
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Huckabee Reaffirms Support for Duggars

During an event in Clinton, Iowa, earlier this week, a woman with an agenda and a strong dislike towards the Duggar family wrongly accused presidential Mike Huckabee of supporting child abuse.

Even though she interrupted him multiple times and ate up five minutes of his Q&A session, Huckabee stood his ground and reaffirmed his support for the Duggars.

(The video is embedded below. We advise you not to visit the direct YouTube link, as the comments are vile and inappropriate. The video was not uploaded by us, so we do not have control over the comments.)


  1. Brave man unfortunately many of us feel right in between the horrid women and the politician he did well though to keep hi point and deal with the situations

    1. When a baby is in the belly of a drug addict drunk it can be the best option to abort the pregnancy.Lifelong health issues should not be forced upon the baby.Being born into an abusive family is wrong. The baby's spirit can go back into the grand melting pot and be reassigned a new family

  2. Geez That women was giving me a headache. I didn't think she was ever going to shut up.

  3. Wow. Mr. Huckabee's answer was not said the the spirit of humility, wagging his finger at that woman, and telling her to be quiet. I am not impressed.

    1. Good. Then don't vote for him. Easy to criticize behind the mask of anonymity!! As he told her don't judge you don't know the family. He does. It's not yours or her business!! Has nothing to do with his run for office. Judge him on HIS beliefs, actions, and stances. Things from HIS life. Not others!! And like I said its so easy to stand a fling mud while you hide behind annonymity!! I'm not afraid of people knowing where I stand.

    2. The thing is, he wasn't just defending himself, he was hotly defending his friends who were being attacked. That's okay.

    3. He was right!! Let him alone he was driving his point to the woman how doesn't know what she's talking about!

    4. I don't like Huckabee's politics, but right here I like the man. This woman doesn't understand that he's standing up for the girls too!

  4. Some people are so ignorant.
    Love the Duggars support them 100%
    Hope to raise young adults like John David, Jana, Jill...

    1. Good job Huckabee defend those Duggars!You sure told that lady.These people that love bashing this family have NO idea what they are talking about!Its very sick

    2. Us fans love and support you Duggar family!

    3. I could watch this over and over and over.Everything he said is true

  5. Huckabee is completely right in what he is saying. The Duggars are a loving family and would never put their children in harms way. They protected them as much as any loving family would while also trying to help Josh turn to God. Only people that have an agenda against the Duggar family, and God as a whole, refuse to see that. I'm proud of Huckabees response.

  6. Seemed like a valid question to me. The abuse of children is... child abuse.

  7. That was a woman maybe, but certainly NOT a lady! I'm proud of Mike Huckabee for standing up to her

  8. Lily and Ellie, you both are becoming more vile and inappropriate--not the video.

    1. Wait--what??? What have Lillie and Ellie done that is becoming vile? Funny, I thought just the opposite. I applaud them for having enough respect to show several points of view. Good for them:)

  9. No class, uncouth, UNREAL! Ignorance is all the folks who believe rag tag magazines without the facts.People think they know them by what they read, its really sad and pathetic and I truly feel sorry for them ...what a way to live your life...just pray for them because they need it.

  10. God bless Mike Huckabee!!! He's a true friend to the Duggar family! I'm fully supporting MIke Huckabee in this election,always have

  11. Thank you Lily and Ellie for having to weed through what must be some really horrible comments just so you can provide this blog. Its greatly appreciated. I pray God will give you both strength in knowing the good you are doing...what a crazy world.

  12. We need to pray for this family instead of putting them down all the time. Josh made a mistake...a Hugh mistake but God for gave us for our sins and if Josh has asked God and his family to forgive him then let them be. We will know if he really means it when he gets back into society! He needs to ask God for a Cleansing and really mean it and in the future if he is tempted he needs to get on his knees and ask God to help him. Give him a chance! He's so young!

  13. wow. Completely inappropriate of Huckabee! He wants to be president,but can't keep his temper in check because just ONE woman insulted his friends.

  14. That was very uncomfortable to watch.

  15. You go Huckbee, your right people don't know the Duggar's . I'm so happy to see somebody stand up for this family. This women was out of line. Thank you for standing up for this family!!

    Best regards,
    Barbara Pluckhan

  16. I have seen several rumors of Anna being pregnant with their fifth child, is that true?

    1. There are flight records of the duggar plane and it is documented that the family plane was there shortly before thanksgiving as well as Christmas. Very possible for Anna and josh to spend time together. She would only be 4-8 weeks along though so more than likely it's only speculation until Anna confirms.

    2. I don't think they'd allow that or an overnight visit especially noting what he is in rehab for.

    3. I love the Duggar family & hope to see them back on TLC soon! Don't understand all the criticism. Whose family is perfect? Certainly not mine.

