
Friday, January 15, 2016

Duggars Attend GOP Debates

 Jim Bob Duggar, Michelle Duggar, and Josie Duggar support Huckabee in Arkansas
May 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar took a trip to Charleston, South Carolina, to attend last night's Fox Business GOP Presidential Debates.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a close friend of the Duggars, was one of three candidates to take part in the undercard debate, which began at 6:00pm ET. The primetime debate kicked off at 9:00pm ET and featured the seven leading GOP candidates.

The Duggars, who relocated to Little Rock during Jim Bob's term in the Arkansas House of Representatives beginning in 1999, believe that Christians have a duty to shine their lights in the political arena. It was the family's involvement in politics that eventually led to their appearance on reality TV.

Photo courtesy


  1. I'm not sure it was a good idea for them to support Huckabee so publicly. It probably didn't do him any favors, given how many people feel about the Duggars right now.

    1. Why is it not a good idea? Huckabee has clearly shown support for them. You can see that in previous posts. He has made it very clear that that he supports Michelle and Jim bob NOT josh. He clearly doesn't care about what people say. As for Michelle and Jim bob, they are not only supporting a friend who has supported them through their hardships, but they are continuing to define their beliefs in God which plays in to the politics. Plus, the Duggars or any other person shouldn't care about what people think. It's what God thinks of you. I applaud the Duggars for how they have treated this situation. God is using them in great ways!

    2. People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

      If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

      If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

      If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

      What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

      If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

      The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

      Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

      In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

      -this version is credited to Mother Teresa

    3. So very true, blessings to all the fans ans trolls too☺

    4. I loved that and needed that. It kinda made me tear up. Thanks

    5. Wow. That's great. Thanks for sharing

    6. Possibly the most selfless human who ever lived. If I believed in angels there would be only one, the holy Mother. If the Duggars need further proof that Catholics are just as Christian as they believe fundies are, then they should be ashamed. And for those would argue please check back over what has been written and said by them about Catholics.

    7. I know I have followed the Duggars and love them.what they've said about Catholics is a little disheartening. Sure they should be allowed to live their faith but I as a Catholic fan have a different view of things. I don't go trashing the Duggars because I believe differently. I've had nothing but support for them and continue to. People believe different things. That doesn't more they are of less worth.

  2. Will be so glad when you are back on TV god bless you all stay strong in the time of conflicts the devil will try to get ahold of us but god shall prevail he is our anchor and light so even thought we get tempted and sometime make a mistake all we have to do is ask god for forgiveness and he forgive us so stay strong god love you and so do we josh made afew bad choices but he can comeback strong for god god is in control and for that ladies accusations I truly believe that she is not telling the truth she is just out for money Anna is a true example of undying love god bless pastor alice

  3. Is Anna expecting? I've seen different articles that say she is.

    1. This had been really annoying me. Probably not. Just consider what Josh is in rehab for. So it wouldn't make sense.

  4. Is Anna pregnant? If the Duggars are not comfortable answering that's okay.

  5. Personally I would be more inclined to follow Mike Huckabee Because the Duggars follow him. In return he has been faithful in a friendship to the Duggars and not quit associating with them when many others did.

  6. Please tell me, chapter and verse, where it says in the Bible that it is the Christian's duty to be active in politics.

  7. We support the Duggars. If we're honest, we all have struggles. They just are in the public. They shine grace and humility.

  8. Who else do they like, if Huckabee doesn't get the nomination?

    1. Huckabee will not get the nomination. It will be Trump...

    2. Someone who aligns with them. Not Trump because he supports planned parenthood. Maybe Rubio or Cruz. They are both Christian.

    3. I didn't say the Duggars will align themselves with Trump, I said he will get the nomination. And..Trump may be a Christian as well.

    4. He is but supports planned parenthood. Which they have spoken out strongly against. I never took your comment in the context of them aligning themselves with him. I'm not the disputing that Trump probably will get the nomination. I was just pointing out some alternatives to Huckabee that are on the main stage. I think mostly likely they would back Cruz as the nomination. Considering he is in second he does have some chance. And their support could help him with evangelicals. But may hurt him in other areas.

