregnancy tests can get expensive so I would think they would want to wait

    10. Pregnancy tests are $1 at the dollar store, and you can also get bulk bags of the test strips without the plastic case (that you just dip) for about $0.15 per strip. Just love how people continue to comment on Duggars' financial decisions without having all the facts.

  5. I don't like they are asking Jinger if she is pregnant. That is a very personal and delicate situation and yes, something sisters ask each other but I feel for Jinger. It shouldn't be broadcasted on tv. Some things deserve to stay private.

    1. I think they crossed a line here. How soon after the wedding did they start asking about pregnancy? I hope she told them to mind their own business.

    2. Agreed. It's inapproproate to ask at all.

    3. I agree completely. I am very close to my sisters but we have the courtesy and respect for each other's boundaries to not ask such a personal question unless the other person wants to talk about it. It looked like Jinger was caught off guard by them asking her that. Poor girl.

    4. That's their business

    5. News for you commenter there is no secret, first comes love, second comes marriage, third comes the any carriage! The Duggars have got everything in order!

    6. So agreed with you ! Plus I do not see the rush for getting pregnant quickly.... it is nothing wrong to enjoy new wed life !

  6. I wish the sisters would leave The Babes alone. I hope The Babes wait to bring children into their lives and continue to enjoy their new marriage. Jinger and Jeremy are adorable, and obviously like their time together. These people border on idolatry with their obsession with pregnancy.

  7. Pastor Caldwell is good looking.. Ild go to his church lol just joking

  8. Yes I Agree if Jinger is pregnant let her make it when she is ready.

  9. Wow Kendra's Dad looks young!

  10. Cant wait to see all the Awesome stuff
    That all the Duggars have in store. Cant wait to meet baby Dilly #2. Cant wait to meet Anna an Joshs new little boy. I was trying to think of a sweet name for there new baby boy. I like Mason joshua. Also i cant wait to see if there is any Big news From Jinger and Jeremy. And i cant wait until Joy anna and Austin gets married. Boy i cant wait until June 12. At 9:00pm. Help.😄

  11. I am so excited for June to come! Lots to look forward to! Joy anna is going to be a beautiful bride! Yay!

  12. Wow! I'm guessing you don't have sisters or girl cousins. In my family we don't hesitate to ask those questions s and even more personal stuff. They are sisters who all grew up sharing a roo. As well as all their secrets. Its normal. As far as Bri g pregnant, IF you don't use any kind of protection it's likely to happen sooner rather than later. It's up to them how they wanna live their lives. They don't need our permission. I don't have to agree with their every move to have admiration and respect for them and enjoy wTching their show.

  13. The sisters shouldn't ask Jinger, especially with cameras rolling. One day, someone could end up having a fertility issue like one of the Bates daughters, and the unending pressure of being asked if they're pregnant would be really hard to take.

  14. I hope this season focuses more on Jinger and Joy. We have had enough of Jessa and Ben.

  15. Some things are done a certain way for the cameras. I don't believe she would have asked unless they all knew she was going to. The producers want to keep us guessing and interested. Not the first show to do that.

  16. It's not conservative OR modest for Jinger's sisters to be asking her such a question and have it be broadcast. They have turned a life event in to a sport and a competitive one at that. Not appropriate. Leave the marrieds' personal lives just that PRIVATE. We all know what married people 'do' and it's not proper to advertise it.

  17. I am sure the asking of jinger being pregnant is staged. I am sure they didn't wait to ask till cameras were on. And who friggin cares if she is pregnant or not. Why is everyone so shocked when they get pregnant right away. Who cares if they want kids right away or not. It is their choice and their decision. I waited 9 months before I got pregnant after being married. Am I some crazy person for wanting kids right away? No because it's what me and my husband wanted. So if it's what they want great! Happy for them! But I am sure the whole asking her is stage. They prob did ask her before or how long they wanna wait. I did that with my sister not a big deal it's family. It's a question you get asked once you get married.

  18. It's May 10th and I understand Jill and Derick are already back in NW Arkansas. Is this true?

  19. Did you see the dillard update where they aks for money to come home and have their baby? Everybody else would work and earn money to raise a family, but they want to have vacation and live of donations. I don't see any godly in that

    1. 4:12, I put that in the same category as the ministry that asked for a multi-million dollar private jet so they could continue to fly around providing their type of "ministry." They asked for 200,000 people to give $300 each. You have to wonder who's life is being improved here.

    2. Do you mean the update where they honor the locals by saying that the children smell sweaty and have stinky feet? Yes, I saw that one.

      We all know what Jesus did about "stinky" feet...

    3. That update started with a very derogatory statement about the children in the area. I was shocked and appalled to read it, and saddened that Jill & Derick still feel the need to talk like that about the locals. Part of their job as missionaries is to assimilate to the area, and I feel they are not doing that at all. They don't seem to have a humble or respectful attitude about the economic situation of the people there, either. If what they wrote were translated into Spanish and given to the village people to read... Well, I don't want to think about what might happen. Suffice to say that I am very disappointed in them, for good reason.

    4. I agree with you. It's tacky and so bold.

    5. I agree, last year they were home for six months and instead of working relied on donations. They should use their tlc money..

    6. Sarah I saw that too. I'm not impressed as a budget is in place before volunteering normally.
      Part of the point is personal sacrifice to serve. Those around me and myself work to earn for those trips. People supporting us often gift a modest amount to help for moments we don't always foresee. They should have a better grasp on finance with Derrick education.