  17. I agree with him one hundred and ten percent.I feel the Duggars did what they felt was best!JimBob went to the church elders and did what was right and ultimately went to the police!People need to stop twisting the truth!The girls have said it themselves that what the media is doing to them is hurting them all over again!People need to stop attacking these wonderful people!!!!!

  18. TEAM DUGGAR!!!I support them 100 and 10 percent!!!They did NOT sit back and let Josh molest their kids!People do not know what they are talking about!They are great people with many supporters!!!

  19. I am a Democrat and I feel sorry for the Duggar family and I agree with Huckabee.In fact he now has my vote!!!

  20. Good for you Mike! You stood your ground and didn't let her bully you. I'm gonna be honest, I can't say I 100% support the Duggar family, but the way she acted was not okay! So much information has been distorted by those useless tabloids and it's not fair to the victims or the other children in the family. Our country needs more people like you Mike!

  21. Huckabee is a good man and a true friend.

  22. Good for him. That support is the love that Christ wants us to have for all..we are all sinners..but God continues to love us and forgive us..we can choose to accept or not...but we are still HIS people..
    Too bad the screaming doesnt know that.

  23. @Anonymous
    totally agree with you, Anonymous 3!!! He cut her right off, but had no problem telling her to keep quiet while *he* spoke!

  24. Ok so that was ...... I don't know, I mean it was... sad to watch. Yes the Duggars have gone through a tough year. I thank God for the help He is giving them to come through.
    My deepest prayer request for them is that this year 2016 may be the year of complete healing comfort and many blessings to fall on them they need that I love the deepest prayer request is that this year 2016 may be the year of complete healing and many blessings to fall on them they need that I love the Duggar family .

  25. I'm very impressed with the way he handled that.

  26. Jesus sagged his finger at the Pharisees a few times. Just because Mr. Huckabee wagged his finger at the lady, doesn't mean he didn't do so with humility.
    I, in the spirit of humility, would've told her where to shove it...with humility, of course.
    Bravo, Mr. Huckabee. Thank you for not being wishy washy

    1. Mr Huckabee is not Jesus! No man would ever wag his finger at me without some real consequences.

  27. I'm sorry she was abused as well but that doesn't give her the right to go around judging others. I was abused too but it hasn't turned me judgmental and hateful towards others, if anything, it's made me more empathetic to those who have walked through it. I saw what it did to my parents and how they blamed themselves but it wasn't their fault. The only thing they were guilty of was loving their kids and doing the best they could without a How-to guide. I support you all 100% and you and all parents and children going through this are in my prayers every day.

  28. Is it true, is Anna expecting again??

    1. Probably not. Josh is still in rehab. Do you really think they'd allow him that especially what he is being treated for.

  29. I'm very disappointed in Mr. Huckabee. That is no way to talk to an elder lady. I can not imagine my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would condone this.

  30. The woman is ignorant and isn't thinking clearly. Huckabee was right to stand up to her accusations with righteous indignation.

  31. SHAME ON MIKE HUCKABEE ! Waving his finger @ the woman like she WAS A CHILD! Never supported him anyway! Also is he not aware of FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Esther Graber Nappanee Indiana Mennonite . Mom of 13 and LOVES GOD

  32. When people support the Duggars , it does not mean that they support Josh. Jim Bob and Michelle are his parents. Of course they will never believe that their son is a despicable person. They want to believe that he can be changed, healed, cured, or what have you.

    The truth is, none of us want to admit that someone in our family is evil. Oh no, other people are evil, but our family members are simply good people who make bad mistakes. So I understand the terrible spot that his parents are in.

    I believe that Josh is a pedophile and a depraved sexual deviant. But I do not for one minute think that Jim Bob and Michelle could have done anything to change that. They are good people and their other children are just kind, moral, honest, and wonderful. No one could have done anything to keep Josh from being the way that he is. It is not the fault of his religion or his parents or his upbringing.

    I understand why Mr. Huckabee supports the family. The family is an outstanding example of love and integrity. Yes, they cannot admit the truth about Josh. They will always want to save him. But they are not responsible for the way he is.

    Sadly by not facing the truth, they roped Anna into his horrible situation. She and her children will suffer for the rest of their lives.

    But if we are honest, I think most of us would have done the same. So hard to accept reality with our own evil family members, but so easy to judge other parents when they can't admit the truth.

    1. Thank you finally people that know what they are talking about

  33. I am a conservative,but I thought he was being very rude to that woman.She may have had an "agenda" but he should have responded with more tact.

  34. Wow, that man solved the issue with that women very good. Those people like that women only read articles about it and they don´t follow the Duggars. Then they gonna talk not nice about the Duggars and pretend like they know them. Well, if you really know the Duggars, you don´t talk that way about them. I can´t stand it that those people (like that women) are talking about the Duggars like this. The man reacted very good.