  9. Dated 2015 in April, Arkansas for huvkabee

  10. Great picture. Sure miss you and all the family on TV. God Bless you all

  11. Nice to see them out and about doing what they love dedpite the nay sayers and drama they have all been through

  12. The Duggar's are a wonderful family. One persons transgressions should not reflect on the entire family. Who really gives a crude how "other" people feel about them. "Other" people need to mind their OWN business.

    1. Agreed...I'll say it again, Happy well adjusted folks do not troll and spread ill will/false rumors and negativity... Plain and if and or buts about it.Kindness and positivity feeds the soul...mean-spirited, negativity kills it.

    2. Unless you are a close friend/family member; none of the rest of us truly know if the Duggars are a "wonderful" family. We only have what we are shown on television and read in periodicals.

    3. So true...and sadly their words and actions appear to be less trustworthy. Aside from the obvious with Josh--the selfies Jessa was obsessed with taking, the very traumatic birth decisons of both girls, the questionable use of donations for Jill and Derick etc. None of us really "knows" them. Reality TV changes people--that much money changes people. I'm not being critical. I have been well off, and I have had very lean times. Well off is much, much better. I don't blame any of them for changing enough to stay relevant. I do wish they would be honest about it.

  13. Curious..was not the debate at night? Their daughter should be in bed. And I doubt she would understand the debate.

    Christians do not have a duty to 'shine their light' but ALL citizens have an obligation to be informed and involved in the political process.

    1. That is an old picture it says may 2015

    2. Seriously people...Josie might have taken a good long nap, I'm sure she is just fine.Wow...nitpicking is never going to stop, is it?

  14. I agree with everything Huckabee said when he defended the Duggars in Iowa this week.TEAM DUGGAR!Goooo Huckabee defend those Duggars!They went to the police twice they removed him from the home!

  15. Look at adorable Josie miss her so much!

  16. @Anonymous

    Everyone has an opinion about things and that is yours.... There is ALOT of people that still love the Duggars.... More then I'm thinking you know... Just sad how people continue to say things about them Without knowing the facts.... Have a great day.....

    1. We still Love and support you Duggars!I can't imagine what you went through!It must have been so hard!You have so many fans still!!!!

    2. All the fans are praying and crossing our fingers that you get your show back!We miss you!

    3. I and several of my family and friends have contacted TLC to ask them to bring you guys back to TLC it's not the same network without you all!We hope they listen!

  17. After how Huckabee spoke with that women earlier in the week, I for one am glad he is now a second tier candidate. Once an individual puts themselves out there they become fodfer for whatever comes back to them. This holds true for the Huckabee, Clintons and the Duggars. You can't be a private citizen and a celebrity - it doesn't work that way. While Huckabee claims to know the Duggars he was not in their house when Josh was doing all the disgusting this he was up to. That said, if Huckabee wants to even have a chance to win this election the Duggars and Huckabee should really part ways. While many Christians support both, these are not the only voters. To become president you need to attract more than just Christians which is why Huckabee will not win the presidency going forward. Both need to break ties and the Duggars clearly should stay away from the mainstream media or have they forgotten that Josh will be out of rehab soon.

  18. The problem is simply this saying that josh made a mistake because he is young is not acceptable when he was a teenager period end of discussion. You might have the thought this if he was 5 but he was not. If josh had done this to your daughter at his age I would hope you would not think it is a mistake. Sexual abuse is not a mistake and Huckabee used to know better. Friend or no friend blind loyalty is not Gods will for us.

    1. He made it clear he was defending Michelle JimBob and the girls NOT Josh

  19. Us fans love and support you!Praying for your return to tv ASAP!dont listen to the negetive only the positive holds any truth!!!

  20. So nice to see them out and about!

  21. Anyone who is a Duggar fan should contact TLC like I and many others did to ask them to bring the Duggars back.Every person that does will make a difference.The rest of the family should not pay for one person!

  22. Just stay positive and happy. Think happy thoughts and never judge anyone.

  23. Trump a christian? Ummmmmm.......Probably not.

  24. Anon asked for chapters and verses about being active in politics. I am not giving chapter and verse but I am saying in general the Bible is in fact largely a political book. However it must be read to realize that fact for oneself.

  25. How could anyone trust Trump? I can't understand Republicans in this...


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