    7. Sarah -- it sounds like you are not familiar with missionaries and how their job works. EVERY missionary I know raises support and lives off of donations. EVERY missionary I know has a web site or letter where they list their needs and wants. The Dillards are not doing anything strange and unusual. It sounds like your church is not doing a great job of teaching it's members about the great commission.

    8. Most missionaries who have a web site may list needs and wants, but I have never ever seen any make such a blatant request for money from total strangers to support themselves while home. I have also never known any missionary who will be filming their families reality TV show and earning money from it which they could use to support themselves and their family while home. The Dillards need to start being a lot more transparent about where and how donated money is used, or they can expect this backlash every time they request money from the public/fans.

    9. Maybe the Dillards need to start thinking about limiting the number of children they plan on having. If they are asking people to pay to support them in the US,they clearly do not have the financial resources to pay for a large family. Most people limit the size of their family to one which they can afford, larger families often budget and go without little luxuries to afford to give their kids a decent life, and we all need to work to provide for our own, Dillards included.

    10. I hate to say it it - but I have to agree. I have friends who are long term missionaries in Peru. They can only come home on furlough every two years. That 6 month to 1 year furlough is used to raise support to return for another two years. They have had children born while on the field and grandparents DID fly to Peru to see them - but there was no expectation that the missionaries came home just to give birth or to visit with a new baby. Another missionary I know travels 6 months of the year in Romania to oversee and bring aid to new church plants. They don't make repeated trips back and forth - not cost efficient. Another neighbor we had in Iowa served in Indonesia for many years. Both of their children were born and raised on the mission field. They too only returned every two years on furlough. I do not like to criticize christians who serve God - but their missionary life is like non-other than I have ever witnessed.

  20. Why do we have to watch another birth? We already saw the big day.
    I fear this season will be full of flashbacks yet again.
    I also read TLC is testing a web segment with Josh to decide if he will return on the next season.
    I are you pregnant race seems like the only thing important to the girls. I'm glad Jinger has time to be a pastor wife before dealing with swollen ankles in that Texas heat.

    1. If TLC give Josh a platform of any kind the backlash will be huge and the show will be cancelled.

    2. I wouldn't expect much from TLC. They're not known for quality programming.

    3. TLC can "test" all they want. Josh is persona non grata on my TV (and many others) and will remain that way.

  21. Is there any validation to the rumors Josh will be returning with Anna and the new baby next season?

  22. Happy belated birthday to spurgeon! I am thrilled that there will be a new season!

  23. Being a pastor is a dedication...a FULL TIME dedication. How can one be an auto repair mechanic, husband, father AND pastor? Whom do they serve? Their families, their businesses and clients OR God? Serving God is a full time commitment and shouldn't be shared with other dedications as marriage is viewed as a dedicated vocation too. One master, not two. When you part time it all, you do neither well.

    1. Are you Catholic ? it seems you're speaking of priests who have not wife , or children , family or other interests...!

    2. Sometimes it can be a very small congregation so there's not the financial support for a full-time pastor.

    3. That may be true, but are you aware that a lot of small rural churches can't afford to pay their pastors enough to live on? Those pastors don't have any choice if they are going to be pastors at those kind of churches. In my opinion, even small churches deserve to have a pastor!

    4. Why can't pastors be mechanics , farmers , factory workers ,
      husbands , fathers ? Etc......some still need more income than a church can doesn't make them less devoted , dedicated ,
      or committed to their love and service to our God....
      and maybe like this reality show family says ,
      they can let their light shine....God Bless us , every one...❣✝❣

    5. What? Every pastor i know is married. I believe your thinking of a priest.

  24. Ì love Jinger's personality. She gave a testimony on YouTube and I was deeply touched by it. She comes from such a devout Christian family. I am happy that the children are finding wonderful spouses. And hope the Lord continues to bless this family. May they remain humble.

  25. Wow! How old is Pastor Caldwell?

  26. I don't know why TLC does this, but their custom of airing past events and old happenings months after they occur will lose viewers. We are growing quite tired and impatient with this network. The episodes are boring to begin with and compounding that with watching old news won't keep viewership 'up'. Just not so interested in months old news.

    1. Yes, it's time to pull the plug on this flashback they call a new show.

    2. Every TV network does this. It's how it works. It's always been like this.
      They can't just film everything and edit it all and show it on present time.
      It takes a few months to film and then it all goes to production. Just like any other reality TV show, series, movies, etc.
      This is nothing new.

    3. It appears as if TLC doesn't care if the show fails. I don't give it much time.

    4. We may not mind waiting a few weeks after an event....
      but a few months or the next season is too long...
      you'll lose interest by then..and please no more birthing shows ...
      I myself have seen enough of those😬

    5. You all who are complaining here about TLC really need to complain to Discovery Communications. This is not a TLC site.

  27. No network needs MONTHS to review and edit videotape and make it ready to air. If this were so, how would the daily news film be ready for the 6:00 report? Also, they have had events ready to broadcast very soon after they occurred. No need for months to go by.

  28. Remember that this is not the daily news, this is entertainment. Plus they have to film the interview sections after they finish filming the scheduled episodes. This is how reality TV works.
    And a lot of has to do with the network and its producers. It's not a simple job, there's a lot to it.

  29. Do you think there is another courtship to be anounced after the wedding of Joy-Anna just like after Jingers wedding other than Joseph and Kendra?


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