  35. I deal with several people that are like that woman. They get their information from rag media sources. Just blow it off. Let people make fools of themselves and take it with a grain of salt. With a scandal that happened at my church four years ago, I was amazed at just how much the media will twist things.

  36. I think it was good the audience applauded for M. Huckabee. It is silly of this woman to say he generally supports child abuse, he made some good points early in his answer. She was holding back her real point that she disagrees with him still having the Duggars as his friends and supporters.
    I agree with M.H. this story should not have been publicized as it was dealt with by the authorities and the case was closed.

  37. Classy new header looks great!

  38. I can't believe he wagged his finger at this Woman that was deplorable. She has every right to state her opinion just like any of us do he had no right to treat her that way.

  39. Yes some people are very ignorant. This woman had every right to ask questions of this candidate. And for Mr Huckabee to turn it around and make it about abortion is well passive agressive. Just because this woman was questioning him about his support of a TV reality family does Not mean she is a supporter of abortion.

    I have children the same age of the older Duggar children. And I am proud to say they are not like the Duggars. My children are very-well educated,speak more than one language, have good jobs that actually are making a difference in this world and are self-supporting. They also play multiple musical instruments. Plus, they can also cook, sew and yes knit. They are, more importantly, tolerate of other faiths and are very well versed in world current events.

  40. Good for Mike Huckabee!!! I miss seeing that family on TV so much!I don't think at all that Josh did the right thing but he's getting the help he needs and I', so proud of Anna for sticking by him. God forgives ALL sins if we ask him to.

  41. I was proud of Mike Huckabee for speaking from his heart and not just being politically correct. This lady does NOT know the family or what she is talking about. I was sexually abused also as a child and there is no way that anyone on either political party is saying that it is ok to molest children. This junk happens SO much in our society (in plenty of non Christian homes too) and the Duggars have handled it 100% better than anyone that I know of. I am sure that they are all completely devastated on so many levels. That is what sin does. It destroys. Anyone with older children knows that you can do everything you can to teach them about Jesus, but they have the free will to sin as we all do daily. I believe that the second the parent's knew, steps were taken to help and protect the girls. For this woman to think she knows it all because she reads the tabloid is insulting. Imagine if an outsider started talking about your family as if they intimately knew you. Mike Huckabee said it straight. I have MORE respect for Mike that he would say the truth than worry about her vote. He could have easily thrown the Duggars under the bus and just said what the public wants to hear. Mike is a true friend. What and how would Jesus have talked to this lady? Would he have just let her self righteously attack the Duggars? Pray for wisdom on that. I have deep compassion for the Duggars because I believe in my heart that they love the Lord and want all of their children to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and to be Godly and loving servants the world. Many hugs and prayers to the parents and the entire family. Josh, accept the Lord, repent from your sins, pick yourself up, dust your self off and pray that God works all things together for His glory for your life. You will have repercussions, and many will treat you like you are a joke. But, when they treat you like you are a leper, remember Jesus loved the lepers. Repent. You are still alive and therefore God has lovingly allowed you to be exposed so that you have a second chance. Don't blow this second chance.

  42. Why is it considered wrong to point and wag ones finger in answering a person across space in a room? There really is a restriction of freedoms if there are restrictions on hand gestures when talking. I think people should not make rules and laws where there are none. If a speaker uses hand gestures including pointing and wagging a finger so what? That woman's grossly exaggerated criminal accusations were a form of false witness.

  43. I'm shocked that some people are making comments about him wagging his finger... this woman went to a political event and said "how come you support child abuse" and then said "you support child abuse on your websites" i think wagging his finger was a very natural response to such outstanding accusations and lies

  44. I was so impressed with Jim Bob and Michelle's decision to go to the police!!! I am sure most parents wouldn't have done that faced with the same situation! The Duggars went over and above in trying to do the right thing. Good for Mike Huckabee for coming to their defense!

  45. Speaking as a Christian, we certainly have every right to judge the actions and motives of others.

  46. I feel so sorry for this family they have been going through a tough time and this guy is defending them and he is doing good I feel so bad for jessa Jill and everyone that got inappropriately touch my God help this family and my Josh be changed for good.Ana is doing so good dealing with this.God is going yo bless this entire family I love this family since the begging of the show luv them

  47. I was abused sexually when I was a kid,I wish I could have parents like the Duggars!!

  48. @Anonymous That was not inappropriate at all, he was standing up for his friends as any good friend should. Huckabee did not lose his temper at all in that clip, his voice remained stable and clam while that woman continued to accuse him of condoning child abuse (which is just absurd). That woman was just looking for attention, wanting to make Huckabee uncomfortable and slip up but he wouldn't let that happen. He was a gentleman and handled the situation amazingly.

