
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Organization Tips from Michelle Duggar

Michelle Duggar has said that organization is not her strong suit, but as the mother of 19 children, she has learned the importance of maintaining order in her home.

To keep the house tidy and prevent dust from building up, she prefers shelves with doors rather than open shelves. Although de-cluttering can be a complex process in the Duggar home, Michelle makes a point of doing it regularly.

What organization tips do you have to share?


  1. I'm confused. Didn't we see an episode where they had a huge yard sale with tons accumulated things from their very cluttered storage building? It looked like things that might have been moved from the house to that building. (Or did TLC put those things there for the sale?) So is the trick moving things out of your house & stashing them in your storage building? If so, then I need to build one!

  2. Thanks for this post Lily and Ellie!
    Certainly a breath of fresh air!
    I usually throw away anything I haven't used in a while or if it's something people can use like clothing I donate it

  3. I have seen the girls sometimes take organization over on the 19 Kids & Counting TLC shows. My son took some 'organizing' over from me, I did not appreciate much of what he did, but part of co-operation is giving some areas of control into the hands of others. There is not just one person so we need to co-operation. My special tip might be to decide what really is valuable to one and take responsibility for keeping that out of helping hands, do that stuff by oneself.

  4. Definently decluttering is important! Can't wait to see the tips everyone offers!

  5. We love you sweet Michelle!You have been such a inspiration to me for almost a decade!You give great advice,parenting tips,recipes,and more!I admire you!Please only listen to the positive about you and your beautiful family!Its the only thing that is true!!!I will continue to support you and your family!You are the last people that deserve what has happened.

  6. Goooo Huckabee!!!I just read a article that he defended the Duggar family!!!I agree one hundred and ten percent with what he said!He just got my vote!!!TEAM DUGGAR!!!

  7. Omg I made Michelle's buckeye recipe!They are the best!!!I m from Ohio so I especially like these but even if you are not they are delicious!!

  8. I don't know if I would consider that n organization tip...that's more of a how to hide the clutter tip!

  9. It's so ridiculous these reports about Jana being Cinderella.Yes she's helpful kind and beautiful but it's INSANE to say she is a abused person.They need to leave this poor family alone!!!They are great god loving people!!!

    1. I agree. But I hope the reason she seems not to be pursuing other dreams is not out of respect for Jimbob and Michelle. Some girls don't know what they are missing.

    2. Jana is certainly not Cinderella! She does however take on a majority of the responsibility of raising her siblings. Some may see it as her having a servants heart and wanting to help her parents. Others believe this is all she's been taught and trained how to live. To those not familiar with independant fundamentalists then of course it looks like abuse but that's just how they delegate. The oldest daughter takes on the role of a mother figure and stays in the home until she is married. Helping raise her siblings is preparing her for motherhood. Often times the eldest daughters of large fundamental families will take longer to marry due to them being needed at home helping to raise thier siblings and siblings children.

    3. Well--that does sound like abuse. It's abusing her right to live her own life and dreams. It seems very unfair because of Jana's birth order she has to delay marriage and her own children to not only raise her siblings but now her siblings children as well.

  10. Not sure my house is kinda messy.

  11. I have a master calendar that has all the important stuff on it. The kids are color coded. Their activities and doctor appointment are their color. They even have plates and cups that are their color. Makes everything easier. The dog has a color too for his food bowl, collar, tags, and vet appointment. :)

  12. Anna is supposedly pregnant again! Is this true?

    1. I doubt it. A reliable source hasn't said anything yet. At this point, unless you see something posted to this blog, the Duggars Facebook page, or released by People magazine or Good Morning America, I wouldn't trust it. Those gossip magazines are truly awful, and definitely not reliable!

    2. He's been in rehab sense August and the Duggars said he was getting "long term treatment" so I doubt he'd be done with rehab already or any time soon. Plus being in rehab I don't think he'd be allowed overnight visits like reports are claiming. I wouldn't trust it.

    3. Yes truely awful literally makes my stomach sick reading what they write about the Duggars.its so sad

  13. Containers! When my girls were little they had there own storage containers to put school related items and containers for crafts.

    If you sew, you can organize your fabric by projects such as dress fabrics would go in one container, fabric for men's shirts would go in another etc.
    Extra buttons can be stored in clear canning jars.
    Patterns can be put in large shoe boxes.
    If you like going to the library keep a large basket by the front door to put the books in. Just grab the basket when you and the children need to return the books.

  14. Love the Duggars miss watching this family on TLC.. Bring this family back on tv so we all can watch them..

  15. The best thing is to declutter and purge the home of things that are no longer useful. Storing too much is a form of hoarding.

  16. I just loved watching Huckabee defend this wonderful family in Iowa on Tuesday!He said exactly how I feel!Goooo Huckabee you told that lady who does not know what she's talking about!

  17. Michelle your house is always clean and clutter free and organized!Good job!!!

  18. @Anonymouslike most families they have home storage and shed or garage storage. most of the things for that yard sale (which was for charity) was donations.

  19. I use ice cube trays to organize my jewelry in my jewelry drawer. They are perfect for holding earrings and such, and they will stack on top of each other. I also made myself a necklace holder out of a piece of scrap wood. I mod-podged some pretty scrapbook paper on the front to make it look good, painted the edges, and used old drawer pulls as the means to hang my necklaces off of. It hangs behind my door in my bedroom. Best DIY craft project I ever did. It keeps the necklaces from getting tangled.

  20. You cannot clutter if you do not buy. Only buy want you need and donate what you no longer need.

  21. Yikes. That quote is a great example of American excess. Less is more. I'm pretty sure that's a biblical concept, too.

  22. Huckabee's answers were as weak as the woman's questions that were posed. She didn't bring up the police report, which has the Duggar's own account in it, or Huckabee's May 2015 Facebook post where he certainly did defend what happened. I thought his responses were rather rude, as was the way he constantly interrupted her. No matter who you are or why you're holding a microphone, that is not admirable behavior.

    He stands a near-zero chance of being nominated for President anyway. (Three percent or so, last I saw.)

  23. Declutter. A place for everything and everything in it's place. A system to keep it all done: weekly cleaning, deep cleaning, annual decluttering, shopping, etc.

  24. Anonymous #22 - Michelle's quote is based on her personal experience of living in a 600 square foot house with 8 people, and later a 1000 square foot house with even more kids. They now have a 7000 sq. ft. home (for 20+ people) that they got to design themselves. She knows from experience that storage space is wonderful - consider their new pantry compared to the three foot closet where they used to keep their food on "14 children & pregnant again." A kitchen/pantry needs more storage space than actual work stations because there are so many different appliances, food items, etc. that are needed to make meals on a regular basis. If I got to design my own house, I would love to have a pantry with an exterior door to the driveway like they do! It would save so much time & could be so organized :). I don't think that the Duggars believe in American excesses. They are very frugal people. More Storage doesn't always mean you're materialistic!

  25. To the quote: maybe you have too much stuff then...

  26. Praying for yall! I really miss the original show, but know God has a plan for everything!

  27. When I saw that episode where the Duggars had the huge yard sale to get rid of their unused stuff, it was very clear that their house always looked good for the cameras because they had a giant storage area for all the clutter. Not a great system.

    1. They do have a storage area where they kept things they would need again and memories but a lot of the things that were in the yard sale area was donated. It was advertised on the radio and people donated to help them raise more money because the duggars were going to donate the money to a hospital. Wonderful episode.

  28. @AnonymousLove your ice cube tray tip!

  29. Michelle ALREADY HAS more storage space than living space. She has a WHOLE WAREHOUSE of junk she doesn't use.

  30. I agree! I have 5 children & we always need more storage. For those who didn't seem to understand, my understanding is with children you have & need a lot of stuff but all this stuff needs a home when not in use. Just like your cabinets shelve your food, pots, pans, etc. With closed shelving you don't need to dust it daily where with open shelving units like for books, toys, school supplies, etc. they tend to collect dust a lot quicker therefore they need to be cleaned more often. And if everything has a place & everything is in its place then it's organized. Just my interpretation.

  31. I can't understand why everyone always assumes the worst about people. What a judgemental world we live in! I have three children and agree that you need more storage than actual living places. I can't even imagine having to have the room for towels for 20 people (even if you only have three for each person that is 60 towels), extra sheets for all the beds, clothes that you can't get rid of since children are always growing, shoes for that many people, toliet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, etc... They shop for enough to last their family for a couple of weeks at a time. All of those supplies have to go somewhere. It doesn't mean they have tons of items laying around that they don't use or need. Plus with grandchildren being added to their family, I am sure they have a supply of diapers, wipes, and toys for them.


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