  49. T Schutt, Lilly and Ellie, Duggar family and Mike Huckabee, I applaud you all. In my humble opinion, Jesus would have handled this just as you all have. I proudly stand next to you in honor of your defense of this family and this honorable Presidential Candidate.

  50. I applaud Mike Huckabee for standing his ground over a woman who clearly did not know what she was talking about. I have never read anything that stated that Mr. Huckabee supported the actions of Josh, however, he has always supported the Duggar's. I support the Duggar's and I supports Mike Huckabee; we need more Christians in the political ring and I applaud you all!

  51. I don't trust Huckabee.

  52. I just don't understand this at all. People on here support Mike Huckabee based on supporting the Duggars? Our country has much greater concerns than Mr Huckabee winning a popularity contest for standing up for his personal friends. This country is in deeper trouble than I thought

  53. @Anonymous She acted like a child, he treated her like one. I think Huckabee used a good deal of tact in keeping his temper (unlike her) and getting rid of her without shouting or becoming inappropriate.

  54. I agree with Huckabee. Also many families have a rotten apple somewhere. People are making a big deal out of this, because the family was on tv. This family never claimed to be perfect, and shouldn't be judged by one person's mistake. You can't believe everything you hear in the tabloids or on the Internet, they are just after a buck, by hurting others. The Duggars have God driven views, beliefs, and have never been unkind so why all this hatred? God Bless the Duggars.

  55. Mike Huckabee's response is uncalled for.

  56. I personally think the duggar said are sweet folks. They are however uneducated and misguided in the way they handled the sexual molestation of their daughters in the past. I also believe they continue to cling to their misguided belief on this issue.
    Mike Huckabee however if he can be considered for president should neither be uneducated or misguided. Blind loyalty and the inability to admit errors or see fault in a friend is a absolutely poor quality for a president. He defended Josh to the hilt why he just can not say I was wrong,I made a error in judgement shows he will be a poor president and unable to change course when needed.

  57. To anonymous 69, life and death belong to God not man.

  58. This woman has a right to her opinions. She is entitled to think whatever she wants. However, that will never change the truth. The Duggars are a great family with one bad apple.

  59. I found this very sad and disturbing. I don't know what anyone else heard but I heard Mike to say he knew these girls since they were babies. If so why did he not give them better guidance and support? Michelle's own mouth said she put locks on the bedroom door of the girls room and they all bunk together.
    Being a good friend and Christian why did he not give them more appropriate help? It would be very nice to have more Christians in the political arena but those with good judgement and a lick of honesty.

  60. I found this video concerning. While I appreciated Mr. Huckabees love and defense of the Mr. and Mrs. Duggar, his attitude did not seem to come from a humble spirit. I understand that women was being difficult but as followers of Christ we are suppose to reflect him in all circumstances. We are suppose to imitate him who "when he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly." - 1 Peter 2:23 ESV. His response seemed to come from a defensive, proud spirit, and I found it kind of concerning especially in light of him running for president. It might of just been an ugly moment which he later dealt with, with the Lord, and unfortunately was caught on camera, who knows, but regardless, this was concerning to me.

  61. It's time to let this family heal. People who don't know them don't understand what great lengths they went to to make sure this never happened again. They told the police they built a house where you had to go through their bedroom to get to the girls and they sent Josh away and got everyone counseling and cooperated and opened their home to dss. There are many who would have probably kept it quiet but they got their family help. What else could they have done. If it was your 13 yr old what would you do. Oh and the media is making it out like this happened a few years ago instead of when he was a child. It was wrong and terrible and sadly it happens in all kinds of families. And cheating and addiction is probably these days occuring in more relationships than the faithful ones. It's no excuse. It's sinful and wrong but I'm pretty sure that most of those criticising have had their on secret battles. There have been pastors politicians and many more. Let this family rest. Anna the kids and parents have unjustly suffered so much, but because they trust in God they will only get stronger through it. But everyone else better hope this doesn't turn around on them. Be productive and pray that God deliver Josh from his problems. And pray for his wife kids and entire family. Let it rest. Let go and let God.

  62. @summer waddellThis issue is such a deal breaker with me. I am a older Christian with grands and the fact as set forth are indisputable they did not receive appropriate help until later. Nor was dss ever involved at the time. If they had legally none of this could have come to light and it was legally obtained no question about that. Foia protects each and every American. If more people truly understood the American legal system they would know this.

    I do pray for josh and his family and so wish their family did not seek out the spotlight . I know they feel being in the media is their mission as so must feel that being negatively commented about part of their chosen path.

    1. Dss was involved. It was talked about in the interview and once the report was made they had to be. I am glad that you are praying for this family even though you disagree with their desicion to stay on tv. I personally am looking forward to seeing them and how God is working through them and helping them get through this. But you are doing right by praying even if you don't agree. I'm sure they appreciate it.


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